Chapter 1006: information

Carlo star system.
The huge Carlo star, its surface is no longer so fiery, but extremely bright.
It passed the long main sequence stage early and entered the red giant stage, and its volume became even greater.
The nearest terrestrial rocky planet seemed to be held by a pair of invisible giant hands, gradually leaning against the Carlo star during its rotation and revolution.
The fate of this planet is already destined, and it will be swallowed by the Carlo star.
And because of the rapid expansion of the stars of the Carlo star system, most of life will die, and the future of those large and small planets and satellites is also worrying.
The universe is like a pool of water, and the "death" of Carlo's star is like throwing a stone into the water.
The most affected is the Carlow star system. As Lianyuan swings open, it will definitely affect more planets and lives.
It's just that the instigator "Tree God" doesn't mind.
It was its strong intervention that made the Carlo star system at least millions of years earlier and entered the "aging period."
And it has absorbed inestimable heat and energy, it has become completely different from the past.
A large piece of roots penetrated deeply into the depths of a gas giant planet far away from the Carlo star system.
The countless vines and tentacles resembling giant cosmic pythons are clustered together to form a form similar to the radar of the earth.
In the center of the umbrella-shaped "radar", there is a bulge resembling a giant spore creature.
It looks like a brood independent of the "tree god".
The body was close to the gas giant planet, and the body like a giant plunged into the outer space.
When the surging of the gas giant began to become violent, Tomomi, who quietly watched this scene from a distance, suddenly felt a wave of energy.
Perhaps it wasn't energy. Totomi only felt it in an instant. Something was cast from the "radar"-like core position of the distant "tree god", but it disappeared in an instant.
"What does the tree want to do?"
The distance to the "Tree God" is very close, and it is very clear that it is a very dangerous thing to arbitrarily talk about the "Tree God", but Totomi still couldn't help but ask Prius in a spiritual exchange.
"communicate with."
After a long time, Price uttered two words.
"communicate with?"
Totomi was slightly startled, then thoughtful.
Obviously, the object that the "Tree God" wants to communicate with is far away, as far as it is, and it also needs to absorb more energy and take longer to achieve the goal.
"Who does the tree want to communicate with?"
"Mogo clan crocodile? Or the human civilization of the home planet of the Silver Dragon Empire?"
"No, it's unlikely."
"The further development of the empire and crocodile people will be a weak and low-level civilization in front of the tree god."
"As powerful as a tree god, how can you care about these lower civilizations."
"Then who is it to communicate with? The alien beast civilization that can defeat the Lingzi army?"
"Or other races I don't know?"
"According to Prince, the mighty tree seldom behaves so cautiously."
"What is the reason for its unusual reaction this time? Or what is it fearing?"
With so many thoughts in his mind, Tomomi suddenly woke up when thinking of the last.
He obsessively looked at the "tree god" in the distance, no matter what he could see, or found no abnormality in his mental sense, Tomomi could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.
At that moment, he reacted.
Price has said before that the almost omnipotent "Tree God" can even spy on the psychological activities of several "Lingqi".
If the "tree god" knows what he is thinking, Totomi thinks with his ass, knowing what his fate is.
Fortunately, perhaps all the spiritual power of the "Tree God" was placed in this "unknown" contact communication, and he did not pay attention to himself.
"Sam, is it alive now?"
Muqiu "Feelen" asked suddenly.
Totomi was taken aback for a while, and seeing Prius didn't respond for a while, he told the truth and said, "I guess the situation is not very good."
"Huh, you are nonsense."
"With Sam's ability, if he is alive, he may have escaped back."
"Such a long time has passed, there is no movement at all, it is , it is dead.
"Hehe, dead."
"Sam is dead, a Lingqi is dead?"
"Can you believe it? After a spiritual enlightenment died, we are all indifferent now and have no response."
Price just doesn't speak, he talks endlessly.
And its tone was full of grievances and complaints.
At this time, a cold snort sounded abruptly.
The voice was full of extreme chill and murderous breath from the abyss.
Prius, who was still resentful just now, suddenly fell silent.
Even its body began to tremble slightly because of the extreme fear.
And Tomomi was even more unbearable, he only felt that cold snort was like a mental power bomb exploding in his mind, that terrifying killing breath almost froze and destroyed his soul.
At this time, an inexplicable volatility swept across.
Perhaps it was because of this weird fluctuation that saved Prius' life.
"If you want to know who I am, you have to figure out some facts first."
"Do you know where this is?"
"Do you know the difference between the small universe and the large universe?"
"Also, do you know how you appeared here?"
That inexplicable fluctuation, when passing by Totomi's several spirits, the same information appeared in their minds at the same time.
There are only three pieces of information, but it contains too many things.
So that the "Tree God" who had obviously received the same message did not react for a long time.
For a moment, the voice of the "tree god" rang in Totomi's three spiritual minds.
"where is this place?"
"Tree God" asked.
"The Moyun River System, the most powerful intellectual civilization living here, is called that."
Price responded first.
"My answer is the same as Prius."
Philon responded honestly.
But Totomi didn't respond in time. He pondered for a while before cautiously responding: "Before answering this question, I want to know, Lord Tree God, do you know what the name "Little Universe" means?"
"A long, long time ago, I once encountered a spaceship in a star field."
"That is an abandoned spaceship, but there are still some data and information on it."
"It took a long time before I understood the information and materials on the spacecraft that obviously came from the advanced technological civilization."
"As for the cognition and understanding of the small universe, I started from that time."
The tree was silent for a moment before speaking slowly.
"Then my lord, what is a small universe? What is a large universe? What is the difference between the two?"
Totomi asked eagerly in a respectful tone.
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