Chapter 1606: Desolate land

It had been three days since the fleet had left the Empire.
Of course, because there is no concept of time in the void, this "three days" is calculated according to the standard timeline of the empire. No matter how far away from the empire area, we will keep the time scale on the battleship consistent with the empire area.
For warships in the void, hurrying is to
constantly. Each time the void engine changes its own information identification code, it is equivalent to transferring the entire fleet once. This is a non-linear way of advance, and each jump is very fast. Without the "absolute path" as an obstacle, the only thing that affects the fleet's forward speed is the computing power of the Void Engine. Three days is enough for us to go a very, very long distance-but we seem to have a long way to go.
After all, the fleet's speed of movement cannot be compared with the Nether Shuttle. Although Tavel installed as much as possible a modification plug-in to increase the speed of each fleet of the fleet before departure, this improvement was limited. It took us roughly half a month to reach the first suspected coordinates.
The fleet is now far from the border, but it is still in the range that the deceased garden system can barely radiate.The empire has launched some sporadic outposts and automatic observation posts into this area.In addition, there are some self-proliferating and self-evolving self-discipline bases. It can be said that the empire's power limit. Through the border outpost development station, some unclear civilian channels can still be received here. Although there will no longer be any civilian exploration ships here, these civilian channels are still demonstrating imperial hegemony with their weak signals. Presence.
It is a desolate place, we have never developed to this side, because there is really nothing to develop here-there are only three or two universes within a few thousand units of information offset. And they are all lifeless. It's empty like a big cemetery here, and even the world's remains are puppets.
Occasionally this very empty area appears in the void. The distribution of the world in the empty space is uneven, there are sparse places where there are dense places, and it is this kind of desolate area that is so sparse to the extreme. Desolate areas are a desperate situation for those occasional civilizations. This means that even if they develop the technology of cross-world navigation, it will be difficult to find other universes alive, and they will die on the long journey of the first voyage; but for desolate world civilization, this desolate area is rare Natural barrier: Without the universe as a springboard, it means that the abyss and foreign enemies are difficult to penetrate. You don't need to set up a sovereign hub in each world to build a costly "Sentinel Great Wall". This desolate area belongs to the latter. It has been an excellent barrier for the new empire for several years, and it has proven to be effective-the new empire has never received any warning that the abyss has penetrated this desolate area since its establishment.
But this time we are going to trek in this barren land. This journey is not difficult for the Imperial fleet, but it is extremely boring and boring. Nothing can be seen along the way. Even the shallow-spirited girl who keeps agitating at any time and place quickly gets bored.
Fortunately, the Empire spaceships are quite large, even to the extent that cities and towns are commonly found in the interior. There are additional space inside the Empire General, which is hundreds of kilometers long, and its town size has reached the level of metropolis. Although every spacecraft is a purely industrial military town. But walking on the streets of that star city can also make people temporarily forget that they are on a starship sailing in the void. In addition, there are huge ecological in the spaceship. It's shallow enough to live for a long time-the girl won't show depression.
But shallow can run around to play. I must always be on duty at the instruction hall. Although I know that I am not an expert in the professional field, after all, as a commander, I have to set an example, and anyone can be absent from such a significant voyage. Only Sandora and I can't. Although we usually hang on to our mouths, we still have the awareness at the critical moment.
Of course, the more important thing is that Sandora will be bitten by casual shifts. I can't bite her ... Um, I don't have the habit of biting people!
This was the afternoon of the third day, and I had no rest for half an hour after lunch and I was called by Sandora to instruct her to accompany her. Here is always the state of bright and busy lights, each command seat and each data terminal are constantly receiving information to issue instructions, as the brain of the entire ship and even the entire fleet to coordinate everything. And Sandora and I are here as if they are supervising the working state of the brain-is it a little strange to say that this metaphorical way?
"Huh, it looks like another day of doing nothing," Sandora was also a bit bored. In fact, I suspect she called me to find a difficult friend to kill time with her. She exhaled and looked at the embedded in front of her. The data terminal, "You can also receive the signal from the deceased garden here. It seems that the system upgrade of the deceased garden was effective last time. However, it is time to drop the outpost to open up the station. Although the spiritual network has always been reliable, a few more communications are left. The way is always good. "
I looked at the image transmitted to the external monitor. In the middle and rear of the fleet, there were dozens of large-scale engineering barges. These barges were used to carry out bridging operations after arriving at the destination.At the same time, they were also responsible for continuously setting up during the voyage. The outpost development station, whose role is to ensure smooth communication between the fleet and the Empire.
After all, we are going to a quite distant place, there are many unexplored environments in the middle, and a lot of sites must be set up along the way to prepare for various accidents.
The superstructure of an engineering barge slowly opened, and dozens of self-regulatory machines and a small work boat floated out of it. Behind them was a silver-white cube dragged by a towing beam. This silver-white cube is the "building core" of the outpost development station.They have a long-term maintenance order field, and they contain a set of architectural blueprints and the information needed for self-development. The material conversion device is the most important when exploring the void. Easy-to-use basic unit. This basic unit can be operated with little external intervention. Basically, it is thrown into the void by self-regulatory machinery and work boats, and then positioned and set a starting mode. The rest of the work can be left to the construction core itself, they will grow and grow quickly, and finally become a permanent station similar to the Protoss void node. The standard configuration of an outpost development station is this: a core machine room, located in a dome building in the center of the site; two sets of high-power void communication modules. They are two large antenna towers, one at each end of the site; one medium-sized factory, which can continuously produce self-regulatory machinery and small work boats. These work units are used for self-maintenance and basic defense of the site. Although there are no enemies in the void . But the Apostles of the Spirit were accustomed to hanging guns everywhere; two sets of teleporters leading to the next outpost development station, all outpost development stations were connected by this kind of void portal, and eventually led to the Empire; Finally, a living space that can hold hundreds of people is loaded with a new empire survival agreement, which can provide an ecological environment for 17 life forms, and provide "quick-freezing" services for other life forms.
The development station is actually unmanned, but it is set up in various extreme environments.One of the main purposes is to provide security for nearby explorers. In addition, a survival capsule containing hundreds of people does not put pressure on the space expansion device. Large, so these sites have living areas.
The basic shape of an outpost is a blunt olive shape. Antenna towers at both ends protrude out of the main body. The alloy carapace and psionic barrier completely cover the rest of the outpost. They range in size from one kilometer to ten kilometers, depending on whether they need to be "long" so large. In such a desolate area, outpost development stations are important communication equipment. It is also the "insurance" of the staff working here if you encounter danger in the void. Then fleeing to the outpost development station is likely to be your last line of life-and you can quickly return to the Empire via the outpost development station's teleportation device. But to be honest, people who encounter danger in the void may not have time to escape to the nearest outpost, anyway, most of the man-made objects are too fragile in the void.
"Maybe we should take advantage of this opportunity to arrange another Xietu station," watching the work boat and the self-discipline machinery drag the silver-white cube with a side length of 100 meters out of the order field and disappeared behind the fleet, I suddenly had an idea, "We You can connect the development station to a network in the desolate area, and then use them as a calibration to build a transmission channel to the hometown world. After all, the hometown world is too far away, and the power from the world garden can't 'drag' it, but we can't Every time I flew for half a month, it was harder than Sheila to come to our house. "
"This is indeed a problem, but I will have a chance to say it in the future," Sandora groaned for a moment, shaking her head slightly. "It takes a lot of energy to set up the continuous jumping channel of the kind you said, and this place is a desolate area, and there is no universe around it to be a node The jump channel itself requires a lot of self-maintenance components. Our fleet is not for construction along the way. "
I nodded, still keeping this in mind. Sooner or later, this problem must be solved: the homeland world is far from the current empire area, and the practice of "spiriting the new world as territories" by the Apostles of the Spirit is always a distance limit. It took many years for the old empire to turn one More than a hundred sky districts were formed, and now the "distance" between the new empire and the hometown world is farther than the first day district to the 135th day district! It is unrealistic to slowly crack the soil and push it past. You can only build a temporary channel to connect it.
Anyway, I think of the Silk Road at this time. Can our history still be saved?
The fleet left an outpost for development and proceeded, followed by a more boring long journey.
Another week has passed, and the fleet has arrived in a strange void where no one has ever been involved. If the previous intelligence and calculations are correct, this is already the leading edge of the wave of destruction. We will probably see soon. A lot of fragmented worlds.
But the first thing we saw was something unexpected.
Sandora called me to the research facility of the Admiral the Empire early in the morning. A bunch of quality projections from Tavel were already busy here, and Abyss Spirit was also present. I saw a holographic projection in the center of the hall showing a large fragment of debris at the front of the order field, and the fleet had stopped before the debris.
A large number of work boats were shuttled through the wreckage, dragging bright lines, and I looked at the wreckage, and I couldn't help asking Sandora, "What is it?"
"It's the self-propagating drone group we launched two years ago," Sandora frowned. "Some of them lost contact last year. I didn't expect to have multiplied to this place. But it looks like something was given to Destroyed. "
A self-propagating drone swarm? I stumbled for a moment, then quickly thought of it: this was a detection program two years ago. At that time, the new empire and the abyss were still in full swing. We urgently needed to expand the territory and increase our strength. So Sandora led the launch of a large number of self-proliferating drones. This drone is not a single device. It is a kind of "ethnic group", including a host of unmanned aerial vehicle bases, conventional aircraft groups, exploration laboratories, and factory development, which can generate huge collective powers like ant colonies or bee colonies. Once this type of drone group enters the void, it will rapidly multiply and find the world. Drop the colony station, send an invitation signal to the Empire, and desperately expand and spread. Only the orders set by the Apostles of the Spirit can stop them. This group is used for "exploration and discovery", so they are not offensive except for marking the territory of the circle. It is a "safe product" at least for the Apostles of the Spirit, but many ordinary races seem to have doubts. . In the age of the old empire, such docile and loyal drone groups have always been important auxiliary tools, they helped the belligerent Spirit apostles break the ground. He has worked for hundreds of millions of years. In the New Empire era, their work has also achieved remarkable results. That pioneering plan two years ago brought us at least a third of new territory.
However, not all of these drone groups can work safely. Last year, some drones were missing with a mother base.
This sudden loss of connection is not uncommon, because the drone swarm is exploring some extremely sinister unknown areas. Their forward speed is not comparable to that of the Nether Shuttle, but their spread is much larger than that of any Nether Exploration team. So there will always be drone swarms missing in the white zone. These missing fleets either encountered an abyss, or just happened to run into the end of the world. When the situation was serious, it was too late to send a warning signal back.
The disappearance of the drone group last year was a serious one, because they also carried a mother base that had just been built, which was considered a larger group.Sivis also organized several search operations for this purpose, but Because the missing aircraft group was too far into the White Zone, and the abyss area was too restless at the time, the empire had no time to take care of it. This drone group gradually faded out of everyone's sight.
Unexpectedly, we will see the wreckage of the fleet here. They are obviously not the first batch that disappeared, but should be a new fleet that has multiplied by itself afterwards. I have to say that the speed of expansion of these things is simply terrible. Without the coordination of the headquarters, they have spread all the way to the white zone. Fortunately, the core instructions of each drone are "non-interference in the process of local civilization, After all, the two restrictions of "not destabilizing the local world" are used to mark new territories. The empire does not want to get a piece of scorched earth and a group of enemies when receiving the territory from the drone group, otherwise this thing is definitely a terrible group of war plagues.
Even if the extraordinary material made by the empire falls into the void when it loses its energy supply, it will quickly disintegrate and assimilate, so these wrecks encountered by the fleet should be destroyed not long ago. Most of them have serious signs of "evaporation". Some of the debris's edges have been blurred like phantoms. Even I can see this obvious blurred scene on the surveillance screen, but many residual sweats remain intact and they are salvaged. It should be possible to confirm what has happened in this area recently.
The work boat found a spherical device that looks good from the wreckage. This is a silver-gray metal ball with a radius of more than one meter. The surface still has a faint blue light floating slowly. It used to be installed On a certain base, but now there are only some broken metal stubs at those connection points. I watched a work boat pull the spherical device into its container bay with a traction beam and flew towards the Admiral side, and Tavel explained beside it: "That is the thinking device of the drone group. A thousand drones have one such 'brain', and every one hundred 'brains' can form a mother base. Of course, there are also phenomena of establishment expansion or reduction, which are all determined by the drone group itself. These The 'brains' have powerful protective functions. Even if the carrier they are in is blown up, these cores of thinking can sail independently and can survive in the void for a long time. Probably these brains record the recent drone group encounter."
This core of thinking was quickly sent to the research facility of the Admiral, and Tavel led a group of experts to quickly dismantle it, and found a database inside it-luckily, not bad.
According to database records, this thing was destroyed a few months ago.
A report was sorted out and sent to Sandorla and me. Abyss Spirit was also given a copy. She looked at the conclusion and shook her head slightly: "It seems to be related to the wave of destruction. The log said that the drone group and the Empire District lost contact Later, they chose to continue to expand into the depths of the void while rebuilding the communication chain. They proliferated normally for several months. Finally, a large group of drones finally found a stable new universe, so the group consciousness decided to fuse themselves with this new universe. They seemed to be planning to build an industrial world, then build a giant mothership, and send a copy of the database back to the Empire, but before then ... the entire universe was 'broken' without warning. "
"Just as those expeditions report, the world is dead, and the cause of death is strange," Tavel looked at the core of the drone thinking that had been dismantled, and sighed. "It seems we still know the void Too little, the exploration is endless ... The world barrier will suddenly 'break', which is obviously only possible in the void itself. Theoretically this is the case. "
"Don't study these ultimate secrets," Sandora lowered the data terminal in her hand and looked up at the large holographic projection not far away. The projection showed a panoramic view of the Empire fleet. The working fleet had cleaned the order field. The wreckage of the drone at the front end, and released some automatic working boats to find if there are any other fleets nearby. If possible, we still hope to recover some things, so that we can live, and the fleet itself is ready to sail again, "We Now it should be close to the `` Tide of Destruction '', and at any time, you may encounter unprecedented situations, prepare the fleet, the sensor power is fully turned on, and the order field is turned into the alert cruise mode-the speed can be lowered a bit. Better than what I missed ~ ~ The next second I realized that Sandora's sixth sense may be similar to Lin Xue, because her voice rang as soon as she landed on the ship: "Attention, detection To the information tide, will soon contact the order field! Be prepared for shock resistance! "
I've been wondering what new writing is all about ... In the end, I decided that I should open my mind to the style
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