Chapter 351: Environmental profile and departure

In the world with different physical rules, the scale is difficult to compare horizontally. Cheng Bin can only roughly define his current length as a unit of length, and then use this meter-the distance from the tip of the tail to the tip of the corner after the body straightens- -To define other basic units for use.
For example, combined with the seconds defined by the average period of the heartbeat to calculate the acceleration of gravity or something.
In the process of defining a set of basic units through the rough senses of the young dragon, Cheng Bin discovered that the classical physics formula of the inner world can be directly applied to this world.
The reason why it is said to be "under normal circumstances" is that the values ​​of acceleration of gravity, mass, etc. will fluctuate slightly with the changes of those mysterious forces in the elemental senses.
Numerical fluctuations are nothing more than increasing the amount of calculations, and there is no major problem with the formula law.
At least mechanics and the series of formula theorems derived from it will still be usable.
With a set of basic units covering all aspects as a measure, Cheng Bin felt that his soul consciousness, which was a bit out of touch with this body, seemed to run more smoothly.
The basic data accumulation work is always boring, and the patience of the unprocessed bin is extraordinary. He restrains the desire for long sleep and takes only a short rest. Most of the other time is used to explore the laws of physics and enhance the physique.
The speed of Cheng Bin's special soul is not limited by the carrier, but its memory, precision, rationality, and logic are comparable to computers. Before working out things that improve computing ability, it can also perform some small-scale deduction work. .
For example, through continuous cognition of one's own body, dragon body mechanics modeling and analysis are performed.
After understanding the metabolism of young dragons, and simulating the shape and movement of each point of scales, bones, and muscles of the body, Cheng Bin has sorted out the first set of young dragon gymnastics, honing this all around. With every corner of the body.
Forging gymnastics was started after Cheng Bin's wing shaping learned to fly and the induction control of his body was worn to the limit. Because the brain and physical activity are intense, and the reserves of worms and fungi are exhausted. If you do not have the ability to leave the crater, I'm afraid I'll fall into famine later.
In the process of doing gymnastics, Cheng Bin found that his thermal image-like element senses and the mysterious elements he felt were also involved in the process of the body's operation. Therefore, he had to revise the model and rules that he had summarized. .
After learning to indirectly influence the elemental strength in the body through body movements, Cheng Bin derived the unknown variable from the known variables, and logically explored the relevant laws of the combination of the elements in the body and the spiritual body, and successfully spit out a trace of elemental flames in the mouth. .
The seemingly inconspicuous elemental flame can be focused at a close height after Cheng Bin's fine-tuning. The red line formed can even easily cut the rocks in the cave, leaving a flat and red section.
However, in this way, the controllable fire element in Cheng Bin's body was basically spit out, and he could only slowly recover from the environment.
This element of fire is too violent and chaotic. It can not perform precise and stable interference like Nianqi. Based on the current nature of Cheng Bin, it can only allow it to move and gather, generate high temperature, and embed in the body tissue. It is used for observation and interference. The words of the tool are much worse than expected.
Look at the situation of the elven magician who scratched his skin to make a meteorite scroll. There should be a systematic element theory in this world. Maybe we can learn more elemental properties through this.
After eating the last batch of reserve grain, Cheng Bin looked at those worms that were used as seeds, his tail limbs and wings flickered into the air, and then spread his wings and glide towards the small platform outside the cave.
Cheng Bin, whose body length has increased by about half, stood on the edge of the platform and looked at the lava pool which seemed to be unchanged below. When the hot heat in it passed to the body and turned into a controllable fire element, and reached the upper limit of the capacity, his wings trembled. Driven by elements and wings, the dragon body flew up the crater along the steep rock wall.
Without flying directly out of the crater, the speed of the red young dragon retracting the wings naturally slowed down, and when it rose to zero, it reached the highest point of the crater precisely.
Four dragon claws were inserted into the rock wall to fix the body. The young dragon stretched his neck over the rock wall and carefully looked at the outside scenery.
In the Dragon Record of the original owner of Casa, a general description of his growth experience is preserved. Cheng Bin, who was obscured by the probe, saw the horrible monster that left a psychological shadow in his childhood.
The cone-shaped volcano, which is roughly hundreds of meters high, is located on a wide plain, which is slightly abrupt and unnatural.
The plain around the volcano is unusually noticeably divided into two halves, half of which is a desolate Gobi that seems to have been turned rice by various natural disasters, and half is a dense and abnormal jungle.
The volcano exists on the dividing line between the jungle and the Gobi. It is still on the Gobi side, but it will soon merge into the dense jungle.
Because ... there are some terrible monsters up to ten meters above the border, and they are doing awesome tree planting.
Monsters that are far apart from each other seem to be a living big and strong tree. With a broad green hat, they use octopus-like twisted roots to move forward slowly and slowly. Every time they reach a piece of grass that is not growing, they creep around the roots. Must plunge into the ground to stand still, and then a large area around it emerges at a speed visible to the naked eye.
"A heavy unit of the ancient elven kingdom, a guest ancient tree warrior?"
Cheng Bin, who turned from the memory of the Red Dragon Casa to the relevant information, groaned.
These monsters seem to scare dragons, uh, they are really scary in terms of strength, but the later experience of Red Dragon Casa shows that these unmanned awkward monsters are not too threatening-as long as they are not Words near the fields around them.
Although in the ancient interplanetary wars, dragon-like creatures such as the red dragon were the world's two and a half, the dragon-like creatures have become part of the food chain of this plane under the baptism of a long time. The main action is dead, these weapons left on the ancient battlefield will not deliberately target him.
Cheng Bin was not interested in repeating the lesson of the blood of the Red Dragon Casa when he was a child. He fluttered down from the crater with his wings and watched the wide gap between the prospective shepherds flash into the jungle.
Leaving the safe crater and entering the crisis jungle is partly due to the shortage of ration reserves. On the other hand, the crater has too few kinds of materials. Cheng Bin needs more materials to verify some chemical-level theories. Conjecture, summarize the laws of physical properties such as the periodic table of the elements.
If he has the right materials, he also wants to make observation tools such as magnifiers and even microscopes--using his current fire element to control the level, it is possible to distort the air to deflect light, but stability, accuracy and durability are all issues.
However, the electromagnetic waves in the inner area of ​​the light ratio in this world are quite specious. Even the biological eyeball structure is a little different. Many expected experiments do not know what the results will be ...
Cheng Bin, who relies on complex souls to think about multiple issues at the same time, has not weakened his observation of the surrounding environment.
Although relying on gymnastics combined with the element of fire, Cheng Bin's current physical quality of his young dragon body is much stronger than the first time Casa went to hunt in the record, hunting, combined with the killer's general flame cutting and instantaneous fire without fire Elemental Immune Juvenile Casa had no problems at all.
But there are creatures stronger in the jungle than he is now. The peak adult dragon is not a creature standing at the top of the food chain in this plane, let alone a young dragon.
However, by integrating all the senses, and being able to sharply discern the most subtle information changes, Cheng Bin is no different from other wild animals when he opens the perspective hanging. Activities in the jungle can be regarded as a fish.
Even through the various rubbing marks on the plants and the rocks in the jungle, Cheng Bin can restore in his mind the approximate outline and habits of the creatures who passed here not long ago.
He even has free time to distinguish the prey that is more suitable for him based on the residual memory of Red Dragon Casa.
It didn't take long for Cheng Bin to follow a trail and find a stout python.
Hiding in the farthest range of perception, I took a closer look at the dark black python that was slowly winding a large cat tightly to the twisted and broken bones. Cheng Bin combined the red dragon Casa's juvenile recipe After evaluating the opponent's ability, he set off and jumped out of the tree, and flew towards the python.
It can be regarded as branches and leaves in the dense jungle, but Cheng Bin, who has deep control over each muscle fiber of the dragon's body, can always pass through various gaps with the smallest movements. Even he has the power to control the muscle drive on the surface of the body. Dragon scales, with the head and tail of the limbs and the wings, precisely adjust the airflow structure around the body.
It seems that the wind changes into the wind, making the python alert when the baby dragon is approaching, but it is too late at this moment.
In front of the slightly opened mouth of the red dragon, a deep red line flickered, and the python, which was several times larger than the baby dragon, had no time to raise its head, and was burned through a small hole in the middle of the forehead. The internal brain was incinerated by the spreading hot stream of fire.
"This trick is a must-kill for any small creature that doesn't have the ability to control the elements. Well, neither of the two prey will attract the smell of the cricket, which is not bad ..."
Lightly landed on the ground, Cheng Bin looked at the strangled by the python, not knowing whether it was a cat or a tiger, and then used his hands and mouth to separate the two.
Trying to catch the lighter big cat on the hind legs and fanning the wings, Cheng Bin found that even with the aid of elements, he could not fly freely, so he gave up the idea of ​​carrying a large amount of food in reserve.
However, with the dragon body after training, dragging is no problem.
Cheng Bin went around and found that the rock cave where the pythons lived was not far away. At the same time, the entrance was quite large, so he dragged his prey into the cave twice.
After that is the time to dine in the wilderness, of course, it can only be eaten raw with blood in it ...
Judging from common sense, a python alone weighs several times more than a baby dragon, plus a cat that is not too small, it seems that it is impossible for a little baby red dragon to eat much.
However, in the memory of Red Dragon Casa, it was a common occurrence that he ate food that was several times his weight at one time and did not eat for a long time. Cheng Bin also found some red dragon digestive system abnormalities in the volcano cave.
The main feature is that Cheng Bin eats what is in his stomach. It doesn't take long for most of the mass to disappear from nothing, just like how he doesn't gain weight.
The change of matter and element in this respect has made Cheng Bin touch on some element transformation laws involving mass effect.
Bu Chengbin has a relatively shallow knowledge of all aspects of the internal organs of his dragon's body, and he is afraid to conduct experiments in these important parts without being able to observe clearly. This kind of obscure mass interference cannot be analyzed and applied casually.
Otherwise, take a trick from the dragon's buttocks from the sky and modify it halfway to increase your body mass. Isn't the kinetic energy shock effect beautiful?
After filling his stomach and his stomach for a long time in the future, Cheng Bin groaned after looking at a messy cave, then walked outside and looked at the still blue sky through the gap between the trees.
From leaving the volcano and entering the woods to the end of the capture of prey, Cheng Bin has experienced a long time, but the sky has no meaning to change.
For some things that are too accustomed to, Red Dragon Casa's memory has not left too deep marks. Only now Cheng Bin dare to confirm the authenticity of some wonderful phenomena in the world background where his memory fragments are assembled--
For example, there is no night on this plane, and nothing like the sun can be seen in the sky.
Although Cheng Bin can confirm the existence of the atmosphere and can also feel the warm light coming from the sky, the source of light cannot be found deep in the blue background sky, as if the entire sky is spreading energy evenly.
Judging from the fact that this plane has not become infinitely heated, there should be an energy outlet corresponding to the sky in somewhere.
But there is not enough power to explore the mysteries of the macro world.
Cheng Bin shook his head for the curiosity engraved deep in his soul, but he never deliberately deleted this feeling.
Cheng Bin, who recovered his sight from the sky, turned his focus back to his current life. He cleaned up the messy base ~ ~ I took some samples on the rocks with different textures in the python cave. The perfectly peeled snakeskin pocket was packed, and then left here to explore the surroundings.
Generally, the young dragons gradually grow up and mature in the cycle of eating, sleeping, and eating. In terms of the lifespan of conventional creatures in nature in this plane, it is difficult to see wild dragon activities in their lives. Don't mention the pre-adult dragon.
But in the vast area near the crater that has been surrounded by dense jungle, many natural creatures are accustomed to the small red figure passing by at high speeds from time to time in the sky, and learned to bury their heads deeply and try their best when this figure appeared. Hide your body curled up.
After all, this fast-growing uncle has proven his strength with his countless leapfrog records, and I do n’t know why his recipes are so broad and unreliable, and his appetite is amazing, so they ca n’t stop.
However, they will soon be relieved from this little shadow-Cheng Bin, who has mastered many killers and encountered some bottlenecks in his research, feels that he is necessary and capable to try to explore the fruits of the world of wisdom and civilization.
After flying around the area where he lived for a while, the juvenile red dragon whose body length extended to nearly five meters no longer flapped his wings.
With sufficient initial speed and the support of fire elements, the red dragon's flat dragon wings are immobile, and the abnormal bones in the middle section and the end faintly emit red fire light.
High-pressure air was sprayed toward the rear of the dragon wings in a high-frequency blast, and the unicorn of the red dragon's forehead pierced the gas barrier. The streamlined dragon's body with a white gauze-like tail trailed along the vertical direction of the jungle-Gobi border Flying at high speed towards the deep forest.
The dull roar slowly spread after the red dragon passed, causing a large commotion among the ground jungle.
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