Chapter 1566: Runaway antenna

The church is a large spire house located deep in the town. When I looked at the situation with Sandora before, I found this house that was very different from the surrounding architectural style, but we did not expect that the religion of this world would be so strange. : It focuses on the issue of "storage technology" from beginning to end. All religious activities are organized around this goal, and ancient relics do not appear every day, so most of the time the church is idle.
There is no daily prayer, no regular rituals, and no need for believers to listen to the teachings of the gods often-as long as nothing related to ancient knowledge occurs, lost theology is as if it did not exist.
It is really the first time we have seen the purpose so clear that even our own spread is not a religion that is highly valued. If the general denominations do this and there is no real behind them, I am afraid it will be over, but the lost sects will I do n’t really worry about this: they have ancient techniques at hand, and the clergy are armed like the Star Warriors one by one, and they practice elitism from top to bottom. The power gap between them and ordinary people is close to God and mortals, so this church has so far No signs of decline.
Celine is the only clergyman in the town, and naturally she is the manager of the chapel. She admits to me that this church has not been open for more than half a year, because the ancient ruins next to the town have never been opened before, and no adventurers will come. Work here, and ordinary people will not be exposed to "taboo knowledge", and the church naturally does not need to be open. The opening half a year ago was still because the higher parish came here to find some information-the strange style of the lost gods can be seen.
However, although it is not open to the public, the church still has a dedicated volunteer to clean it every day. Celine herself will come here to take care of herself, so the facilities in the church are always available. There was no sign of mess. The adventurers quickly concentrated in the church, and I held the Sandora ball and crowded the crowd to watch the crowd.
The internal structure of this rural church is very simple. Eighty percent of the usable area in the building is a very spacious rectangular hall. However, unlike ordinary churches, there are no seats in this hall, but only at the wall. The few regiment pads are for rest. The rectangular hall has a high dome, and on the roof there are metal chains and decorations with delicate structures, which may have some symbolic significance. On both sides of the hall are large stained glass windows, which make this deep long hall dark.
At the end of the hall is the place where in theory is used as a preaching table, the place where Celine "worked"-the reason why the word "theoretical" is used is because I really do not think it is an altar ... In fact, it is an alloy workbench .
This workbench is more than two meters long and about 1.5 meters wide. The whole body is silver and white, and the surface is as clean as new. Obviously the most well-maintained part of the church. Considering its particularity, here should be taken care of by Celine herself. On one side of the workbench, you can see a lot of books and cards in a hardwood box, which may be the reference material for Celine to "work", while on the other side you can see many delicate gadgets, and ... Some things I can't understand. Maybe it was the equipment left by the ancients. Of course, it is more likely that it was made by the Lost Deity himself based on the data.
After standing on the workbench, Celine had already put on a solemn black robe. The tiredness and slackness on her face remained the same, but her attitude to work was still serious. More than a dozen adventurers are reporting to her on the periphery of the ancient tower. Celine nodded slightly while listening, occasionally asking a few questions in detail. This scene looked like the briefing session returned by the Geological Prospecting Group. It did not remind me of the sacredness of "religion," but it was indeed a religious ritual, and it was also a "taboo knowledge inquiry ceremony" as determined by the of technology ...
"It's a far cry from the religious scenes that Lilina tossed out," Sandora lay down softly and comfortably in my arms, muttering in a voice inaudible to others, "Lian Bingtis jumped The rites of worship are not comparable. The previous popes who lost their religion did not really study religion. They just wanted to seal up their knowledge. As long as the ancient technology is still in their hands, it can be maintained even without complicated rituals. Church authority. It ’s grass-roots priests like Celine ... it seems to be dying to believe in the existence of the of technology. "
Sandora was not invisible at this moment. After confirming that even "professionals" like Celine would be cursed by the ancients to Fudge, Her Majesty no longer wanted to hide. Although I still think it ’s weird to have a big ball of light everywhere, but Sandora does n’t seem to think so. Her golden appearance can attract a lot of eyes no matter where she is. We are on our way to church It almost attracted half of the onlookers to strengthen the company ... Sandora was indifferent. Her Majesty, of course, regarded the idle people and others as congratulations to the people, but it made me embarrassed along the way. Fortunately, everyone got their attention to the business after the church. A strange luminous body hasn't let them lose their courtesy in the temple of "the of technology".
"The interior space of the ancient tower should be large, and there are many outbuildings around it. Some look like old warehouses, but most of them are empty." A bearded adventurer looks the most qualified One, he was reporting the situation as a representative, "No traces of unauthorized opening were found, so the warehouse should have been empty from the beginning. The tower was built on a rocky platform ..."
Now that I have talked about the location and structure of the ancient tower, Celine continued to listen and nodded. I was stunned that she would fall asleep for about ten minutes, and then ...
The accident finally happened.
A harsh noise suddenly came from the forest in the northwest direction, and it sounded as if some kind of alarm sounded through the sky. The alarm had not yet fallen, and then came a low roar that was suspected of exploding, accompanied by these strange sounds. Everyone at the scene suddenly felt a strange weirdness on their bodies ... the whole church was in a hurry!
"It is a curse of taboos! The curse of ancient civilization has leaked!" I wondered which adventurer suddenly yelled, and the situation at the scene suddenly got out of control. All adventurers grabbed the weapon at hand, and some of them were scratching their bare skin while they grabbed the weapon. The "snap" static sound came from the gaps in many people's clothes, and some female adventurers even exclaimed, "Resonance! Resonance! That tower is a roaring tower, and it is attracting disaster!"
"It's a strong electromagnetic environment, and it's mixed with weird clutter with a lot of power." In the chaos, Sandora and I were the only two who kept absolute calm. Her Majesty's current form did not affect her perception. Li, Sandora soon knew what was going on. "It looks like a giant antenna has been activated ... there may be something wrong, the antenna power is out of control, and it is shining in the direction of the town."
At this moment, the static electricity in the air has become more and more. Some metal parts with special materials in the church are slowly heating up. Uncontrolled electromagnetic waves are cleaning up this place. Needless to say, I also know what the ancient tower was out of!
But just as Sandora and I were about to make a move, Celine suddenly slammed the workbench in front of her. Always whispering, she yelled for the first time at the moment: "Quiet! Stay calm! There are protective devices here!"
As Celine's voice fell, the static phenomenon in the surrounding air did not worsen, and Sandora and I sensed that there seemed to be a barrier appearing above the town, which could withstand the electromagnetic wave from the direction of the forest: look It looks like the church knows about the ruins next to the town, so there are emergency protective measures here. Probably an electromagnetic shield is hidden under the church?
"It was the ancient tower that was activated, an emergency." Celine confirmed that the church's protective measures had been activated normally, and she was relieved. Then she quickly ordered while digging up the excavations that had just been handed in on the workbench. " Part of the adventurers present ... Just a few of you, tell the civilians not to leave the house. Do not touch the metal objects in the house until the sky returns to blue, always pay attention to fire and abnormal smoking. The most important point ... … Never leave the fence of the town! The rest go to inform the adventurers on standby, all go to the ancient tower! "
The adventurers deserve to be a well-trained group. Although the sudden situation caused them to panic, everyone took action immediately under the command of Celine, and at the same time Celine turned to look at me: "Mr. Scholar, please Wait in town, you are not fighting ... "
"I'll follow," I shrugged. "In fact, I have a lot of experience dealing with ruins."
"It's not the reason," Celine's expression was slightly tangled. "It's the situation this time ... we may have to enter the core of the ancient tower, or even touch the ruins. Some places are prohibited. You are not an adventurer and you ca n’t touch higher levels. Taboo knowledge. "
I go, what about this limitation? Only adventurers can access the core of the ruins?
Previously, using the guise of "scholars" has been very smooth. I thought that the management of teaching party ruins had loopholes in this regard. As long as people who claimed to be scholars could freely access taboo knowledge, they did not expect that "scholars" and "adventurers" would still There is such a difference: only the latter is an officially recognized professional. Don't look at the name to fool people. In fact, you can only look at lively folk scientists beside you? Say yes as long as the protagonist will be able to hit the bulls eye good luck buff? Feelings I have been a zealous audience for two days!
I thought about it, and decided to follow it: "Actually, I'm also qualified to take risks ..."
Celin was suddenly surprised, and then asked a very realistic question: "Why don't you say it earlier, would you please bring your exploration permit?"
My first thought was: What is an exploration license? Then he reacted in an instant: Sure enough, when the core field of ancient knowledge was really involved, the sectarian management was called strict. It turned out that the adventurer still needed a certificate!
So say that the authority that he has used to fool the "scholar" can only explore around the ruins? I did n’t show my stuffing before, so I was lucky, but now how to solve this exploration certificate problem?
Sandola arched in my arms and muttered lazily: "I knew it would not be enough for Ajun alone ... Celine, looking at my eyes ... Forget it, looking at me, We do n’t need exploration permits, do you understand?

"... Okay, now I'm going to go to the ruins." Celine was a little lost in the light of Sandora's ball, and then mumbled to himself. The adventurers around him took the initiative to ignore the abnormal situation.
Soon the adventurers who were standing by in various parts of the town were summoned and, under Celine's orders, headed to Zhenkou to gather a mighty team. And Celine herself went home, waiting for her to appear before the crowd again ...
Armed like the future female warrior desperately looking for aliens.
"It's a church suit!" The experienced adventurer saw Celine appear with a particle rifle and exclaimed, "The situation is already so serious ?!"
Now Celine is still wearing that solemn black cloth robe, and she doesn't seem to worry about such clothes being inconvenient to move in the forest. At the same time, under the cloth robe, there are a lot of strange and weird small equipment and spare energy blocks. Armed with a one-meter particle rifle on her shoulder, she carried a small alloy knife in her left hand. Behind is a small metal box that should be a power backpack, and a Bible hanging around the waist-if this style is thrown into Hollywood, it can basically appear in any kind of movie except for cartoons!
Sandora couldn't help but sigh: "... the weird phenomenon caused by the age of civilization ..."
"Isn't there a problem at home?" When all the adventurers were busy checking their equipment and nervously preparing for the fight, I couldn't help but come to Celine to ask about the little girl.
"She hasn't experienced anything like this ... but I believe the child will take care of herself," Celine snapped open the rifle insurance, then looked up at the sky. "The church has set up such barriers in the settlements around each ruin, as long as it does not leave the town."
The sky is now showing a weird pink color. This is the result of a fierce conflict between the electromagnetic shield covering the entire town and the microwave environment in the air. Sandora just looked carefully and found that there is a set of underground churches in the town. The electromagnetic shield generator, because it is quite concealed and kept closed. We didn't even notice it. However, it is normal to think about it. Even if Lost Theology has sealed all ancient technologies, such protective equipment must be prepared in every human town. After all, the world after the high-tech war must have a high-intensity radiation environment. Survivors want to survive the world after the end. There must be protection against radiation.
Lost Deities need only ensure that these devices are not directly exposed to civilians.
Celine pulled out some kind of detection device from her waist and tested the electromagnetic environment outside the town. Then he pointed forward: "Go!"
The single mother who had a hard life turned into a powerful high-tech combat nun, and she could see the appearance of her and her husband when they ventured out.
Starting from a small town, crossing a wide wooden bridge over the river, walking a few tens of meters to enter the large forest, but our course is not straight, but a large arc, and the middle is obviously bypassing What: Deadly electromagnetic waves.
The ultra-high-power antenna system itself can also be used as a thermal weapon. As long as there is a suitable frequency, the cost of being irradiated by a microwave antenna is almost equivalent to being locked in a microwave oven. The ancient tower in the forest was obviously some kind of communication facility. Now it is releasing strong microwave radiation and harmful electromagnetic waves at several other frequencies. Among them, microwaves cause water to heat up, and electromagnetic waves at other frequencies cause metal charging and abnormalities in the air. The sparks, the town is temporarily protected by the barrier, but we can see weird and terrible scenes in many places outside the town: the river beside the town is steaming, and the dead fish are floating on the river with white belly. A large number of birds were awakened from the forest. They screamed in horror, circling frantically around the forest like a headless fly, but could not leave this area at all. Unlucky flying birds accidentally entered the air and were not visible. The death zone, and then stiffly fell to the ground, and their brains were ripe before the birds landed.
In the other direction deep in the forest, thick smoke has already been seen. I hope that the next big forest fire will not be too large ... but now it is a season with abundant rainfall ~ ~ Moisture of trees It's big, and probably won't happen.
These weird sights are nothing to Sandola and me. At best, let us wonder curiously how many antennas of that ancient tower were out of control to produce such a complicated and chaotic electromagnetic environment, but for adventurers But it ’s different. People have avoided the danger zone directly illuminated by antennas under Celine ’s leadership. However, everyone still feels the kind of electrostatic numbness that is attached to them. People meditate on the name of the of technology. Holding the weapon in his hand, some adventurers are even saying the same syllables as the chanting mantra: they firmly believe that the evil knowledge in ancient ruins is leaking out, and many adventurers are probably following Glorin with a glorious death attitude.
But no one left behind after all: although the adventurer is incomparable to the clergy in terms of knowledge and mentality, it is also an elite force that can be selected one by one. These tetrahedrons that can fight against the civil and military are not at this time Just flinch.
The team quickly entered the deep forest. Celine was always tinkering with some small equipment, trying to find a safe direction to approach the ancient tower. At this time, we heard a faint call for help from far away. Come: "Save ... Help!"
"There!" A sharp-eyed adventurer immediately spotted the black figure lying under the bushes in the distance.
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