: Section 137 The Might of the Sea

The zombies attacked more closely. Correspondingly, the human counterattack became weaker and weaker. Li Yuanhong had transferred the survivor troops down the wall and replaced them with systematic swordsmen and archers. However, Li Yuanhong brought not many systematic soldiers. After all, Hunchun City still To keep enough soldiers to defend, Li Yuanhong felt deeply that he was understaffed.
Although the system force has been replaced, the accuracy and frequency of shooting have increased, but after all, the number is insufficient. From the outside, humans have resisted by force. And at this time, the shadow zombies had already boarded the city wall. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong sent sword soldiers to guard closely. One or two shadow zombies came up, and they were quickly killed at the top of the city.
Li Yuanhong looked at the piles of corpses below, and had the idea of ​​abandoning the bridgehead. The rescue he had been waiting for, but the delay in coming, made Li Yuanhong very anxious.
The sky has changed at this time. The black clouds in the distance have slowly approached the coast at some point, and the waves are obviously higher than usual, and some waves have even rushed to the bridge. The water vapor in the air is also thicker, as if you can squeeze water out of the air with a slight pinch. The calm air also begins to have cold winds. Although the wind is not as strong as the cold winter, you can clearly feel the wind. The meaning of Xiao killing in the middle.
Seeing the change in the sky, Li Yuanhong shouted to Wang Jingrong beside him: "Jing Rong, quickly lead the soldiers to the second line of defense and implement the second plan."
"Yes, Brother Li." Without hesitation, Wang Jingrong went directly down the tower, gathered the resting soldiers under the city wall, boarded a truck prepared in advance, and drove directly to a city wall on the island that was only five meters high. Soon, only Li Yuanhong and system soldiers remained at the bridgehead. Of course, zombies will not stop attacking because of the evacuation of human beings, and even intensified their attacks when the sea breeze blows. In just five minutes, the pile of corpses was more than one meter tall. Finally, a large number of shadow zombies attacked the city head, and Li Yuanhong also drew out his steel knives to participate in the hand-to-hand combat.
The giant zombies saw the effectiveness of the shadow zombies' attack, so they didn’t keep it, and pressed all the remaining forces. The two ends of the bridge were filled with zombies. The shadow zombies and the long-tongued zombies quickly passed through the bridge and began to press against the bridgehead . At this time, Li Yuanhong in the city was already unable to resist the attack of the zombies.
"Replace with burst arrows!" Li Yuanhong cried down a shadow zombie with a knife, while shouting up the crossbowman who was still shooting at the zombie. At this time, two of the four bed crossbows had been destroyed, and two were intact. Many swordsmen surrounded the bed crossbows, trying to protect the two bed crossbows to be smoothly activated.
After listening to Li Yuanhong's order, the crossbowman quickly replaced two special giant arrows, only to see the faint red light flashing on the outside of the two giant arrows, the red light was like alive, slowly flowing on the surface of the arrow.
With the giant arrow in place, two amazing whistle sounds sounded from the crossbow. As the whistle went away, two firelights like rocket launches also attacked the bridge deck. When the crossbow arrow collided with the corpse group, the flames Transpiration, accompanied by a violent explosion, cracked even the bridge deck. The explosion wave spread out, and many running zombies were overturned directly under the bridge. The huge waves on the sea directly swept these zombies away without a trace.
The giant zombie did not expect that Li Yuanhong had such a powerful assassin, and was shocked. This might be enough to kill it with one blow, but the two giant arrows only blocked the zombie's attack and caused the death of hundreds of zombies. The ignited flames also involved more zombies into the fire, but the flames were quickly extinguished by the waves, without causing more losses.
The furious giant zombies issued orders to the corpses on the head of the city, so the zombies on the wall attacked the remaining two crossbows with all their strength. Although the swordsmen fought hard to resist, there were too many zombies attacking the city wall. Two crossbows were drowned by zombies. When the giant zombies learned that the bed crossbow had been destroyed, they roared again and again, and personally moved to the coast, preparing to personally join in the final attack.
There are not many soldiers on the city wall. There are less than a hundred soldiers. They have retreated to the two exits of the lower city. Li Yuanhong retreated to the city while observing the changes in the sea. He was very unwilling to do so. How could his plan fail!

At this time, there was a sudden thunder in the sky, a flash of lightning pierced the sky, and the sea breeze increased. The huge waves on the sea had reached 12 meters, and the height of the bridge was only 10 meters. As the waves exceeded the bridge deck, many The zombies were washed down the bridge deck by the waves. This was not over yet. As the sky became more gloomy and the wind was strong, the circled huge waves rose higher than waves, and as the wind speed strengthened, the huge waves began to surge towards the shore. Come, slap on the shore, directly hitting the shore up to 20 meters away.
The turbulent waves shocked the giant zombies and stopped the giant zombies who were going to the bridge. At this time, the giant zombies raised their heads and looked towards the sky. At this time, the sky is like a black dragon stirring the black clouds. From time to time, lightning flashes through the clouds, and the clouds are constantly circling around the black dragon, which in turn drives strong winds, and the wind brings sea water to the sky. Everything that was not secure on the ground also swept up with the wind, was stirred and crushed in the air, including those gluttonous mutant fish, and those zombies charging forward on the bridge, were drawn into the sky together. What was even more frightening was that the black dragon was rushing towards the shore quickly, and everything that dared to stop him was ruthlessly shattered.
The giant zombie was frightened, so he roared and ran back, but it was too late. The black dragon quickly chased up and quickly sucked the giant zombie and its guard into his own black giant. Belly, the roar of giant zombies came from the sky, but it was quickly covered by thunder.
The black dragon rushed into the shore less than a hundred meters, and suddenly the whole body plunged into the clouds and disappeared, and the thunder and lightning became denser, and the entire sky was illuminated, and the black clouds seemed to collapse. At this time, a flash of lightning struck straight down, concentrated on the bay, and blasted a huge hole on the sea surface. Although the sea surface was quickly filled, the thunder blasted toward the ground and hit the sea. From a distance, this cloud layer Next, a lightning tree was formed. After the intensive thunderstorms, the sky could no longer carry too much water vapor. The violent rain poured down and washed everything again, and everything that was swept into the sky just now was also thrown down from the sky with the heavy rain. On the Russian island.
At this time, Li Yuanhong was hiding in the bridgehead. This was designed by Li Yuanhong in advance. There is an underpass that leads to the back. So after retreating from the city, Li Yuanhong took the remaining soldiers and hid in this pre-prepared secret room. But Li Yuanhong did not rush away. Before entering the secret room, Li Yuanhong saw the storm he was expecting, and Shanshan was late. When preparing for this blocking battle, Li Yuanhong knew that relying on his own strength, he could not stop the attack of half a million zombies, even if his weapons were advanced, the gap in numbers could not be supplemented by weapons alone, so Li Yuanhong wanted to borrow Potential. The bridgehead was built to form a geographical advantage. During the sniper war, nearly 350,000 zombies were killed, and the cost of his own side was limited. This is the best proof, but this is not enough. Li Yuanhong still needs to take a greater advantage. That is the time.
The so-called relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the sea to eat the sea, I am by the sea now, so when I borrow the sky, I need to start from the sea. Li Yuanhong used to watch disaster movies, such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, and the weather by the sea is full of tsunamis and typhoons. There is no need to think about the tsunami, that thing can be met and unquestionable, even if you encounter it yourself, it is estimated that you will not be able to escape, and there is only a typhoon.
Masnou used to float on the sea all year round, and he has obvious perception of various ocean climate changes. Therefore, Li Yuanhong has been pestering him in the past two days: "I said Brother Masnou, how is the weather today? There is a typhoon!"
Li Yuanhong’s question left Masnou confused. Although he could predict the weather, no one was always looking forward to the typhoon. Did Captain Li take the wrong medicine?
These few days Masnou was really annoyed by questions. This morning, Masnou clearly felt that the weather was abnormal, either there was a squally storm or an unexpected natural disaster. It happened that Li Yuanhong came to ask again: "I said Brother Masnou, Is there a typhoon today!"
Seeing Li Yuanhong's smirk, Masnou wanted to go up and punch twice. So an angry answer: "Yes, there is a typhoon, a very big typhoon!"
When Li Yuanhong heard this, he immediately gave Masnou a big hug: "Thank you Masnou, we have a big surprise for the zombies today!" After that, Li Yuanhong turned his head and ran out.
In fact, even Masnou didn't know what the weather was today. He didn't expect that Li Yuanhong's weather trap for the zombies today turned out to be a super tornado.
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