Chapter 31: On the Destructive Power of Biochemical Research

Everything is moving towards the worst conjecture.
As the distance from the center of the blood carpet continued to shrink, the biochemical monsters appearing in Cheng Bin's vision became more and more strange.
After seeing the tragic sight of a pile of crumbling human limbs mingling on a blood blanket, Cheng Bin finally couldn't restrain the nausea in his chest rolling and stooped and threw up.
He used thoughts to wipe off the filth, Cheng Bin incinerated the pile of things with signs of activity, and he walked angrily away for a distance before taking out a small piece of space food from his body.
的 The food rich in nutrition and moisture tasted like chew wax in Cheng Bin's mouth. After barely swallowing it into his stomach, Cheng Bin finally came to the approximate center of the blood blanket
Yi Hua Guo Medical University.
Cheng Chengbin watched the brow corner of the name of the university covered by the blood carpet half, and by thinking, he could feel that the alien peer resonating with his information was not far ahead.
I don't know why, Cheng Bin suddenly remembered a sentence that the system had said-"This system thought that the host will start researching from the direction of the human body and life after you get the thought."
After closing his eyes and taking two deep breaths, Cheng Bin walked towards the university campus.
Uh ...
Humans, why only have a life span of more than a hundred years?
With this question, Cheng Bin was admitted to a graduate student of Huaguo Medical University.
Xi Qingmei Zhuma's girlfriend was admitted to a nearby university to accompany him.
Cheng Chengbin's research project was promoted smoothly, and he was appreciated by his mentor. While starting the company to gain a lot of benefits, he began to work hard for his PhD.
He was awakened to supernatural abilities just as he was studying for his Ph.D.
For a while, Cheng Bin felt that he had become the protagonist of the novel.
While the family and career are going smoothly, Cheng Bin naturally turned his eyes to the original dream when he entered this industry-immortality.
The life span of humans depends to a large extent on the upper limit of the number of cell divisions, which in turn depends on the degree of wear of the redundant telomeres on the top of the chromosome.
With the support of his super powers, Cheng Bin conducted in-depth research on this.
The chromosomal excess telomeres of cancer cells can be identified and repaired by telomerase, thus achieving infinite division regardless of wear and tear.
Through research on cancer cells and telomerase, Cheng Bin finally cracked the recognition mechanism of telomerase and produced an activated virus that can combine its ability to mark normal cells with identification marks. Cells activated by the virus will have Cancer cells have no upper limit on the number of divisions, and this one alone has greatly increased the theoretical life span of human beings.
And through a by-product of research, another virus that can transform cancer cells into benign ones, Cheng Bin also received a PhD and a medical award that year.
Everything is so smooth, Cheng Bin thought he would continue to develop smoothly and reach the peak of life.
However, everything turned sharply in an instant, and Cheng Bin slipped into the abyss.
When did you start?
时候 When a laboratory without security mechanism is sneaked in?
When the virus mutates to airborne ability?
When parents and girlfriends started coughing and inflaming?
When the infected person first became cancerous?
When the activation virus was named Z by desperate humans?
When desperately studying antibodies, we are facing the era of human extinction?
Or ... when infected with mutant Z virus?
Uh ...
Yunhua National Medical University, an institute full of dirt and sarcophagus blankets.
Cheng Chengbin closed the notepad he found with a trembling hand. He stared at the somewhat strange "Cheng Bin" signature on the cover and whispered after a long silence:
系统 "System, are there many worldlines that lead me to the wrong step because of one step?"
"Well, who knows?"
The system explored the cat's head from Cheng Bin's notepad on the desktop: "After all, there is no way to confirm whether the world that completely doesn't even have information associations exists. Anyway, this kind of information association still has such a doomsday world. "
"This way ..." Cheng Bin sighed, his mind was mixed.
另外 "Also ... host, do you consider the information resonance of this world to be part of‘ I ’?

"No." Cheng Bin first denied it subconsciously, and then smiled bitterly: "Before in the zero world, the precision of the Qi operation reached the level of the cell, I also conceived a research plan for the human body and life span, honestly speaking with There is not much difference in the general direction, but I don't realize the danger of this kind of biochemical research at all, and the safety work may not be as good as this Dr. Cheng's research institute ... "
Cheng Chengbin paused and looked at the black cat shaking Akira's tail with suspicion: "Do you really not know the specific situation of the world in the system? I feel that this wave of warnings is really timely."
The head of the system is biased: "You feel that the host has gained something. This system does not want to explain the same problem repeatedly."
Chen Chengbin just mentioned it casually, and didn't care too much about the system's response. He continued to go deep into the institute.
走廊 The corridors of the institute without power supply are dark and horrible, and the effect of the panorama in the low-light environment is reduced a lot.
随着 With the deepening of Cheng Bin, the blood carpet spreading on the four walls gradually changed from sparse to dense. At the same time, the apparent texture also changed from plants to animals.
When Cheng Chengbin opened the elevator door covered with blood carpet with qi, he faintly realized that the blood carpet cells there could already interfere with the effect of qi.
As soon as he reached out and lifted the air, in the harsh sound of metal friction, Cheng Bin lifted the heavy elevator car upwards. He looked at the elevator shaft that looks like a biological intestine below ~ ~ Then asked the system: "Nianqi directly acts on these things and the power is reduced a lot. Is the blood carpet here also considered intelligent life? Is there a high-dimensional information connection?"
"No," the system fiddled with the flesh and blood on the elevator shaft with its claws, arousing a peristaltic motion: "This should be similar to the ability of the mind to solidify, and directly embedded in the operation of the cell level. You in this world have great ideas. "
"It's impossible to learn to cook anymore if you have any ideas ..." Cheng Bin went all over with goosebumps, and the floating figure slowly fell towards the elevator shaft like the entrance to hell.
话 "Speaking of which, where is the super power of the resonance body in this outer world? Is n’t the thought coming from the support of the inner world?"
"Host do you forget that the world is split from the inner domain? In the presence of information associations, it carries some of the power of the host's high-dimensional information body."
"Is it?" In the eyes of high-dimensional information bodies, is the resonance body of this world also part of "I"?
When Xuan descended, he felt that he had almost reached the level of the resonance body. Cheng Bin stopped and looked at the elevator door covered with a layer of flesh and blood.
团 In the dark elevator shaft, a ball of red light suddenly turned on, and the closed elevator door turned into a hot stream of metal liquid under the action of breath, and carbonized and melted the biological tissue covering it.
The flesh and blood of the united body was slightly convulsed by the high temperature stimulation, and the whole building made a low roar under the force transmitted by the waves.
He controlled the flow of metal to clean up some of the biological tissue accumulated in the passage behind the door. Cheng Bin looked up at the elevator shaft echoing the roar, and then drifted towards the passage.
Deep in the passage, on the thick blood carpet, countless flesh and blood tentacles slowly protruded out.

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