Chapter 1564: Why did ancient civilization fall?

Although curious about the history of this planet, the physical and mental exhaustion brought about by the previous war quickly put Sandor and I into dreamland (in fact, I still don't understand how Sandora who became the planet fell asleep). This was a good night's dream. It wasn't until the next morning when I hit three shots that I was woken up by the little girl Ai Lu's whimpering voice.
"Mr. Scholar! Mr. Scholar! Come down for breakfast! Mom's pasta and light vegetable soup!"
Ai Lu's voice came from downstairs, and the whole second floor heard clearly, and then came the movement that Celine taught her daughter. I rolled up and found that the sky was bright, and the sound of human voices and horses hissing from the street not far away: it was good weather, and the adventurers who seemed to be in the town were about to leave.
I looked around, but I always felt that something was missing, and then I suddenly felt that there was something soft and warm in the quilt, and I hurriedly lifted the quilt, but saw a rare scene: Sandora ball has been The whole soft lie down like a tortilla ...
It is said that the spark of the mind is just a ray of light. Why should there be such a rich change in form?
"Sandora, Sandora! Wake up soon! Are you all melting?" I hurried forward and hugged the soft Sandora ball, watching the latter slowly wake up and Returning to a normal sphere, I don't know how many grass-mud horses are passing by like a parade. After a short while, Sandora finally came over. She landed lightly on my shoulder, and her voice was a little confused: "Ah, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, this is just a spark of the mind. When you don't concentrate on your control, you will deform yourself Normal situation. It was said that when I dreamed yesterday, my dream was almost leaked out. Fortunately, this time I controlled it, it only affected the range of two or three light years ... "
I was sweating and falling down in line. But Sandola must not realize how wonderful her behavior is now, so I can only sigh, and then carry a light ball on my shoulder and come downstairs to eat.
Celine has brought the food to the table, and the little girl Ellu is running around to help open the doors and windows to ventilate and ventilate. This is the daily scene of the mother and daughter: Celine can't see the last night. It looks like a Star Warrior female warrior.
But I still have a vivid memory of her hand and foot inspection of the particle rifle. The feudal era of quaint buildings and peaceful democratic women in front of me. The upstairs room is equipped with advanced equipment and the female warrior of the night. How many things are connected?
I shook my head and flung the memory in my head for a moment. Since Celine didn't take the initiative to reveal anything, she also said that it was not good for her to hide a lot of ancient arms at home, which is not in line with the rules of this world. Therefore, as a first-time foreigner, don't rush to ask about this matter. . After all, she is a clergyman, and the church just has the right to access "taboo knowledge". We just ca n’t be sure if the clergyman at the level of Celine has "out of bounds" in a house. In case this is normal, The fuss himself seemed inexplicable.
"Ha, Mr. Scholar is awake!" Ailu heard the movement from the stairs and hurried to this side in a hurry. "Mr. Scholar, come and have dinner! Twenty copper plates for breakfast ... Wow! There is something strange on Mr. Scholar's shoulder!"
The exclaimed voice of Elu almost rang through the big house. Celin, who was seated, was stunned and ran over quickly. I suddenly looked at my shoulder strangely, and then found that ... a golden light ball was innocently Jumping around there.
"Sandora ... Sandora ..." I whispered and yelled at Sandola. "You seem to be exposed-not invisible!"
"Ah, forget it," Sandora no longer jumped, but whispered rather awkwardly. "It seems to be in a bad state of mind. After waking up, I was a little confused and didn't notice ... why didn't A Jun remind me!"
I was a little speechless at once: "You didn't pay attention to how I might find out that you are invisible in my eyes are all the same. I'm not used to living a bunch of status bars in my vision at any time."
At this time, Ai Lu and Sai Lin were still staring at this side in a stunned way. The "Mr. Scholar" in their vision was mumbling with a strangely inexplicable golden light ball, and the chat scene was as ordinary as two gossip Like humans, I knew that the situation could not go down according to the degree of Elro's stare, so I quickly raised my shoulders and discussed with Sandora in the spiritual connection: "Will you give them a brain wash?"
"The spark of the mind can't do such a delicate thing. This is a pure weapon. It is created to kill people. Even the smallest effort is enough to wash people into fools-and then the two can only be thrown into the empire by us. "The Admiral's Victim Care Center is here," Sandola dangled. "Of course you have to let me die."
As soon as I heard the cold sweat came out, but at the same time there were some contents of the three books I read last night. I suddenly had an idea, so I raised my shoulders, and my face looked as usual against the game. Lin smiled. "Do you know magic?"
"Magic?" Celine frowned, looking thoughtfully, "I know it's a more popular thing in the north, and there are people who study magic in the south, but the principality of Avon is not so popular here. Oh, Are you magic? Mr. Scholar or Wizard? "
"Actually, this is a very complicated story." When I heard Celine had a feeling of "unclear perception" about magic, I knew that Lost Theologians were also ignorant of this ancient knowledge, and belonged to the "knowing what but not knowing" What else is there, so I ’m so determined, I just lied a little bit bigger, and it ’s better that I ca n’t prove it.
This is my lover, named Sandora, because of some special The reason she became like this ... well, the special reason was that she accidentally accidentally discovered an ancient magic relic when she was turned into an egg by some ancient magic! "
Before I said this, I felt that my head was hit hard by the back, and then Sandora blasted around my head while teaching, "Ajun, can't you talk well! What does it mean to become Egg! You say I'm dead! "
"That's the case anyway," I explained to the stunned mother and daughter, stunned, while flashing left and right. "Explore the ancient ruins, something unexpected is inevitable. Now I've been looking around the world for Sandora. The method of recovery, this time I heard that there are new relics open, and I want to see if there is anything here that will allow her to recover. "
I throw myself in a big lie and admire myself a little. I said that thanks to the usual idle time, I read the novel on the Internet, watched the movie, watched the episode. By the way, I studied the pile of spiritual food in the bubble collection, and I unknowingly accumulated a story of a belly. This is no stress in life, if there is pressure Maybe throw me out and write a novel to feed the family. This story is vague in all aspects, but theoretically it is difficult to falsify, especially I pushed most of the things to ancient ruins-the experts who visually lost the theology did not understand what the old antiques are After all, Celine can only stare at the ancients even if there is a big confusion!
Based on my experience of travelling in various worlds over the years, it is almost impossible to lie in such a lie in an age-old civilized world. This is the most common situation in age-old civilizations: people are deterred by the superb technology of ancient civilizations. Unable to understand much of ancient civilization. However, they are willing to believe in the omnipotence of ancient civilization through brain supplementation. In short, no matter what bizarre things are encountered, they only need to be familiar with "ancient technology".
Sure enough, Celine's doubt gradually disappeared, but she still muttered a few words: "Ancient magic still has this effect? ​​Why haven't I heard it when I was studying in the church ... Is it a new lost technology that has appeared in recent years?"
"Well, it must be a lost ancient technique," Sandora finally decided to help, and she swayed in the air with indignation. "Evil eggification spell!" Then she smashed it on my head again. The tone was even more indignant: "And there is a wicked mouthpiece of A Jun!"
Celine finally believed this statement, which could not be falsified. I also sighed with relief. Originally, I thought that if the other party really asked the question, it would be a good idea to walk away from the stall. Now it doesn't seem so troublesome. At the same time, I finally made sure that even the clergy of the lost clergy have a very one-sided understanding of ancient techniques. They must have lost a lot of things in their inheritance for so many years. Or Celine is in the marginal position in the church and therefore does not know much. Anyway, Celine doesn't know magic, but she can accept bizarre stories about magic with a high degree of tolerance. This tells a lot about the status of Lost Deities.
I held the Sandola ball to the dining table, and Elu asked curiously at this time: "Mr. Scholar has been with Sandola eggs ... sister? Why didn't you see it yesterday?"
Sandora disappeared instantly and reappeared several times. She explained to Elu boldly, "Because your egg sister will be invisible!"
The little girl Elw blinked her eyes and was shocked. Then I jumped up and wanted to pull down the Sandola ball-I saw that Sandola was about to be angry, so I hurriedly pulled the little girl aside, holding the Sandola ball is not awkward for Celine Giggle: "Oh ... my girlfriend's current state is often prone to suspicion, so she usually stays invisible ... well, this stealth ability is also obtained after being turned into this weird form."
Because I'm not sure if the indigenous people of this planet own the stealth technology, I simply pushed Sandora's stealth to the ancient civilization, so I won't talk nonsense. It is said that the ancient civilization is really a useful shield. Anything that is unexplainable will be greeted to them. The status is about the time and the world. Anyway, it is their fault.
Celin nodded and smiled without doubt: "I understand this, so let's eat first."
This time, Sandola appeared on the dinner table brightly, and rolled around all the food equally brightly. Celine looked at this magical light ball and finally showed a thoughtful look: "So ... … Yesterday I felt the table was shaking. Is that actually the reason? "
I was slightly awkwardly cutting the scone, and by the way, I took out my dry food and shared with Celine mother and daughter (after all, it ’s not good to eat white food in others), and I silently looked to Sandora: "Good Don't bother, you're not talking now. "
The whole ball jumped up when Sandoradon said, "Know you still mention it! Wouldn't you mention it!"
"Actually, when I was studying in the church, I also heard that some adventurers were" cursed "because they accidentally touched the ancient equipment. Most of them were very troublesome and made the parties suffer." Celine looked at Shan curiously. The Dora Ball revolved around the food on the table. Not only did I fully believe my words, but I also took the initiative to discuss the issue. "Your situation is relatively rare. I have seen it worse than you. But I have never seen it. So ... strange. Most of the curses brought from the ancient ruins are diseases or inexplicably incurable infected wounds. Few such situations have changed a person's life form. This may be an ancient person The transformation magic used to make special warriors? You should ask the clergy of the Great Diocese to help. It is difficult to lift the curse with your own power. "
As soon as I heard it, I had an unexpected gain: the story I originally wrote is not a special case. Has it actually happened on this planet? And Celine has heard something similar!
If you think about it, in a place where civilization is dying, a group of primitive people carry shovel shirtless to dig high-tech ancestral graves without encountering a point of radiation virus infection, then you are just a ghost. If you think about the era of earth technology, a group of people What is the result of the apes opening the waste pond of the Daya Bay nuclear power plant ...
"Does the curse of ancient ruins have a high probability? You see, I'm just a scholar. I'm not an adventurer who specializes in ruins, so I didn't really touch this business before," I asked as usual, "just the clergyman You are all very proficient in this area, can you tell me about the ruins? "
"Original stories, you can find a long list of legends if you just look for them, but most of them are actually made up when the free adventurer is bored," said Celine in a gentle and elegant tone, as usual, as a clergyman. Revealed. "A scholar like you probably do n’t understand. In fact, exploring the ruins is ... it is very easy to make big mistakes. Therefore, each time you open the ruins, you need to make a careful decision of the highest parish, and there must be a certain number of clergy members in the adventure Guidance. Otherwise you are not allowed to start privately-oh, you must know these common sense things. "
What else can I say? I can only nod my head and pretend that I am familiar with the market. At this time, I really want to post a help post on the Empire's general website: How can I pretend to come often when I have just arrived in a strange world of civilized times. It ’s very urgent to wait online—it seems that I often see such posts coming from Empire Online. Basically, they are left by the censors. Many times, I feel the same for their distress.
Celine cut a piece of scone for Elw. Then I turned my head and continued, "You will soon set out with other adventurers to go to the ruins? So you will probably see a lot of divine priests, but usually those who leave the parish and act with adventurers are trainee priests, knowledge They are very limited, but you can still ask them for help. Wherever they are, clergymen are happy to help those who are troubled by ancient facilities. Oh, you say me? I am indeed a clergyman and a formal priest ... but You also know that I have been away from the core of religion for many years, and I will lose the 'religious right to act' after marrying an adventurer, which is equivalent to retaining only the name of the clergy and some right to know ancient knowledge. Diocese resources are used, so I am afraid there is nothing you can do about the problems your lover encounters. "
Celine has no doubt at all about Sandola's problem, but has taken the initiative to rely on everything I explained to her. This is the benefit of closed knowledge and unequal information: she can only try to learn from what she knows Seek explanations, and never take the initiative to think of such strange things as foreign visitors. When you saw a handsome Greek guy dressed in gold armor on the road next to the road, the first reaction must be that he was an artist or a performance artist. I do n’t believe that normal earth people can really associate that with a real god.
"There is always a solution to Sandora's problem. Just talk about the ruins."
I see that the enthusiasm of the other party has deviated a bit, so I quickly pulled the topic back to the ruins.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a bit prone to off topic," Celine smiled apologetically ~ ~ Speaking of the ruins, we all know that they are taboos left by ancient civilizations. Ancient civilizations are extremely powerful and can explore the starry sky The mystery between them, the moment they delved into the origin of matter, they learned knowledge, analyzed the world, and once reached the realm of God-God is magnanimous, so people were not banned from delving into this knowledge at the beginning, but ancient people used it arrogantly This knowledge eventually led to disaster. The ancient canonists said that the calamity was brought down by God to punish arrogant mortals, while the neo-canonicalists believed that the calamity came from the indescribable disasters hidden deep in the world. These calamities led to the first great destruction ... anyway, Ancient civilization is extinct, leaving only relics throughout the world, and Lost Deities are the first generation of 'repentants' who have been taught by the gods of technology and magic. As you can see, we treat all parts of the world with caution Ruins, and guide and cultivate such professions as adventurers. Although many adventurers are free to move, they are still managed by sects, so that we can ensure that taboo knowledge will not be rushed to restart ... Oh, these are missionaries The content on this page is ill. When you talk about theology, you ca n’t help but speak in this sermon tone. Please do n’t mind, you should be familiar with these. "
"Um, it's okay, it sounds very interesting," I was thinking about the religious story told by Celine, and I showed an interested expression. "So, even within the sect, I can't be sure what caused the extinction of the ancient civilization. ? "
Celine looked very serious: "In the age of God, mortals cannot figure out." (To be continued ...)
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