Chapter 123: Never ending? Do you tease me?

Superman upheaval.
The word is used to describe the process by which human beings have created and replaced intelligence that transcends humanity.
Technology, society, culture, ethics ...
Everything will change dramatically with Superman's upheaval, and civilization will take a higher level in the throes of upheaval ...
Or destroy in pain.
Uh ...
On a wide, pothole-filled road full of traces of war, a young Asian man in an electromagnetic invisibility suddenly appeared out of thin air.
斌 Cheng Bin, who returned from the abrupt changes in the scene, first glanced at the buildings that looked like ruins around him, and then looked at the panorama of time and space.
"It still doesn't work ... I can detect the distortion of time and space, but I still don't know anything about the process of crossing ... Is this crossing involved more deeply than the space and time in my cognition?"
After looking at the record of the panorama gravity detection module, Cheng Bin scanned the current environmental measurement data.
Looking at some familiar environment variables, Cheng Bin sighed softly: "Here is Mars?"
Although it can be seen from the key data such as gravity, whether it is pressure, oxygen content, temperature, geomagnetism and other aspects are completely different from Mars in the zero world, the environment here is more suitable for human survival.
"Adjustment of the star-rated environment?" Cheng Bin swaggered the panorama in doubt, and found that the area full of artificial buildings was not too large, probably about the size of the ordinary towns in the world.
On the edge of the town, there is ionized air moving at high speed under a changing electromagnetic field, which isolates the interior of the town from the atmosphere of Mars.
"... in a never-ending world, have human beings started to colonize other planets?"
Cheng Chengbin bent over and stretched his hands. His fingers and claws plunged into the ground like a whole body, and he pulled a piece of ground material and looked in front of him.
"You can't use mind gas in vitro, so the substance detection is a bit cumbersome."
Cheng Chengbin thought about it. He rubbed the alloy material with his fingers like plasticine, rubbed the outer layer and lifted it with his hand, then threw it into his mouth.
What about the mouth of the white dwarf?
After chewing this alloy for a while, chewing gum, Cheng Bin analyzed the composition and smelting technology with thoughts, then swallowed it, and threw it in the body reserve to serve as a backup fuel for nuclear reactions.
"In terms of material technology, it feels a bit more powerful than the confusing base before crossing."
Cheng Bin was not surprised at all—material science is a bit embarrassing. In the complex formulas of various alloys, a slight change in the content of any one component will cause the final alloy to have completely different physical properties, not to mention changes in the smelting process. Influence.
I want to explore practical formulas in the combination mode of astronomy and digital, which is really a test of character.
Like Bai in the confusing base, it can only change the formula and the smelting process parameter by parameter based on the accumulation of the Matrix, and use exhaustive methods to try to obtain new materials.
"Only the materials of roads have this strength, and the technological level of this world is certainly not low."
Cheng Chengbin's palm overflowed with a little silver-white metal, and the metal rolled and deformed like a liquid in his palm.
But after thinking about it, Cheng Bin took this co-working unit back—
世界 This world has potential fatal dangers involving high dimensions. In the case of incapable of using qi in vitro, the co-operation of self-produced energy and intelligent control has not yet been resolved.
Wu Chengbin extended the panoramic view across a large area nearby. Various metals and electromagnetic interference could not stop the gravitational detection. The heavily-identified humanoid mass quickly flashed in the panoramic view.
"Good metal cities are all ruined. What is the situation in this world?"
Opening invisible Cheng Bin found a direction in which a large number of humans gathered and flew past.
I got closer, Cheng Bin discovered that these people seemed to be moving in the space deep underground.
Gravity detection showed the basic outline of the cobweb-like underground space. Cheng Bin walked around and found no entrance to the underground.
"A bit difficult ..."
Cheng Bin tried to focus the gravitational detection to the head of a person underground, but no matter how hard he tried to improve the accuracy, at this distance, only the changes in the mass and distance of macromolecular matter could be observed, and the electromagnetic change.
The attempt to read the memory of the human brain failed. Cheng Bin had to expand the detection range and patiently observed for a period of time. After he found that someone came to the ground through an isolation door hidden in the building debris, he slowly leaned over.
It was a figure wearing close-fitting protective clothing and a closed helmet. He was less than 1.6 meters tall, and his body was not very strong. He felt like a child.
Hmm, it should be called a teenager.
He drifted silently to Cheng Bin near the boy, saw the other person point on the left-hand watch-like instrument, took off his helmet and took a deep breath.
With short dark brown hair, the teenager looks a bit mixed-race from the face, but the overall outline is more Western.
He raised his hand to the head of the mixed-race teenager, and Cheng Bin, who was flying within reach, carefully released the electromagnetic field. He wanted to try to detect and read the material of the teenager's brain and try to analyze his memory.
But what Cheng Bin didn't expect is that the young man suddenly changed his face and suddenly rolled up and flung away with a short body. He reached out behind a building fragment with a very sensitive hand.
The young man was half-knelt in shock, holding the suspected firearm in his hand in the direction of Cheng Bin, and looked carefully.
Cheng Bin watched all this happen in surprise, can this little ghost actually feel his weak electromagnetic field with special frequency for memory level?
If the subject's thinking activity is too intense, it is necessary to increase the power to detect the deep memory, which will have a bad impact on the human brain ... you can refer to the World No. 7 in Inner Domain, those who disappear after class Little half of the underworld big guys.
If you ca n’t use chanting, the available means have been cut a lot ... would you like to coma the teenager uniform?
After hesitating for a while, Cheng Bin retreated to a corner of a building in his direction, then switched the simulated clothing on his body to a shape similar to the protective suit of the little ghost, and finally released the invisibility and walked out of the corner ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ At present, it seems that the human condition in this world is more complicated than he originally thought. Let ’s try peaceful contact first.
Seeing Cheng Bin's figure, the teenager's expression loosened fiercely, and then he became nervous again, whispering to Cheng Bin while gazing around: "Uncle, hide!"
I ’m so good at speaking the earth ... but ... uncle? Hiding?
Wu Chengbin stepped in a footstep, could not help but raised his hand to touch his smooth lips, then shrugged his shoulders and continued to walk towards the boy.
Seeing the uncle who didn't hide just now was gesturing at him frantically, but when he saw the uncle walked in front of him, it was still calm, and the teenager couldn't help hesitating—
That feeling just now, wouldn't he have hallucinations?
No, it can't be hallucinations. This life-threatening thing, this scalp familiar feeling, how can it be hallucinations? !!
Cheng Bin, who was walking to the teenager, was trying to talk to him. A long, groaning sound that was familiar to him was uploaded from the distant sky.
Curious Cheng Bin and the nervous teenager looked up at the same time--
Dark and bright scales, thick limbs, streamlined chest and abdomen, nearly ten meters long wings, a slender neck, a long tail, a crocodile-like skull ... and the slightly curved double horns behind the head ...
A dragon, a western dragon with an unusual standard, crossed a long arc and fell towards the town below.
"Hah? This is never-ending?" Cheng Bin stared at the Western Dragon that was slowly approaching in the sky. The expression on his face was a little broken for a while. "System you tease me?"
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