Chapter 96: Honest people (4)

In the afternoon, everyone felt Xu Zifan's seriousness. Because after Xu Zifan finished his work, he searched the Internet for many ways to reject people, and also searched for "the art of speaking", "how to get along with husband and wife", "how to communicate with father-in-law" and so on. Not only did he search it out, he also took notes, and then asked his married colleagues for their opinions. Everyone saw how honest people are serious.
In the posts he searched, colleagues also saw that one of them said that he was in the office, saying that he should not help others to complete their work. This made the three people who most like to ask the original owner for help a bit hot. It is one thing to do it, and it is another thing to be pointed on the bright side. For their own face, they are too embarrassed to ask Xu Zifan for help. , Doesn't that seem to be bullying?
After Xu Zifan achieved his goal, he stayed at his desk as if he were working. In fact, he hacked the phones of Wu Lidong and Wu Xuefei, checked their circle of friends, and saved all the screenshots in his mailbox. Moments of friends can block someone individually. The two people will block the original owner every time they post to Moments. Only some normal ones that will not reveal the relationship will be seen by the original owner.
At this moment, Xu Zifan turned around on their mobile phone and had a good harvest. Not only did they have the sweet interaction of their private circle of friends, but also hundreds of group photos in their mobile phone albums, as well as their WeChat and SMS conversations, and extremely frequent Call history.
Xu Zifan also found out their online banking bills. It was recorded in which hotel they checked in on any day. Now that Wu Lidong has 780,000 in the card, he has taken a screenshot clearly.
After Xu Zifan emptied the contents of their two mobile phones, he signed up for a Weibo called "Feifan Happiness Record", and then sent a photo of the marriage certificate taken by the original owner. At that time, the original owner was excited to marry the goddess and took a lot of pictures, both inside and out. He picked a cover photo and posted it with the caption: Everyone who has secretly fallen in love with Fei at the same table for 14 years, finally married the goddess in his heart, hope Every day from now on will be happy.
Then post the second article, attaching the life photos taken by the original owner to Wu Xuefei, very beautiful, with the text: the beautiful photos of the wife captured are more beautiful than the stars, and you will always be my goddess.
Third, he took a picture of his workbench, with the text: Work hard, give his wife a better life, and look forward to the birth of our little baby. There are still eight months, a long time.
Then there are Articles 4 and 5... Xu Zifan edited 20 Weibo posts in one go, all of them showing affection, expressing his wife is his goddess, and he cherishes it very much. He also mentioned that his father-in-law lived with them, and mentioned that he helped his father-in-law clean the room and hoped his father-in-law would be satisfied. It was a very subtle disclosure of the family situation.
Of course, the Weibo he just registered was not read, and no one commented after posting so many. After Xu Zifan concealed his ip address, he posted his Weibo to one of the most popular marriage and love forums, and said in a little girl's tone: "I saw a blogger who showed affection on Weibo. Such a good husband really has Is it? Everyone, see if it is fake? I didn't find the flaw!"
Only two pictures were posted in the post, and then Weibo screenshots and links were attached. It didn't take long for Xu Zifan's Weibo to be commented. Some people said that they were watching the drama, some said they didn't believe it was true, and some said they seemed very happy. Xu Zifan made a few trumpets and began to leave comments. He pinched himself and questioned the fact that the blogger did not post his photos. He also said that the blogger was the beauty in the photo and became an internet celebrity in order to speculate. Then he said that he believed in love again. This is definitely true love. Finally, I wondered why it was too humble to please my father-in-law so much.
He played the water army very sluggishly, switching between several trumpets, and soon led many netizens to debate. In this kind of relationship, everyone has their own opinions, and it is most likely to be choked by disagreements. The more they noisy, the more messages they leave, and the more people they attract.
Xu Zifan's Weibo fans have gradually increased. Although the speed is a bit slow, it is already a good start. When he got off work, he saw that the heat had already risen, and he did not need to guide him, so he closed Weibo and allowed it to ferment, and packed his things to go home.
The colleagues greeted him. Sister Liu dropped in with him and said, "Zifan, how do you go back? My husband is here to pick me up, or you can take my car?"
Xu Zifan happily said: "Can you? I have to crowd the bus to go back. If I can get a ride, I can go shopping early."
Sister Liu didn't agree with the authenticity: "Didn't it say that it was changed? Why are you still buying vegetables?"
"Then, you can't make pregnant women hungry. I can't wait for the rest of the meal. She said that she wanted to learn to cook that day, but she overturned the soup pot and burned her hands. I didn't dare to let her cook, so she let her Just sweep the floor or wipe the dust." Xu Zifan smiled and said to Sister Liu as he walked.
Sister Liu was speechless: "Learning to cook can knock over the soup pot? This is a kitchen killer? What about her hands?"
Xu Zifan thought for a while, "It's okay, it's not popular anymore."
Sister Liu was surprised: "It's not red anymore? How come the soup pot has to be soaked? Is your wife really hot? Zifan, I think you may be too nervous about your wife, she might just touch the edge of the pot. This is different from hot soup. You have to give people a chance to grow up. If she doesn’t know anything, what should she do if you’re not at home and the child wants something to eat? The couple are married and cook. You have to practice, otherwise there will be some inconvenience in the future, at least you have to learn simple cooking and braising."
Xu Zifan nodded thoughtfully, "I may really want to make a difference, just like parents doting on a child is harming the child, it is good for him to let him grow up. I can't let my wife touch him. , I just looked at how husband and wife get along and said that husband and wife must grow up together, or there will be problems in the marriage."
"Yes, that's right, your brother-in-law and I share everything together. They have been in harmony for so many years."
The two found Sister Liu's lover's car, Xu Zifan greeted him, and sat in the back seat cautiously. Then he saw Liu Jie chatting and interacting with her lover along the way, and he showed an expression of envy in a timely manner, which was seen by Liu Jie in the rearview mirror. Sister Liu couldn't help sighing that this child had never even talked about love, and suddenly got married and had children. It was really messy. It happened that his wife and father-in-law were not good at them, and they were both lazy and lazy. I really don't know if they can get along well, no matter how they look like it will not last long.
Sister Liu sent Xu Zifan to the supermarket opposite the Lange Community. Xu Zifan thanked them, and when he watched them leave, he turned and walked into a hot pot restaurant and had a hearty spicy hot pot meal comfortably.
Shopping for cooking? nonexistent.
When he was full, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. He took out his phone and swiped his Weibo for a while, and saw that many people suspected that he was self-hyped, so he posted a Weibo: Marrying a goddess is the biggest surprise in my life, if it wasn't for an accident, not because of having a baby, goddess Definitely look down on me. Please don't slander my wife, this is not her self-hype, she doesn't know this Weibo at all, this is just the place where I want to record our happy life. I hope to share it with friends who are equally happy. Please stop speculating maliciously.
The "certain people" who were said to be malicious speculation were naturally unhappy, and immediately stepped up their efforts to crack down on hacking. There are also ip-checkers trying to find out the real hammer of self-hype. However, Xu Zifan has always been cautious and didn't let them find any evidence at all. It seems that it is a completely infatuated man showing affection.
The more so, the more netizens who believe in Xu Zifan like his Weibo, because he feels that he really loves his wife. Women want to have a man who is good to them, when they suddenly see such a man who is willing to share, of course they have to keep watching and keep asking them about their daily life, hoping that he will update and write more on Weibo. It's best to write more words, like a diary, the sweetness of daily life is the sweetest!
Xu Zifan picked a person to reply: Every day is almost the same. Just after eating, my wife and father-in-law went to watch TV. I have to wash the dishes, do the housework, and then wash the clothes. There is nothing to say about this, I'm going to work.
His reply was quickly pushed up, and many people expressed surprise and praised him as a good man. Some people think that he does so much work, but his wife and father-in-law watch TV, which is a bit too much. However, because Weibo is a show of affection, most people still think that he is showing affection, indicating that he is very kind to his wife.
The sunspots grabbed the handle and said that it is impossible for a normal man to buy vegetables and cook after get off work and do so much work. This must be a woman who came out by herself. The sunspots righteously accused that it doesn't matter if a woman fantasizes about having a good husband, but it's not right for a blogger to be so yy and open Weibo to deceive people. Isn't this deceiving the public's feelings?
No matter how the sunspots jumped, Xu Zifan did not reply to them because he had already gone home.
Wu Xuefei and Wu Lidong were eating takeaway, four dishes and one soup, and looked down upon him as soon as they entered the door. Wu Lidong said: "Do you still know that you will come back? How many times Feifei called you but you didn't answer it, what's the matter with you?"
Xu Zifan took out his mobile phone and said in surprise: "Huh? When did the flight mode turn on? I didn't pay attention. Xuefei, are you looking for me?"
Wu Xuefei frowned, "You don't say a word when you work overtime. My dad and I have been waiting for you for a long time. I just called the takeaway when I was so hungry. Zifan, what you said on the phone today is unclear. You are complaining. I have nothing to do and do nothing? I can go out to find a job. I have never wanted to be a housewife. If it weren't for this unexpected child, I would never stay at home."
Wu Lidong scolded: "Hurry up and apologize to Feifei? What are you doing? You dislike pregnant women and don’t work? Feifei’s fetal condition is unstable. Don’t you know that, Feifei told me that you are very good to her. I didn't see it at all."
As soon as the two sang together, they thought Xu Zifan would apologize immediately by taking the lead. Who knew that Xu Zifan would say: "Xuefei, you blame me for not letting you go out to work? You misunderstood me. I didn't mean that. I know you went abroad after graduating from university. Charging is definitely better than me. I’ve never thought of letting you be a housewife. Many pregnant women in our company are at work and are very confident. I also inquired today. Didn’t you say that you always feel unhappy these two days? Can't you feel good? They said that when you stay at home like this, it is easy to get depression, and you need to get in touch with other people. When you go to work and chat with many colleagues, you will feel better. So I support you in finding a job. What do you want to find? What kind of work?"
Wu Xuefei and Wu Lidong were taken aback, they looked at each other, and Wu Lidong immediately said: "Naughty! Feifei is pregnant with a hard baby, how can I go out to work? What should I do if something happens?"
Xu Zifan put down the bag, sat on the sofa, took out the laptop and opened it, and said with a smile: "Dad, you are so worried. I asked a lot of experienced colleagues today. When they heard about Xue Fei, they all said that she was just at home. It’s easy to cause problems if you continue to do so. Your body will get worse and worse, and your mood will become more and more depressed. You must go out. Work is the best way. Of course, it must be easy work and earn less. It doesn't matter. Although I know that Xue Fei is so high-spirited and I definitely want to earn more money, but pregnancy is a special period, Xue Fei, you feel wronged, find someone with a salary of about two thousand and you should go play."
"Right," Xu Zifan turned his head and smiled at Wu Lidong, "Dad, didn't you say that it was boring to be at home yesterday? I asked several people to contact you for a job as a security guard. Why don't you try?"
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