Chapter 1007: Unbelievable fact

"The universe contains countless river systems, galaxies and planets."
"And outside one universe, is there another universe? No intelligent race can answer this question. At least in my long life, no one can perfectly answer this question."
"Distance, time, life, these invisible shackles are firmly attached to each intelligent race, and it is impossible to see the true mysteries of the universe."
"The big universe is the universe itself."
"The small universe is a piece of space that advanced civilization has cut from the big universe through space technology and abilities. It forms a special space that is attached to the big universe but exists independently."
"At least on the spacecraft I have encountered, the introduction to the small universe looks like this."
"Tree God" responded to Totomi slowly.
Totomi heard clearly, but it was incredible.
What kind of space technology and ability can separate a part of the space from the "big universe" to form a special "small universe".
If it weren't for the ongoing conversation to be absolutely formal, Totomi almost suspected that what he heard was a fantasy.
"Why is there a small universe? What is its function and meaning?"
After a while, Totomi asked again.
"Specifically, I am not sure."
"I only know that the size of the small universe depends on the technological level and ability of the civilization that cut it."
"Some small universes can only accommodate some spaceships and warships."
"Some small universes are big enough to hold a river system."
"Obviously, it is important."
"In the big universe, unless you have super-powerful technology, the small universe is invisible."
"In other words, maybe there is a small universe between us now hidden in the invisible universe, but with our ability, it is impossible to touch and discover it."
"When a civilization encounters the disaster of extinction, they can choose to create a small universe in which to carry some life planets suitable for their survival and development, so as to extend the survival of the civilization as much as possible."
"When a civilization has to go through a long, long journey, and there may not be any supplements in the way, such as the distance between the river system and the river system that makes most intelligent creatures desperate."
"During this process, they will definitely not find a planet that can obtain resources and energy, and some are just endless emptiness, emptiness and coldness."
"At this time, the role of the small universe is highlighted."
"Cut out a small, independent universe that is attached to the big universe itself, but not affected by the big universe, and transports massive planets and stars in it, and even makes them operate like a real river system."
"After that, this civilization only needs to drag one or more such small universes with our unknown technology, and it can complete the problem of not being able to get resources and energy supplements during the long journey."
"This is the irreplaceable role of the small universe. Of course, to us now, such technology and capabilities are just like myths in your human cognition. They are absurd and unattainable."
Obviously wanting to get some answers from the "indigenous" Totomi, the "tree god" answered his question as clearly as possible.
Shock and disbelief flashed alternately in Totomi's eyes.
The words of "Tree God" were like a heavy hammer, which made him a little confused.
At the same time, these words seemed to open a door in front of him, but what was transmitted from the door was not endless brilliance, but a suffocating and desperate shadow.
Totomi couldn't imagine how far the level of technology and abilities had developed, he could play with the universe itself wantonly.
Cut the "big universe" space and move planets.
These things that are even more magical than the most imaginative science fiction movies of the Silver Dragon Empire are almost unimaginable.
At this time, Tortomi really realized that the technological level of the wisdom civilization and the ability of the alien beast civilization are all disasters of all sizes to the universe itself.
If the Silver Dragon Empire and the Crocodile Man are parasites in the universe, then like the civilization to which the deserted spacecraft belongs to the tree just mentioned, they are the locusts in the universe.
"Master Tree God is waiting for your response? Totomy, what are you thinking?"
Various complex emotions came out of Totomi's eyes, his thoughts were shaking, until he was awakened by the clearly emotional Prius voice.
"Here, Shiyou is a small universe."
With a wry smile, Totomi said in a very difficult tone.
"What are you talking about? We are in the small universe now?"
Price was taken aback, then asked incredulously.
Feren's reaction was even more direct. Its wooden ball body spun up quickly, as if it was constantly observing the abnormality of the surrounding space.
"It's not just us, but them...they...they, including all the planets, stars, or planets within your sight, as well as the intelligent creatures and primitive low-level life living on them. , Alien beasts and so on."
"Everything we see or can't see is just a small universe."
At this point, Totomi couldn't help laughing.
There is relief and sadness in his smile.
The silver dragon empire humans and crocodile people have always been ambitiously wanting to own more planets and want to explore farther starry sky.
Even everyone has been studying how to cross a long distance and leave the Moyun River system to see other river systems.
However, everything is just a joke, still a bad joke.
This is like a mayfly frog living in a well. It thinks that a huge well is its world.
It's just that it doesn't know it. Everything it thinks it owns is just a well in the back garden of the human garden.
"Why do you think so?"
Whether it's because of the importance of the "Tree God" or because he can't believe it, Price questioned indifferently.
"Yeah, you are talking nonsense. Totomi, do you know what you are talking about?"
Philen was not to be outdone. Although his stupid brain didn't understand too many things, he still adhered to Prius "the same enemy".
Totomi didn't answer them, it's just that when he looked at the two "Lingqis" that had always scared him, the undisguised mockery in his eyes almost made Price and Feren burst away on the spot.
"These are just your guesses? Or do you have evidence to prove it?"
The voice of "Tree God" calmed the two angry "Lingqi" quickly.
"Master Tree God, you mentioned a sentence just now, haven't you noticed any problems?"
The confirmed facts made Totomi's thoughts unable to calm down at all.
He didn't even realize that his words might have offended the "Tree God".
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