Chapter 1181: : Encountered Star Robbery

"Please show your life code in front of the shuttle!" Soon before the Surivar Star Pirates reached the starry sky millions of kilometers away from the Suzaku, they first sent a signal to the Suzaku.
At this time, Hina had already returned to the Suzaku, and she was very surprised when she saw the figure in the breathing image.
Tavos, from Morba, this is a planet that was occupied by the Upadia very early. Like many other Morba, Tavos was forced to leave his home planet, in the galaxy. Mid-range.
Later, he met the Surivar Star Pirates Group and joined them. Due to his strong personal ability and work style, he quickly gained popularity in the Surivar Star Pirates Group.
In the black market, he is also regarded as one of the star robber commanders wanted by many civilized races.
The reason why Hina knew her was because the trading materials of the Newsman were also looted by the Surivar Star robber group. At that time, Hina just started to travel through the stars.
"Sister, this star thief is called Tavos. He is very prestigious in the Surivar star thief group. I didn't expect to be active in this star field!" Heina said to Xixi.
"Oh, it seems that we have been remembered by the star robber group!" said Xixi calmly.
"Not in a hurry, I'll communicate!" Now that Hina has followed Muxi, her ability in all aspects has been improved very quickly, and with Shixi as a backer, she now has a lot of courage.
"This is the star field of the Mar Argons, and it is within the scope of the star route. Are you actually intercepting, are you afraid that their fleet will encircle you?" Heina said loudly to Tavos.
"News star? It seems that this shuttle is not built by you. Since you know that we are a star robber, then if you want to pass here, you naturally need to exchange some items!" Tavos saw Heina , Quickly recognized the origin of the other party.
"We don't have any valuable items on the shuttle. If you don't want to cause trouble, you'd better leave quickly!" Heina said directly.
"The other one doesn't seem to have seen it. Where does she come from?" Tavos glanced at Xixi and asked again.
"Earth star!" Xi Xi did not conceal his identity.
"Earth star? I haven't heard of it. It seems that there is no such civilized race within the constellation range of the Heinrich Galaxy Alliance!" Tavos was indeed able, and it quickly reflected.
"Yes, we are from the Milky Way galaxy, which is what you said: the Bonadori galaxy." Xi Shi replied.
"Bonadoli galaxy, hundreds of thousands of light-years away from here." Tyvos said after hearing the reply.
"Yes! She is the Star Envoy, heading to the fleet base of Captain Mobson!" said Hina.
After Tavos heard it, he was stunned for a moment. If it was said that intercepting the ordinary shuttle was not a big deal, but if it was a Star Warship, then this nature would be completely different.
And he naturally knew who the Captain Mobsen was.
"Is she really a Star Envoy?" Tyworth's tone seemed to soften.
"Do you think the Star Envoy can talk casually?" Heina looked serious.
Tavos stared at them and hesitated.
At this moment, there was a subordinate on Tavos who suddenly said aloud: "Isn't this planetary star one of the ten strongest players in the battlefield of the Annyaz star in the Star City of Ogsai? ?"
As soon as he said this, Tavos' face sank, and he felt that he might have been teased!
Because it is impossible for the Star Envoy to participate in these fights, in case there is a good fortune, the influence is too wide!
"Yes, both of you, you and she are a group!" The subordinate confirmed again.
"There are many similarities among civilizations in the universe. How can you be sure that we are?" Heina knew that she might not be able to hide it, a little embarrassed.
"I'm not mistaken, there are many similar, but in the fighting field, low-level civilization can come to the end, almost never!" The subordinate said with certainty.
"Your courage is so great that you pretend to be a star!" Tavos' face became extremely embarrassed, and he shouted loudly.
"I am a star ambassador, but I am also right in the fighting field. Isn't the rules of the galaxy stipulating that the star ambassador is not allowed to participate in the fighting?" Mu Xi asked calmly.
"There is nothing in the rules of the galaxy, but...!" said Tavos.
"That's not enough. Since there are no rules in the galaxy rules, then did I mean that I'm not a star envoy?" Yi Xi continued to ask rhetorically.
"Since you are a Star Envoy, can you come up with the commander-in-chief?" Taworth said.
"Do you think the Star Pirates are qualified to see the commander-in-chief?" said Xixi.
"If you can't get it out, it means that it is not a Star Envoy. Since it is not a Star Envoy, we must cooperate with us in our search." Tavos' tone was hardened directly at this moment.
"Search? Why don't you say that direct robbery is not better?" Heina said aloud.
"Are you competing with the Star Rogue?" said Tavos.
"If you want to rob directly, don't say yourself so innocently, will your presence be a good thing?" Heina didn't give the other person a face and continued to sarcastically.
"When did the Neus star become so arrogant, but it was just a fight, nothing in front of the star robbers!" Tavos said angrily.
"Let's tell you one last time, we are star envoys. If you really want to force a search, then not only have to bear my counterattack, but also bear the revenge of the Mararg star." At this time, Jian Xi's tone became very cold. .
"Your counterattack? A small shuttle, and low-level civilization! As for the revenge of the Mar Argons, they can't spend a huge price for you to encircle Responded.
"Oh, it seems that you are very confident. Since that's why I don't want to say anything more, just don't ask us for forgiveness later!" Mu Xi said quietly.
During the talk, the hundreds of warships of the Surivar Star Pirates Group came up, and after the A Luo Fei Star Pirates Group cooperated with it, there were nearly six hundred warships surrounding a small shuttle. .
Then several warships fired several binding rays, directly locking the Suzaku.
Probably it has been negotiated between the two star robbers. The two sides did not quarrel because of who captured the Suzaku, but the Surivar star robbers captured.
"Sister, are you sure we will be safe?" Naturally, Heina had never seen the power of Suzaku. Although she was very strong just now, she was still somewhat guilty.
"It's natural, this shuttle is now controlled by you, try its power!" Xi Xie laughed.
"But there are no offensive and defensive weapons on it!" Heina connected her mind to the Suzaku system.
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