Vol 2 Chapter 611: Interval-Settlement and exchange between the real and the illusory boundary

On the ambiguous boundary between reality and illusion, the consciousness of the dead slowly awakened in the darkness.
   The terrifying sight of shocking soul, accompanied by intermittent memories, appeared in his heart and echoed
   Toward the peak and evening valley, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten.
   History has been tampered with, reality has been ravaged, and the future has been distorted.
   Time and space are groaning, soul and matter are derailing, all beings can only watch as everything in the world collapses and shatters, wailing silently in the vortex sweeping the stars.
  On the tiny earth, the tiny so-called ultimate life witnessed the terrifying power of the transcendence after awakening.
   Crimson King, made in heaven.
In the aftermath of the war between the emperor who ruled the world and the first apostle of the gods, in the terrible natural disasters where the soul was drawn away and everything collapsed and reshaped in the whirlpool of time, the ultimate life named Katz gave up the struggle and followed the unknown. Where did the lifeline drop from this terrible world.
   In the abyss-like darkness with nothing, Cheng Bin's consciousness got rid of the shackles, and reawakened in the chaotic memory and emotions.
"I am still alive?"
   After a long time, Cheng Bin got rid of the fear imprint left in his heart temporarily, pulled out his consciousness from the disaster that overwhelmed the world, and barely combed his thoughts
  Before, he should have been suddenly involved in some kind of high-level war. In order to protect himself in the turbulent time and space, he did not hesitate to lift the restrictions on his stand-in and Katz consciousness and use his power...
   A burst of spiritual pain interrupted Cheng Bin's thoughts. He was blindfolded for a while, and the whole talent was completely restored to normal state.
   "I... successfully escaped and returned? Then, the power that took me out of that terrible world and stabilized my consciousness on the verge of collapse... Lord of Infinity?"
All the senses returned to their positions. Cheng Bin, who sensed that ordinary human hands and feet had no time to move, saw a piece of pure white ground spreading under his feet. At the same time, there was an indescribable one that seemed to exist there from the beginning. A white light ball of size and distance quietly hovered over his head.
  The familiar information flow flows in Cheng Bin's consciousness
   [It is detected that the tester is fully awakened and enters the task settlement process]
  【Plot World: "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure"】
   [Trial: Cheng Bin; Trial Mode: Advent; Advent: Katz]
   [Trial Quest: Origin-Completion: 43%]
   [Task reward: official certification of God Eater, level 2 permission once, level 1 permission 3 times, points 2540]
   [evaluation: alive...isn’t it? 】
  Everything experienced in the trial mission, extracted the key part of the scene and edited it into a film, accompanied by the flow of the words of the Lord of Infinity.
He saw once again the study of himself and the exploration of the world after his arrival, the battle with other stand-in messengers under the causal fate of the Descendant, the dilemma of being hunted down by the world emperor who distorted history, and being an apostle of God. The embarrassment of crushing and persuading, struggling in the aftermath of the natural disaster-like war of the two transcendents is small.
   "The danger will gradually increase over time? Some dangers ignore the chronological order... I knew that I shouldn't be so curious, and I should return directly before all conflicts intensify."
Touching his bald head with undulating meridians, Cheng Bin frowned, examining the strange comment of the Lord of Infinity: "'Alive...isn't it?' This is saying that I will die in the end. Or is it saying that I was not very active before, just trying to survive?"
  Vague anxiety spread in the bottom of my heart, Cheng Bin closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, only to capture the source of this anxiety
   Under the dirty white coat, that ordinary human-level body that was tossed by viruses and experiments to a very fragile body, under the bald head, the inefficient, frequent disconnection and trance, even the trial experience can not fully bear the brain...
  I lost the ultimate life body that came to Katz? Back in the body that was originally drawn into this infinite space?
If it was Cheng Bin before the trial, I am afraid that he would not be aware of some of the problems in this process, but after seeing the terrible power that interferes with parallel worlds and timelines, his vision has been broadened to a certain extent, and he has noticed some sensitive things. Question-who is the me now?
   Is he Cheng Bin who stayed with his body in the infinite space and obtained the memory fragments of the trial world, or Cheng Bin, who returned from the trial world and seized the body to cover the infinite space?
   Or is his situation worse...worse than currently imagined?
   Recalling the indirectly verified existence of Cheng Bin as a tester in other parallel worlds, Cheng Bin's face in the infinite space became a little uncertain
  Should I, take advantage of the special environment of the trial world, try to verify and leave something behind?
   Regardless of paying attention to tasks and rewards, Cheng Bin looked for the key mechanism of the return process in the information flow transmitted by the Lord of Infinity, but only found an explanation to strengthen the reservation
The trial of    descending mode protects the original body and mental state of the trialer to the greatest extent, so it will not directly contact the trialer's body and the trial world.
At the end of this type of trial, the trialer can retain the returned things, including but not limited to blood, power, and even complex knowledge that has mysterious characteristics, and reshape it through the Lord of Infinity. It is poured into the ontology for forms that are universal to all kinds of worlds.
   "So, the obfuscation of some of my memories about the trial world is not only because my current brain is relatively slow, but also because the retention of some information requires points?"
Cheng Bin frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable with the Lord of Infinity, where even memory information is treated as a "commodity" at will. If he does not exchange the reservation, some memories will be washed by the Lord of Infinity Drop?
   However, he who came here with a desire for miracles is not qualified to ask for anything after all. This level of price makes him uncomfortable, but it is only a little uncomfortable.
Carefully examining the details of the return and strengthening retention, Cheng Bin gradually figured out some hidden information: "Looking at this mechanism, the current me should be the me who stays here as the ontology, and the me who has returned from the world of trials. The two kinds of consciousness overlap and merge in some way, and only after the intermediary completes the task settlement, will they return to the ontology."
   Then, how many such "main bodies" are there? The me who returned here is only the me who tried on one world line. It is impossible for Cheng Bin, the tester of other parallel worlds, to return successfully, right?
  There really is no free miracle in this world...The God Eater in the infinite space cannot escape his own destiny after all.
   After a secret sigh, Cheng Bin, who was unable to change reality, focused his attention on the task rewards. He opened the list of things that he had brought back, exchangeable and reserved, and examined it carefully
[Soul Ripple, Pillar Man Lineage (Evolution), Biochemical Knowledge Tree Derived from Soul Matrix, Special Ritual Medium-Arrow (2), Stand-in "Infinity", Stand-in "Key", Kaz Personality Memory (Remnant)... .】
After the available funds are screened to remove those that cannot be bought, the list of items that can be exchanged and retained is not long. After all, before his return, Cheng Bin was involved in the aftermath of the Transcendence War. In addition to the things he carried with him, the precious things hidden in the laboratory All was lost in the time warp.
   "Apart from the environment over there, do the doubles and arrows still have their original effects?" Cheng Bin, who saw half of it, pondered for a while, and raised his head to ask the Lord of Infinity.
The feedback that    got surprised him--
  His trial allowed the Lord of Infinity to establish a certain connection with the world of trials. The avatar soul system accompanied his return. As a unique strengthening item, it has joined the Lord of Infinity’s vast exchange list.
The substitute he can exchange at this moment roughly retains the ability he has in mind, and the two arrows he can exchange can be used as a one-time consumable, allowing various testers in unlimited space to awaken and test the world. Doubles that have existed in.
   "It's no wonder that redeeming an ordinary arrow requires a level 1 permission, except that the points cost is less and the cost of redeeming the substitute is the same... If you go to the Crimson King or Heaven to make something, hey."
The scene of a terrifying war of transcendence came to mind again, Cheng Bin shook his head: "...but it is only calculated by probability. Awakening like the "key" can only be a high probability event that can only be unlocked. Although based on such a crazy idealistic world environment ~EbookFREE.me~, the concept level is also very strong."
  Because of the low completion of the task, Cheng Bin received not many rewards, and the things that can be exchanged are very limited, because the authority to use as a consumable must definitely leave the highest immobility
You can know the general information of the target world before the start of the general trial mission without consuming and simply holding the level 1 permission. You can also unlock many query permissions in the unlimited space. You can even access some public spaces and participate in collective trials. , Teaming or something, the potential benefits far surpass the direct exchange of power, let alone a higher level 2 authority that involves more secrets in infinite space?
Apart from anything else, just one item can be temporarily exchanged in the trial world. Such a simple and rude, applicability, and targeted bursting function is enough to prove the importance of retaining level 2 permissions-when you encounter Superman riding a face, Under the same level of consumption, it is more useful to take out kryptonite on the spot.
   High-level permissions can be split into low-level permissions, but low-level permissions cannot be combined with high-level permissions. When there are options, it is better to keep the highest-level permissions as consumables.
   Since I found out that there are trading places in the unlimited space, but I am not very clear about the market, Cheng Bin struggled with the exchange interface for a long time. After using the handy level 2 authority to query a lot of information, he finally determined what he wanted to keep.
   However, when Cheng Bin exchanged for a special ritual medium-Arrow, and planned to exchange for other things...
   The infinite ball of light hanging in the sky with a hint of eternity suddenly twisted sharply.
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