: Chapter 482: Battle of the Jedi

The number of hyenas continues to increase sharply, increasing to forty to fifty thousand. The whole valley is full of hyenas. This number is heard. The whole valley is filled with the noisy calls of hyenas, which is more than that of the toad. Be noisy.
Just when these hyenas kept barking, a strange bark suddenly sounded outside the hyena group. This bark suppressed all the barking sounds of hyenas. Suddenly the whole hyena group stopped the noisy barking, and the hyenas automatically turned towards Away from both sides, a sturdy hyena came out. This hyena was half a head taller than a male lion. Its fur was gleaming with a faint golden color, and a pair of huge canine teeth slightly exposed outside the teeth. A little bit of teeth, you can see the cold light emanating from the two huge canine teeth.
A pair of fiercely exposed eyes will always make people feel deep cold. The huge soles of feet will leave scratches on the hard stone when stepping on the stone ground.
Beside this hyena, follow a kobold to learn from this kobold, who is dressed in ancient Egyptian samurai costumes and holds a long spear in his hand. This kobold and the leader of the hyena go hand in hand, and it seems that the leader of the hyena is facing the dog's head. People, there is a little fear.
When the two creatures walked to the hyena group and saw that the mouth of the canyon was blocked by stones, the kobold's mouth curled slightly: "These humans, since they are here, they should give you a snack. You resolve the battle in half an hour."
Said the kobold arrogantly. And the hyena leader bends down slightly to show obedience, and then roars at the sky, and the hyena group behind him begins to move.
As soon as these hyenas heard the signal, they rushed towards Taniguchi frantically. In the eyes of these hyenas, the humans who broke into their homes are just a pile of food. Whoever breaks in first eats them first. Therefore, the whole valley is filled with the strange laughter of "Jiejie". The soldiers guarding the valley kept getting goose bumps.
"Brothers, don't be afraid. I just called for reinforcements. Our reinforcements will arrive in less than ten minutes. Do you have the confidence to hold these ten minutes?"
"Yes!" Less than 60 soldiers guarding Taniguchi shouted in response.
At this time, the hyenas had already rushed to Taniguchi, and they saw Taniguchi shooting out bows and arrows. These hyenas were more defensive than those vulture mummies. The bows and arrows did not go deep into these hyenas. Although they hurt these hyenas, they could only It's a minor injury, but this injury can't stop these hyenas from attacking.
This is not because the Griffin Rider is not strong enough, mainly after a night of fighting, and now the Griffin Rider is exhausted, so the lethality of the bow and arrow is greatly reduced at this time.
Captain Cavaliers must not be able to attack like this. Once the hyena rushes into Taniguchi, he will definitely not be able to hold it for ten minutes. When the time comes, when the rescue team arrives, there will only be a place of bones.
"Shoot these hyenas in the legs, shoot them in the legs!" The captain of the Cavaliers shouted laboriously, and even shouting loudly now would affect the wound in the abdomen.
After listening to the captain's order, all the soldiers immediately lowered the accuracy of their bows and arrows, and began to attack the bottom plates of these hyenas.
The hyena running in the front shot a sharp arrow at the knee of his front leg. Although the defensive power of the mutated hyena became stronger, the defensive power of the knee was not strong, and this sharp arrow was a coincidence. The straight shot hit the hyena’s bone seam, and the sharp arrow's cutting head was directly embedded in it. When the hyena raised its leg, the bones were stitched together, and the hard arrow caused secondary damage to the hyena’s knee. The hyena wailed and fell down. On the ground.
This Taniguchi is not wide. A mutant hyena with the size of a cheetah fell down. It was like a Mercedes-Benz off-road motorcycle suddenly crossing the middle of the road, and it was still in the middle of two roads, while the hyena behind was still accelerating. Forward, this series of car accidents is inevitable.
The hyenas behind could not make way. Some tripped over this hyena, and some stepped directly on the hyena. The hyena group immediately rushed forward, and there was chaos.
"Don't stop, continue shooting!" Seeing that the hyena group was in chaos, the captain knew that the strategy of attacking the bottom plate had worked, but these hyenas were only shot and not fatal enough, so they would not stop the hyena's attack, so he must think Other ways.
The captain ordered the defensive players to attack with bows and arrows, while scanning the valley, hoping to find something to use.
This valley is a rocky mountain valley, surrounded by yellow rocks, there is very little sand, not to mention trees, but the biggest advantage in the valley is that the valley is located to the north of the peak, so the high mountains block most of the sun and allow the daytime The temperature is lower than other places, which is why these hyenas choose to make their nest here.
"Captain, how much of our Griffin can fly?"
The captain asked a small captain who followed him next to him.
"Now most of the Griffins are also injured, and fewer than ten can fly. Eight of them are barely able to fly, but they can't fly far." The team leader said worriedly.
If these griffins were also badly injured, they wouldn't be trapped here. If the Griffon can fly back to the base and the team members are severely injured, the Griffon can also carry these team members back.
"How are the two griffins?" the captain asked.
"Although the two were also injured, they were all minor injuries and did not affect the flight."
"Okay, you call two people in a while, like this. Do you understand?"
"This... does it work?" The small captain looked at the captain suspiciously.
"Now we have to try any means. If we don't want to save ourselves, we can't stay here for ten minutes. As long as there is any way to hold on for one minute, we will win!" The captain said decisively.
"Yes, I understand, I'll make arrangements now." After the team leader finished speaking, he turned to arrange.
Soon, the two griffins soared into the sky from the valley and quickly disappeared into the blue sky.
"Why did someone run away?" The soldier in front of him was taken aback when he saw a griffon flying away with people.
"Everyone hold on, don't panic, I sent them to contact the reinforcements." The captain found that when the Griffins flew away, the entire battle team slackened. He knew that the Griffins' departure caused some fighters to fluctuate.
"Comrades-in-arms, work harder, we will defend for another five minutes, and the reinforcements will arrive!" At this time, the team leader also encouraged.
In fact, even if the captain didn’t say anything, these fighters knew that their back was gone. Even the two captains had a chance to escape, but they still stayed to fight with them. With such troubled brothers, how could they not? Desperately.
So when the two captains appeared, the hidden power of the entire team burst out. At this time, the soldiers were pulling their bows. The bows and arrows that were just eight-point full were drawn into full bows. Such bows and arrows immediately caused fatal injuries to these hyenas, especially when a hyena was shot directly in the eye with a sudden sound Screaming, falling to the ground can not afford.
The death of the first hyena caused a slight pause in the forward hyena, but the leader of the hyena screamed and started to urge the hyena to attack again. Hearing the leader's anger, these hyenas didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately began to speed up the attack again. It didn't seem that they were no longer afraid of death.
The hyena accelerates and is already less than ten meters away from Taniguchi. As long as the hyena runs two steps, it will rush to the stone wall less than one person high. Judging from the size of those hyenas, the stone wall of this height cannot stop at all. The attack of these hyenas, but the captain only hopes that these stone walls can slow down the attack of these hyenas.
At this moment, an eagle sounded from the sky, and the two griffins that had just flown away went and returned. After the two griffins flew back, they began to accelerate and dive.
The hyenas thought that the two griffins were going to attack from the air, so they raised their heads without showing weakness, and roared at the griffins in the sky, expressing a kind of provocation.
However, the two griffins did not fly down. Instead, they stopped less than 20 meters away from the ground. The knight on the griffin opened a pocket made of clothes and began to sprinkle things downward.
When these hyenas hadn’t figured out what was going on, their eyes and bodies were covered with powder from the sky, and their heads and faces were covered, especially in the eyes of these hyenas. If the powder got in, the eyes would go again. They couldn't open them either. Some hyenas hurt their eyes with their claws, but the sharp claws hurt themselves.
It turns out that these powders are greedy white ash sand. Although white ash is not lethal, it does not enter the eyes. When white lime encounters water, it will generate a lot of heat, but there is water in the eyes, so once the white lime enters the eyes, it will burn, and the taste is absolutely sour.
When the two griffins scattered the two bags of white lime, there was a wailing in front of Taniguchi. The hyena group, which was still aggressive just now, suddenly fell into chaos. Many hyenas covered their eyes with their front paws and rolled on the ground and howled. Why don’t the hyenas behind Knowing what magical attack the hyena had hit in front, one by one flinched.
This time, the leader of the hyena was irritated. It has been five minutes since the start of the war, and they were less than 500 meters away from Taniguchi. I believe she has crawled over it by herself. Wan's army of hyenas didn't even touch the human side, so she was angry.
Seeing a roar of the hyena leader, he rushed up directly and slammed the two hyenas who fell down on the ground and wailed the fiercest, and smashed their heads. Then the hyena king turned his head to the hyenas who were afraid to move forward. , Barking teeth, exposing her sharp fangs, let out a roar.
Seeing that the leader was really angry, the hyenas were warned of the death of their companions. These hyenas were no longer afraid of their heads and tails, so they started to rush forward frantically.
The Griffin Rider Captain saw these hyenas go into a state of madness and knew that the most dangerous time had come.
"The soldiers in the first row change their swords, and the second row continues to shoot!" The captain knew that the head-on time was coming, so he quickly adjusted his formation and prepared for the most dangerous moment.
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