: The 483rd section of the stone wall collapses

This time the crazy hyena rushed to Taniguchi in an instant. Although there were a few hyenas falling to the ground with arrows in the middle, they even wailed harshly, but this could no longer stop the hyena's crazy attack.
Soon the hyena had reached the low stone wall. Although the low stone wall was as high as half a person, now the hyena leaped lightly, passed the low wall, and rushed towards the defending soldier behind the low wall.
However, the hyena jumped up and exposed its abdomen invisibly. This is the protective weakness of the hyena. Whether it is an arrow or a soldier's war knife, it can easily cut through the skin of the abdomen. So hyenas appeared on the battlefield leaping high, but some fell quickly. Some of the dropped hyenas were shot through the abdomen by arrows, some were stabbed into the abdomen by a knife, and even a hyena was cut across the entire abdomen by a knife. The stomach ran out, and the soldier's face was covered with blood under the spray.
"Horse, this hyena's blood smells really bad!" The soldier complained quickly, touching the blood on his face with his hand.
"You kid feel lucky. If you are unlucky and cut the hyena's intestines open, then you know what bad smell is!" The soldier next to him joked while brandishing a knife.
"Huh, don't be beautiful, you kid, maybe you will get this treatment soon!" The bloodied soldier, after slashing a hyena with a knife, did not forget to counterattack.
"You two brats can't stop your mouths in a war. You have the strength to speak. Kill a few more hyenas." The team leader next to him was afraid that the two quarrel would affect the fight, so he quickly stopped.
When the two soldiers heard the captain's words, they stopped talking and continued fighting.
Although the first few hyenas died, this could not stop the later hyenas from charging. In less than a minute, at least nearly a hundred hyenas fell under the low wall. The bodies of these hyenas were more than one meter high and became a climber. Go up the stairs of the low wall.
Moreover, a one-minute high-intensity battle makes a team that is not physically strong, and its lethality drops quickly. Hyenas that can often be killed with a single stroke often require two strokes. However, once a deadly opportunity is missed on the battlefield, the second It is very difficult for the knife to kill the opponent.
This caused several hyenas to break into the wall, preparing to attack them behind the soldiers.
At this moment, the captain came with a few slightly wounded fighters. Although they could not fight with their swords head-on, it was still possible to check the gaps in the back. A few fighters surrounded and suppressed a hyena, which made it just rush through the wall. The hyena was in a hurry and was beaten to death within a few seconds.
But the wounded soldier is the wounded soldier, and the combat power is much lower than that of the previous soldiers. Especially the captain, who just raised the knife and slashed, caused the wound on the abdomen to open. In an instant, the gauze on the abdomen was reddened, and sweat beaded. , Involuntarily flowed down, but the captain still clenched his teeth. He knew that as long as he stood here to fight, the players would not panic.
However, as hyenas rushed into Taniguchi frantically, the entire Taniguchi was filled with hyenas. What the team has to face is not a dozen hyenas, but dozens of them. This has already exceeded the number of defenders. The more hyenas leaped into the defensive wall, the defenders finally suffered casualties.
A defensive player swung a knife and slashed at a hyena. However, from the side of the defensive player, a hyena rushed over and bit the player’s arm. Just when the player was about to throw off the hyena, The hyena shook its head and threw the team member out from behind the low wall, and then the whole body was thrown into the hyena group. Before the team member had time to yell, a hyena's neck was directly bitten off.
Another team member's rib was slapped by a paw of a hyena attacking from the side. Although he did not die immediately, the rib broke and the team member flew out.
Several soldiers were wounded and killed in succession, leaving the entire defense line in jeopardy. At this time, the two flying griffins flew back again, and they scattered the lime again. However, in the face of the turbulent hyena group, two pockets of lime were no longer possible. Prevented the hyena's attack.
The two warriors riding on the griffin can only urge the hyena to join the battle group.
I saw a griffin swooping down, and his claws instantly caught a hyena that rushed into the low wall, grabbed it to the sky, and then threw the hyena from the air into the group of hyenas. This hyena directly hit other hyenas. , Suddenly stunned the other hyenas.
But the effects of the two griffins are very limited. In the face of the surging hyenas, this support can only be a drop in the bucket. Seeing that the entire defense line is about to be broken.
At this moment, the roar of motors came from the distant sky, and two planes appeared in the sky.
Regarding the aircraft, these hyenas didn’t care and they still launched an offensive frantically, but the kobold standing next to the hyena leader’s face changed even more. The bug army was bombed by aircraft before, although those missiles were easily resolved by bugs. But that's because those bugs can fly and can be intercepted from the air, but now these hyenas do not have air defense means.
The kobold looked at 40,000, and was about to find a place to hide. However, the hillside didn’t even have a tree, and it was bare and there was no hiding place at all. This made the kobold change its color and whispered to himself. , Don’t aim at yourself for a while.
The hyena standing next to the kobold was very disdainful of the timidity of the kobold. Had it not been for the kobold who was the special envoy of Abinus, the hyena leader would not have bowed to this incompetent kobold. .
Just when the hyena leader was dissatisfied with the kobold, the plane had begun to dive, and the huge roar of the aircraft finally attracted the attention of the hyena leader.
When the hyena leader looked up at the airplane, he saw two missiles from each of the two airplanes flying down. One airplane was aimed at the hyena group in Taniguchi, and the other was aimed at himself.
Seeing the two missiles continuously magnify in front of my own eyes, a huge sense of threat emerged in my heart. Out of instinct, the hyena leader immediately opened his magical protection. A hard stone ball shell appeared. Around the hyena's body.
Just as the stone ball had just condensed, a huge explosion sounded in the hyena group, and the hyena group that was still rushing into Taniguchi was blown up into the sky. Many hyenas were dismembered by a huge explosion in the air. After the explosion airflow passed, the sky rained blood.
The two planes carried not only two missiles, but as many as six missiles and dozens of bombs. As the missiles and bombs flew down, on the bottom of the outside Taniguchi, the flames suddenly boiled, and the sound of explosions one after another. The howling of the injured hyena was so weak in the sound of the huge explosion.
The two planes hovered in the sky for five minutes, until all bombs and missiles were fired, then they flicked their wings and flew back to the base.
At this time, the slopes were full of explosive craters, some up to more than one meter in diameter. Near these craters, there were stumps of hyenas with broken arms, and the injured and wailing hyenas were countless. The hyenas that were still flaunting their might and intended to swallow all the humans in the valley, after this round of plane bombing, they damaged as many as six to seven thousand. Although more hyenas were not affected by the explosion, the scene of the explosion was terrible. These hyenas shudder.
When the surviving hyena shivered, the stone ball that had already cracked finally cracked. The leader of the hyena got out of the stone ball. Although the leader of the hyena was not injured by the missile, the leader of the hyena was covered with dust and looked very embarrassed.
When the hyena leader looked up and looked around, he was surrounded by broken limbs and arms. A little further away were many injured hyenas who were wailing. There were thousands of attacking hyenas before, but now they can still stand. There are hundreds of them, and these hundreds of hyenas are still scorched as if they were roasted by fire.
Suddenly the Hyena leader thought of something missing around him, but at this time his head was a bit amnesia after being shaken by the missile just now, and he didn't remember it for a while.
But when he turned his head to find out what he had missed, he suddenly saw that there was a spear on the ground not far from his side. This was the weapon of the kobold. This reminded the leader of the hyena, that Abi Where did Nuth's envoy go?
Not far from the spear, many pieces of clothing were scattered. These pieces of clothing were worn by the special envoy. This made the hyena leader afraid. The death of the special envoy meant that he was about to face Abinus’s. Anger, Abinus was called the messenger of hell, and annoyed him, that undoubtedly his soul would suffer pain.
There is no way, now only let these humans come to pay homage to the special envoy, and then take these human heads to claim credit like Abinus to offset Abinus' anger.
This time the hyena leader is ready to take the lead in the charge. These incompetent men can only delay the fighting time. For such a long time, even the small low wall has not been broken through, and it is really shameful for the hyena.
With a roar, the leader of the hyena rushed to Taniguchi first, and he followed the hyena group. This time the leader of the hyena was going to play for real. When it approached Taniguchi, a roar came from its mouth, and then its soles slammed on it. All at once, just in front of him, a row of spurs suddenly appeared. These spurs passed directly through the low wall, smashing the stones on the low wall, and the entire stone wall collapsed in an instant.
The human beings hiding behind the stone wall were about to attack this huge hyena. Suddenly, the stone wall, which was used as the body, collapsed. The dust and smoke instantly filled the entire battlefield, making it impossible for the soldiers to see the hyenas flying over.
After collapsing the stone wall, the obstacle in front was cleared. The hyena leader cracked his mouth with a grinning expression, and then accelerated, jumped high, and went straight to the throat of a team member. At this time, the team member had just been squinted by the smoke and dust, and he did not notice the attack of the hyena leader. At this time, he could not escape.
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