Vol 2 Chapter 613: Intermediate-a harmonious war and a strange doorman

The horrible feeling of being licked by the indescribable sight of his soul suddenly awakened Cheng Bin from a nightmare infinite fall.
   The remaining heart palpitations were annihilated along with the memory fragments. The bald young man who sat up on the emerald green earth with his hands was blank. He shook his dizzy head, took a deep breath and looked at the thing that stung his right palm
   Between the slightly moved palm and the green crystalline ground with blue stripes, there is a simple and delicate copper-yellow arrow.
   "...Didn't I return to infinite space? I remember...this is the ‘arrow’ I just exchanged before, after that...what happened?"
   The mysterious ball of light representing the Lord of Infinity, suddenly "realized" and violently distorted, appeared in Cheng Bin's heart.
   After this, the memory is blank.
   "What force can shake that big ball of light? Am I involved in an extraordinary incident?"
   stood up with some difficulty. Cheng Bin, whose body was weakened for some reason, fumbled to confirm his physical condition, and found that there was no major problem, then turned his head and looked around.
   This is a place he has never seen before, with a rather bizarre style of painting
There is no sun in the clear blue sky, but there is a soft light hanging down and shining on the earth. The emerald green plain with a hard crystalline texture is unexpectedly flexible. Through its surface, you can see the dense cobweb-like, bright and dark surging inside. Dark blue lines.
   The slight ups and downs of the terrain and the strange, regular geometric terrain blocked the view, preventing Cheng Bin from seeing farther scenes, but in any case, he is definitely not near the earth, where humans live.
Cheng Bin, who has retained a small amount of power on his body due to the life-saving treatment of the Lord of Infinity, probably understood it with the tip of his nose—mostly he had traveled to a place with a material property different from that of the earth, anyway he was breathing The thing is definitely not the familiar oxygen.
Compared with the earth, where the matter is different, and even the laws of physics are different, I can maintain the appearance of human beings and survive as usual. It can be seen that there are deep reasons behind my crossing behavior... at least don’t worry about yourself because it is useless And casually died...?
   Cheng Bin recalled what had been heard in the trial world, those tragic parallel individuals who had a bad ending due to luck or choice problems, and were a little bit afraid of their own guesses.
   But people always have to move forward-Cheng Bin squatted down and touched, and confirmed the tenacity of the emerald green earth, and he knew that he could not live by eating "green earth".
   stuffed the arrow into the inner pocket under the white coat, and Cheng Bin scanned it around, following the subtle intuition in his heart, he chose a direction and moved forward
  Although he didn't hear anything in his ears, he always felt that someone here...or some other life was "speaking", as if someone was muttering to pieces in his head.
It would be nice if you could awaken your double when your hand was pierced by an arrow. Unfortunately, the matching conditions for the double awakening ceremony are too strict, and I have left the trial world over there... even in this unfamiliar environment. It’s good to divide the available resources.
   He glanced at Cheng Bin, who had a gap in his right hand, and struggling to climb to the nearest commanding height-a flat-topped pyramid...building?
   Cheng Bin is a little uncertain, whether this pyramid, which is integrated with the earth and has no seams, twists and turns like a child's graffiti, is it an artificial building.
   But when he climbed to the highest point and looked in the direction of the subtle sound coming from the bottom of his heart in a wide field of vision, Cheng Bin was sure that the strange terrain and buildings around here must be artifacts.
   It’s just an artificial "person", which is a bit... strange
   If you use your current height to redefine the unit of length, about 1.5 kilometers away, there is a...war?
   A bunch of colorful dots, and a bunch of dark dots, surging and colliding together like two waves, squeezed and penetrated each other around a jagged front.
   This scene looks like war, right? The kind of cold weapon era.
   The main body stays in the dark laboratory and the computer screen all year round. Cheng Bin’s current eyesight is not very good. His eyes change focus, and he can barely see the outline of the fighters
   That seems to be a group of textures similar to the earth... Uh, slime?
   The suspected situation of crossing another world brought the term slime to Cheng Bin's mind for the first time, and affirmed this conclusion in the inexplicable underlying consciousness.
Cheng Bin watched the battle for a while, and found that the unrecognizable broken thoughts that emerged in his mind were probably the overlap of the countless slimes in this battlefield—does this race have the ability to communicate in spirit ?
After walking around the slightly slanted top platform of the pyramid, Cheng Bin found that the other distant directions are vast and flat emerald green ground. Nothing special can be seen. Only his current area has a variety of strange terrain. And buildings are like a specially made city.
   I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Cheng Bin saw something in this "city"...what looked like a roller coaster in an amusement park.
   After a close observation, returning to the starting point of view, Cheng Bin found that the battle line formed by the pile of slimes...hardly changed.
   Except that the colors are completely mixed together, the overall size and activity level seem to have not changed at all.
   There seems to be no casualties...Is this really war?
   Cheng Bin, who was a little skeptical of his first judgment, thought for a while, and climbed down the pyramid in the direction of the only living thing.
   Anyway, look closer and see clearly.
For a straight line distance of about one kilometer, it takes not long to run on flat ground. However, as an ordinary person, Cheng Bin still took a lot of energy and time to cross over on this undulating terrain, even with the taste of various obstacle courses. past.
   If it weren't for the current body for some reason, the physical strength is not so good as a researcher who squatted in the house all the year round, Cheng Bin may have to spend a lot of time on rest.
After crossing all kinds of torturing terrain and obstacles, as well as all kinds of traps that are not considered traps because of his size, Cheng Bin, who has traveled for a long time, finally came to the building on the edge of the battlefield. He lay on the edge of the inclined platform, and carefully probed forward. Look at the slightly sunken square.
   This is indeed a battlefield-countless small dog-sized slimes bounce around, twisting fruit knife-like blades or other cold weapons with their tentacles, waving wildly at their own kind.
   But this battlefield is also very humorous—the slime that was stabbed into the body by a sharp blade did not fart. Even if it was chopped with a big knife, the liquid body was repaired as soon as the blade was separated.
At present, the most serious "injury" that Cheng Bin has observed is that a slime that was smashed by a "heavy" hammer was "divided" and thrown away by a few other slimes who took the time out. The squirming and gathering in the battlefield was interrupted by stray bullets from time to time, and the recovery time is unknown.
   But as the number of fallen slimes increases, and when the two sides of the fierce battle are not enough to take care of the corpses, there will always be slimes that jump up again.
   "...How long will it take? What is the significance of this ‘war’?"
   For the bizarre scene before him, Cheng Bin had a question mark on his face, completely puzzled.
   But before Cheng Bin thought about what to do next, a strong premonition of death ran over his consciousness-no, that was not a premonition of death, it was the residual pain of being killed and broken into pieces.
   The angle of view looking down on his body from behind, which seemed to be familiar, flashed away, and the strong breath of death disappeared like an illusion.
   Cheng Bin, who didn't know when he changed from lying on his stomach to standing, oozes cold sweat uncontrollably. He turned his head stiffly and saw a human child with his head in his hands walking around him from behind.
It was a child who had shoulder-length mushroom heads and was so young that sexual characteristics had not yet appeared. He was wearing blue plain shorts with purple stripes. There was a faint haze on the surface of brown hair and pale yellow skin. Its appearance has the vagueness of looking at flowers in fog.
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting~EbookFREE.me~ The child laughed until his narrowed eyes flashed a scarlet streamer. He folded his hands to Cheng Bin and said in a tender and apologetic voice," The scheduled receptionist is sleepy and absent from work. Here I will act as a porter to guide you to the old Pantheon
   "Although time is of little significance in this world, it is not a good thing to be late for a meeting. After all, those who participated in the round table...life are not very easy to get along with."
   Cheng Bin frowned and contemplated for a few seconds after reminiscing about his previous experience of residual death, and then sighed: "Who are you? What meeting am I going to attend?"
"My words... the "people" on your side are used to calling me "Fu"," Child Fu has always had an embarrassingly cute smile on his face, and his attitude is very warm and lively. "As for the meeting, this time The issue should be to discuss who will use this key and how to use your key to add a block to the Lord of Infinity, right?"
   Cheng Bin's expression freezes for a moment.
"Oh, by the way, I would like to ask you a question." The child who took the lead to walk under the building suddenly turned his head, his almost closed eyes opened slightly, and he looked at Cheng Bin with scarlet pupils, "You have already done what you called Have you tried it? Excuse me...
"What do you think of the concept of'player'? Do you think you, the testers of the Lord of Infinity, count as'players' in the world of trials? For you, the local life of the world is tested, Is it an'NPC'?"
   The breath of death seemed to wind up along the trousers, and Cheng Bin, who slipped cold sweat from his forehead, felt inexplicably--this is a proposition.
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