Chapter 144: : Pamel's mind

Luoxi is very contemptuous, and his mood suddenly becomes bad.
"Sister, what's wrong?" Pamela naturally could not hear the dialogue between Luoxi and the main system.
"Nothing! Wait a minute, let's go to another area to see!" Luoxi said.
"Why do n’t I sign up for you first? If you want to get a special crystal, you have to win ten consecutive games. Although the speed of destruction will start every moment, it is only held every three earth days for this exchange condition. "" The main system is in a good mood.
"If you have any accidents, just wait for the master to destroy it!" Luoxi replied very depressedly.
Although she also expects to get this alien crystal, this exchange requirement is equal to having to experience ten death experiences herself.
This is the ultimate test of psychological endurance.
When the Suzaku came to the area, the speed of the destruction of this special crystal had just ended. Unfortunately, no ship could see the appearance of the ultimate star, and they were all destroyed.
Is naturally the most exciting for those who watch the live broadcast through the super interest giant screen, and the organizer is also a beneficiary.
There is no place to stay or rest in the black market of Seriks. All civilized races who come here can only rest on their own ships.
The only criterion here is that you have enough strength to exchange enough technology and items, or die here.
"Sister, I think you have been studying the speed of destruction these days, do you want to participate?"
Pamel still stayed quietly beside Luoxi, during this time it became very calm.
"Yeah, you should always bring some gifts when you see friends. There is nothing decent on the sister's shuttle, so think about whether you can exchange something here!" Luoxi said with a smile.
"What kind of friend needs her sister to work so hard, the speed of destruction is terrible!" Pamel was a little worried.
"A friend whom my sister has never met, but it is very important, if you want to meet him, you must have something decent!" Luoxi touched Pamy's head.
"Well, let me help you!"
"You are young, don't worry!"
"Sister is right, there is something I have been thinking about for a long time!" Then Pamelchi said.
"I know, was that the last thing about the little ball?" Luoxi knew that Palmier had little talk during this time, and it must be because of this matter.
"Hmm!" Pamel nodded.
"So what do you want to know?" Luoxi turned and looked at Pamel.
"I want to know if it is a string stone?" Pamel asked in a low voice.
"Actually, you didn't ask that in your heart, but you were thinking about whether the string stone was taken away by your sister and hidden in protective clothing." Luoxi laughed.
"No, I definitely don't have such an idea. Even if the string stone was taken by my sister, there must be your reason." Pamel quickly shook his head and explained.
"It's okay, it's normal for you to have such an idea. After all, you haven't seen the string stone, and the elders didn't mention it to you when you were young, and you didn't even tell you what it looked like." Luoxi pulled Palmier Hand said.
"Yes, the elder said that the string stone is the root of the string force star, and it is also a scourge, so let me not know!"
"The elders are right, but this ball is not a string stone, it is called: particle ball!" Luoxi said, taking out a particle ball of nothing.
"Particle sphere?" Apparently Pamel hadn't heard it.
"This is a collection of rays produced when the universe was born. Its power and string force are similar, so last time you can resonate with it and excite a powerful energy beam." Luoxi said patiently.
"Well, why can't I do it later?"
"There is a mysterious connection between the living body and the universe. You are a stone controller, and you have a better sense of the string force in the universe than ordinary string force stars. This time, you can excite such energy, which originates from your sister. A kind of care, a kind of almost natural expression. Just like you said last time, use your own ability to protect your sister, this is the true expression of your heart. This is love on the sister ’s earth. "Luoxi said .
"Love?" Pamel didn't understand.
"You are young and will understand when you grow up. When you care about a person, you are willing to give everything for her and do what she can do beyond ordinary people. This is love. Of course, there are many and many ways of expression!"
"Then I love my sister too!" Pamel seemed to understand a little.
"Oh, yes! In fact, love exists in every civilized race, but the way of expression is different!"
"Well, I understand!" Pamel nodded.
"If you need a particle sphere, take it!" Luoxi handed the particle sphere to Palmier's hand.
Palmier's young hands held the particle ball for a long time, but still gave it to Luoxi.
"Sister, I am a stone controller and a string force star. Although the particle ball can stimulate my ability to resonate with me, it is not my own strength. In the future, the string force star needs to return to the top. I need my own strength to create ~ ~ Besides, the power of particle sphere can protect my sister! "
"Little guy, I really grew up." Luoxi was a little moved, holding Pamel in his arms tightly.
"You made a lot of money, and received such an excellent brother!" At this time the main system laughed.
"That's nature, my injuries are not in vain!" Luoxi said proudly.
"Originally thought he had an idea for the particle sphere, and now it seems that his mind is stronger than we thought. Fortunate for the string force star!" The main system exclaimed.
"Since this little guy has such a ambition, I can't back down, I will come at the speed of destruction!" Luoxi was immediately full of fighting spirit.
Just as Luoxi was preparing to participate in the speed of destruction, a major event occurred in the Barocca Alliance. The Ebbsey family and the Conley family had great disagreements in the alliance ’s regular meetings, leading the two families to face off from the secret Go to Mingli to fight.
One of the evidences provided by the Conley family is the origin of the life code of Luxi. It was investigated by Ebsey Lot, the captain of the Ebsey general fleet, to the veteran, and then by the commander Kan Bosen agreed to issue it.
The Conley family naturally had no guts to question the authority and fairness of the veteran and commander-in-chief, but he doubted Ebsey ’s reason for raising.
Ebsi will naturally not tell them the real insider, after all, it is related to the extremely hidden super event of the black corpse.
So the two sides are so consuming, each will not give in.
Although for the Barocca Alliance, even if both families die, it will not have any impact on the alliance, but many things are not as simple as they seem to be. The strength of the Turnado Stars is based on cooperation and common interests. On the other hand, the Barocca League will soon fall apart.
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