Chapter 2564: You have to thank him

"So, did you send the spaceship to Earth?"
Staring at the bright and moving Philomena in front of him, but with the icy Philomina who is thousands of miles away, Yun Hai slowly asked.
This time, Philomena responded directly, but nodded without hesitation.
"It's not that I am pedantic or the Virgin, the billions of human beings on the earth, a nascent civilization, do you see ants in the eyes of humans?"
After getting the answer he wanted, Yun Hai was silent for a moment, and finally couldn't help asking.
"The universe is so big that everyone knows it has boundaries but no one can get there."
"So, for lower civilizations, it is almost impossible to find or come into contact with other alien civilizations."
"But for advanced civilizations, the universe is full of various civilizations."
"Early civilizations such as human civilizations on Earth, there are so many in the universe that they are nothing at all."
"In our war between Yumeng and Zhoubang, civilizations like the earth are not counted. Who knows how much has been destroyed."
"Therefore, it is a normal choice to destroy human civilization on Earth and allow aliens to multiply and develop."
Philomena responded to Yun Hai with a calm expression and a soothing tone.
With a sigh in his heart, Yun Hai did not struggle with this issue anymore.
In fact, he knew very well that this was the universe, the real dark and universe.
The simplest example, the "Mogo Clan Crocodile Civilization" has been lucky to survive in the "small universe" for so many years.
Before there is no foreign enemy to discover the "small universe", they may be able to continue to multiply and develop, and even reach an advanced technological civilization someday.
However, "alien civilization" appeared in the "small universe". Compared with the "Silver Dragon Empire Human Civilization", it was obvious that the strong crocodile man was more suitable for the host of the alien, so the "mogo crocodile civilization" disappeared.
It is selfish and cruel to use to achieve one's own goals to destroy a civilization.
However, the real universe is so cruel.
At this moment, Yun Hai didn't even know his true identity.
After all, he is not sure whether he is a member of the "human civilization on earth", but he does not know whether he should seek revenge from Philomena.
"The Milky Way is the mother river system of the Lord of the Universe."
"Because of the greatness of the Lord of the Universe, the Milky Way is also being watched by more existences in our time."
"Especially before carrying out this time-crossing mission, through searching information and the narration of the Lord of the Universe, I have a more detailed understanding of more civilizations in the galaxy.
"Without our intervention, human civilization on Earth would be like this."
"The alien civilization in the galaxy that is closest to the human civilization on Earth is about 19 light-years away."
"That is an alien civilization, you can understand them as spore civilization."
"The original civilization is not sure if there are other civilizations in the universe, or where the nearest alien civilization is."
"But the human civilization on Earth made a fatal mistake. They sent an array of radio signals to the outer planet."
"I can't understand why a rudimentary civilization should do such a thing, exposing its position to an alien civilization. What a stupid decision this is."
"Finally, the Spore Civilization received the radio wave signal of Earth Civilization."
"Although the mother body has no way to interpret the meaning of those apparently regular radio waves, it does confirm the existence and location of earth civilization."
"So the mother body sent more than trillions of cysts in the direction of the earth in the next thousands of years."
"In the end, three cysts successfully reached the earth."
"Calculated by the time you have left the earth, it is probably that after 1,760 years, the earth human civilization, which is about to develop into an intermediate technological civilization, will eventually be destroyed by the spore civilization."
"So, whether we intervene or not, the earth civilization will not last long. Their destruction is already doomed when those radio signals are sent."
"Also, before the earth enters the end of the day, those electric wave signals have been transmitted."
Probably knowing what Yunhai was thinking, Philomena said slowly while remembering.
Her narration plunged Yun Hai into a long silence.
"Tell me about the Sarnagars, is there your time-traveler's intervention in their development process?"
No longer entangled in "earth human civilization", Yunhai changed the topic again.
"This question, in fact, we have been thinking about it."
"The Sarnagar is indeed a civilized race that cannot be ignored."
"Even in our era in the future, the Sarnagars will have a pivotal position in the state."
"More alien civilizations have been transformed by them, and they have become existences on the battlefield that can be consumed almost infinitely and have amazing combat power."
"To borrow a word from the Lord of the Universe, that is, without the existence of the Sarnagar Clan, our Universe might have been defeated by the Universe in the early stage, and there would be no chance of a comeback."
Philomena solemnly responded to Yun Hai.
"Also, Salturan is also very powerful."
"Using energy from the center of the universe to create a dark energy bead, and successfully absorbing a large dark energy bead, he has become one of the few super cosmic powers in Zhoubang."
After just finished speaking, Philomena seriously added another sentence.
Yunhai murmured, but in an instant he remembered this familiar name.
"Sartulan" is the one who stole the "Dark Energy Orb" from the "Sarnaga", and is also the first foreign wanted object of the "Sarnaga" in history.
"The dark energy beads you gave me have something to do with him?"
Thinking of something sensitively, Yunhai asked immediately.
"Earth human civilization itself is also one of the lives that Sarturan and the others spread around the universe at that time."
"After Sartulan stole the dark energy orb from the clan, he was still very weak at that time, and he didn't dare to try to absorb a larger dark energy orb, but merged with a smaller one."
"But that was enough. After he became stronger, when he wanted to return to the Sarnagar clan, he found that his mother civilization had been wiped out by the Zerg clan."
"He alone cannot destroy the Zerg."
"So, Salturan endured it, and started his wandering in the universe."
"During this process, he was very visionary and left some dark energy beads in different river systems and galaxies."
"The tiny dark energy bead that you merged on the earth was left by Salturan."
"Also, the small dark energy bead you just merged again, I believe he left it too."
"I don't know how you found the second Dark Energy Orb, whether it was destined in the dark or Sarturan's arrangement. Anyway, you have to thank him."
The clear eyes shone with an inexplicable brilliance, and Firmina looked at the sea of ​​clouds and whispered.
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