Chapter 1793: ‘Iron Head Skill’!

But before the off-road vehicle rushed far, a series of vibrations came from the ground again. Lin Cheng, who was in charge of driving, originally wanted to ignore these conditions and rush out of the town, but found that the vibrations from the ground became stronger and stronger. Something giant is rushing towards them at an extremely fast speed!
Realizing that if they continue like this, they may be overtaken by the monsters behind them before they rush out of the town. Lin Cheng glanced at Bai Ling on the co-pilot. After seeing her nodding, he slammed on the brakes and listened. With a sound, the off-road vehicle slid forward for a long distance on the snow and barely stopped, but everyone in the vehicle pushed the door and rushed out the moment the off-road vehicle stopped!
Quickly press the button under the door handle to harvest the off-road vehicle into capsules. Before Lin Cheng could turn around after all this, Bai Ling suddenly shouted to him: "Be careful!"
While Bai Ling reminded Lin Cheng, Felton, who had rushed out of the car first, had disappeared. With a loud noise, Lin Cheng quickly turned around and saw Felton was standing next to him. In front of the giant brown bear, which is nearly twenty meters tall and looks like a small hill, two arms covered with metal gloves are tightly pressed against the giant bear's palm that is about to be swung down, and his feet are already deep. Submerged into the ground, it was obvious that the strength of the palm of the giant bear just now was a bit difficult even for a guy like Felton with an explosive defensive power.
"How could there be such a big mutant brown bear here?!"
After seeing that the culprit of all the turmoil just now turned out to be a mutant brown bear, Lin Cheng stared, his expression in shock!
The bear has encountered this thing more than once since he entered Oros, even once in China, so he thinks he still has a certain understanding of the destructive power of this large beast.
Generally speaking, even an ordinary adult brown bear without mutation can reach two or three meters in length, and weigh four to five hundred kilograms, with its hard claws that are more than ten centimeters long and Thick fur, in the wild, it can be said that there are no natural enemies. No matter what animal encounters it, it can only escape with its tail. Even most animals can't even escape, because this guy can reach a speed close to that under full running. 60 km/h, which is almost equivalent to the normal speed of a car on the road. At this speed, except for the animals that are naturally known for speed, most of the guys that are targeted by it will eventually There is only one ending, and that is to become a poor Chinese meal.
Lin Cheng encountered a mutated black bear when Hua Guo crossed the Phoenix Mountain. At that time, due to the arrival of the end of the world not long after, even Lin Cheng’s own capsule system had just risen to Lv.3, although the black bear After the mutation, the size has not changed very exaggerated, but the strength, defense and speed have been increased a lot, but even so, Lin Cheng spent a lot of effort to catch the black bear at the time, and even almost got caught. The villagers of Phoenix Village cut Hu, and since then he knew that if a beast like a bear meets again in the future, he can not provoke it or try not to provoke it. This ghost is extremely difficult to deal with. It's easy to fold yourself in by accident, and it's not worth it.
But after the appearance of this super-giant brown bear nearly twenty meters tall, he realized that the so-called mutant bears he had encountered before were nothing at all. The behemoth in front of him just moved it. The town trembles three times, and then thinks of the mutated brown bear whose defense and speed will be greatly enhanced. If you want to kill the opponent, I am afraid it will not be much easier than killing an eight-stage ability!
Looking at the giant brown bear who was battling Felton with a vigilant face, Lin Cheng whispered a warning to Bai Ling and Daisy on the side: "Be careful, the survivors in the town will probably leave with This guy has something to do. Even Felton almost slapped him into the ground just now. If we were slapped by it, we would have to peel off if we die!"
"I know!"
Hearing Lin Cheng’s reminder, Bai Ling nodded immediately. She knew the horror and destructive power of the mutant brown bear as well as Lin Cheng. Naturally, she wouldn’t hold it big. She waved her hand to signal Cola to take Daisy out of this area first, and then one step later One step slowly, he leaned towards Felton and the giant brown bear.
While Bai Ling acted, Lin Cheng also moved. As Felton was fighting against each other at this time, he was planning to use the ice thorn to carry out a sneak attack. He could only temporarily dispel this idea because he could not be sure that he was attacked. Will the latter giant brown bear run wild, and after it runs away, can Felton resist the opponent's devastating attack?
Just as Lin Cheng and Bai Ling were slowly surrounded by brown bears, Felton, who was competing with each other, suddenly heard the cracking sound of stones. Then, without waiting for Bai Ling and Lin Cheng rushed up, the impatient giant brown bear "roared", pressed his right palm down firmly to suppress Felton, and at the same time waved his left palm, "whooping" straight to Felton's head. Shoot!
"Be careful!"
Seeing that the giant bear's paw was about to slap Felton's head in the next second, Lin Cheng couldn't take care of the others anymore. While reminding Felton loudly, he screamed at the giant bear. Go!
Who Just when Lin Cheng was about to rush to the giant bear, Felton, whose head was only a few millimeters away from the giant bear’s left palm, was about to'close contact', suddenly bending over, extremely flexible The ground dodges the opponent's attack, and then he saw his arms relieved, his legs stuck in the ground slammed, the whole person suddenly turned into a human-shaped cannonball, and it pushed hard towards the belly of the giant bear. !
With a sound that sounded a little dull, Felton's head turned into a human-shaped cannonball slammed against the belly of the giant brown bear, and underneath his top, the small mountain-like body of the giant brown bear suddenly shook. The whole body dumped backwards uncontrollably!
"This is fine too?!"
Seeing Felton’s
Iron Head Skill
hit a giant black bear weighing at least three or four tons and swayed backwards, Lin Cheng’s shocked eyes became round. He hadn’t been before. I thought that Felton would evade the deadly attack of the opponent in such a crisis and also made a counterattack, not to mention that his apparently hastily counterattack turned out to be really shaken like a small bag. Giant brown bear, this extremely dramatic scene made him feel as if he was watching a magic movie...
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