: Section 690 Calling Order

Soon, soldiers rushed into the church and began a carpet search. Even a seam was not let go, but nothing of value was found.
But when there was no result here, there were sudden deaths in several places throughout Spring City. Several civilians or soldiers were on duty or at work. Suddenly without warning, they fell to the ground in pain and kept convulsing. Before being sent to the hospital, he died in desperation. And they died within one minute after the death of the vampire.
The vampire time was over, and Li Yuanhong was not happy. For nearly half a year, I have been busy with foreign wars, and I have not paid enough attention to domestic affairs, especially in India in western China, which is the nest of zombies. Before the end of the world, India’s population has surpassed China, making it the world’s most populous country in one fell swoop. Next to India, there is also a state of Meng. Although the territory is not large, it has a population of more than 200 million. In other words, on the west side of China, there are nearly two billion people, even if it is eighth after the end of the world. Ninety of the population has become zombies, and there are also nearly 1.56 billion zombies. Such a huge army of zombies has not attracted his attention, it is really his own negligence.
Fortunately, this vampire incident gave himself a wake-up call in time. Li Yuanhong decided to shrink the general and find a way to resolve the threat to the western border.
Soon, a convening order was sent out. The South American guards, Fatty Lu from Italy, and other high-level military officials received the convening order. They must return to China within two days, except for the fortresses with portals. , Other defenses will be completely handed over to the local government. In other words, China will withdraw its troops from overseas in advance.
This incident quickly attracted the attention of various countries, especially the United States. They believed that China's overseas withdrawal of troops was due to their pressure on China.
"Hahaha, these Chinese people finally got out of my backyard. I was really anxious, thinking I wouldn't send soldiers!"
US President Smith was holding a glass of red wine and shouted loudly to the British Prime Minister.
"What the President said is that the remote areas of the Amazon jungle are not worthy of the President's anger. Now that the Chinese people are gone, we can send people to contact the local area to fill the vacancies. Especially Italy, I heard that they have been liberated. For most of the Italian peninsula, we can put the focus of European liberation on Italy." The British Prime Minister hurriedly continued.
"I can send someone to the Amazon at any time, but it is not worth the sacrifice of us Americans for the time being. Italy? It is worth paying attention to, but according to our satellite observations, the demon army on the opposite Balkan Peninsula seems to have changed. Let’s send some observers over to take a look."
When it comes to sending troops to support, Smith is also a headache. Although the United States is considered a populous country before the end of the world, with a population of nearly 400 million, it is more confident than Russia, but the toss of the end of the world has greatly hurt the United States, regardless of population or industry. , Have suffered a devastating blow. If it weren’t for the secret research institute of the 51st District in the United States, which retained a large amount of scientific and technological capabilities, I am afraid that the United States would fall back to the level before World War II.
This is the 51st district. After the outbreak of zombies, a lot of scientific and technological achievements, including flying saucer technology, were suddenly produced. The lack of materials and factories prevented various new equipment from being able to equip the troops in large quantities. This also caused the US troops to be The situation where the zombies were beating.
However, the United States has finally regained several large industrial cities and finally increased the speed of weapons production. Therefore, the United States has begun to use troops everywhere, and is increasingly dissatisfied with China, especially in South America, which is its own backyard. Others are snoring", so the last time Lao Mei took advantage of the China Army Missile Incident to find the fault, but unfortunately, he did not find the fault, but found that the hot potato in Europe is not delicious.
Just now the British Prime Minister proposed to send troops to Italy to take over China's defense, which made Smith hesitate again.
Seeing the American president hesitate, the British prime minister will naturally not urge it. Anyway, the British national strength continues to decline, and they are unable to send too many troops. After all, their own territory has not been completely regained.
Just when these foreigners were happy about the retreat of the Chinese army, Li Yuanhong and a group of military officers sat in a secret meeting room and held a top-secret meeting.
"This is a photo we took recently, a photo in India." Li Yuanhong pointed to the photo on the screen.
This photo shows that it is a city, but many of the buildings in the city have been pushed to the ground and turned into a flat ground. On these flat grounds, there are troops lined up in squares. These troops wear ancient clothes. Armor is also a variety of cold weapons, depending on the number, there are definitely hundreds of thousands.
"This is a certain medium-sized city in India. It is estimated that before the end of the world, the population in this city was two to three million. You can see that the army on the ground in this city is not an army of humans, but an army of zombies." Li Yuanhongbian Said, while zooming in on the picture, after zooming in, people finally saw that the people standing in the twisted and twisted team were not humans, but zombies infected with the virus, and it seemed that these zombies had evolved quite well. Yes, there are at least 30 levels.
"This is only part of the army in this city, and a large number of zombies have been transferred away. Please see, this is a recent gathering of zombies in the western border area." As he said, Li Yuanhong opened a photo, only to see the photo. The ground is completely black and crushed by zombies, and you can't see the ground at all. The zombies team is walking forward along the road before the end of the world. The team has stretched for dozens of kilometers without seeing the end.
"Recently, some vampires have penetrated into our internal destruction. I think this matter is not isolated. It seems that these vampires are cooperating with the zombies and intend to disintegrate us from the inside first, and then they attack from the outside. Take down our army in one fell swoop. Let’s see, how do we deal with this situation?" Li Yuanhong glanced at the officers present, and then sat down. He planned to listen to the opinions of others first, and then he was thinking about how to do the last. decision.
"Then what's the matter? The soldiers will come to cover the water and soil. Since they are here, we will fight!" Fatty Lu stood up and spoke first.
Li Yuanhong glanced at Fat Lu, not to mention, this guy seems to have lost weight recently.
"I don't agree. We don't have so many supplies, and we can't fight it. If it is hundreds of thousands of zombies, we still have a lot of power. But depending on the posture, this time the zombies are not millions. "At this moment, Wang Jingrong stood up and spoke.
Since Wang Jingrong was transferred to Spring City by Li Yuanhong, he has not left here, but as a commander who has independently commanded large corps operations, his combat experience is definitely not covered.
"Well, I think Governor Wang is right. When encountering such a large-scale zombies, we can't use force, otherwise our casualties will be too great."
It was Xiao Yu who supported Wang Jingrong. He is now the commander of the military region.
"No hard work. Once so many zombies are allowed to enter the border, it will inevitably have a great impact on us. We must know that the southern and western zombies in the country have not been completely eliminated. Once they are brought together with the domestic zombies, then we can't deal with it. !" This is Army Commander Liang of South Korea. Since being rescued by Li Yuanhong from the satellite base, he has been responsible for the fortified battle in the southwest. This time, if the zombies invade from the southwest, their defense zone will bear the brunt.
After the meeting began to argue, there were basically two opinions, one was to reject the enemy abroad, and the other was to avoid the edge and consume the zombies a little.
The two disputes were at odds with each other. For a time, the meeting room was like a vegetable market, and the roof of the house was almost opened.
At this moment, Li Yuanhong, who had been silent, coughed. Obviously, Li Yuanhong had something to say, so the whole venue immediately became quiet.
"I have listened to everyone's opinions just now. What everyone said is reasonable. Now it is estimated that there are at least two to three billion zombies. Let alone how powerful these zombies are, just the number of them is based on our current weapons and ammunition reserves. , It can’t be eliminated. What's more, the battle may also cause casualties of soldiers, and it will not be a small number. Moreover, these zombies are also the forwards of the zombie army. Once they fight, the army of zombies behind will continue to attack. So it's not the best policy to fight hard."
Li Yuanhong said, let those who oppose recklessly show joy.
But Li Yuanhong went on to say: "But we have just recovered the country from the hands of the zombies, and all the industries have just recovered, and can't withstand the impact and damage of the zombies, so we must not let the zombies enter our country."
Li Yuanhong's words made Fat Lu and the others feel emboldened. But it also confuses others. Does Li Yuanhong support the fight or the withdrawal?
When everyone was puzzled, Li Yuanhong suddenly changed the picture on the wall and replaced it with a map of West China.
Li Yuanhong pointed to the map and said: "The so-called marchers must pay attention to the right time, place, and people. We talk about the strength of the army with the zombies. Both the quantity and the quality are incomparable with these zombies.
You can see that the zombie army is divided into two groups, one way from the northwest to Xinjiang Province, and the other way from the southern foot of Tibet Province. Let's see, do you have any ideas here? "
Everyone frowned when they looked at the map. To tell the truth, the only people here who know about the Northwest, only Commander Xiao Yu and Army Commander Liang of South Korea have some understanding of these places, but they are limited to understanding and are not very familiar. After all, Xiao Yu didn't dare to pursue in-depth after he arrived in the middle of Xinjiang Province. Although South Korean Liang is stationed at the junction of Sichuan and Tibet in many ways, he does not know Tibet very well.
So everyone here is embarrassed.
Li Yuanhong smiled slightly and said, "Have you heard about my country's four major prohibitions?"
"Four restricted areas?" Some people shook their heads, some people knew only a little knowledge, only Korean Liang knew better, he quickly explained: "The four restricted areas, Hoh Xil, Lop Nur, Qiangtang No Man's Land and Altyn No Man's Land."
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