Chapter 1792: Empty town

Doubled the journey time means that they can no longer maintain the normal way of driving during the day and sleeping at night as before. Instead, the three drivers, Felton Bailing and Lincheng, alternate shifts and drive 24 hours a day. In this way, if you are on the mainland, Lin Cheng will not choose anything, because unexpected events may happen at any time on the mainland, but you can give it a try on this sparsely populated island. After all, according to Bai The information in the Ling Note records that the island is not only sparsely populated, but even the overall number of wild animals is not many due to the climate. As long as they are not too lucky, the probability of encountering emergencies is very low.
However, Lin Cheng didn’t believe in the luck of his people, so even if he knew this, he still hesitated at first. Considering that they had wasted too much time on the continent of Eros, he I don't want to continue wasting time for nothing, so I decided to compress the route in the end.
After confirming that three shifts fell to the ground for a 24-hour uninterrupted drive, it was already evening, so Bai Ling and Felton had time to rest. Lin Cheng stopped talking, and did not pass the time by listening to songs while everyone was resting as usual. , But sitting in the driving seat while driving while being alert to the wind and grass ahead.
In this way, he drove the car in the middle of the night intently. At about three in the morning, Bai Ling in the co-pilot finally woke up. Seeing that Lin Cheng was staring at the snowy road ahead with his big eyes, he rubbed his eyes and asked: Clicked?"
"Three points and one."
Hearing this, Lin Cheng glanced at her for a while, then retracted his eyes, and replied while continuing to concentrate on driving.
"I slept for so long!"
Bai Ling fell asleep at about 6 o'clock in the evening. Normally, she would wake up at about 12 o'clock, but due to the physical energy consumed in the previous battle, she slept for a long time. Hearing this, he immediately lifted his spirits, and said quickly: "Then let me drive, you should take a break."
With that, he pulled down his seat belt and signaled Lin Cheng to stop.
After driving attentively for nearly ten hours, Lin Cheng was actually a little tired, so he didn’t say anything. Yiyan slowly stopped the off-road vehicle, exchanged seats with Bai Ling, and confirmed with her that the route was okay. Then he fell asleep.
Time passed quickly in his sleep. As the seat under his hips shook, Lin Cheng woke up from his dream leisurely, opened his eyes and saw that there was already a large amount of time outside, sitting next to him in the driving seat. The person has also been replaced by Felton.
After discovering that Felton was driving, he subconsciously raised his wrist to check the time, only to find that he had only slept for less than six hours in this sleep. He frowned and asked, "Where is Bai Ling?"
While asking, he turned his head and looked back, only to find that Bai Ling was sitting on the seat with his arms folded, looking at him helplessly.
After seeing the look on her face, Lin Cheng immediately understood. It is estimated that Felton woke up not long after Bai Ling woke up. Although Felton can't speak, he is very stubborn. Yes, from the beginning when Lin Cheng said that he would drive in three shifts, he expressed different opinions, because he thought he was completely capable of driving alone. Lin Cheng and Bai Ling did not need to change shifts with him at all, only the old man Just sit down and recharge your energy.
After that, Lin Cheng did his job well, but he didn’t want to wake up Felton to take over the work of driving. He couldn’t help but shook his head helplessly and said nothing, Chaobai After Ling shrugged, he leaned back on his seat and continued to close his eyes and rest.
On the road afterwards, Lincheng’s three-shift plan could be regarded as a complete failure. For a distance of more than 900 kilometers, he forcibly drove nearly 700 kilometers by himself. The key is to drive for so long. He did not see fatigue on his face. Obviously, the long-distance driving experience on the Eros continent has allowed him to completely evolve into a qualified old driver. Lin Cheng and Bai Ling didn't know what to say about this, so he just left him alone.
After three days of continuous rushing, at noon on the third day, they finally arrived at a small town that looked slightly shabby.
The buildings in this small town basically continued the style of the Eros continent, but looked a little bleak under the devastation of the end times. After Lin Cheng took everyone to park the car outside the town, he walked into the town.
After wandering around the town for a while, the Lincheng team, who did not meet a living person, returned to the off-road vehicle with disappointment. They originally planned to take a rest in this town and find someone to inquire about the situation in Suharin. Now it is in vain.
But they didn’t get nothing at all. Everyone in Lincheng Team has always maintained a habit, that is, wherever they go, the first thing they do is to search for supplies, but they have been searching in this small town for so long. A living person did not meet, and no materials were found. This can only explain one thing. There must be a living person in this town before, but later they all left without knowing what happened. I took away everything I could eat.
The survivors were not found and no supplies were found. Although Lincheng and his team were a bit disappointed, they were accustomed to this situation. After returning to the off-road vehicle to sit down, Lin Cheng stepped on the accelerator and drove the off-road vehicle into the small In the town, I plan to go straight through the town and continue towards the direction of Sukharin City.
Just when the off-road vehicle drove to a crossroad in the middle of the a deafening roar suddenly came from a dense forest next to the town, and the huge roar shook the snow on the roofs of surrounding buildings. It kept spilling, and even the windows of the off-road vehicle were shaken!
Listening to this troublesome beast roar, everyone in Lincheng in the car hadn't recovered yet, but they heard a muffled sound, and suddenly there was a violent vibration on the ground covered by snow!
"What's the situation?"
The huge roar of the beast coupled with the vibration from the ground at this time made everyone in the car look bewildered. They didn't know what was going on, but they knew one thing. They could make such a big battle with just one roar. The guys are by no means a good stubborn. When they don't know anything about the town, they'd better leave as soon as possible!
Just leave, worrying that dragging the whole town down will be destroyed by this monster and unable to leave. Lin Cheng no longer cares about the weird forest and the unknown monster that roars loudly. He slams on the accelerator and stands off-road. The car sprinted away from the town!
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