Chapter 1174: Unite all forces that can be united

Recall the news that the goddess and the goddess of Mingyue are on the side of death.
And the news that the of death admits that "awakening the dead" and "purifying the dead" are both undead.
Through the towers in the Abyss City, Vail spread to every corner of the Indus Empire.
Although acknowledging the existence of awakening the undead and purifying the undead, one problem lies in front of Kuru and Vil.
It is good to awaken the undead, but when you go back, they will become purified undead.
And at present, the existence of two kinds of undead is recognized, and the industrialization of the undead world is in full swing, the more ordinary undead become awakened undead, this is the general trend.
No, it should be said that this is already happening.
Then the awakening of the undead goes further, and the speed of turning into the purification of the undead is also accelerating.
In the past two years, industrialization has started. This can be seen by Kuru and Weir with naked eyes.
And according to the undead lurking on the side of Lucia, they seized the body of ordinary people by means of souls, and then checked the information online.
The four special forces of the undead in the world of the undead, in addition to taking refuge in the living beings, they also speed up their awakening and purification.
Both Kuru and Weir knew that according to this trend, it was only a matter of time before the undead world changed from the dark and terrifying undead world to the "undead" world version 2.0 where life can be seen everywhere.
Then Kuru will take advantage of this time, the time when the undead has not fully awakened and purified, and unify the entire undead world.
Of course, the current trouble is the counterattack of the alliance of creatures headed by the three brothers of China, Lucia, and France...Bah, invasion.
In this process of awakening and purification, awakening the undead is better.
Although they will have their own independent thinking, emotions, and ideas, they are still 007 undead that can be crushed.
There is no need to eat or sleep. Although there is a small need, it can be guaranteed within the scope of the ability.
Although the work efficiency is not as fatal as the ordinary undead, it is enough.
On the contrary, it is to purify the dead, which is a complete disadvantage in this.
In addition to independent thinking and emotions, eating and drinking Lhasa, everything the creatures need and have everything they have.
The guys who Kuru and Ville want to instill the three groups are undead, to unite these undead.
From an objective perspective, awakening the undead may belong to the undead, but purifying the undead is already a living being.
Have you ever seen the undead and the undead can give birth to babies?
I haven't seen it before, but now I have seen it.
Over the long years, the undead were also a little curious about purifying the undead and giving birth to babies.
The topic is far apart, this is the purification of the dead and represents their side as living beings.
But the other side of them as beings is that people have seven emotions and six desires, and they have food and drink Lhasa.
What to eat?
Undead world, gnawing the bones of ordinary undead?
Or eating the rotten meat of the zombies?
Despite this, Survival Organization has conducted many and many related experiments, and has caused many tragic food poisoning incidents, but it has also obtained many foods that can be full and not harmful to the body.
These heroes died violently.
Drink, what to drink?
Drink a shovel, will the world of the undead drink northwest wind?
Water is the source of life. If one does not drink water, it will be over in a few days.
Is it to awaken the undead to pee, or to awaken the undead to pee?
Pull, pull what?
Pulling loneliness, without food, still pulling?
Spread the same.
Currently, there are two main sources of food in the Undead World, one is self-produced and the other is foreign trade.
It's easier to understand self-production, which means farming by yourself.
The matter of farming is most common in the New Continent, where the number of awakening and purifying the dead is the most.
The undead there, whether it is purification or awakening or ordinary undead, are working hard.
Purification of the dead is for their day's harvest, so that they can fill their stomachs, so that they can use the output to sell money and trade for goods by merchants.
The purpose of awakening the undead is that after they become purified undead one day, they will be able to live a prosperous and healthy life without worrying about food and clothing.
Ordinary undead do nothing, they are tool people, just work, and occasionally wake up to cheer.
However, the Taiyin rice seedlings needed for self-growing food are in the hands of the Chinese people, even if they are distributed to the Springs of the Chinese Eternal Life, the Ming Qin Empire, the Raksha Empire, the Holy Alliance, and the Afterglow Empire, and even some other undead forces on the new continent. Hands.
For a while, I want to get Taiyin rice seedlings, which is not realistic.
The most important thing is that he has accepted the purification of the undead, food, which is a huge and urgently needed item, and Kuru cannot give it out.
So self-producing, it is impossible to instantly solve the problem of purifying the dead.
As for foreign trade, don't think about it.
Even the seedlings produced by the undead were bought from Huaxia. It is impossible to buy seedlings from Huaxia, and it is hostile.
In addition to the lunar rice, China also has a large amount of food imported into the world of the undead to ensure that everyone in the new continent has something to eat and everyone has something to drink.
Regardless of self-production or foreign trade, the Indo-Du empire could not manage it.
In response to this situation, Kuru couldn't think of a way for a while, but Weier, who was once a creature, knew a good way.
The wizards of the living world have two very tasteless skills, one is to rub bread with magic, and the other is to rub water with magic.
Although it does not conform to the law of conservation of energy in the Earth's human science system, it does not necessarily conform to the scientific laws of aliens on other planets.
And this is not the earth, but a different world called the flat world by the earth people.
Be magical, what happened to him?
Well’s proposal is like this, bringing together all legal posts.
Whether it's a corpse witch, a lich, or something weird, as long as it's not from the undead lord, they all gather.
Rub the grain and water out of me by rubbing.
This group of low-level undead is not thinking, it can be 007.
As for the lich, give treasures, give equipment, give cheats, add favors, let him rub you... Uh, no, these should be called "salaries".
Give them wages and let them be bakers and porters.
We do not produce water and bread, we are only porters of the world of the undead.
Then assembly line operation, factory production, modern management.
Although it is not a factory mechanized production, under the current conditions, the factory assembly line is still not a problem.
The goddess of Mingyue spoke for the porters' enthusiasm for work.
Let the assembly line turn up quickly, every piece of bread, every bag with water, was moved out of the workshop with great effort by porters.
And according to Weier's speculation, the assembly line operation can also speed up the awakening and purification of the undead.
Kuru naturally felt that there was no problem, and one by one assembly line workshops and workshops were established.
Densely stands in this abyss city full of tall smoke and factories.
Quite a bit of Victorian feeling, just these underworld Victorian times.
Weir can even pull the accordion and say, "No one knows better than me, the undead is industrialized."
"What is it on the assembly line? It is a blessing. Maybe you will become an awakened soul or a purified soul."
"We set a small goal and start with a 007 ordinary undead."
Perhaps in the entire world of undead, Weir really understands industrialization best.
Kuru even praised Will for this: "You are the undeserved father of industrialization."
The news that the of remembrance and the goddess of Mingyue stood on the side of the of death was conveyed to every part of the undead world through the magic eyes of the abyss tower.
Let all the undead, even the undead who belong to the eternal leader in China, listen to the call of justice from the undead world.
The undead should unite in everything and fight against the invasion of creatures together.
Moreover, the of death, the nominally supreme ruler of the undead world, also acknowledged the existence of awakening and purifying the undead. Everyone is the undead, so we should deal with the living together.
Even the Thousand Feet, who remembered the gods, were divided by the of death. More than 1,000 feet were touring exhibitions on the other three continents of the world of the undead at the same time, attracting the undead and the undead lords.
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