Chapter 398: Divine God and Time Shock

"Excuse me, are you God of God?"
Hearing the question of the knowledge scroll, Cheng Bin stunned-he actually changed to honorifics, God of God ... Did the knowledge scroll perceive the first two inexplicable questions? But what is the definition of the in his mouth ...
During the human race in the region, Cheng Bin didn't come into contact with Western fantasy works that are similar to the painting style of the world. The so-called gods in those works are the gods who can knock all the gods out of the world with one thought. For the supreme existence of the mortal world.
But in this world, what is the definition of the of the gods, Cheng Bin is not very clear-he believes that the supreme who brings together all the gods is the highest existence in the world's system.
But the Supreme God and the God of God ... From the detailed meaning of the knowledge scroll in the language of the soul, there seems to be a certain difference between the two--
The latter theoretically resides on all the gods, and naturally includes the Supreme God. After all, the Supreme God who has gathered all the gods in this world is a light pole commander, and there is no way to say that it is above the gods.
After thinking about a lot of things in an instant, Cheng Bin said to Knowledge Scrolls: "I don't understand your definition of God as God, so I cannot answer this question."
Through the towering magic system that condenses all the high-end knowledge of the entire world, the knowledge scrolls with divinity seem to notice something from Cheng Bin's reaction, and then its soul characteristics in Cheng Bin's eyes have undergone subtle changes.
That is a change that extends all the way from the divine realm to the clergy channel, directly pointing to the real name or a huge information aggregate at the level of the deities.
After asking a lot of god-level knowledge before, it is not difficult for Cheng Bin to understand what these changes in the level represent. He was curious and looked at the knowledge scrolls with subtle changes. After thinking about it, he said, "Oge Ma? "
The artifact of the of knowledge in front of Cheng Bin, the original pale yellow long scroll image suddenly distorted at this moment, as if there were countless ethnic images pinched and distorted at the same time, and the inexplicable distorted image was accompanied by heavy overlapping Soul noise.
Cheng Bin, who was aware of the disturbance at the soul level, frowned-it was the other person's attempt to read the match, and his senses corresponded to the image and tone of "wisdom, vicissitudes, and elders".
After a moment of abnormality, the exposed image of the Knowledge Scrolls returned to stability and became a long-bearded human in exquisitely crafted and ornate armor.
The white-haired human veteran gently flicked a string-like instrument like a guitar in his hand, and smiled apologetically at Cheng Bin in a pleasant note: "Sorry, just woke up and didn't figure out the situation, read the soul Impressions are too accustomed to making incarnations. "
Cheng Bin shook his head indifferently and looked at the old man carefully.
Wearing an ornate armor that is not for combat use, closer to the stage performance, and a white instrument, the face of the vicissitudes of the of knowledge, the incarnation of Ogmar, looks a little bit decent in appearance, but this does not affect its use The power of divinity in the knowledge scroll.
"Wake up ... the itself will never need to sleep," Cheng Bin said curiously after observing the extremely precise incarnation structure of the of knowledge, "you seem to deliberately maintain a certain degree with your own deity. Out of touch? "
"Nothing in this world is eternal, even the gods have a day to dusk ..." Ogmar shook her head, then sighed, "I have been in this world for too long, too long, long I have to rely on a deep sleep to prevent my mind from being changed by the divine.
"Huh?" Cheng Bin said unexpectedly, "This world? You are not an outsider in this world?"
The world in the mouth of the gods is obviously far from the level of the astral plane.
Cheng Bin has heard the crystal wall system in the legendary Elf Master Diona and other places. Aside from the unknown underlying law form that supports the astral movement, he personally thinks that the crystal wall system in the knowledge of the insider is roughly equal to A point on the world line when Gao Wei overlooks.
If Ogma crosses the existence of the crystal wall system, it means that he can cross the world line—as evidenced by the construction of a difficult cluster of quantum incarnations. It is not easy to cross the world line by himself, even recently Cross between parallel worlds.
Whether it is twisting the world line to shift the information to change the high-dimensional coordinates of the entire world, or to go deeper into the bottom of the world and rewrite on the sides of different worlds through quantum bubbles, even the simplest information resonance interference, all that is needed is close to high-dimensional The power of life, without any luck or trickery.
So Ogmar is either an existence close to high-dimensional life, or it uses the channels set by high-dimensional life-such as the high-dimensional power crystallizing time machine or something over the SCP world.
But Cheng Bin can assert that Ogma cannot be a high-dimensional life—because it is an information virtual world. Although it is very similar to the real world line, it is essentially a historical record. It is impossible to detect high-dimensional life. The nature of this world.
The tossing of the historical records in the core inner area of ​​non-high-dimensional life generally does not cause any reaction from the other side, but if you make deep contact with the low-dimensional avatars of high-dimensional life in the record, it will touch the other side. The core message ...
The other side's high-dimensional ontology glanced over, and the low-dimensional avatar couldn't be a ignorant expression without knowing what was going on here.
Just like the funny head that Cheng Bin has seen in the World No. 2 World Arena in the information imaginary world in the past, I do n’t know if the current world is a historical system. The funny head will maintain the laws of activity in the record. Later, he directly connected to the high-dimensional ontological consciousness and became his more familiar little black tits.
This is why Cheng Bin, who is a red dragon, has never been to talk to the dragon Io, who is a creator of the dragon race, who is suspected of being a high-dimensional life. The unknown changes caused by it can not be estimated, so the most Don't do anything.
And as Cheng Bin guessed, Ogmar's next words did not show that he was a sign of high-dimensional life.
"It's not surprising, aren't you also an outsider?" Ogma smiled. "In this world, or in a large area of ​​crystal wall nearby, it is not a rare phenomenon for outsiders. After all, the crystal wall system With such a large number, the odds of the existence of Supreme God are not small. "
Listen to Ogmar, does the Supreme God who gathers all the gods have the ability to cross the world?
Hearing Ogmar's words, Cheng Bin didn't even have a trace of soul fluctuations on his face, but was a little surprised at the bottom of his heart-if the Supreme God can cross the world, then the definition of God is quite intriguing. ..
It seems that this world is not just a pure high-dimensional environment simulation experiment field.
"Since the Supreme God has noticed a wider time and space, naturally he will not stay in his own world. It is inevitable that he will incarnate into other crystal wall systems to explore the way to higher places."
After a pause, Ogmar said profoundly: "You said that you are not clear about the concept of the of God, but when you heard the existence of the of God from the scroll of knowledge, you did not have a trace of excess emotion— —You're not surprised, you don't worry, you don't care ... It's so easy to make me envious. "
Glancing at Ogma, Cheng Bin thoughtfully said: "So, you are the Supreme God who is exploring the way to achieve the God of God, and is the embodiment of this crystal wall system?"
After seeing Orgma smiling and nodding his head and confessing, Cheng Bin asked again, "How can you become the of God? You are so low-key in this world, you can hardly see any action in history. If you want to collect Doesn't the Godhead fulfill the Word of the Supreme God here? "
"How to achieve the God of God, this is the highest level of knowledge in all crystal wall systems. The general Supreme God does not know the details and can only explore it by himself ..."
Ogma fluctuated the strings in his hands, and said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "However, I was lucky to get a named" Ao "in a crystal wall system. God ’s guidance, so I know some secrets ... "
After a pause, the smile on the corner of Ogmar's mouth widened. He looked at the red dragon with silver-haired elves in front of him and said slowly: "If you are a god, why come to me? If you weren't, what would you pay for this knowledge? Or would you say that you have a more unexpected background? "
I thought you would continue the free information broadcast ... After Cheng Bin pondered for a while the information that had been harvested before, Leng Buding suddenly asked Ogmar: "You have encountered Have you ever been yourself? "
Ogmar's body was shaken slightly by hand, and Cheng Bin read a lot of interesting soul reactions from the deity in front of him on the spot.
"It seems to be," said Cheng Bin thoughtfully. "You also said that you had to keep away from the gods for a long time in order to avoid some kind of spiritual distortion. So to achieve the gods of God, you also need to be distributed in different ways. The incarnation of the crystal wall system or independent individuals, together to maintain the stability and unity of the soul core ... "
I do n’t know what I guessed from Cheng Bin ’s response. Ogma ’s expression of some randomness had slightly converged. He considered it slowly and said,
Yes, the Supreme God moves towards the God of God, and there are many The god-level incarnation that gathers or eliminates other selves in the crystal wall system and maintains the unity of consciousness ...
"The best option is to use the avatars to occupy the supreme deity in multiple crystal wall systems, which is all-inclusive. The most basic is to occupy the same priesthood as much as possible to facilitate the unification of the core consciousness and avoid the soul brought by the priesthood. There is a division of consciousness in the erosion. "
Sure enough, it is similar to the ascension through parallel individual information resonance, but this "God of God" is built on the deity system, and it has a bit of speculation ...
"So it is," Cheng Bin continued to ask in the face of the suddenly generous Ogmar. "Why didn't you try to acquire the supreme Godhead of this world? Didn't you come to this world very early?" ? "
Ogmar looked at Cheng Bin strangely, and hesitated before he said, "Before becoming an actual god, it is difficult for the incarnation to reach the body across the crystal wall system, even if it is the supreme body of God, and wants to connect to The incarnation of the cast also costs a lot ... "
After a period of silence, Ogma continued to wait patiently for Cheng Bin: "The of God has the ability to cross time, and the Supreme God can take a first step to other crystal wall systems to a certain extent. Choosing the time point for the avatar launch will directly distort the long fate that continues from that point. "
Ogmar used the tower of knowledge to carefully observe the expression and soul movement of the silver-haired elf in front of him, but he couldn't see any special reaction from the other side--what really involved the power of time, couldn't he move him? It seems he is really ...
Cheng Bin naturally does not have any special reaction-interfere with the world line from the upstream of the time axis, thereby causing time shocks and distortions to change the appearance of the world line downstream of the time axis. For the quantum incarnation cluster behind him, this is quite equivalent Simple operation.
Since the gods of God are specious, high-dimensional life, it is not surprising to have this level of ability, but Ogmar mentioned this ...
"The sooner the avatar is released, the more convenient it is to act naturally, and it can also effectively suppress the activities of other Supreme Avatars in the corresponding crystal wall system ..."
Ogmar shook his head with a bitter smile and sighed: "I also wanted to achieve the Supreme God here at the beginning, but unfortunately, all my efforts were wiped out by a latecomer ...
"I don't even know the details of the results of the eradication efforts, because I also realized that the long river of fate has been distorted and overturned after I was notified by the Supreme Supreme Being ...
"Now that we can maintain such a weak and divine power, it is already a good result-at least the clergy of knowledge is still there."
"Oh ..." Cheng Bin nodded, and then asked, "The other person is also the embodiment of the Supreme God. The time of launch is older than when you came to this world?"
"No, he came later than me," said Ogma, staring at the red dragon. "He is the creator of the dragon, the nine-faced dragon Io, who invaded thousands before the epoch. In the divine war caused by my face, I was shot down by his powerful divine power and almost became a mortal.
"According to the message from the ontology ~ ~ At the time I originally anchored, I was only one step away from gathering the highest deities of all the gods, but the appearance of the dragon Io destroyed the original destiny, Also destroyed the time positioning of my connection to the ontology ...
"Ontology can only be re-anchored to me before the emergence of the Dragon God, who has just stepped into a powerful divine power in history, and informed me of future changes. I hope I can reverse my destiny, but the result of entanglement on historical nodes several times ... "
Ogmar shrugged, and the gorgeous armor made a sound of friction: "As you can see, I'm just weak and waiting for divine power now, and the dragon Io is still the pinnacle of powerful divine power-I suspect that the dragon is the real god. God, his knowledge and manipulation of time is much stronger than mine, and he doesn't care about the things that the Supreme God cares about, such as the Supreme Godhead. "
If the dragon Io is not the high-dimensional life of this system, he may not be able to maintain the twisting ability of the world line that originally crushed you ... If you can't detect the problem of the virtual world of information, if you can't, then they may not even be able to count the pseudo high-dimensional life.
After thinking about it for a while, Cheng Bin found that many problems can only be verified after the achievement of the Supreme God, so he shifted the topic and began to discuss with Ogmar about the priesthood.
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