Chapter 714: Silent contest

When the endless sea water surrounded the medical cabin, although Alice soaked in the nutrient solution wanted to faint, the nutrient solution rich in oxygen not only provided her with the necessary conditions for survival, but also made her more energetic.
Just thinking that she had found some key points, Alice even felt annoyed that she was thumping her chest.
She felt that she was wasting too much time. She shouldn't just be in a daze these days, she could do something else.
But the facts told her ruthlessly that even if Alien received an order not to kill her, these cunning guys might have hundreds of ways to deal with themselves.
And what makes Alice more palpitations is the alien learning ability.
The Crocodile’s medical cabin, Yunhai and Alice have all operated.
After all, no one can guarantee that he will never be injured, even if Yun Hai is not sure that he is a human, he can still be treated by the Crocodile Man's medical cabin.
At that time, there was a bunch of aliens watching, but Alice could not expect that these guys remembered how the medical cabin was operated, even if there were only a few simple actions.
Alice did not know how strong Alien's learning ability is.
But when she was dragged into the deep sea by the alien at this time, she was in an absolutely safe medical cabin, but she could feel it.
"Maybe one day, these guys will drive warships across the universe, it will not be impossible..."
This thought flashed through her mind, and Alice couldn't help but get excited.
The perfect combination of technology and alien animal civilization, what a terrible existence this is.
When the sunlight passing through the sea was finally completely obscured by the deep seawater, Alice, who was surrounded by nutrient solution, surrounded by seawater and also surrounded by fear, even forgot to think about why aliens chose to pour into the deep sea in patches. .
As Alice sank into the deep sea, on another continent of Blue Star, the neighing sound of alien beasts resounded violently in the void like muffled thunder.
Below it, on the distant horizon, a black line quickly approached.
Gradually, from the horizon to the front, the flood-like shadow finally revealed his body.
If a human or crocodile saw this scene at this time, he or they would definitely have cold hands and feet.
I don't know the aliens of tens of millions, galloping on the ground.
The smallest messenger alien looks even thinner than the crocodile, and the largest guard alien is like a giant ship moving on the ground.
From under the alien animals to the distant horizon, plains, mountains, rivers, lakes, black alien torrents cover everything.
There is only one color left in the world, and that is black.
There was only one creature left in the entire land, and that was alien.
The alien beast alien uttered a thunderous roar again.
The response to it seems to come from the planet.
The ravaged Blue Star, a roar like a raging wave came from the thick underground.
But in an instant, the whole land collapsed, and a bottomless cave suddenly appeared.
The size of the hole is large enough to accommodate a cruiser to go in. Perhaps only the person with the best sight can vaguely see the rushing underground river deep in the bottom.
I don't know how many alien shapes with sharp claws and extremely narrow skulls have their heads protruding from the edge of the cave. They have completed any of them before turning around and disappearing into the deep cave without waiting for the spectacular and terrifying black torrent to come.
One by one, one by one, the aliens rushed into the huge hole, and the alien beasts shook the huge skull as if they were patrolling the entire land.
Then, after another low hiss, its huge body suddenly lifted into the air and flew up toward the endless sky.
In a short time, the alien beast and alien got rid of the blue star's gravity and reached the dark side of the outer space blue star.
Containing his figure, floating in the dark universe, the alien beast and alien did not rush to leave.
Its skull is slightly on the side, as if looking at the distant starry sky with nonexistent eyes.
In fact, in this distance, the alien beasts and aliens cannot "see" nor feel the existence of anything.
But Alien Beast and Alien knew that in that direction, there were two fleets stationed at the edge of the Orr galaxy.
In the past few days, several reconnaissance ships of varying numbers will fly over almost every time, and after flying around the Blue Star, they will leave quickly.
Of course, when these reconnaissance ships leave, they will also drop many detectors in different orbits of Blue Star.
It just didn’t give the detector too much time for peeping. The evolutionary aliens who are also curled up and hidden in the blue star trash belt, as long as they feel the signal fluctuations sent by the detector, they will become sharp in the shortest time. The lightning completely smashed the detector.
The debris from the battleship explosion, coupled with meteorites and other materials, is not an exaggeration to say that the Blue Star is now a garbage dump.
There are three thousand evolutionary aliens hiding in this junkyard. They did not attack the reconnaissance ship approaching the Blue Star, and the reconnaissance ship did not get too close to the Blue Star, and was still maintaining the maximum conventional speed and ability. Only when it enters the speed of light at any time, the inspection mission to Bluestar will be launched.
Throw a detector, and I will destroy one.
You throw a hundred detectors, I'm a big deal to move a few more times.
The reconnaissance ship does not give the aliens lurking in the garbage zone the opportunity to attack, and the aliens do not give some people the chance to spy on the Blue Star for a long time.
You come to me, this silent struggle has been going on for three days.
In these three days, none of the aliens tried to leave the junkyard in Blue Star orbit, nor did any reconnaissance ship tried to enter the Blue Star’s atmosphere.
However, no matter the aliens lurking in the garbage dump, or the humans and crocodiles who perform tasks in different reconnaissance ships, they all know each other that the real war is coming soon.
When the combined fleet clears the danger along the way, countless warships will eventually advance to Blue Star.
Of course, maybe after receiving the new command to dominate, the alien may march directly towards the Orr galaxy, where it will start a life and death battle with the combined fleet.
Intuitively this day will not be too late. After a moment of silence on the dark side of Blue Star, the alien beast and alien immediately stretched his body and flew quickly in the other direction.
It also has other tasks to complete.
Scattered throughout the Orr star system and two adjacent galaxies to protect the evolutionary aliens of the alien queen, one is in charge of Yunyue, and the other needs it to convene.
The most important task of the Alien Beast and Alien at this time is to go to the Green Star to connect with the first generation queen, and then take it to a safe enough planet to hide it.
Any alien can have an accident, but the first queen can't.
Although Yunhai has absorbed the reproduction ability of the first generation queen, before the real "experiment" is confirmed, the only one who can give birth to the queen worm is the first generation queen.
These, will it change with the evolution of other alien queens?
No one can be sure of this yet, so before the outbreak of the wars among the three different civilizations of humans, crocodiles, and aliens, ensuring the safety of the first generation queen is the most concerned issue of the sea of ​​clouds and alien beasts.
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