Vol 2 Chapter 593: Space bombing and memory fragments

In a surreal city corner, where the bizarre fusion of buildings with different styles, the blue-and-white avatar named Bombing Space stands quietly at the entrance of the disappeared alley, and the generous right hand that can obliterate everything opens up five fingers and presses it. In front of you, it seems to be on a transparent wall.
After a long silence, the stand-in whose head was as neat as a pot, swiped five fingers and retracted the outstretched right arm, and also retracted his sight to examine the spatial changes in the building fusion
After all, dreams are not the same as reality. The transfer of goals out of thin air is not based on changes in time and space. Even if he is the architect of the background space of this dream world, no matter how much he injects details into the structure of the dream space in front of him, he cannot grasp it. What a valuable trace.
If in reality, his ability is definitely more than just a little bit of power in front of him-except for a handful of stand-in messengers, no life can survive his attack, let alone escape.
In the dream, there are many people who can move mountains and reclaim the sea. Even in this much restricted public space, many people’s entertainment activities can be called earth-shattering, and the alleys disappear silently. Notice here There are not many people who have the vision of space distortion and architecture fusion.
The few strangers who were attracted to see the blue and white substitutes standing on the side of the road with a sense of transcendence and existence, all of them whispered "God Envoys" and dared not approach them.
I didn't care about the respectful or gloomy gazes of the onlookers in the distance, and bombed the space a few steps forward, reaching out to stroke the boundary line of architectural fusion, and savoring the subtle sensations brought by the short moment of contact.
Large and small regular rectangular parallelepiped voids appear on the fused wall when the white palms pass by unconsciously. No matter what material it is, the edges and faces of the voids are unparalleled straight and smooth.
Some cavities have remained unchanged since they appeared. Some cavities shattered the surrounding walls at the moment they appeared, attracting a large number of fragments to hit the center, and some "cavities" did not appear at the beginning, just their location. The roof above is a bit short out of thin air
It is said that the green cantaloupe who has a deep hatred with the of death 13 is not within the scope of the bombing space. All his mind is focused on the six-armed Naga that he saw when he arrived in a hurry and had a glimpse.
He tried to find something familiar in the unfamiliar form in the memory-even if it was just a subtle feeling based on intuition.
In the dreams constructed by the common subconscious and memory fragments, intuition is not something unreliable, especially for the substitute-the existence of the substitute itself is extremely closely related to words such as spirit and soul.
Nearly chewing the general memory process, after all, I still tasted a little bit.
Some memory fragments of being a human appeared in the bottom of my heart, the head with no internal structure appeared tight and phantom pain, the bombing space tilted his head, indulged in this subtle feeling for a few seconds, and then his right hand raised.
In the light sound of the air converging and impacting in the vacuum area, the blue and white double body disappeared, leaving only an unusually standard square shallow pit in place.
The vast ground is curled up and condensed, the tunnel of time and space twists and stretches in front, the length and speed blur the boundaries, and the invisible force makes it irresistible to fall in it.
As one of the architects of the dream world, Bombing Space can distinguish specific things in this chaotic picture. He can see which of the distorted time and space are public areas with many lives, and which are independent spaces with different uses. What are the fragments of rotation and destruction can also see the dangerous boundaries of the ocean of deep consciousness.
He kept sinking in this blurred picture, and the memory fragments in his heart also reflected outside and flashed out from time to time
"Yitai, according to the current research results, the release process of your avatar's'bombing space' can actually be divided into three stages—"
Flesh and metal, creeping warmth and smooth coldness gather together. In this absurdly horrible closed space, a monster in a white coat with the appearance of a young male human talks to him, whose limbs are confined between the flesh walls. And talk.
"The outline of the closed geometry in the first stage, the erasure of the internal space of the geometry in the second stage, and the filling of the geometric space in the third stage. The erasure of the space in the second stage is obviously a direct manifestation of the power of the substitute. There are not many articles to do.
"Although I am more interested in the several different filling methods in the third stage, you have also used unconscious control of this stage in the past to achieve the'fusion' of the material on both sides combined with filling, and the'teleshift' of the material moving and filling on one side. , Space pulls and tilts and fills the'gravity' and other effects, but at this stage there are too many surrogate power participation and unqualified things. Based on the existing conditions, it is estimated that it will not be able to penetrate in a short time."
The appearance of the white coat is not like facing an enemy or a prisoner. He enthusiastically explained the current progress of the experiment to the angry young man Yitai, trying to make him understand the goal and significance of the experiment.
"So to research and develop your abilities, we can only focus on the first stage of the special ability of bombing space, that is, the outline of the geometry that determines the scope of the ability-you have always been delineated by the rough perception of your eyes and palms. Range, this is too rough
"From previous experiments, it can be seen that the space you perceive and delineate is very different from the physical space. Since the virtual geometric body you specify through vision and hand feeling can play a role, then we step by step This process is a little more fictional. If you use mathematical techniques to construct this geometry, you may be able to bypass many limitations of your ability."
The young man embedded in the wall mustered his spare strength and struggled, and cursed a few words.
"I know, I know, your brain is not good and your IQ is not high, and your understanding of space, mathematics, and other things is relatively simple, it doesn't matter." The white coat looked at the unmovable youth in front of him with a caring look, UU reading www. uukanshu. com laughed and said, "Let’s experiment step by step. I have some special skills and I am still a little confident in education.
"Study seriously, it's all for your good." With a natural expression on his face, the white coat picked up a blank record book at his hand and opened it, writing down the first project for the mouse. "Well, then let's start with the concept of Hilbert space
"Have you heard of it? Hilbert Space? Uh, for a simple analogy, you see," the white coat pointed the end of the pen in his hand to the young man's eye, "a three-dimensional pen, does it change in your eyes? Into a circular plane?
"We can use this method of dimensionality reduction projection to simplify the recognition of complex geometric structures in some high-dimensional spaces. Can you imagine? What kind of geometry is subconsciously sketched before you release your ability, in higher dimensions? Can you use a series of mathematical formulas to set the scope of your ability? Can you bypass the restrictions on release speed and volume in this way?
"Don't worry, don't show this dazed expression, you will understand all this, soon"
Flesh tentacles stick out from the wall beside him, gradually creeping and spreading to his head, and the chilling touch wraps him little by little.
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