Chapter 97: Honest people (5)

Security? The kind of security that looks at pedestrians at the company gate every day? Wu Lidong used to work as a salesman, and people in suits and shoes participated in various social entertainments. In his eyes, security work was done by uneducated rough guys. Xu Zifan actually let him be a security guard?
Wu Lidong's face turned black, but now he is the father-in-law, so he can't speak, and winks Wu Xuefei. Wu Xuefei immediately said: "No, how can I let Dad be a security guard? How hard! Dad, don't agree, I don't allow it. You go. You suffered so much when you were young. Now that I have grown up, it's time for you to enjoy the blessings. How can I make you suffer? Zifan, stop looking for a job for your dad, just let my dad Just like your parents."
Xu Zifan said in surprise: "My parents are in their 60s and they are not in good health, so they are pensioners. Father-in-law's maintenance looks similar to me. I thought my dad would not recognize the old, so I definitely want to do something more. What? Um... well, I will tell my colleague tomorrow to give up the job as a security guard. It is a pity. I finally asked for the opportunity. Since Dad is old, I should take care of my family at home and pay more attention to it. ,take care."
Xu Zifan's words didn't sound much at first, but his expression when he looked at Wu Lidong was full of sympathy, as if he was saying to Wu Lidong: You can't.
Wu Lidong is not his true father-in-law, they are rivals in love! Being so pitiful and sympathetic to his love rivals made Wu Lidong suffocate his chest in one breath, holding his chest sore, and blurting out angrily, "Who do you think is old!"
Wu Xuefei hurriedly stopped him and made a round of it, "Zifan, I didn't say that my father is old, I am just filial piety, don't talk nonsense."
Xu Zifan nodded in understanding, looked at the computer while writing the code and said: "Understood, you mean we work, let my dad walk around and keep in good health, right? No problem, my monthly salary is set aside one thousand for living expenses. If you earn another two thousand, three thousand will be enough for a family of three."
"What? You gave the money to your parents?" Wu Xuefei's first reaction was to question, "Why don't you discuss this matter with me?"
Xu Zifan smiled gently and said,
I’m not trying to surprise you? I still remember you kneeling in front of my parents that day, crying and saying that you must work hard to make money to repay the loan. I know you’re high-spirited, definitely not I’m willing to take on debts, and my heart is bad these days? So today I took the time to visit my parents and gave them the salary card. I told them that you are in a bad mood because of this, and you will be upset if you don’t pay them back. They can only accept and praise you for your filial piety. In fact, you are really filial. You see you are anxious to pay my parents back, and you say that you don’t let your dad go to work. They care about your elders so much. Pensioners are happier than others."
Xu Zifan looked at Wu Xuefei and asked with a smile, "How is it? Isn't it a pleasant surprise? What I learned from you is even more filial."
Wu Xuefei was speechless, and all the questions were swallowed back. What can she say? Is it wrong to say that Xu Zifan is filial to his parents? Is it wrong to pay back the money? Then why can she be filial to her father? She was crying to pay back the money. Isn’t Xu Zifan loving her? Even Wu Lidong was stupefied and couldn't find a word to refute.
Xu Zifan soothed: "Don't worry, we have known each other for more than ten years, and I know you best. You think you just said you want to go out to work, isn't it just to pay the money? Did I guess right? Xue Fei, don't worry. , I absolutely support your work. Tomorrow I will ask my colleagues to see if there is any suitable position for you."
Wu Xuefei said that she wanted to work, but now she is riding a tiger. There is no reason to lose his temper with this kind of thing. Wu Lidong can only bite the bullet and say: "I don't approve of it. Xue Fei has to raise his body, even if he goes to work, it will take some time..."
"Xuefei, are you still uncomfortable?" Xu Zifan looked worried, put down his notebook and walked towards them, "Tomorrow, I will ask for leave to accompany you to the hospital for a full-body examination, otherwise I will not worry."
Wu Xuefei's body is very good, and it is delicious to eat. The fetal gas is purely bought by an old Chinese doctor to deceive him. If he goes to the hospital for an examination, it is not completely revealed! Wu Xuefei smiled stiffly and said, "No, I'm fine. Dad, don't worry so much. I will find a lighter job and it will be fine. If I find that I can't do it, I will resign again."
Wu Xuefei winked at Wu Lidong. Wu Lidong also knew that he had to find a job when he said that he had to find a job, so he had to say: "You kid is too strong. Okay, you try. If you feel uncomfortable, don't try to be strong. I I also went out to find a suitable job. You can't bear my burden, and I can't bear your hard work."
Xu Zifan knows that they are looking for a way out for themselves. Can't they quit if they feel uncomfortable after work? There are also those who can't find a job for a year. No deadline is just empty talk. But it doesn't matter. His family has lived here for decades, is there any contact to find a job? They will never give them a chance to delay.
Wu Lidong said reconciledly: "Zifan, we haven't found a job yet. Is it too little for you to leave only 1,000 living expenses per month? Even if Feifei earns another 2,000, it would be too nervous. She is now If you are pregnant, you need nutrition, you have to buy calcium tablets, vitamins, and so on. There may be social gatherings after work. Are you staying two thousand more?"
Xu Zifan smiled and said, "Don't worry, dad. I have confidence in Xue Fei. She may not be able to find someone with a monthly salary of tens of thousands, but it is not fun to find a job with a monthly salary of 2,000? The monthly living expenses are enough. Now that the child has not yet given birth, we have to pay off the debt again. It should be frugal. When Xue Fei recovers from the confinement period, we will change jobs. The monthly salary will definitely not be less than mine. I earn 16,000 a month, leave 5,000 for my family, and pay my parents 10,000. Those debts will soon be paid off. It will be easier in the future."
Xu Zifan looked around and said with great enthusiasm: "Don't worry, Dad, you will live with us if you have a child. Although I am average, I can't raise my salary at eight thousand, but Xue Fei has the ability. Maybe I can be a manager in the future, with a monthly salary of 15,000 yuan. Sooner or later, my family will be able to change to a junior home. By the way, it has to be a school district room. I heard that the school district room has been leveled with 21,000. I have really worked hard in the past few years. "
Xu Zifan glanced at his watch and hurriedly walked back, "Okay, let's not talk about it. I took a few private jobs and came back to do it, so I can earn some extra money to pay off the debt. Xuefei, you can clean up the house after you finish eating later. I have to be in a hurry, I really have no time to do it. My colleague told me that pregnant women must be more active, otherwise they will be difficult to give birth in the future. Dad, look at Xue Fei and make her move too much. I can’t always sit and lie down. It's gone."
Xu Zifan was banging at the computer, and his concentration made people unbearable to disturb. In fact, Wu Xuefei and Wu Lidong didn't know what to say at this moment, and they had no reason to refute Xu Zifan's words. People are busy earning extra money to pay off the family's debts, so the two of them are embarrassed to stop working and push them to Xu Zifan?
But Xu Zifan earns extra money to repay Xu's father and Xu's mother. What does it have to do with them? Thinking about the arrangements Xu Zifan said, he only keeps one thousand per month, and the other households have to earn both of them, so what are they still spending with Xu Zifan? Figure his thousand dollars?
The two were relatively speechless, eating the food with the same taste and chewing wax, and suddenly realized that the honest people are cheating or cheating, but the problem is that they are too honest and difficult to control.
They reluctantly washed the bowl after eating, together with the one Xu Zifan threw in the sink in the morning. Then he swept and mopped the floor. The two of them were in a bad mood and naturally lost their interest in watching TV. Seeing that Xu Zifan had been writing code seriously, they went back to their rooms to take a bath and sleep.
The two had a good sleep at home during the day, and they were a little awake now, so they just whispered about Xu Zifan through the video chat. But I didn’t find a good way. I could only take one step at a time. I thought about dragging it for a while. When I couldn’t do it, I could find a job. When the time comes, I will pretend to wrestle or something, find an excuse to resign, and then take Xu Zifan’s job. The salary card is coming back.
Xu Zifan didn't care about their conspiracies and tricks. He walked more bridges than they walked. It would be fine if he saw the tricks and acted accordingly. Didn't he just put them in just a few words? So sometimes the plan is useless, and the plan is not as fast as the change. It is enough to react quickly on the spot.
He waited for them to enjoy the quiet space as soon as they entered the room, dimmed the lights a bit, made a cup of coffee, and wrote codes with light music. He is indeed writing a program to make extra money, but it is not a trivial mess that they thought, he can make at least 500,000 yuan by selling it. The parents of the original owner have emptied all their savings. The second elder must be frugal and want to save money for his son during this period. He has to get money back to make them feel at ease.
Revenge is revenge, and the task of filial piety should not be forgotten. The original owner was a programmer, and it was strange that his honest character suddenly made other things, so he just developed along this line. Sell ​​500,000 small things first, and then make better ones, make a little progress, and then you will suddenly start to succeed and slowly lead to success. Even if you are a programmer, you have to pursue big goals. Become a well-known programmer in the world and make parents proud and happy.
Xu Zifan worked until the early morning, and then checked Weibo. He has more than 3,000 fans. It’s not the time to explode. He didn’t pretend to be a soldier anymore. He just posted a Weibo: Many clothes cannot be machine-washed. I just washed them all. I hope his wife and father-in-law can wear them. Comfortable. It’s early in the morning and I’m a little sleepy, but in order to increase my salary, I have to study for another two hours and make a cup of coffee. Good night everyone~
Some night owls who saw Weibo gave him messages to persuade him to rest early, and that he was a wife slave, and asked him to post photos to see if he was handsome. No one feels sorry for him for doing too much, because everyone is still unfamiliar, not a fan, and doesn't have that affection. Most people are still watching the excitement and find it very interesting, watching a strange pass the time.
This is why Xu Zifan feels that he shouldn't explode. To explode, he must first prepare for it. When everything is ready, he will ruin them in one fell swoop and be cast aside by the whole country. Otherwise, it will just be like some social news. No matter how miserable or strange, everyone has read it, and there are only a few condemnations, no effect, so they can live a good life in another place. That was not the effect that Xu Zifan wanted. He had to make it impossible for them to turn over.
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