: Chapter 136 The Battle of the Russian Island

Although Li Yuanhong won the trade war, Li Yuanhong knows that things are definitely not that simple. Then the people behind Chen Yong will definitely not give up. According to the strength of the other party, if they buy their own food in the face, they are not without that strength, but This Chen Yong was greedy for petty bargaining, so he messed up the matter. If the other party comes to buy his own food again, if he does not have enough reserves, he will be manipulated by the other party sooner or later. Now there is at least one month before the farm harvest, Li Yuanhong must be here Find enough food within a month, so Li Yuanhong was ready to go on the expedition.
On this day, the air on the Russian island was extremely dull, and in the far south of the sky, there were many dark clouds with black edges floating. Li Yuanhong was standing in the very center of the Russian island at this time, less than 500 meters away from the low mountain where the naval headquarters was previously located. Li Yuanhong wants to establish a second sub-base here.
With the end of the magic storm, a conference hall appeared in front of the hill. With the appearance of the conference hall and wooden houses, Li Yuanhong faintly felt the roar of zombies in the direction of Vladivostok on the other side of the island. It seems that the zombie attack is about to begin. I just don’t know if the big meal I prepared for the zombies will be served on time.
Li Yuanhong did not enter the chamber for inspection, but ran directly to the bridge linking Russia Island and the mainland. In the past month, a tall bridgehead has been built here. The entire bridgehead is about 15 meters high, and there are many gun towers inside. Shooting buildings, on each shooting building, are equipped with large-scale assault weapons, such as a newly constructed bed crossbow.
Now the bridgehead is full of people. These people are not soldiers cultivated by the system, but real survivors. Li Yuanhong let these survivors exercise their courage and combat skills through actual combat. Dare to face the zombies, everything is in vain.
The bridgehead is not long, only less than 500 meters. It encloses the bridgehead of the entire bridge. The distance between the bridgehead and the bridge is exactly 40 meters, so that people on the wall can easily attack the zombies on the bridge with bows and arrows. And zombies without long-range attack methods can only serve as live targets.
At this time, the bridge is already full of corpses. The four lanes of the bridge have been blocked by zombies, but these are ordinary zombies, but they are higher in level, and the mutant zombies are gathered on the other side of the bridge. , Waited in full battle, and didn't plan to charge into battle. It seems that the zombie commander on the opposite side wants these ordinary zombies to test Li Yuanhong's firepower while also wasting Li Yuanhong's ammunition.
As the corpse group approached, and finally entered the range of the bow and arrow, Li Yuanhong did not shoot immediately, but asked the soldiers to change into a special arrow. When the zombie pioneer was only 20 meters away, Li Yuanhong gave an order, the bow and arrow were raining. Shoot at the corpse group. When the arrow hits the zombie, it is not as usual, it just shoots through the zombie, but suddenly bursts out a strong flame, which instantly explodes in the group of corpses. This movement is no smaller than the grenade. In a blink of an eye, the zombie forward It was shrouded by the fire, and the cargo yard continued to extend. The fire spread quickly due to the dense zombies. If it was not at the seaside, the air would have relatively high water vapor. I am afraid that this fire could burn to the opposite side of the bridge.
Li Yuanhong didn't expect this magical bow and arrow to be so powerful, and he was overjoyed. However, this kind of bow and arrow is also expensive to manufacture and requires a lot of energy. In order to make these flame arrows, he almost consumed all the energy he stored. At this time, Li Yuanhong felt how little energy storage in his chamber was. Therefore, Li Yuanhong did not dare to use it at will, just to test the effect. The other is to give command to the opposite zombies. Now zombies are becoming more and more humane, and psychological warfare is also a very important means of attack.
The fire was quickly extinguished. After all, the seaside was very unfavorable to fire attacks. The water element was abundant here, so the fire attack was greatly reduced. The zombies on the opposite side saw that the forward of the corpse group was frustrated, and did not care. After all, the pioneer who burned to death was just cannon fodder. A cannon fodder like this one could have no less than 400,000 in Vladivostok. Without beating, these corpses can fill the bridgehead , So the giant zombies are not in a hurry, anyway, they have enough troops.
But the giant zombies missed one point. It’s near the sea and the bridge deck width is limited. Zombie attacks have become a refueling tactic. The number of zombies that can attack at the same time is only thirty or forty, plus the bridge deck is crowded and restricted. The moving speed of the zombies is reduced, so the attack of the zombies becomes a ridiculous moving target. Many zombies were shot to death on the bridge before they washed down the bridge. Then the corpses were squeezed into the bay and sank to the bottom of the sea and disappeared. Some zombies fell on the beach and were swept away by the waves. The beach changed again. It became a smooth beach. The original plan of the zombies to fill up with the corpses was almost impossible to achieve, but the giant zombies did not give up to continue the attack. It was waiting for the human beings to become tired, and it was time for a full attack.
The fighting continued. From the morning to the afternoon, Li Yuanhong arranged four shifts of personnel so that all personnel were able to rest. This was conducive to continuous combat and played a role in actual combat training of the troops.
But war must be war. Humans will feel tired because of tension. Although humans’ shooting speed is getting slower and slower after taking turns to rest, they have lost more than 300,000 zombies. Giant zombies have already felt heartache this time, although they are dead. They are all ordinary zombies, but the number is too huge, more than half the number in the city, but the pile of zombies in front of the bridgehead on the opposite side is still not high. Most of the zombies are caught in the sea, causing the sea to continue to roll, and many offshore fish Crabs are crazy about these unexpected meals. The mood of the giant zombies at this time is like the passengers waiting for the car. They have not seen the car for a long time and want to leave, but they are afraid that the car will come as soon as they leave.
In the entanglement, the giant zombies were still sending troops to the bridge. At this time, Li Yuanhong fed the zombies again. Only two medical ships sailed along the coast to the coast of Vladivostok. At a distance of 50 meters from the coast, they started to go to the shore. The fire was fired, the dense arrow rain, mixed with the trebuchets, the coast where the zombies gathered suddenly, chickens and dogs jumped, many mutant zombies were directly killed by the intensive firepower, but the two ships must not be battleships, and the attack time is not long. Withdrawn. This attack triggered the anger of the giant zombies. With a long roar, the attack speed of the zombies was obviously accelerated, and the attack of the bridgehead obviously could not keep up with the growth rate of the zombies, and some zombies had already attacked under the wall.
This progress made the giant zombies see hope, and more zombies came to the bridgehead, and there were many mutant zombies inside. Li Yuanhong even saw the witch zombies mixed in. The appearance of mutant zombies increased Li Yuanhong's pressure, so Li Yuanhong took out the killer's crossbow.
Because the bed crossbow has a too long range and its lethality is relatively high, Li Yuanhong is afraid of shocking the zombies, so when dealing with ordinary zombies, he has not used it. At this time, the mutant zombies appeared, and Li Yuanhong did not hide himself.
The crossbow arrows with the thick bowl mouth were shot out like heavy artillery shells. A string of zombies was directly penetrated by the giant arrows. Even the shadow zombies could not escape. Four bed crossbows were fired at the same time, which directly emptied half of the bridge. The zombies near the bridge were squeezed directly off the bridge and screamed into the bay. For a while, the zombies on the bridge fell into the water like dumplings. The mutant fish in the bay gathered under the bridge to fight for the fallen zombies. , The bridge became lively up and down.
The giant zombies did not expect that Li Yuanhong would still hide themselves. The sudden appearance of the giant arrow made the giant zombies retreat a bit, but then the giant arrow did not continue to fire. Soon the later zombies filled the empty space with the giant arrow, and soon the zombies The group piled up five-meter-high corpses on the bridgehead, which made the giant zombies give up their plans to retreat.
But five minutes later, another round of giant arrows was launched from the city wall, causing the zombies to be strung through the candied haws, and half of the zombies on the bridge were reimbursed. But with the experience of the last time, the giant zombies used the gap of the bed crossbow shooting to send more zombies. Soon the pile of corpses under the city wall reached a height of eight meters, and the pile of corpses formed a slope, making the attack of the zombies smoother.
The giant zombies finally began to roar with excitement. From its perspective, it was already a matter of minutes to capture the bridgehead. Although the loss of the zombies at this time had exceeded 350,000, and many mutant zombies were shot, but The human injury was very slight. Several wounded soldiers were all injured by the head shot of the witch zombie. At this time, the zombie had no long-range attack and it was undoubtedly exposed. However, Li Yuanhong was also at the end of the 樯橹 at this time. Even if he took a break, the two thousand soldiers were exhausted. Many people could no longer pull their bows and arrows, and even the crossbow could not be pulled. The zombies were already less than six meters away from the city. The shadow zombies have tried to teleport to see if they can attack the wall. The situation at this time is developing in accordance with the rehearsal of giant zombies. The zombies are about to win.
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