Chapter 715: Angry Zhihan

When the alien beast and alien rushed to Green Star, Yunhai was not idle.
Because the assault ship was too obvious in size, it was close to the edge of the Orr galaxy a long time ago. After Zhihan set the parameters of the course coordinates, it flew towards the planetary ring of the gas giant Londo.
It was just an assault ship. Compared to the spectacular and vast planetary ring of the gas giant Londo, it was more like a dust in the universe.
Taking advantage of the fact that the combined fleet had just entered the Orr star system, and the reconnaissance network established by the massive number of disseminated probes had not yet been completed, the three Yunhai sneaked into the Orr star system and returned to the planet Troy.
The ability of the Cerebral Worm's alien shape shines brightly on Yunhai.
Although up to now, he has not been able to instantly convey his consciousness to all the alien brains in the entire Orr star system, but if the entire Orr star system is compared to a thick-skinned bun, at least he The idea of ​​??can be passed freely in the whole filling.
Therefore, even if hiding in the Troy planet, the sea of ​​clouds can transmit their commands to the minds of almost every alien in this star system.
The alien reaction was more perfect than Yun Hai imagined.
For example, the Mohe star at the edge of the Orr star system, the outer space has been occupied by the infinite warship, and the number of aliens is very smart.
They did not foolishly wait for the enemy's landing and attack on the surface of the planet, but after sensing the approach of the fleet, they immediately hid in the countless mines extending in all directions under Mohe Star.
That's right, these aliens, who were not even led and controlled by the alien queen, made this decision autonomously.
Therefore, even if the black combined fleet enveloped the outer space of Mohe Star, even if there were a large number of warships, fighters and even Marines landing on Mohe Star at all times.
At least until now, apart from the aliens on this planet that were killed when they were exploded by the nuclear fission bomb, this number was nothing compared to the entire group.
This phenomenon gave Yunhai a certain inspiration.
His order was quickly transmitted to all the alien planets in the Orr star system.
Not only the ground, but also the ocean.
The terrifying number of aliens can find perfect hiding places, and these places must be environments where humans and crocodiles don't use combat.
Even worried that the coalition army would not dare to enter the unpredictable ocean, the sea of ​​clouds deliberately let the aliens burrow underground caves, rivers and even volcanoes on the surface of different planets.
Countless aliens will stay quietly in those dangerous environments, waiting for the entry of the coalition army.
In Yunhai's view, this decision was perfect.
Even when he proposed it, Yunyue and Zhihan agreed.
It's just that Yun Hai, who has no military talent for war strategy, doesn't know the biggest drawback of his decision.
By doing this, he really avoided the heavy damage that the alien could not avoid in the early days of the war.
His decision is enough to save hundreds of millions of alien lives now.
Similarly, this method of his is also indirectly forcing the joint fleet to change the original combat method.
Destroying one or more planets will definitely cause a series of uncontrollable chain reactions.
Therefore, the combined fleet will never easily use the "destroying" class of terrorist weapons capable of destroying planets.
However, Yunhai overlooked one point, that is, the level 3 technological civilization can make a nuclear bomb possess the terrifying power of "destroying the stars." Then they can also accurately adjust the equivalent of nuclear fission giant bombs to avoid destroying a planet as much as possible. In case, kill all the creatures above.
Even though, this creature is an alien that is hardly affected by the environment.
Of course, the premise is that the United Fleet can have this determination-even if the Orr galaxy is turned into a ruin that is no longer suitable for living and development, it cannot let go of an alien.
"how about it?"
Not knowing that he had made a decision that was not a mistake but not smart enough, Yun Hai finally couldn't help asking before his patience was about to be completely consumed.
The expression was a little awkward, perhaps anxious.
Zhi Han leaned forward slightly, his clear eyes staring nervously at the "artificial intelligence super brain" floating in front of him.
Still in the form of a watch, on its light screen, rows of dazzling characters are beating rapidly.
At the corner of the light screen, the indicator light representing the energy storage capacity still flashes a faint red light at a frequency of once every three seconds.
Below the watch, including in front of Yunhai and others, boxes of energy sources pile up like a mountain.
"The self-test did not find any problems, but I don't know why it is still not charging. Why should I restart it again?"
Sweat oozes from his smooth forehead. When the scrolling characters disappeared, Zhihan said in a dry voice when he looked at the graphic sign in the center of the light screen representing that energy is about to run out.
"This is the sixth time you have said this."
It is not only Yunhai who is impatient, Yunyue has long been unable to hold back, and she was irritated and walked a few steps back and forth, looked at Yunhai and said: "It seems that this thing is not counted on. In the end, we have to rely on ourselves. Why? Okay, let's go?"
"Go? What are you going to do?"
Knowing that what is needed now is absolute calmness, but Yun Hai still can't control his anxiety.
"Can't solve the problem of the energy shield, even if we approach the fleet at a heavy price, what can we do?"
"A mothership has forced me and the alien beasts and aliens to be at a loss, but now there are two of them outside the Mohe star."
"And once we start the attack, I believe that more warships stationed on the periphery will outflank it, and then we will face four motherships and more cruisers."
"Under the endless artillery fire, neither the alien beasts and aliens can last long, let alone other aliens."
"Evolutionary Alien has been hit hard, and we have lost the capital to fight the fleet in space. I cannot afford this loss."
Yun Hai's gaze was locked tightly on the watch that was not as big as his palm, and the more he said it, the more irritable.
"Last time, Qi Fei and I also visited this underground military storage center. I also saw him charge this stuff. Others are not as troublesome as you."
Upon hearing Yun Hai say this, Yun Yue shrank her neck and looked away, but she said irritably while looking at Zhi Han.
"Qi Fei..."
Hearing Yunyue's words, before Zhihan could respond, Yun Hai's heart suddenly moved.
"You artificial intelligence super brain, have Qi Fei ever come into contact with it?"
Looking at Zhi Han who looked more anxious than himself, Yun Hai asked in a deep voice.
Slightly startled, Zhi Han frowned lightly and thought for a moment.
Her expression changed, an unstoppable anger floated to her cheeks, Zhihan nodded, and on the apron a hundred meters away behind her, a small transport plane quietly stopped seemed to feel her Extreme anger, trembling violently.
But within three seconds, I don't know if it was a malfunction or some other reason, the transport ship that had been parked here for some years disintegrated with a bang.
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