Chapter 1565: Celine's work

"In the age of God, mortals cannot figure out."
One word of Celine is equivalent to the attitude of more than half of the people in the world to "ancient civilization", that is, unknown but sensible and no one dare to study and understand-even clergy such as her dare not casually toss.
Now that I can roughly guess what is happening on this planet, history really should basically be like this:
A long, long time ago, there once existed a highly developed civilization on this planet. They have at least the ability to sail in deep space, and they must have developed war technology that matches their level of civilization (based on the particle that I saw last night. The rifle can be determined), this kind of development ability, proficient in warfare skills, and like to study the secrets of death in the universe, but also the civilizations of several nations crowded on a planet have something in common, then It is extremely easy to kill themselves, because it is too simple for them to kill their entire race.
So a few years ago, they finally failed to live up to the laws of civilization and Murphy's law. Maybe an internal war broke out. Maybe they accidentally played off while studying extreme technology. In short, they killed themselves.
But this mass playoff incident did not lead to the complete extinction of civilization, and some people survived stubbornly, and very few of them were lucky to keep such a little bit of technology (of course, there is magic, in fact, I even suspect that ancient civilization is a science Self-destructed by the Battle of the Devil), what these people thought was impossible to test, but they obviously think that the end of the world is because they have contacted the technology that should not be their own civilization level, so they do n’t have the first time. Use the technical data at hand to carry out the revival of civilization, but first study how to revive the population, and at the same time, seal up these technical data. These cautious and conservative survivors should be the predecessors of Lost Theology.
The original Lost Deities should not be extreme. Their motive and behavior for storing war relics were actually reasonable: at the end of the world, race was at stake, and there must be a lot of survivors who were full of tyrannical thoughts. The relics of the war are extremely dangerous mines. Once they continue to spread to the hands of those apocalyptic survivors who have nothing to worry about, it is difficult to say whether the entire planet will be completely blown up by those lunatics, so the act of sealing the relics of war should have saved this civilization that year. But we all know that the process of time passing through generations is the most likely to make a mistake: after so many years, the original lost religion has been updated and I do n’t know how many times, it is even more difficult to ensure the integrity of the inheritance in that extremely difficult environment. Moreover, people always have different ideas. In order to ensure that those dangerous war relics are not activated, the Lost Religion will inevitably choose the most conservative person to be the pope in each generation, and so on. The original doctrine was beyond recognition-the clergy simply listed all the knowledge related to ancient civilizations as taboos, and even printing and advanced papermaking have become things that only clergy can access. It can be said that The entire sect has become extreme.
And they also created gods that sound like fiction, such as "the of science and technology" and "the of magic", and stated in the doctrine that they can continue to study ancient knowledge only when these two gods return to Enze. Prior to this, even folk research was banned-it has to be said that the planet embarked on the worst path under all kinds of misinformation. The guardians of civilization have forgotten their original mission, and they were originally compiled to appease the people. The nonsense now deceived them, look at Celine's expression. She firmly believes that the of technology exists ... Then I guess this planet will never wait for the technology to reopen.
"Mr. Scholar? Mr. Scholar?" Celine's voice awakened herself from her thoughts. She curiously watched me suddenly fall into silence. "Do you have any questions? If it is about ancient civilizations, I am willing to try my best to answer you. This is the responsibility of the clergy. "
"Ancient knowledge must be kept by the church," I looked at each other's eyes. "So how does the church treat this knowledge? Will there be any excavated relics used by anyone? Or will it be completely sealed?"
This issue is a bit out of bounds. Because the answer to this question is likely to be something of common sense on this planet, or a "civilian taboo", asking it rashly may cause suspicion. But I feel that I have become familiar with Celine after a day or two. The other party should not think more about the topics that come out during such a table chat.
"Of course the church must be more cautious about things that have brought disaster," Celine looked at me with a little doubt, but didn't care too much, "as the Holy Scriptures said, a senior priest with a firm mind We will study those ancient knowledge a little bit, but not to reproduce them, but to understand their role, judge the degree of their harm, to classify and preserve the ancient knowledge, or to open the public part of it to the public. As for those The excavated ancient installations were personally inspected by two popes and forty-six cardinals, most of which will be sealed up, and a small number of less harmful things will be sent to the clergy. We use these ancient equipment carefully To ensure that the source of the disaster will not be awakened. These devices are the reason why the clergy are more powerful than ordinary people, but we all have a firm mind and will not be fooled by this special power. This is why Lost Theology The size of the staff has always been so limited that it is necessary to assign the important mission of excavation to a relatively free group such as adventurers. For those with a firm mind too little, not everyone can manage that kind of power above the ordinary people but also suppressed their own selfishness. "
I remembered the scene where Celine inspected the firearms I saw last night-well, it seems that I really think too much, that is really the standard equipment of the clergy. Fortunately, I did not ask this rashly, otherwise it looks like it Soil buns.
It seems that all the questions that can be asked are finished. Celine, a lower-level priest who has been away from the core of religion for a long time, knows nothing more. Maybe Sandor and I should find the ruler of this planet. That is, the two popes, anyway, it is a pity to look at a civilization and lock itself up. Speaking of Sandora ... why can't you hear her rolling on the table?
As soon as I realized this, I saw that Sandola was lying in front of Ai Lu, who was holding the scone and passing it: "Sister Egg, would you like to eat scone?"
Then her egg sister rolled away.
"Ajun, I'm not happy." The spherical Sandora stopped in front of me, and her grievances were as real as possible. "The speed of rebirth of the body is so slow. Even if I make a quality projection now, I can't enjoy the pleasure of eating. Life is so boring ... Shall we destroy the world? "
I looked at Her Majesty the Queen in horror: "Are you serious?"
"... Okay kidding." Sandora said as she plopped into my soup bowl, but the magic was that no soup spilled out: she seemed to be trying to absorb the soup in the bowl, but The food just came out in a ray of light.
I was embarrassed with a spoon and poked at the ball of light: "So what ... I'm eating."
Sandola was very confident: "Don't make trouble, I pretend to eat."
At this moment, Celine and Ailu can only stare at the magic scene in front of me. I guess they have never seen anything like this in their normal life course ... I have never seen it before! Sandora usually spends 99% of her time in King's Land, but this time, if it happens, there is a slight change in appearance. Who can see her sprouting so naturally? It feels pretty good though-at least until Her Majesty went completely hungry.
"Um, it looks like the curse of the ancient ruins has caused this lady a lot of trouble ..." Sailing carefully, for fear of stimulating the resentful light ball again, "how did she come over these years?"
"It's like years," Sandora replied subtly. "It's been two years since today."
Do n’t accumulate so much grievances for only two days, OK? Is Aloi hiding behind the chair?
But Celine was obviously wrong, and she looked at Sandora with sympathy: "It has been like this for two years? It has completely lost the opportunity for human beings to enjoy life ... It stands to reason that you are cursed by ancient ruins like this Serious situations should be well-known, and can even surprise cardinal and priest-level researchers, but I have never heard of it. I have been closed for too long. "
As I was about to say something, there was a sudden noise on the street outside.
It sounds as if a large group of people are rushing back from outside the town (Ailu's house is facing a road leading out of the town), with the men's rough laughter and the hissing of camel beasts, Ailu heard The movement suddenly jumped up from the chair: "Aha. The first adventurers who set off in the early morning came back! I want to go out and see!"
"Well, finish it first ..." Celine was going to stop the girl at once, but the little girl was so mobile that she ran to the gate at this time. And with Ai Lu pushing the door open, the bustle of the streets became even more unprecedented. I looked out of the door, and at a glance I saw dozens of heavily armed men approaching this side of the street one hundred meters away. They are both men and women, but there are only three or four female adventurers. These first returnees carried weapons, swords, swords, and halberds. They can be seen in at least one thing in every world: freedom. Development, height, combat methods and equipment can be varied.
These dozens of adventurers have surrounded a considerable number of onlookers, and the residents of the town have looked at these seven points of curiosity and three points of awe to look at those representing strength and knowledge (by the way, and senior civil servant treatment). "Heroes", occasionally adventurers take out gadgets from their pockets and shake them in front of ordinary people. No matter what it is, they can cause a little surprise: ordinary people do not understand ancient equipment at all, but They just felt terrible, and the rusty iron bars cut out from the ruins were probably colorful in their eyes.
"The first batch of experienced veterans set out to make sure that the road to the ruins is correct and safe, and at the same time to confirm the danger and integrity of the periphery of the ruins, so as to prepare for the second batch," Celine knew I was interested in the adventurer's affairs, so I took the initiative to introduce it next to me, "Ordinary people can only watch it lively, and scholars like you probably won't really study how to fight in teams, but there are many rules of action within the adventurer. They may seem to go it alone, but in fact they have a whole set of rules. Under the on-site instructions of church personnel, adventurers in strange groups can quickly cooperate basically. This must be done, and most ancient ruins are not very safe. "
In the end, Celine couldn't help whispering, "Say that many adventurers are also unruly, and the things brought out from the ruins cannot be displayed to civilians casually. Leif never made such frivolous mistakes. "
Leif? Is it Elro's father's name?
When referring to her husband who has been missing for many years, and she may have died in a foreign land, Celine always has a melancholy depression on her face, but she still strives to cheer up and yells to Ai Lu at the door: Lu, come and help clean up the table. My mother will go to church. Take care of the house today. Do n’t you run around?
"Well, I know!" The little girl immediately ran back to help with housework. But she looked at Celine Ai Ai soon, "Mom ... I want to go to church too! To see adventurers!"
"No, absolutely not," Celine showed a rare and serious expression. "Today is not to go to church to play, but to listen to adventurers report the ruins. Ordinary people should not touch too much those taboo knowledge, which will erode people's hearts. — Especially you are still a kid. "
Elour suddenly murmured away with a flat mouth, and I was already interested at this time: it seemed that Celine was going to fulfill her duties as a clergyman. Get in touch with those adventurers? Isn't she okay?
I asked curiously, and Celine immediately smiled and explained: "I just left the Great Diocese, and the place is usually very quiet. There is nothing too important in religious activities, so it seems to be leisure, but as a clergyman. Responsibility is with you for life. . Every ancient relic must have a clergyman as a 'regional guardian'. The usual task is to look after the relics to prevent anyone from exploring them privately. After the relics are opened, we will control the entire exploration operation as the theocratic representatives. The batch of adventurers completed their initial exploration. Until the last batch of adventurers left, it was during my work. This is actually a very leisurely job, because many relics may not be open for hundreds of years. The priests stationed nearby are equal to It ’s time to stay at home. Many priests who have settled down from the core of religion will accept such a task and settle near a certain ruin. At the time, Leif and I settled here for Elu on the one hand, and because the church needed to be here. Set up a guardian. "Celine roughly explained another aspect of the church For subsequent invitation to me: "Mr. scholars should also be ready to go to that or else it ruins the first trip with me to church, listen to the knowledge of the first adventurers do??"
I've been waiting for the other person's words, and of course nodded immediately.
At this time, the dozen or so adventurers had been led by the locals to the front door of the Celin's house. These five big and noisy "freelancers" entered the ten meter range of the doorway and became quiet by accident, even Vaguely arranged into a sort of humiliating and orderly procession, this scene is very interesting: I only saw Celine as an ordinary single mother and housewife, and felt that it was just a hard life I only learned about her role as a clergyman in the conversation, but it did n’t produce any texture. Until now, looking at the respectful and adventurous adventurers at the door, I have no idea of ​​Celine ’s identity. A little real sense.
A clergyman who has authority and special status and enjoys only "knowledge" clergyman, but usually lives like an ordinary person. Her majesty is only revealed when it involves ancient knowledge. I do n’t know this What are the other lost priests on the planet, and if they are all the same, then this lost priest is really interesting.
It seems that their entire existence value is really just looking after knowledge, don't they care anything else?
The locals who led the adventurers should be town officials. One of the gray-haired old men is probably the role of the mayor, but at this moment he must respectfully explain the situation to a "hotel owner". Waiting for instructions from the other side, this wonderful scene made Sandora mutter: "It's a strange social structure ~ ~ The clergy will only have absolute authority when certain things happen, usually when Living like an ordinary person, Celine's identity in the town is obviously just a civilian ... but once she began to deal with ancient knowledge, her status and duties changed instantly? How did this planet develop this strange social form? "
Celine said something to the group of adventurers that sounds unclear, basically thanks to the grace of the gods, the wise guidance of the pope, the hard work of the adventurers, and the old town mayor to respond to the call of the parish leaders , Then let a group of adventurers go to the church and wait, by the way, first classify the materials and materials that they collected, and use the equipment in the church to do the preliminary processing, and she is the church agent in this place. You must wash the dishes in the kitchen before you can go to the office ...
It didn't feel very reliable, but no one expressed dissent on the spot, and a large group of adventurers smashed away, taking the "baby" they got in the morning, and set off for the church under the leadership of the mayor.
Although those religious regulations seem sacred and great, the process of authentically treating ancient relics is really the same as the waste recycling bin: you first carry things over and weigh yourself, and I will pay you after I finish my work!
That's basically what it means. (To be continued ...)
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