Chapter 1175: Yin and Yang "Declaration of the Right of the Dead"

Guang Shixin, the commander-in-chief of the front line, patted the table and said, "This is not a secret exchange of concepts!"
Guang Shixin, who had just returned from the front line, got the news of what the Indus empire called the Declaration of the Dead.
The undead is the undead, the living beings are the living beings, what purifies the undead is also the undead, that guy is clearly a living.
Guang Shixin came back from the front line to participate in high-level meetings.
Under Francis's constant pillow wind, and the current situation in the undead world is changing.
Lucia, France, China, Britain, and Skadi decided to launch a big counterattack against the undead. They decided to eliminate the unstable factor of Kuru in one fell swoop, and then slowly boil the undead in warm water.
Just like five aunts wearing aprons, holding a soup ladle, making bone soup, naturally they don't want any bear kids that other people hate to make trouble nearby.
In case the soup is overturned, it is not just a simple matter of the soup reaching the bear child.
The key is that the soup is poured and the five aunts have no time to drink.
Anyway, it is someone else’s bear child, not his own.
Picked up the hanger and hung it up and beat it fiercely without heartache.
As for the news of the "Declaration of the Right of the Dead", it came from the Chinese Yongling.
Subsequently, other 4 special undead countries also spread such news.
Guang Shixin asked, "Old saying, what do those undead people mean?"
Those undead naturally refer to the undead on the 4 special countries, the newborn continent and the other 3 continents.
He smiled lightly, took a sip of hot water with the stainless steel shellfish, and started to introduce Guang Shixin without delay.
"Don't worry about Hua Yongling, the purification and awakening rate over there is very high.
Moreover, we have been operating in China Yongling for so many years, and Well's theory is not feasible here.
As for the other four undead kingdoms, there is no need to worry too much.
All the cyborgs in the Afterglow Empire are purified and are originally creatures.
Coupled with part of our influence, they have long been separated from the undead.
Like Ming Qin, our people are still prime ministers.
Moreover, a large number of teachers teach more than just Chinese.
You know this.
Terracotta Warriors, don't worry at all.
As for the heroic spirits of the Holy League, we and Francis are training together.
And these heroes of Joan, how to say, a country full of justice and righteousness.
Their birth was born against these evils. "
Words and deeds speak of "evil", not "dead".
Because they are targeting injustice, not the dead.
It’s not impossible if your undead does a good deed every day.
For example, to grow real estate food or something, in the eyes of the Holy Alliance, is a noble thing.
As for Kuru, through a despicable way, he took the position of death.
At the same time, they intend to unify the entire undead world, invade the ground world, and even invade other worlds, in their view is evil.
Those who are evil should be punishable.
As for the Raksha Empire, this requires Peter the Great to help with the thoughts of the undead in the country.
After all, these undead are also his people. He is on the road of industrialization, awakening, and purification, and it is impossible for him to let the thoughts of these undead be led by Vail.
It's the other undead in the new continent, I'm afraid it's a little troublesome.
Their thoughts began to waver, some began to believe in the declaration of the undead proposed by Weil, while some still insisted on the division of the undead proposed by China.
Fortunately, no matter for the living beings or the Indus empire, public opinion in the undead world has not yet been occupied.
Even if Kuruvel and the others seem to have the upper hand, they have taken the lead, occupying the commanding heights of public opinion.
But the higher you stand, the more painful you fall.
Opposite him, there are 5 guys who play public opinion on the earth.
A former public opinion trader.
A public opinion confuses hands.
A master of theory.
3 with 2, no one can stop 5 guys moving.
Since the other party has promulgated the "Declaration of the Rights of the Dead," then one may not be unable to promulgate the "Declaration of the Rights of the Dead."
One underworld version, one male version, and two versions are in the ring.
As a master of theory, the Time and Space Administration first put forward a point of view, what is the dead and what is the living being.
The "Declaration on the Rights of the Dead" clearly pointed out that the undead is a kind of ordinary life that does not need rest at all, is not tired, does not know how to work, does not have hunger, has no feelings, and only knows to obey the arrangements of the undead of superiors and has no independent thinking ability.
Note that this is the "living body".
The three words "life body" alone can draw the undead to the side of the creatures and win some undead.
The composition of this special life form, the undead, is still very complicated.
However, it does not have the characteristics of beings such as seven emotions, six desires and independent thinking, and is called the undead.
Such undead are called "ignorant undead", that is to say, ordinary undead.
After all, the theory master, since he wants to be professional, he must first start his profession from the name.
Obscurity means not knowing anything or knowing nothing.
Stupid, ignorant, still hazy, confused, ignorant, ignorant, and uncultured.
The current world of the undead is also defined as the "late period of ignorance" by the Yangjian version of the "Declaration of the Rights of the Undead".
According to the view of "survival technology" progress, L.H. Morgan divided the early history of human society into three stages: the age of ignorance, the age of barbarism, and the age of civilization.
The age of ignorance began in the naive period of mankind and ended with the use of pottery.
According to the view of "survival technology" progress, the Time and Space Administration defines the early history and present of the undead world as the age of ignorance.
The age of ignorance begins with the birth of the undead, a period of ignorance, naivety, and ignorance.
It will end when the undead completes the final purification, from an undead to an ordinary creature.
And this time period is the latter part of the late period of ignorance of the undead. The undead are about to break through ignorance and see the dawn of dawn.
After the age of ignorance, then the awakening of the undead came out.
The awakening of the undead is called the existence of excessive undead in the "Declaration of the Right of the Dead", and it is a product that must appear in the later period of ignorance.
Although they possess some of the characteristics of beings, such as independent thinking, emotions and desires, they have not yet reached the level where they need to eat and drink.
Although it seems that it is not too different from the living beings, there are still many gaps between them after careful sampling.
Of course, the "Declaration of the Right of the Dead" also defines the awakening of the undead as a semi-undead state, which is directly divided into the undead species.
The following "Declaration of the Rights of the Dead" did a great job, which is to define the living beings as the higher-level existence form of the dead.
The independent thinking of living beings, the seven emotions and six desires, eating and drinking Lhasa, these are things that the ignorant undead cannot enjoy even the awakened undead.
Therefore, to purify the undead, in a real sense, the ignorant and awakened undead can transform from a low-level life form such as the undead into a high-level life form such as a living being.
During this period, the purification of the undead can also be called the racial name "dead".
Just like humans, orcs, half-orcs, elves, trolls, goblins, angels, demons, succubus, ogres, dwarves, dwarves and other races, they are all creatures.
Good guy, the definition of "dead" in Yangjian's "Dead Rights Declaration" directly devalues ​​the world of the dead to nothing.
Let the awakened undead and purified undeads who have seen it feel that before purification, they are as humble as a paramecium, wishing to find a hole to get in and be eaten by maggots.
There is a sharp contrast between the definition of the dead in the "Declaration of the Right of the Dead" and the "Declaration of the Right of the Dead".
And Yang Jian's verbal attack and theoretical attack capabilities make people who have seen the Yang Jian version feel that the Yin Jian version is useless.
And more importantly, Yang Jian's "Declaration of the Rights of the Dead" can not only be supported in academic theory.
In terms of life and ethics, all kinds of information are also used to tell the undead, the happiness of the family, and so on.
When Yang Jian's "Declaration of the Rights of the Dead" was born, immediately the two big opinion leaders, Skadi and Britain, began to take over.
Although Scardy didn't participate in the World War of the Undead very much, he was an old pusher and provided many plans.
Britannia, the spoiler, also used his own experience and brought Scardy's plan to discuss with Lucia, China, and France how to seize the position of public opinion in the world of the undead.
There is no text in the world of the undead. First of all, if you use text transmission, you need to pass it off. People are illiterate.
Instead of this, it is better to use magic methods such as spirit fire to transmit the information of the "Declaration of the Right of the Dead".
Unmanned, cheap, high-speed, small-scale propaganda airships that are not worried about being shot down have been manufactured by various countries.
Equipped with a cluster bomb equipped with a small playback function, the recorded version of the "Declaration of the Right of the Dead" was transferred to the world of the undead.
The propaganda airships are like ghosts floating in the world of the undead.
A ghost, a free ghost, wandering in the world of the undead.
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