Chapter 779: Great Sword Spaceship

For a time, the empty starry sky was full of dense light spots.
Of course, this is just a visual effect within a certain distance.
The empty starry sky of the universe, even the starry sky of a small astronomical unit, no civilization can say that it can be covered with spaceships and warships.
These light spots are all small battleships cast by spaceships shaped like giant swords.
Said it is a small battleship, it is also relative to their giant main ship.
In fact, these warships are not small, each of them exceeds the size of the assault ships of the Silver Dragon Empire and the Crocodile Man.
Dispersed in the shortest time, and many small warships began to emit energy fluctuations.
A very small part of it flew to the starry sky where the giant sword spaceship rushed over.
There were also nearly a thousand small warships flying back quickly, enclosing a pink planet without an atmosphere from outer space.
The same signal fluctuations began to be transmitted by different signal frequencies back to the giant ship that was quietly suspended.
From time to time there are still several bursts of energy sparks exploding and flashing. In the parts of the huge ship damaged by the impact, densely packed octopus-like maintenance machinery is busy.
On the surface of the battleship, cracks or holes were blown out in some places.
These maintenance machines, which are about the size of a human adult, are not simply repairing loopholes.
Several mechanical tentacles about three meters long for each maintenance machine carry pieces of silver-white metal.
Flying over the cracks that were blown out on the hull, these maintenance machines began to observe carefully.
Large and small wounds and fissures are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.
When the maintenance machinery carefully placed the silver-white metal blocks of different sizes in the cracks and holes in the ship's hull, a magical scene appeared.
The solid and hard metal block turned into liquid in an instant when the mechanical arm of the maintenance machine was shining brightly.
As if it had life, the mercury-like liquid metal perfectly combined with the cracks of the ship hull, and then it cooled down and turned into an icy black.
However, as soon as it cooled down, another piece of metal that was put down by another maintenance machine turned into mercury and clung to it.
Millions of maintenance machines are just so methodically repairing damaged warships.
However, the hull that directly collided with the shallow layer of the planet's surface did not show pits or cracks, but some corners and corners were seriously distorted.
These parts are slowly repairing themselves.
Some parts of the twisted hull recovered almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.
This weird scene is like a spaceship like a huge sword, like a creature with life.
If the Silver Dragon Empire saw this scene, it would be horrified.
Similar "nanotechnology" was also adopted by the warships of the Silver Dragon Empire.
However, the repair speed of the "Nano-Mechanical Worm" for the battleship is too slow and too slow.
That kind of restoration has almost no effect in the fierce battle.
Of course, the limitations of technology are still doomed.
If the Silver Dragon Empire were to see such a huge battleship and use the similar "nanotechnology" that they had long abandoned to repair the battleship, and the speed was so fast, they would definitely drop their jaws.
But if you change to Zhihan or Qi Fei to see this scene, it will definitely not be surprising.
He or she would only lament that in this technology, the civilization to which the giant sword spaceship belongs, although not comparable to their home planet civilization, the gap is not too great.
This is the gap in the level of science and technology. The humans on earth were shocked by the silver dragon empire, and if the silver dragon empire saw the technological level of this huge ship, they would also become primitive and backward people on the earth in their eyes.
The external restoration of the Great Sword spacecraft has been ongoing, and the internal restoration has also been ongoing.
Compared to the trauma caused by external impacts and explosions, the damage to the interior of the giant sword spacecraft is almost negligible.
Inside the spacecraft at the tip of the sword is the "battleship zone."
Said to be the tip of the sword, it is also relative to the shape of the entire hull.
In fact, its thickness reaches tens of kilometers.
The spacious "battleship area" is full of giant honeycomb-like mechanical towers.
In each bee’s eyes, there are several warships fixed by the robotic arms-the number of warships depends on their size. Obviously, like the Silver Dragon Empire and the Moge Clan’s classification and definition of warships, this civilization also has different uses and sizes. Battleship.
There is a transmission channel at the bottom of the honeycomb as high as several kilometers.
There are also different transmission channels connected between different beehives and height differences. They ensure that when a war breaks out, all warship pilots can enter the beehive in the shortest time.
Of course, there are more than 100,000 warship pilots on standby in the battleship zone at all times.
In the event of an emergency, the warship will move quickly and efficiently.
The battleship area occupies about one-tenth of the entire spacecraft. It sounds like this proportion is not high, but the dense giant honeycomb buildings ensure the number of large and small warships owned by the spacecraft.
The battleship area is inward, and there is very little human activity. It is just a huge dock.
The huge open area in the shape of a rectangle is full of huge mechanical arms beyond imagination.
Battleships similar to the size of the Silver Dragon Empire assault ship were squeezed and sent around in the "hands" of these robotic arms.
Energy electric fireworks arc four lows. In a corner of the "dock area", a giant energy furnace is constantly devouring various shapes of metal utensils, from metal utensils similar to pots and pans to vehicles such as floating cars. Even the warships, large and small, cut apart by the energy beam, were all swallowed by the high-temperature energy furnace.
The processing area for the construction of living utensils only occupies a small part, and more of them are the large and small battleships being manufactured.
The figures of intelligent creatures are rarely seen, except for a few figures in the high-rise buildings like the central tower of the "dock area", all of which maintain the operation of the "dock area" have certain combat capabilities and can also perform maintenance , Clean and constructed "mechanical octopus".
Behind the "dock area", separated by a heavy metal wall, is a dreamlike area.
Unlike the dock area and the battleship area, the ecological environment there is extremely harsh. Although it can guarantee survival, it will never be comfortable.
After the "dock area", it was different, it was a dreamlike countryside.
The huge space is evenly divided into countless layers.
The powerful gravity technology makes each layer look like a continent floating in the void.
Black soil, green gravel, purple liquid...
Different plants are planted on different "continents".
Colorful and weird in shape, each "continent" is like an independent pastoral world, and there are so many "continents" stacked on top of each other, which is extremely spectacular.
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