: Section 689: The Really Deadly Weapon

As the dark shadows rushed towards Li Yuanhong, they kept shouting: "Master, we are here to save you."
If Li Yuanhong made a move at this time, he would definitely be injured by these blood slaves, and that vampire might not be able to kill, so Li Yuanhong would never do this loss-making business. So with a teleport, Li Yuanhong jumped out of the encirclement, and made a defensive posture against several dark shadows.
At this moment, the black shadows missed a hit and immediately blocked the vampire to prevent Li Yuanhong from attacking again.
Right in front of the team, Li Yuanhong recognized this blood slave, who was the comrade in arms of the logistics supervisor.
"I didn't expect you to come here to die!" the comrade-in-arms gritted his teeth.
"Do I have hatred with you? Why do you look at me with that kind of hatred?" Li Yuanhong asked with a beating face.
"Hmph, we became like this, it was all caused by you!"
When Li Yuanhong heard it, it seemed that these blood slaves and stories might be able to put some words out of their mouths, so he pretended to be puzzled and asked: "I caused it? Where do you start?"
"If it were not for the successive destruction of our Majesty Chen Huang's cause, we would not have been defeated all the way to the high mountains and mountains in the west, leaving many of our comrades dead in hunger and cold. And you will blame us for killing the skeleton mage , The rest of us were cursed with blood, turning into this kind of monster that recognizes or not, ghosts or ghosts..."
Just when the blood slave wanted to continue talking, the vampire behind him impatiently said: "You guys are still spending anything with him, kill him immediately!"
When the blood slaves heard this, they immediately shut up, raised their weapons, and rushed towards Li Yuanhong.
These blood slaves take longer than the logistics supervisor to become blood slaves, so these people are faster. If it were not for Li Yuanhong's true eye support, I am afraid that ordinary evolutionaries would be divided by these blood slaves when they meet. Dead.
Li Yuanhong attacked several blood slaves and always took a defensive position. It was not that Li Yuanhong didn't want to attack, but that his weapon was really bad. Once he met, he was knocked out by the opponent's weapon.
Li Yuanhong retreated as he fought and retreated to the gate, which meant that he wanted to seize the door and flee, but the blood slaves seemed to see Li Yuanhong's intentions, so a few blood slaves rushed directly behind Li Yuanhong and blocked Li Yuanhong. At this time, Li Yuanhong was less than two meters away from the gate.
Just when the blood slave thought that Li Yuanhong had been completely surrounded, the door suddenly burst with a "bang", and the entire door was blown up. As the door exploded and strong sunlight came in, several blood slaves approaching the door subconsciously blocked their eyes with their hands to prevent their eyes from being hurt by the sun.
At this moment, Li Yuanhong issued a counterattack. He suddenly took out a submachine gun from the space, and shot these blood slaves in a burst, and bullets shot into the blood slaves.
These blood slaves don’t care about the gunshots that appear. For blood slaves who have the ability to recover quickly, the gun can’t kill them at all. Even with a severed limb, they can regenerate in a short period of time, as long as they are still in their bodies. With blood flowing, they will not die.
However, when the bullet entered their bodies, they suddenly felt something was wrong. Those bullets were not like the previous bullets. They just penetrated into their bodies. Instead, they burst into their bodies twice. This is not the point. The point is that after the burst, something in the bullet is released and starts to enter their blood. Corrupt their bodies.
The severe pain immediately spread to the wound and spread all over the body, and bursts of black smoke began to emit from the wound, emitting a stench. What followed was a howl like a hissing lung, how far the sound spread.
At this moment, gunshots also sounded outside the church. The stone statues that were originally squatting on the church were shot by bullets and then fell from the roof of the church in black smoke.
This sudden change caught the vampire by surprise, so he asked in surprise: "You...what did you do?"
"Of course I am the traitor who killed these humans and sent their sinful souls back to hell!"
"You... how did you kill them?" The vampire asked timidly looking at the blood slaves who had fallen on the ground and had died.
"Of course they killed them with bullets!"
"Bullets? Impossible. I have seen your bullets. Those bullets can't kill them."
"Oh, what you have seen is the bullet that the logistics supervisor gave you before!"
"Yes! Did he give me a fake?"
"Of course it’s not fake. Of course the bullet that can kill you will not be true. If you know that there are bullets that can kill you, you will be prepared. At this time, I will attack. Isn’t it successful? So, the bullet we showed the logistics supervisor was just a special paralysis bullet, used against zombies.

"Then what's in the bullet that can kill us?"
"What is it! Haven't you tasted it just now, there is something like that in the dust of the cloak!" Li Yuanhong smiled.
The vampire was taken aback, and suddenly remembered something: "Mercury, how do you know that mercury can hurt us!"
"This is a secret, but we talked for a long time, I should also send you on the road!" Said this, Li Yuanhong raised his gun.
The vampire said so much to Li Yuanhong. In fact, he was spending time. He wanted to get rid of the toxins in the body, but his efforts did not work. However, because the dose of mercury he inhaled was not large, he relied on quick recovery. Ability to repair most of the damage.
Seeing that Li Yuanhong was about to raise a gun and shoot, the vampire threw a pill without hesitation, and then a piece of black smoke rose up in front of him, and he hurried to the back door of the church.
For vampires, their first task is to save their lives. That kind of meaningless desperate behavior is absolutely nothing to do with the talents of lower-minded creatures. Fleeing is called a strategic shift. When I recover from the injury and come back to take a breath of blood, that's what the vampire should do.
But the vampire did not expect that Li Yuanhong faced the black eyes and did not chase him. Instead, he took out an intercom and whispered: "Attention, he went to the back door!"
The vampire finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Li Yuanhong had not chased him. In today’s battle, he was really frustrated. At the beginning of the sneak attack, he thought he would succeed in a blow, but he was caught by Li Yuanhong from the beginning and was poisoned. Makes his movement speed greatly reduced.
Of course, he didn't lower the vampire's vigilance when escaping. He didn't believe that Li Yuanhong would take the risk alone, and Li Yuanhong's accomplices must be ambushing around him. So when he came to the back door, instead of rushing out, he kicked the back door open, then grabbed a chair by the door and threw it out.
Sure enough, as soon as the chair flew out, a bullet hit the chair directly, penetrated the wooden board of the chair, and hit the wall. The chair was broken, leaving a crater on the wall.
The vampire smiled: "These cunning humans still want to shame me, and don't look at me for hundreds of years. My wisdom is not comparable to that of your untouchables."
With the gunshot, the vampire moved. Because at the moment the door was kicked open, the vampire glanced at the backyard of the church and found no ambush. The gunfire came from an upstairs behind the church. It was a long-range sniper. Such a sniper would aim for a long time. It is very difficult to shoot one shot and to shoot continuously and accurately. Therefore, the vampire must use this gap to escape to the residential area next to the church as soon as possible. Once there, he is safe.
As a result, the vampire turned into a bat and quickly rushed out against the ground. However, due to the double influence of sunlight and mercury in his body, his speed was significantly reduced. If someone aimed at him at this time, he could easily hit him.
But when they rushed out of the church, they did not hear the gunshots. Obviously the opponent's sniper was still refocusing and preparing to find the target again. But after becoming a bat, the vampire not only became smaller in size, but was also close to the ground, allowing him Not easy to be noticed.
Just as the vampire flew to the wall proudly and was about to cross the wall, there was a gunshot. A bullet concentrated on his back spine. With a "click", his spine was broken. What is even more terrifying is that, When the spine was interrupted, he felt a powerful burning fluid in his body spreading in his body.
The painful vampire could no longer maintain the form of a bat, and suddenly turned into a human appearance, fell to the ground, and began to howl and roll constantly. He finally knew what it was like when mercury entered his body. If he was given a choice, he would rather bear it. Burning is not willing to let Mercury tease in the body.
When the vampire fell to the ground, many soldiers surged around the church and began to rush towards the church. The leader was an officer with the rank of military commander. He came to the vampire and looked bitterly at the monster whose face had been completely distorted.
"I want to run! Do you think that no one will recognize you when you become a bat! Today, I want to avenge my dead brothers!" Said Commander Luo took out a pistol and aimed it at the vampire's head.
"Don't...don't..." The vampire said hardly begging for mercy, obviously he didn't want to die.
At this time Army Commander Luo hesitated a bit, he was wondering whether to keep this vampire, so as to ask for some valuable information.
At this moment, the vampire leaped up suddenly and grabbed Commander Luo with both hands. The blood-red mouth was wide open, revealing four fangs, and he bit his neck.
At the same time the vampire leaped up, Commander Luo's guns rang. Seven bullets in a row shot at the vampire. The vampire's weakened body was shot directly by the bullets, and fell heavily on the grassy lawn. Going up, black smoke began to evaporate from his body, roaring and wailing, slowly losing his breath.
"Hmph, I want to stay with you for a while, since I'm looking for death, don't blame me for being polite!" Army Chief Luo said bitterly, then returned the empty magazine and replaced it with a new one.
"Search me carefully, don't let any suspicious people go!" Commander Luo waved and shouted to the soldiers behind him.
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