Chapter 2565: Why us

The name was repeated again, but Yunhai did not pick up Philomena's words.
In the universe, there is no love without a reason, nor hatred without a reason.
Why did Salturan leave a "dark energy bead" on the "earth", including a giant instrument and another "dark energy bead" in the core of that planet, Yunhai didn't know.
But he can imagine that Salturan did not do this for himself, because when he did this, he might not exist in the universe.
"Do you still have any questions?"
"If not, I want to rest for a while."
"Apollo's strength is not bad, especially he can get more energy from different planets, which can be integrated with the planet. He is also the fastest recovery of the strength of our three time walkers."
"Killing him has already caused me some injuries, and then under the instant violent energy impact of the Dark Energy Orb, my injury may be more serious than I first expected."
Without giving Yunhai too much time to think, Philomena is not true or false, but she has issued an order to dismiss her.
"The last question. Nolan said earlier that she and Apollo would not have appeared. It was only because the development of things seemed to be beyond your control, so Yunye and Earth consciousness appeared."
"I want to know, what is the state of Nolan's so-called out of control? Even if I don't want to be controlled by anyone or any civilization."
Naturally, Philomena would not be easily dismissed by a word, even if she was telling the truth, Yun Hai did not leave but asked again.
"Intelligent micro civilization."
"No matter how perfect the plan is, there will be flaws, and no matter how smooth we have paved, there may be a low-lying place."
"The emergence of intelligent micro-civilization and Ganuo is beyond our expectations."
"We didn't even expect that it would treat you as a fallen person from the Sarnagar."
"Aliens dominate. The rise of any powerful civilization, especially alien civilizations, has no tricks at all."
"You are not like a technological civilization. You can learn from the technological trees of other civilizations to develop your own technology."
"The alien civilization is completely different from the technological civilization, and even different from other alien civilizations."
"The intervention of other civilizations will only affect your own evolution."
"Although the emergence of intelligent micro-civilization has given aliens more hosts, they can become stronger faster."
"But it's only powerful in numbers, and no matter how many you aliens, you will never be able to compare with the Zerg."
"Once there is no host to parasite, you will fall into an absolute embarrassment."
"Such alien civilization is a deformed civilization, and if such alien civilization develops, it will only become more and more distant from the Zerg."
"So intelligent micro-civilizations are not helping you. To a certain extent, they are harming you."
As her watery eyes stared at the sea of ​​clouds, Philomena said slowly in an unusually solemn tone.
"That's it."
Yun Hai suddenly realized, and then fell into deep contemplation.
"I know that the host is very important for your alien civilization at this stage."
"Without a host, or without an excellent host, it is difficult for alien civilization to develop."
"However, you will never be able to suppress the Zerg in terms of numbers."
"As long as there are planets in the universe, they can breed more insects at a terrifying rate."
"Quantity cannot be suppressed, and you don't have much advantage in quality."
"Although the alien is stronger than the Zerg, how many insects can one alien kill? No matter how powerful the alien is, it will eventually be overwhelmed by the insect tide..."
Philomena spoke slowly.
"Then why do you choose alien civilization?"
"According to your statement, the technological civilization or the suppression of the Zerg is stronger. As long as they have the technological power far beyond the level of the Zerg civilization, it may be very simple to eliminate the Zerg."
The sea of ​​clouds, who was thinking, suddenly interrupted Philomena's narration.
"Your idea is correct."
"Indeed, in our future, there is nothing terrifying about civilizations like the Zerg."
"Often they are used as cannon fodder in some regional wars."
"But at this point in time, the Zerg is an almost invincible civilization."
"Don't say that only a few of us can lead a certain technological civilization to the technological level of our time, even if we have this ability."
"For example, we can not be affected by the turbulence of time and space, and bring some complete technology tree information storage units to this point in time. Even if we find a more advanced technology civilization, they will get our technology tree. Can it evolve and grow to a level of technological civilization comparable to our era?"
"The advancement of science and technology is a gradual process."
"Just like the earth civilization you are familiar with, when they find a more primitive humanoid civilization, they may be able to help them enter the technological age, but if there is no more support, such as the support of resources and materials, you think they can Can you build aircraft cannons and aircraft carrier warships in a short time?"
Philomena stared at the sea of ​​clouds and explained as carefully as possible.
"So, why is alien civilization? Why are we?"
Yun Hai still didn't give up his own question, and asked persistently.
"If I had a choice, I would definitely choose the Zerg Clan, not you."
"Unfortunately, Yumeng arrived here before us. In order not to directly interfere with the present as much as possible, we can no longer fight for the Zerg."
"Alien civilization is a decision made by our three time travellers after a long discussion."
Although the eviction order had been issued, Philomena did not show any impatient expression in the face of Yunhai's persistence.
Yunhai is completely a frame that breaks the casserole and asks the end.
"Compared to other civilizations, Alien has more potential."
"They have the same adaptability and evolution as the Zerg. If the alien has enough time to evolve and grow, we believe that the alien civilization will not be inferior to the Zerg or even surpass them."
Philomena responded calmly.
"I never doubted this."
"But first, we must determine everything, that is, the growth and evolution of alien civilizations must be completed according to your instincts."
"In other words, you have to rely more on yourself instead of relying too much on other civilizations."
"The ready-made host that will never end up parasitic, the alien army dormant on different planets and star regions boringly, under such circumstances, alien civilization is impossible to grow."
Just now, Philomena solemnly added another sentence.
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