Chapter 1180: : 0 substances

Suzaku did not avoid the star at all. It could touch the shattered material at a faster speed, giving a very special feeling. Even some shuttle machines similar to the Suzaku would come here to play and feel The wonderful properties of the primitive matter of the universe.
   After these materials break up, if they come into contact with other star slag, they will re-adhesion instantly and form a new shape. This is definitely a very interesting phenomenon.
  抠浠know that this star nuclear is called god-level civilization: zero matter.
This kind of zero-matter is the final result of the annihilation of positive and anti-matter. Because of this, during the generation process, these zero-matter exploded with extremely huge energy, and merged various other substances and rays in the early universe. Various asteroids, stars and even galaxies are formed.
   learned in the calculation of the god-level civilization that a microgram of zero matter is produced, and it is necessary to annihilate about ten times ten grams of positive and negative matter.
  It is conceivable that the production of zero matter in tens of light years consumes unimaginable positive and negative matter, and the galaxy they are born is naturally a huge astronomical number.
   And the size of the remaining nebula is not large. Near the eye of the universe, there are zero substances that stretch for millions of light years. Imagine how important they are for the formation of the entire universe.
   This zero-matter is theoretically reversible, but if you want to be classified as positive or negative, the energy required is really unimaginable, which is one of the reasons why it cannot be used.
   However, the use of zero matter by the god-level civilization is to deduce the various conditions in the early days of the universe and obtain more specific and detailed data. Their purpose is to find out the secrets that travel beyond the universe.
  Therefore, without reaching the god-level civilization, these zero substances have no effect.
   Of course, I know that there is nothing to do with zero matter between crossing the universe, but zero matter also has another important role, which is to use zero matter as the power source of high-energy weapons in the advanced civilization.
  The energy produced by the anti-annihilation is absolutely extremely huge, even in those fortress starships that are only tens of thousands of light-years in diameter and hundreds of thousands of light-years in size, there are only thousands of them.
   This kind of energy level similar to the outbreak of the early birth of the universe, there is no civilization race can resist, which is why the galaxy war between the complete civilization is the destruction of the entire universe.
  Except for civilizations above the level, it is impossible for other civilizations to think of such a seemingly dull and worthless substance, which actually controls the future of the entire universe.
Heina is about 200 years old according to the age of the earth, but it is still a young age for the Neus star, so seeing these magical star slags, I can’t help but leave the Suzaku to shuttle through these star slags. tease.
  At this time, in the starry sky one light-year away from the Suzaku, the fleet of the Talia Stars had already observed their arrival, which made Captain Colida very excited.
  Although the long wait in the star field is common, but this time only to deal with a small shuttle, it is necessary to make the forward fleet wait like this, which is extremely rare.
  The arrival of the Suzaku besides them, there are many star thieves and ghost fleets also curious. Although there is no shortage of shuttles here, there are few shuttle opportunities to fly into the star slag.
And the most important thing is that through their detection, they found that the material built by the Suzaku is a metal they did not know. After all, like the ghost fleet that depends on sweeping the galaxy battlefield for survival, their attack and defense weapons may not be the best, but The detection equipment is definitely the most advanced, so you can find the valuable items in the most accurate and comprehensive way.
   So when they found that the metal material of the Suzaku was actually not encountered in their information database, it also made them want to move.
   At this time, Star Pirate and Ghost Fleet had completely different ideas. After all, Ghost Fleet traded with the black market. They had a strong interest in Suzaku, and they wanted to get it by equivalent exchange.
   But the star thieves are not at all like this. Robbery is their only slogan!
In this star field, there are many star robbers, from different civilizations, different galaxy alliances, there are about hundreds of star robber organizations, and the scale of the star robber fleet formed is also tens of thousands, although distributed in these numbers Within the range of ten light years, plus the ghost fleet, there is the forward fleet of the Thalia star.
   There are almost 200,000 ships of all sizes, and the idea for the Suzaku was born.
   At this time, Captain Collida received reports from his subordinates that there were a few star robbers leaving the hidden star and heading in the direction of the Suzaku. Obviously, they had already started to act.
   But what the other commanders did not expect was that the captain, who was a little anxious, ordered the fleet to stay in place, and did not issue an evacuation notice to the star robbers.
"Dear Captain, isn't our task to intercept this shuttle? Now that part of the ships of the Surivar Star Robbery and the A Luozhi Star Robbery have started to work, we can't let them take the lead!" Captain Colida's attitude was puzzled.
"No hurry, this shuttle escaped under the attack of the Upadia Star Otherwise, it will not save the Captain Mobsen of the Mars Argon Stars, so first Let these unlucky star thieves try to test." Captain Colida stared at the super interest star with a smile on his face.
   "You mean, this shuttle has weapons against star robbers? But from the information obtained, the other party does not have any turret devices, but this shape is indeed very special, and there is no place worthy of attention!" said the commander.
   "Captain Ge Ke did not say too clearly, we just have to wait patiently." Captain Colida said.
   There was no movement relative to the fleet of the Talia Stars, and the Surivar Star Robbery and the Arroyo Star Robbery had scrambled forward to block.
They are currently the two most powerful star robbers stationed in the Star Zone, and this is just one of their bases. These star robber fleets will follow the ships on the star routes in each star zone. The number of ships to adjust the stationed fleet.
   And these adjustments are also prepared to deal with those civilized races who occasionally come to suppress them.
  After all, this is not a fair thing. Although they seldom hurt their lives, they robbed the materials on the trade ships. This will definitely make the civilized race irritated. Even if the number is small, there will be losses.
In addition to them, other star robbery groups also sent several ships to go. They did not intend to compete with these two star robbery groups. Besides, this small shuttle, even if it is split, can get There are really too few!
   But they never thought that the value of the items on the Suzaku has exceeded their cognition. Even if they can knock off a piece of metal, in the eyes of high-level civilization races who know their origin, it is enough to exchange the galaxy.
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