: 484th Heavenly Soldiers

Just when the hyena was about to bite the soldier’s throat, the hyena leader suddenly felt a threat of death coming. The hyena dreamed of turning over in the air, moving his body more than one meter away, and fell heavily. On the stone wall, with a "bang", the body stopped after hitting the stone wall and rebounding to the ground.
The hyena leader has always believed in his own intuition. Many times, his instinct saved his life. The feeling of facing death just now was too real, so the hyena leader turned his head and looked in the direction of the soldier who flew just now. On the ground not far in front of the little soldier, there was a magic arrow slowly dissipating.
Only then did the hyena leader know where his death threat came from. If he attacked and did not dodge, he would definitely be shot in the head by that arrow. According to his ability to predict danger, that arrow would definitely kill him.
Before the hyena leader had time to find where the arrow came from, the feeling of death suddenly came. Now, the hyena leader did not dare to delay, rolled forward and avoided it, just as he rolled, another magic arrow It appeared abruptly where it was just now, and the location was its head.
Even more frightening is that just when the hyena leader thought he had escaped a disaster, but he felt a murderous aura appearing behind him, the hyena leader quickly activated his soil protective shield, and a hard soil ball appeared on it again. Around the body.
However, the earth crust was not completely formed yet, it was directly broken by a blast of sword air. Although the earth ball shattered, most of the sword energy was cancelled out. Only a small part hit the hyena leader, leaving only not very deep scars on the hyena.
At this time, the leader of the hyena turned around and saw that there was another person behind him, a person wearing a black full-body armor and holding a black long knife, and the sword energy just came from this human knife, and this Human beings give the hyena leader a feeling of a strong murderous aura, which completely makes him breathless.
But the hyena leader doesn’t want to die here. For the dangerous human being in front of him, he didn’t expect to rush to fight alone. The principle of hyenas is to win more. The reason why lions were afraid of them was group fights. The hyena family has always If there are many people, who is the boss, if you win one by one, it is not a shame, it is a skill.
So the hyena leader roared, and the hyena group not far away began to rush into Taniguchi. This posture is bound to completely wipe out the humans in the valley.
Li Yuanhong was standing opposite the hyena leader. This hyena made Li Yuanhong very troublesome. He had been attacked and killed three times in a row, and was evaded by this hyena. This made Li Yuanhong feel that this hyena was not easy, and it was not easy to kill him.
"It's a pity, you can't be killed here!" Seeing the swarm of hyenas, Li Yuanhong could only sigh secretly.
"Who wants to fight in a group, who is afraid of who!" But Li Yuanhong was not afraid of the dog group that screamed, and saw his hands shake and two robot dogs appeared in front of Li Yuanhong.
"Use the laser gun to block these bad dogs!" Li Yuanhong ordered to the two robot dogs.
The two robot dogs listened, and immediately opened the two ribbed steel plates, and the two laser guns stretched out, and then the laser guns began to emit lasers. The hyenas running in the front did not understand what was going on, they were oncoming lasers. Penetrating the body, a blood hole appeared in the forehead.
The first hyena that was killed by a laser was not the end, but just the beginning. The four laser guns did not count as launching lasers at the dog group, and the dozen hyenas that ran in the forefront instantly fell down.
Because the Taniguchi is not wide, two robot dogs are standing at the exit of the Taniguchi. As long as the laser gun keeps running, the hyenas come up and die, which makes the hyenas start to feel fear.
At this time, the hyena leader had retreated to the group of dogs. Seeing the two robot dogs so powerful, he retreated in his heart, hesitating whether it was time to retreat.
Just when the hyena leader hesitated, maybe God didn't want it to be there and left, the laser guns of the two robot dogs suddenly stopped firing.
It turned out that the energy of the robot dog was exhausted. During the battle last night, the robot dog fired energy cannons many times, almost consuming the energy of the spar it carried. It is a miracle to be able to shoot dozens of lasers today. At this time the energy is exhausted, even the robot dog itself Machine hanged.
As the robot dogs stopped shooting, the two robot dogs fell to the ground and could not get up.
"I'm really picking up when I don't pick it, and looking back to see how I can clean up you!" Li Yuanhong saw that two robot dogs were lying on their ground, so he said aloud and gave himself a strong face. After all, the robot dog has no energy, it is his master. Responsibility.
But other people don't know why these two dogs are lying down, especially the leader of the hyena, who thinks these two robot dogs are sick.
The so-called killing you when you are sick. Hyenas have never relented in dealing with the sick lions. At this time, seeing that Li Yuanhong's two robot dogs were also sick, they naturally came to the spirit.
With a bark, the hyena group rushed up again. This time there was no blockage of the hyena laser gun. Soon the hyena group rushed into the valley mouth. As long as they dash forward more than ten meters, the hyenas will rush through the valley mouth and block those. After they have been young for a long time, they can completely swallow their stomachs.
However, Li Yuanhong was not in a hurry at this time, and retracted the robot dog into the space again, and then slowly backed up, behind the stone wall that had fallen for most of the time.
"Commander, why are you here? It's too dangerous here!"
At this moment, the Griffin Knight Captain came over, clutching his stomach, and said anxiously.
"Of course you guys are here. You have to know, you are my baby bumps, just eaten by those big dogs, I have nowhere to cry!" Li Yuanhong said with a smile.
"But commander-in-chief, it's too dangerous here. You can't stop these mutant hyenas alone. We still have two flying griffins. Get out of here!" The Griffin Rider Captain said with some tears.
"Who said I came alone!" Li Yuanhong still said calmly.
The Captain of the Griffin Rider was stunned. The sudden appearance of Li Yuanhong just a moment ago made these soldiers feel strange. Now Li Yuanhong said that he did not come alone, but he has not seen any reinforcements outside. Could it be that Li Yuanhong can still Turn soldiers out of thin air?
Just when everyone was puzzled, the hyenas were almost in front of the stone wall. At this moment, many swordsmen fell from the sky, but these swordsmen were carrying parachutes on their bodies, just like dandelions, falling from the sky.
"My soldiers are here, don't just look at them, go up and help pick the parachutes!" Li Yuanhong said to the somewhat startled Griffin Knight soldiers.
"Oh...oh!" These soldiers woke up like a dream, and quickly went to help.
As these parachutes descended, a famous swordsman came out of the parachute pile, and then walked to Li Yuanhong's side without saying a word, brandished his sword, and slashed at the hyenas that came in.
Soon at the exit of Taniguchi, swordsmen stood full, and even a little crowded. When these swordsmen went to that station, they walked a wall. With a wave of their long swords, the hyenas were not the sum of their swords at all, and they were beheaded in front of the stone wall.
Li Yuanhong was already tired and panting. Just now, in order to prevent the hyenas from charging, he waited for the swordsmen in the sky to land smoothly, and kept attacking the hyenas with sword energy. So now Li Yuanhong felt that he was a little weak.
After taking a break, Li Yuanhong looked back at the swordsmen who were swinging their swords to stop the hyenas from attacking. Two hundred swordsmen stood in Taniguchi and looked very crowded. So he quickly withdrew more than half of the swordsmen. One was to make the sword better. There is room for the swordsman to kill the enemy. Second, the swordsman fights for a long time, and when he is tired, the swordsman who rests in the back can move forward and defend.
Arranged to fight the enemy ahead, Li Yuanhong went to the resting place of the Griffin Riders. This is a place close to the cliff. Now all the Griffin Riders are injured, including the more than 20 lions who blocked the hyena on the stone wall. Eagle rider. After the first battle, all those soldiers were also injured, and there were even a few soldiers who were seriously injured.
"Well, how are the injuries of the players?" Li Yuanhong asked the Cavaliers captain.
"Some soldiers are going to die soon!" The captain said in a low voice.
"They can't die!" Li Yuanhong said as he took out a lot of healing medicine from the space and took out the life potion.
In order to fight, these Griffin Riders reduced their weight as much as possible, so each of the medicines only brought a bottle of red potion and gauze. But this time the battle was fierce. Many people drank the potion during the battle. , There is no medicine left.
At this time, Li Yuanhong took out the potion, which was a life-saving potion. Captain Knight didn't say anything else, and quickly gave the red potion to the severely injured people. The red medicine was under the water, and the breathing of these severely injured people became more stable, and it was clear that their lives were safe.
"You are here to guard these brothers, I will go to Taniguchi." Li Yuanhong patted the captain on the shoulder and walked towards Taniguchi.
At this time, Taniguchi's battle was very fierce, and the swordsman's lethality was too strong. Those hyenas were basically chopped in half with a single sword. Now Taniguchi is full of hyena corpses. The strong smell of blood can spread far away. And every swordsman was splattered with blood, and he couldn't tell whether it was his own injury or the blood of a hyena.
Li Yuanhong checked the hyena’s offensive situation. Now the hyena’s offensive intensity has been significantly weakened. Obviously the swordsman’s combat effectiveness has made these hyenas feel scared. More importantly, the narrow Taniguchi is not conducive to the hyena’s quantitative advantage. Now the hyena leader is a little retreat.
Just when the hyena leader was still hesitating, the sound of an airplane suddenly came from the sky. The hyena leader hurriedly raised his head and watched. It was not two airplanes that came back, but four. These airplanes swooped down as soon as they crossed the mountain. The tragic bombing began again.
Finally, the straw that overwhelmed the hyena's fighting will came up.
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