: Section 25 Gathering Nebula

The next day, Division Commander Shen of Liao Province suddenly received a telegram from Chuncheng: In order to unite with the Northeast Military Region to fight zombies and recover the Northeast as soon as possible, a military meeting will be held in Spring City on a certain day of the month. Commander of the Northeast Military Region. No. 2 chief Liu.
The telegram is very brief, but it is also very clear. This is to convene a plenary military meeting. More importantly, the most important thing is to elect the commander-in-chief of the Northeast. Holding the telegram, Shen Mengxi kept wondering whether this will be a game, a feast of a banquet.
The adjutant next to him asked, "Master, what shall we do? Do you want to call back?"
Shen Mengxi thought for a while: "In this way, you show this telegram to the kid surnamed Fu to see what he thinks."
"Yes!" The adjutant stood at attention and went down.
At the same time, in the military base of Hei Province outside Daqing City, Fan Junjie was holding the same telegram and weighing it. At this time, his eldest son Fan Huaxiong came over. He was wearing a military uniform with the rank of commander: "Dad, Why do you hesitate? We are such a big power, and we are afraid that he will not succeed. Now the entire Northeast is ours. If you go, you will definitely get the Northeast commander."
"What do you guys know? Didn't you see that the meeting place was in Spring City? That's five or six million zombies. Not to mention me. Even the soldiers in the northeast are all going to the peak and are not enough to kill the zombies. The meeting in Spring City is not a conspiracy, but the city is really liberated. If it is liberated, do you think the snobbery in taking down Spring City will be smaller than ours?"
"This...Shall we ask Tian Manfeng's trash to come over and ask?"
"Alright, call that Tian Manfeng over, just because I have a lot of things to ask him, this guy seems to hide a lot of things!"
"Yes!" Fan Huaxiong stood at attention, turned and went out.
Three days later, at the airport outside Spring City, the tranquil sky after the end was broken by the sound of rumbling helicopters. More than ten helicopters flew towards Spring City Airport from east and west. At this time, the Spring City Airport had already been stationed by the army. When the planes approached, the communication tower began to send messages to these planes to confirm the origin of the planes. Soon, ten helicopters landed on the airport apron steadily. Fan Junjie came down first. With his son Fan Junjie, they brought more than 20 guards with guns and live ammunition. They were so powerful.
It was Tian Manfeng who followed Fan Junjie. He took several entourages. The momentum was obviously not as good as Fan Junjie. When Tian Manfeng got off the plane, he was the first to run in front of Fan Junjie: "Commander Fan, I’m right, they did take it. Spring City, someone should pick us up in a while."
"Yeah!" Fan Junjie did not look directly at Tian Manfeng. If he hadn't had a few regiments in his hand, Fan Junjie would want to merge Tian Manfeng's army directly. For someone like Tian Manfeng who can only slap his head, Fan Junjie is Not required.
In the other direction, Shen Mengxi and Fu Chuanzhi also stepped off the plane respectively. Although their aura was not as big as Fan Junjie's, they still maintained a tough posture as a soldier. The two people nodded and greeted with disharmony, and then they just said hello. Each led the team and stood in half, waiting for someone to come.
Soon, the airport reception staff led a few waves of people to the reception hall of the airport. At this time, the reception hall had been cleaned up, and Li Yuanhong also tried to restart the power plant, so the reception hall was brightly lit. It was the same before the end of the world. This surprised all the soldiers who had been fighting for more than a year. Take Fan Junjie as an example. He leaned on the Daqing Oilfield, which was an oil-producing area. At the beginning of the last days, Fan Junjie once organized an army to attack Daqing City, but did not take it, and also damaged many people. However, the attack also allowed Fan Junjie to grab a lot of fuel. Therefore, in this area, Fan Junjie dared He said that he has the most fuel. Even so, Fan Junjie does not dare to use electricity on a large scale, which is very fuel-intensive.
Fan Junjie thought that the power supply here was only temporary, and he didn't care. He entered the lobby and asked the receptionist, "Where is the meeting place? Why didn't the deputy commander Xiao come to meet us!"
"Oh, our meeting place is in the provincial government of Chuncheng, and now Master Xiao is accompanying Chief No. 2, but our Minister Liu Hu is responsible for receiving everyone, and his level is the same as Master Xiao." The receptionist replied politely.
"Oh, the shelf is quite big!" Fan Junjie said dissatisfiedly.
At this time, Liu Hu walked in from a gate in the hall and greeted everyone: "Welcome all the generals to Spring City. There will be a meeting today. There are a lot of things to be arranged, so the chief arranged for me to receive everyone. Everyone will follow me in the armored vehicle. City, besides, everyone just arrived, so they definitely didn't have lunch. After entering the city, follow me to the provincial government canteen for dinner. The meeting started at 1:30 in the afternoon."
"Okay, lead the way ahead!" Fan Junjie was not polite, and directly instructed Liu Hu as an ordinary staff member. Liu Hu didn't care, leading the way, and soon everyone got on the armored vehicles in batches and drove towards Chuncheng.
When they arrived outside the city of Spring City, everyone looked out from the observation port of the armored vehicle. They saw that Spring City was surrounded by a tall city wall. Soldiers were shaking on the city wall from time to time, and many large weapons had been arranged on the city. If there are zombies attacking The city, not one or two million, can't shake this city at all.
These generals also went through battles, and there were walls built in their respective camps, but their height and defensive power were not as good as here. This made everyone less contemptuous of here, but Fan Junjie looked at those who took the city. The soldier with the sword and spear secretly said in his heart: "It is estimated that Xiao Yu is also bluffing on this city wall. The soldier with the sword and spear went to fight the zombies. That is not enough for the zombies to stuff their teeth. I don't know they were How to take this city, it is estimated that the zombies withdrew by themselves, so that they got the advantage."
The convoy entered the city and soon came to the provincial government gate. Liu Hu led the way and led everyone into the cafeteria. It was still a buffet, but as soon as he entered the cafeteria, the smell of meat penetrated everyone’s nostrils. Liu Hu introduced: "Now it is In difficult times, you can’t set up a table for everyone, so everyone just makes do with it. If you want to eat this buffet, you can serve it yourself. If you don’t have it, tell the chef to make it."
At this time, everyone’s eyes were attracted by the delicacy. Although the people present were expensive as the commander of one party, fresh meat was not available casually, and there were rivers or the sea near the army’s station. You can also eat fresh fish, like chicken and pork, you can only find some canned food to remember the taste.

At this time, Fan Junjie asked, "I said Minister Liu, the meat here is not fake, right?"
"General Manager Fan can rest assured that the pork here is fresh wild boar, which was just slaughtered by our farm this morning. Those chickens are also raised pheasants and domestic chickens. They are also slaughtered in the morning, and these meats are not only provided. Here, it is also sold in the trading market, but there are limited quantities every day."
Hearing this, the shock to everyone this time is not smaller than that of the city wall. First of all, not to mention the feed that the pig needs, but the time it takes for the pig to grow from a small pig to a big pig is not a short time. Able to continuously supply fresh meat, the scale of this pig farming is definitely not small. In these last days, it is almost impossible for those present to raise pigs in peace.
Then there was the sound of gorging. Both soldiers and generals regarded the dining room as a battlefield. Soon the food in the buffet dining car was swept away by these soldiers. During the period, the chef served several dishes to be satisfied. At the request of everyone, many soldiers hiccuped unimaginatively after eating. If their officers were not present, these people would probably lie down unscrupulously. These people have not eaten fresh meat for a long time. Too much.
After dinner, under the leadership of Liu Hu, everyone came to the meeting room. Each officer was only allowed to bring one soldier into the arena. The others could only wait outside the door. Everyone did so. All of a sudden, outside the meeting room. , Stood two soldiers, one by one armed with nuclear bombs, and the atmosphere was very tense.
These generals filed in, and the meeting room was brightly lit. Just after a little while, the second chief had not arrived yet, and only the staff in the meeting room were doing various adjustments.
So Fan Junjie unceremoniously sat on the lower left of the main seat, while his son sat next to him, Tian Manfeng also sat on the left, Shen Mengxi and Fu Chuanzhi sat opposite, both of them stared at each other. Without speaking, the atmosphere of the venue seemed very embarrassing for a while. Fortunately, Master Xiao led people into the venue for a while, but at 1:30, the second leader was accompanied by Head Luo, which was not as good as the venue.
When the chief entered the arena, all the officers stood up and saluted. The second chief returned to the military salute, then walked to the main seat and sat down. Then all the officers sat down together.
The venue was quiet for a while, Chief No. 2 cleared his throat, and then said: "To be honest, I am very happy to see you all alive today. This sudden resident crisis has not only caused many corpses, but also the entire human race. We are in a crisis. Fortunately, those of us soldiers have not given up our responsibilities, continue to guard this land and fight tenaciously with zombies, which makes me feel very happy!
The chief said, paused, and then cleared up again. My voice, at this moment, the head of Luo behind him hurriedly handed the tea cup to the head, and the head took a sip of water before continuing.
"Everyone has seen that I am in a twilight year. It's really hard to tell how far I can walk with you, but the environment we are in now does not allow us to have any retreat. Maybe it is not very clear here. The source of the crisis, then let the lord of Spring City come and explain to everyone."
After speaking, Chief No. 2 picked up the teacup and started drinking tea. The soldiers present here are all at a loss except for Master Xiao and Tian Manfeng. How can there be a city lord?
At this time, the door of the meeting room opened, and Li Yuanhong walked in in plain clothes, and then walked to the big screen of the meeting room. As the big screen unfolded, a huge China map appeared on the screen soon.
"As you can see, in front of our country's map, these red areas are all zombies densely. The darker the color, the greater the density of zombies. Moreover, you can see that the northeast and northwest, Mongolia and Mongolia In addition to areas with relatively small population density in Qinghai and Tibet, in other areas, zombies have basically been linked together. There is no room for human existence near the magic capital. In other words, it is very difficult for us to defeat zombies. But this is not the biggest threat we face."
Li Yuanhong's words surprised everyone here, isn't the danger of zombies enough?
The picture on the big screen changed and a picture of the caveman appeared. Li Yuanhong pointed to the caveman and said: "This is a new monster we discovered in Mongolia two days ago. This monster is called a caveman. He is an alien intelligent creature. They came from the portal, and their portal is here." Li Yuanhong pointed to the map that changed his mind. The map shows the map of Russia. There is a big red dot on the map. The red dot is located deep in Siberia. Place.
"This used to be a test site in Russia. According to data, the former Soviet Union dug a pit over 10,000 meters here, where they discovered the gate of hell. In fact, it was a portal to an alien planet. Many weird creatures appeared, and the pit was closed. But not long ago, this portal was activated, and alien creatures entered the earth from here. Their purpose is temporarily unknown, but one thing is certain, these aliens Creatures are definitely not here to help us. They may be alliances with those zombies, and as far as I know, there are not only such alien creatures. In addition, I can tell you that these alien creatures are of high level. The lowest has ten levels."
Li Yuanhong's words caused everyone present to take a breath.
"As for their combat effectiveness, I will show you a video." After speaking, the big screen changed, and there was a picture of a group of zombies fighting against cavemen. In the picture, a few cavemen were surrounded in the middle. Around, there were piles of corpses lying like mountains, and a few cavemen were struggling to kill the zombies, and almost one zombie fell from a short spear.
"This is the end of the battle of fifty cavemen. They killed almost 20,000 zombies in half an hour. If they hadn't been surrounded by the plains, it is estimated that the group of zombies could not help them."
"Didn't you just say that they are an alliance with the zombies? Why did they fight themselves?" Shen Mengxi asked curiously.
"This is due to the strategy we used, which caused misunderstandings between the zombies and cavemen in Mongolia, otherwise we would be beaten." Li Yuanhong explained.
At this time, Chief No. 2 spoke: "Everyone has seen the seriousness of the situation. If we do not grow ourselves as quickly as possible, I am afraid that we will be wiped out by the zombies and those alien monsters. These monsters will not be with us. We talk about benevolence, justice and morality, so we must integrate our forces as soon as possible. Therefore, to gather everyone together today is to elect commanders who we think are capable."
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