Chapter 780: One cabin one world

There are plant-like plants that are more than ten meters high, and the fruit the size of a human adult's fist is clustered together and overgrown with the whole plant.
There are about half a meter of golden yellow plants, and the heavy fruits hang completely on the ground.
Pink and green.
Red and purple.
Plants of various colors are distributed on different "continents", and each continent has a different ecological environment. There are even some mechanical insects the size of fingernails flying, taking on the mission of spreading pollen or other missions.
Suspended machinery and agricultural tools are busy under the light of artificial stars on each continent, some are harvesting and some are sowing.
There are mature plants being harvested on every continent. The fruits are shelled and poured into the pipes bordering the metal hull of the "continent" and sent directly to the processing plant, and the remaining plants are either still The second crop of fruit is grown, or it is harvested by mechanical farm tools and sent into different pipes.
The difference in class is doomed to the different treatment of intelligent creatures.
The fruit will be processed into a variety of delicious food and delivered to the upper class.
The trunk of the plant will also be processed, and the delicious ones will still belong to the upper layer, while the ones with no taste and nutrition will be added with various substances to make synthetic food.
Fortunately, this civilization has been wandering in the universe for a long, long time. They have found foods that are most suitable for them and have a very short growth cycle from too many galaxies and planets. Together with their advanced biological gene technology, they have accommodated the giant ship of the entire civilization. People in China will not worry about diet.
In fact, the technology of this civilization is already very advanced. As long as the taste is not considered, they can even extract different substances from a gas giant planet to synthesize the "food" necessary for their survival.
At the bottom of the stacked "mainland", there are six "underground" structures.
Each "underground" structure also has an independent ecosystem.
The most reproductive, vigorous, and nutritious "animals" found from thirty-two different civilizations are scattered in six "underground" structures.
Of course, the "animals" in the cognition of this civilization are different from the human beings on earth, and also different from the human beings in Yinlong.
Their definition of "animal" or "carnivorous organism" has nothing to do with wisdom.
In this regard, they are somewhat similar to the Mogo crocodile.
There are some crocodile people in the Mogo tribe. They believe that they will gain their wisdom by swallowing humans. Therefore, it is not unusual for the Mogo tribe to keep humans in captivity to enjoy their flesh and blood.
This civilization is like this. Among the creatures that are kept in their captivity, there are "animals" with low intelligence, and there are also intelligent creatures that have had a magnificent history of civilization.
It's just that they, or they, because of their uniqueness in fertility or vitality, and the taste of flesh and blood, have been raised in captivity and become food on the table of this civilization.
The heavy and cold hull, the vibrant "continent", the lifeless but crowded "captive land".
All this formed a seemingly strong contrast, but it also revealed a strange harmony.
To the position of "sword hilt", it becomes another world.
It is completely a city. The spacious cabins are full of twisted and irregular honeycomb-like giant buildings. Obviously, this kind of building can accommodate more "people" while saving as much space as possible.
Above the city, there is an artificial star suspended on the artificial sky, and there are even clouds and lightning.
On the criss-cross streets of a large number of buildings, many suspended vehicles are flying on the ground or in mid-air depending on different heights.
There are also some large light curtains flickering, and weird lights and characters flash alternately.
On one side of the city, there is even an artificial ocean.
Under the influence of artificial gravity devices, there are even waves on the ocean.
There are giant creatures jumping up from time to time in the sea, and unknown creatures flying in the sky.
Mountains, lakes.
Forest, grassland.
Although the mountains and lakes are relatively small compared to crowded cities, there are everything.
This cabin is completely a perfect ecosystem, a crowded city where leisure, hustle and quiet coexist.
Moving forward from the residential area is the storage area.
There are mountains of food, neatly placed metals, including precious energy and elements, everything.
Starting from the storage area, it is a military restricted area.
In this civilization where all the people are soldiers, apart from the limited upper strata, the residential area is the area where they can only move in their lifetime.
The power engine center, the energy reactor, the research and experiment base, etc., further forward is the control center of the battleship.
At this moment, the huge control center of the battleship was filled with tension.
Strange creatures were sitting in the conference center in the corner of the control center, half of the arena-like seats, full of seats.
The height of these strange creatures is about one meter three, and the heads of these strange creatures are flat and long.
No grass grows on the bald, keratinized head.
In the very center of the forehead, there is a green eye.
A row of tiny holes grows under the eyes, and as they breathe, black hairs are faintly visible in the tiny holes vibrating.
The mouth looks very small, but when they open their mouths, they will split open, and a few tiny pink tentacles tremble in front of their sharp teeth, looking terrifying and disgusting.
Their bodies are very thin, with a pair of forelimbs thin and long, but their six fingers look particularly flexible.
From the waist down is a pair of big hips. In this regard, they are very similar to humans. The hind limbs or lower limbs are extraordinarily strong.
There are no creatures of any other shape, and the people who are being urgently summoned to stand at the top of all areas of this civilization are exactly the same.
Obviously, this is an extremely xenophobic civilization.
In the endless wandering life, they have plundered a total of 32 different civilizations. They can draw the essence and plunder resources from different civilizations, but they will not accept the integration of other intelligent creatures.
Creatures on other planets, in their eyes, the only thing that can be accepted is perhaps that they become delicious food when they are raised in captivity.
There are hundreds of creatures sitting on the conference table, and in front of them, there are three creatures sitting on a chair suspended in the air.
Intense discussions and weird syllables flooded the huge conference center.
When the control center transmitted the calculation results to the conference center, the three-dimensional projections in front of the three creatures clearly marked the distance, and the noisy conference center suddenly became quiet.
But it was only a momentary silence. In the next second, some excited creatures even jumped up, using their portable devices to project the starry sky light and shadow images, expressing fiercely.
Where there are expressions, there are disputes. The conference center has become like a vegetable market on the earth. For unknown reasons, two creatures even fought together in the process of fierce debate. (.)
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