Chapter 143: : Shaped crystal

Suzaku docked at a trading center casually, and got a safe dock with the life code.
Is not to say that there will be a civilized race that steals shuttles, but it is easy to be accidentally injured by ships fighting and fighting in the starry sky.
Baoloca Union's life base code can only enjoy the most basic rights and interests here. Although it is top-level, in the Star Zone of the Alliance of Vadanista, only basic information is displayed, and there are no other special treatments.
The trading center is very large, with a cubic metal frame and a height of 10,000 kilometers.
You don't need to go anywhere in the trading center, as long as you enter the desired items, the super interest chart will be clearly displayed in front of you. You can also take a free flying aircraft or use the fastest transfer cabin to reach the desired location, anyway, the speed is the focus of the trading center.
The interior of the trading center is very empty. I thought that there would be no fighting scenes in it. Unexpectedly, I still saw many similar scenes.
The main system said that the biggest bottom line in the whole black market of Seriks is that there is no bottom line, as long as they are not allowed to suffer losses.
There are thousands of differences here. There is only one point and it is the only advantage that most civilizations originally traded here. It is very safe. As long as you get the items you need during the transaction, you can enjoy the security protection of the black market.
No one dares to rob your gains in the Serikz star field.
There are no shops in the trading center. Instead, there are trading platforms of different sizes. There are eye-catching trading contents on the outside and rich trading items inside.
"Sister, what are we doing here?" Pamel didn't know the reason why Luoxi came here.
"Come here to visit a friend. By the way, see what is worth swapping!" The two rode in a suspended vehicle and shuttled on different trading platforms.
"You look at this, maybe you are very interested!" Then the sound of the main system sounded.
"This is?" Luoxi saw an item on the screen called out by the main system.
Abnormal crystal, a very peculiar substance, a structural element ubiquitous in the linear universe, is extremely rare in the singularity universe. It can instantly change the inter-particle structural chain of the fusion and reassemble it with memory. This crystal is extremely light. As a result of changing the structural chain between particles, a new type of particle chain is formed, almost reaching the point of absolute defense.
"What does this do?" Luoxi literally thinks this must be extraordinary.
"I remember you talked to me before, there was a series of science fiction movies on Earth: Transformers, you define as autonomous life robots, you can change the shape at will. In fact, there is not such a thing in the universe, just wondering The point universe is scarce. This kind of alien crystal is one of them. "The main system explained.
"You mean this can be changed in shape after it's incorporated into a metal substance?" Luoxi was a little excited.
"Yes, you have traveled in the universe for so long, and rarely see the warships of top civilized warships. In fact, according to their technology, there is no problem in warping. It is just a reasonable design on the warship structure. And this deformation is only a change in shape and function. For example, your super liquid titanium clothing can really achieve essential deformation, form a certain attribute change to enhance its combat effectiveness, rarely. This is because of the lack of this structure Sexual elements. Of course, some top civilizations are equipped, but there is no mass production, otherwise, the combat effectiveness of the battleship will increase significantly. "The main system said.
"Well, this is indeed my question. According to their technological transformation, it is not a problem at all. Many commercial and civilian items are achievable. Why is it impossible to achieve military use? There is a reason." Luoxi suddenly realized this time.
"Yes, when you experience the universe above linearity in the future, you will find this kind of super fighting ability, which will subvert your world view." The main system said.
"Now what do you mean, can this special-shaped crystal be exchanged?" Luoxi said.
"Yes, this piece is enough to complete the fusion of Suzaku and Super Liquid Titanium. I really didn't expect this kind of material to be found here. It was too unexpected. I was still thinking about how to deal with the black incorporeal body. You can also see the ability. The ability of the black incorporeal is definitely much stronger than Pamel. Although you can stand invincible by virtue of the superstring, but you want to protect Pamel or the veteran of the Barocca Alliance, absolutely do No. If you have this special-shaped crystal, your offensive and defensive abilities definitely suggest a new level, which can compete with the black corpse. "The main system said.
"But I saw this exchange condition, let alone me, I am afraid no one in this star field can do it?" Luo Xi looked at the exchange chips from the regional trading platform where the special-shaped crystal is located, and said with difficulty.
"I'm afraid it's really not possible to do peer-to-peer exchanges. No exchanged civilization race that came to the black market can come up with such a number and type of warships. Unless it is the Dawanista Galaxy Alliance that sends people to exchange, but use It is definitely not cost-effective to exchange this number and type of warships for this special-shaped crystal. "The main system said.
"However, it is still possible to exchange for the speed of destruction!" The main system paused.
"Aren't you kidding me? The speed of destruction?" Although Xixi has experienced a lot now, but after seeing the speed of destruction in the black market of Seriks, she also thinks that only the civilized race that wants to die and absolutely crazy will come up Such an unreasonable interstellar game. UU reading www.uukanshu. com
"Haha, do you think I'm kidding? No way, this is probably the only option. Seriously, I am looking forward to the result of the fusion of alien crystals and Suzaku." The main system said.
Luoxi only realized at this time that the current main system is more and more lifelike than the previous one, and all know how to dig pits for her to jump.
The speed of destruction, a kind of star speed game unique to the black market of Seriks. In a specific star sky, all ships can win the victory by running all the star routes.
Although it looks very simple, but as long as you watch the whole process, few participants will come for the second time. However, in such star-speed competitions, few participants have left more than three alive.
Star-speed competitions are all in the specially arranged starry sky in their area. There is no barrier here, and countless planet debris and ship wreckage are scattered in the space. The entire area is shrouded by a powerful force field, and the ship cannot escape, but if it is forcibly hit, it will be directly destroyed.
There is no sign of a star track in the area. The track formed by the traction acceleration field will make the ship generate great power. The terrible thing is that this traction acceleration field will change direction and speed at any time, making the entire track full of danger. Sex.
Many ships will be unable to adjust in time due to the sudden change of the traction force field, collide or be thrown out and directly hit the wall of the force field and destroyed.
There are no restrictions during the game, you can attack, sneak attack and block the progress of other ships at will, this game is full of danger.
The star at the end of the game will appear randomly. No one will know where it appears before the end, so the ships can only try to survive. Perhaps the star at the end of the game will appear in front of you in the next second.
This is definitely a game for the brave, the party of the crazy.
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