Chapter 33: Don't say 2 first come 1 set qwer

The flesh and blood giant of Gaobing Building, which stands at the top of the sky, can form a hurricane with a roar, and can tear the ground with a single step.
This is something that should only appear in a mythological scene.
When the giant giant's huge arms, which seemed to be entangled in a series of harmonious numbers, waved, Cheng Bin's vision was mostly blocked by it.
So he didn't see the dense bone spear emerging from the giant.
So when Cheng Bin flashed the giant's slightly bulky sweep, he was taken aback by the bone spear shot by the siege crossbow.
Do not hesitate Fei Chengbin once put in a lot of energy, the automatic operation of the disabling shield is working again, and the oncoming bone spear may be deflected or stagnate directly.
The giant sweep swept the tall buildings on the side with the dull sound of oppressive air, accompanied by a wave of gorgeous glass shards spreading, the whole building was blocked and burst, and the uppermost part of the floor was accompanied by rain. Building debris fell to the ground, once again arousing a huge amount of smoke and dust.
Cheng Bin's eyes can't stop twitching, which is comparable to the scene of a Hollywood blockbuster. The panorama directly gives an estimate of the power that should never exist on normal organisms.
But without waiting for Cheng Bin to think for a few seconds, the giant's next wave of offensive came.
The giant's arm buried in the smoke and dust secretly decomposed into dozens of flesh tentacles. After contracting like a spring, it burst into the airspace around Cheng Bin with a shriek breaking through the sound barrier.
Yan Nian Qi Yu caused the air to directly block Cheng Bin's tentacles, but more tentacles came around, fused with each other directly around Cheng Bin, and created a closed flesh cage directly in the air.
困 While trapping Cheng Bin, the giant squatted before stepping on, leaping suddenly in the earthquake-like moan of the earth, and clinging to the flesh and blood cage.
The giant who was held in his arms by the flesh slammed into the ground, and the terrible impact directly formed a terrible giant pit on the ground.
Amidst the roar of the collapsed buildings around the giant pit, Cheng Bin flying in the air frowned and looked at the giant who was curled up on the ground—
Surrounded by fiery fiery swirls, Cheng Bin just flew in the air without moving. The flesh and blood tissues approaching him when the giant jumped and fell were turned fiery ash into fiery ash. A big hole--
In Cheng Bin's eyes, it is a big hole, but in terms of the giant's volume, it is at most a small hole with a thick match.
Although he was caught off guard by the giant's dazzling offensive, Cheng Bin's defensive circle still has a lot of margin, these attacks are far from being able to threaten him.
"That's enough ..." Cheng Bin lowered his flying height a little and said to the giant on the ground, "You should have the ability to think? Are there any deep hatreds between us? Is that so hi?"
The sonic vibrations of the increase in consciousness were transmitted to the giant. The giant slowly moved the huge body, and slowly turned around. The hole left by Cheng Bin was healed again under the entanglement of countless flesh and tentacles.
"You ... wake ... capture ... research." What Cheng Bin didn't expect is that the giant actually talked back, although its words were still a bit slow: "You ... will fly."
Because the enemy ’s mobility is so good, why not start with a set of combos?
Cheng Chengbin was a little speechless. Just when he wanted to ask something, his panorama suddenly sent a warning, and a large number of strange floating cell clusters were detected in the surrounding air!
Cheng Bin's face sank. A closer look revealed that the light around the giant's body was a bit dim. Looking at the panorama, it turned out that this guy was constantly releasing a faint blood mist into the air. The blood mist was completely composed of giant strange cells. , The blood mist that was so invisible to the naked eye had completely surrounded Cheng Bin.
Cheng Chengbin watched the covert attack isolated by Nianqi tighten his fist-the original answer was just to delay time? My heart is so dead!
"It seems that you have no sincerity to communicate well." Cheng Bin took a deep breath, and said to the giant who looked down at him below: "In this case, I will convince you first and then slap my mouth!"
The gigantic giant's body is short, and its majestic strength is accumulated in the deformed body, ready to deal with Cheng Bin's offensive.
However, in its intent attention, Cheng Bin, who flew in the sky to set aside harsh words, suddenly crossed an arc—
I flew away into the distance ...
flew away...
Hey ...
After a few seconds of dullness, the giant yelled unwillingly in the face of Cheng Bin who could only see a small black spot.
Uh ...
"Host, do you think you can escape?" The system that burst into tears was rolling in the air beside Cheng Bin.
"How can you call it escape?" Cheng Bin, who flies through the sound barrier and flies through the city, retorts solemnly: "This is a strategic shift, a strategic shift with a plan and a goal, thank you."
The panorama is continuously scanned and marked on the ground according to Cheng Bin's needs. Cheng Bin said to the system as a result of the tour: "Judging from the waves of attacks just now, that giant is not too threatening to me ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ But after all, it's too big, and it's continually fused with blood carpets on the floor to make up for the consumption. "
"Honestly, with the power of my current thoughts, I have more than oneself to protect, but I want to solve it neatly, I'm afraid there are some difficulties." Cheng Bin looked at a certain mark in the panorama, and his figure suddenly dropped low Fly away.
所以 "So, I need a little help from outside."
Cheng Bin slowed down and swept over a gas station. With the sound of a broken valve, several fuel oils were detached from various tank pipes, gathered together, and flew with Cheng Bin's figure. In the air.
Cheng Bin solidifies the mind-breathing effect on more and more heavier fuels. By applying the rhythmic force of a train-like one-by-one drag, the mind-breathing efficiency is raised to the highest level, making this large group of fuel fly higher .
念 While thinking about raising fuel, Cheng Bin took the time to run to nearby universities and industrial areas. He found some highly toxic things in the chemical-related laboratories-cyanide and the like.
Unfortunately, it is estimated that the lack of personnel maintenance has faded out. Cheng Bin did not find metal plutonium or other similar gadgets. You must know that 0.1 grams can kill 100 billion people. It is the most toxic substance in the world. one.
However, cyanide kills faster, Cheng Bin said it is acceptable.
Although this cyanide is not useful for giants capable of penetrating into cells and being stricken by volume, Cheng Bin has no idea in his heart, but if you try it, you won't get pregnant.
With the small chemical elements, Cheng Bin glanced at the fuel array flying at a very high altitude, and then turned back and flew in the direction that the giant had stung.
"I don't believe it, can you still go to heaven again? Can you get rid of the basic structure of carbon-based organisms?"
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