: Section 26 Borrowing Soldiers

As soon as the second leader started to ask the question, everyone present began to look at the second leader with eager eyes, and the second leader cleared his throat, and then said: "It is said that to choose a commander, you must have good commanding ability. I can’t just play around. Therefore, I have a plan here, which is to choose a few cities so that everyone can lay down these cities, and judge your commanding ability based on the time, consumption, and loss of the city. How?"
Upon hearing this, the enthusiasm just now was wiped out. If the city is so easy to fight, these people don’t have to stay in the camp and dare not come out, and now fight the city, it is almost the same as asking for their own death. Now it’s good to only hope that the zombies don’t find their own troubles. Who dares to provoke them? Zombies.
Seeing that the people present did not speak, then the second leader began to speak again: "Why, it's a bear so soon! Look at Master Xiao, who just led his team to liberate Baicheng two days ago, why are they not afraid? On the other hand, looking at you, each of you has no less force than others, so why are there bears?"
This was shocking again. They thought that Chuncheng was an isolated city. They didn't expect that Xiao Yu liberated Baicheng two days ago. Doesn't it mean that Chuncheng was beaten down by accident?
Just as everyone was skeptical, the big screen picture changed and turned into a picture of the Baicheng offensive and defensive battle. Zombies surrounded several buildings to attack, and human soldiers relied on weird tanks and buildings to defend. The two sides fought fiercely, and the zombies became fragments. Was killed, and the human tanks and soldiers in the building were constantly attacked by zombies and died. The picture was shocking. The tenaciousness of the soldiers made everyone in the audience feel excited. However, some people became cold and sweaty, and the scenes of their bodies being torn apart by zombies made them shudder.
"This is the scene of the battle for the White City two days ago. These zombies can't be defeated. As long as the tactics are right, we can kill these zombies with the least cost." Li Yuanhong explained.
"What are those weird weapons?" Fan Junjie asked while looking at the magic cannons, his eyes flashing greedy.
"These are magic tanks produced by Spring City. These guns are magic cannons. They use crystal cores as shells. The effective shooting distance is two kilometers. Although the range is a little short, the power is absolutely powerful, even greater than the current traditional artillery. "Li Yuanhong introduced.
"How many weapons are there, can they be provided to us?" Fan Junjie asked eagerly.
"This type of tank is not very mass-produced, I am afraid that it cannot be provided to everyone here alone." Li Yuanhong said.
Upon hearing this, the eager flame in the eyes just extinguished, and Fan Junjie's face was gloomy, thinking about something.
"But, I can lend it to everyone." Li Yuanhong suddenly had a big reversal, which made the eyes of the audience feel passion again.
"How to borrow it?" Fan Junjie asked.
We can lend a regiment’s tank troops. These troops can be under your command. However, you must bear all kinds of consumption in wartime, including the consumed crystal cores. Also, the loan requires a loan fee and cannot be used in vain. .
"One group is too few?" Fan Junjie asked unwillingly.
"There are a lot of regiments, and we also need to fight ourselves, and we don’t have many tanks equipped by ourselves. As you have just seen, when we fight, there are many soldiers fighting in armored vehicles. Armored vehicles are not as protective as tanks! "Li Yuanhong said.
"But we have so many people, how do we divide a group?" Shen Mengxi asked at this time.
"I don't know where Master Shen is your station?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"Our station is now at Lushunkou and nearby islands." Shen Mengxi replied.
"What about Master Fu?" Li Yuanhong turned around and asked Fu Chuanzhi.
"My troops are with Division Chief Shen, but he is the army and I am the navy."
"Okay, let's go. I will divide a regiment into three battalions. Master Shen and Master Fu will each have one battalion, and Master Fan will have one battalion. How about this allocation?" Li Yuanhong said.
"They have two battalions, and I only have one battalion here. That's not appropriate!" Fan Junjie said unhappy.
"I said Xiaofan, you are ashamed to say that you are a military force. I heard that Tian Manfeng has also come to you. Your total force is far greater than everyone here. Now people support you with weapons, not only No thanks, not too small, so let's not borrow all of this regiment!" The second chief said impatiently.
With this sentence, a lot of resentful eyes were shot at Fan Junjie. Fan Junjie was also aware that he had lost his mind at this time, so he quickly compensated: "Old chief, don’t be angry. I don’t want to be more confident in fighting. There are many battalions, so I will borrow one!" Fan Junjie said to the second chief with a full smile.
"Huh!" Chief No. 2 ignored Fan Junjie, and then took a cup of tea to drink.
Li Yuanhong went on to say at this time: "Then the loan of the tank is finalized. We will discuss the loan fee later, do you have any questions?"
Everyone shook their heads without a problem, so the wrangling work began. In the end, Commander Fan paid dozens of tons of oil, and Master Shen and Master Fu gave the two shipyard engineers, and the three battalions were loaned out.
Early in the morning of the next day, these military chiefs who were dominating one side drove their helicopters back to their station, ready to take over tanks and prepare for rent. As for the attack on the city, in fact, everyone was not too relieved. The soldiers here are just that, and the book is not afraid to fight for the old. The meeting said that to capture a medium-sized city, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the city as much as possible and not to hurt people. These are almost contradictory conditions. Say, the population of medium-sized cities is not more than one million, and the zombies are also more than one million. Do you think you pinched the zombies, just rub them? Anyway, Fan Junjie didn’t plan to do this. He got a battalion’s equipment from the old guy, and it was a new magic tank. I guess it was made by a group of scientists in the old guy’s hands. He just didn’t know that these scientists were hidden Where is it?

Sending off these local officials, in the afternoon, Master Xiao found Li Yuanhong: "I said City Lord Li, you really want to give them a regiment of tanks?"
"Not to give, but to borrow!" Li Yuanhong emphasized.
"Borrow? I'm afraid I won't come back when I borrow something!"
"Impossible, aren't you soldiers very trustworthy!" Li Yuanhong said stubbornly.
"Hey! Are you going to borrow that group to go out?" Seeing Li Yuanhong's stubbornness, Master Xiao asked reluctantly.
"Well, let's not lend out the entire regiment. We draw one battalion for each regiment, so that the organizational system of the entire division is still intact. After two days when the recruits arrive, we can fill the gap in time."
"This method is good, then which battalion do you think is suitable?" Master Xiao seemed to understand a little bit. Li Yuanhong's borrowing of troops was by no means a simple act. It must have profound meaning. He just doesn't know what medicine Li Yuanhong sells.
"Commander Xing has a relatively large loss. Only his battalion commander Sun Yanbin has a complete army. Commander Xing should lend this battalion out." Li Yuanhong turned through a manual and said.
"The commander of Battalion Song Wuhai under the commander Fang and Commander Zhuang Youqi under the commander Xiao, the training of these two battalions is very good, and the two battalions are very strong towards us. If you borrow it, It won’t be taken over there, so I think it is feasible to borrow these two camps.
Li Yuanhong said.
Seeing Li Yuanhong's serious face, Master Xiao didn't know what Li Yuanhong was doing, so he whispered: "I said Chengzhu Li, what kind of medicine do you sell?"
Li Yuanhong also replied in a low voice: "I am here to destroy the zombies!" After speaking, Li Yuanhong showed a thought-provoking smile.
Seeing that there was nothing to ask, Master Xiao had no choice but to leave, and went back to announce Li Yuanhong’s decision. At this time, he lost one regiment of troops. It hurts to say that it was nonsense, but this matter was approved by the chief, Xiao The teacher can only bear the pain to execute.
Seeing Master Xiao’s bitter look, Li Yuanhong could only sigh secretly: "There are some things, you still don’t know!"
That night, at Wang Haikuo's home, Wang Haikuo and special commissioners from Song Wuhai, Zhuang Youqi, Sun Yanbin, and Tian Manfeng had a small meeting together.
"Did this Li Yuanhong discover something? Why did you send a few of you?" Wang Haikuo had some doubts. These troops were sent away, and the whole Spring City was left alone. Although he had the city defense command on his face, that It was a position that he and the army had recently hired, and it was impossible for Li Yuanhong to do it. Once the members of the army have left, they will become empty shelves and may fall down at any time.
"I don't think it should be." Sun Yanbin said: "In the afternoon, the head of our regiment, Xing Dapao, went to Li Yuanhong for the theory. What happened?"
"How is it?" the others asked.
"Our head Xing came back happily. He told me that the last time we fought, it was our battalion's worst record. That's why we sent us out to earn some merit and come back to be promoted to the head. Hearing from our head Xing, The entire division needs to be expanded and expanded into a single army. Commander Xiao will become Commander Xiao when the time comes, and other commanders will become commanders. Our battalion commanders will be promoted. However, our three have the least military merits, so we are not enough. This allowed us to go out and earn credit."
"Oh, why haven't you heard of this before?" Wang Haikuo questioned.
"I have also heard about the expansion of the army. It was decided by the head recently. Our head held a special meeting in the afternoon. The meeting blew us up. Our head also asked me to bring the team back. No." Song Wuhai also said.
Zhuang Youqi next to him also nodded to confirm the news.
"As soon as you leave, I always feel bottomless." Wang Haikuo said.
"It's okay, the chief is here. Don't be afraid. If the kid dares to disadvantage you, you can ask the chief to sue the court. When the chief speaks, Master Xiao also has to listen obediently. Then the kid will not curse. No, don’t look at that kid also has someone in his hands, but those buns with cold weapons are incomparable to Master Xiao’s army.
Zhuang Youqi cheered Wang Haikuo.
Seeing that Wang Kuohai’s mood was not high, Tian Manfeng’s consultant said,
Master Tian has sent me a letter, asking me to find out where the scientists are as soon as possible. If Governor Wang can handle this matter well, Master Tian said that he is responsible for Your son was rescued and asked you to work under Chief Fan. He happens to be short of administrative talents. If you go, you will be the chief administrative officer."
Hearing this promise, Wang Hai said broadly and ruthlessly: "Okay, I will fight it this time, and I will leave this place when I look back, and I will never suffer from this bird's anger again!"
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