Chapter 3556: Hit the road again (Ben's face is round and his belly is round)

Because of this accident, Fang Zheng had to go back to the previous city again...and then came back again.
Well, there are still three people.
The reason is very simple. After Fangzheng sent the girl back, he was told that the child was originally an orphan. Her parents were killed by human traffickers a few years ago and were adopted by a family of doctors, but this family was attacked by a giant before. There was also no news, the mother was killed, and the father disappeared.
Originally, logically speaking, there was another boy who was inseparable from her, but... when the giants attacked, there was chaos, and no one knew where the boy went.
So in desperation, Fang Zheng had to take the girl away again.
After all, she has lost her memory now, and the opposite is also like "Shangxian, you are so powerful, why don't you take this child and let her go to heaven with you..." Obviously, she doesn't plan to raise such a girl, so Fang Zheng also Had to take it away. After all... Then again, the girl's amnesia is because of him... that's why!
It's obvious that he killed himself!
Forget it, children, it's not surprising that you are curious, you can only blame those soldiers for not being optimistic.
Yes, it's all the soldiers' fault.
"Are we really going to take her with us? Kasunino-sama?"
"As of now, there is really no better way."
Facing Katima's question, Fang Zheng shrugged helplessly.
"Of course, we can't take her to confront the people who chase the light, so let's look at the situation, this continent is so big, there should be other cities, in short... Now let's teach her some survival and fighting skills, so that Even if she leaves us, she will not be unable to live."
"This... is also good."
Hearing Fangzheng's words, Katima hesitated for a while, then nodded. After all, she was not at ease to leave this girl alone. And as Fangzheng said, now this girl has lost her memory and basically doesn't know anything. What will be the result of throwing her in that city under such circumstances? If she can learn some skills and let her defend herself, then even if she encounters something in the future, she can solve it... At least it will be better than now more.
"very good."
Hearing Katima's answer, Fang Zheng laughed and patted her on the shoulder.
"Then she'll leave it to you."
"Um... eh?"
"Otherwise? You are all girls, isn't it more convenient? And you also happen to have a company."
Seeing Katima's somewhat surprised expression, Fang Zheng laughed, then turned and left. He knew that Katima had traveled with him until now, and occasionally she would be a little lonely. After all, she was a man and a woman, and it was hard to say some things. In fact, when Katima first saw the girl, she liked her very much, and she also took good care of her. On the one hand, this girl is indeed pitiful, and Katima is also kind-hearted. On the other hand, Katima wanted someone to be with her—well, don't think Fangzheng didn't see it. When they first sent the girl back, Katima was a little disappointed. Later, when Fangzheng brought the girl back, Katima's mood recovered.
This is when I went out with my daughter with my father, and when I saw the doll I liked in the mall, I felt embarrassed to say it, so I could only stare at my father. As a result, if the other party turned a blind eye and walked over, he would be very disappointed, but he would be very happy when he turned around and came back to buy a doll...
So Fangzheng left this little guy to Katima to take care of, so he thought it was an extra little sister.
By the way, that girl's name is Mikasha Ackerman, which Fang Zheng knew from the guards in the city, otherwise she wouldn't even remember her own name.
For the next two days, Katima was basically in charge of taking care of Mikasha. Although the latter lost her memory, she was still a smart child, and the two got along well. As for Fangzheng, he continued to conduct various experiments on these giants to determine their characteristics.
Soon, by dissecting these giants, Fang Zheng also gained a certain understanding of them.
First of all, it is certain that these giants were once human beings. Later, they were infected by some kind of creature, and then they became giants. And what that kind of creature does is to fuse into the spine of the other party, and finally manipulate them, making these human bodies inflate like balloons and turn into giants.
This is also the reason why those giants evaporate and disappear after death, because their source of power actually comes from the parasitic biomass in the spine. When the spine is destroyed and the biomass is damaged, there is no way to maintain the huge body, and naturally there is only a dead end. is very difficult to find the source of this biomass.
Generally, if it is a movie or a game, a mental network similar to a hive will be created for you, so that the protagonist can directly kill the BOSS, and then after killing the BOSS, the entire network will collapse, and then the monsters or robots operated by the network will also It will be finished directly, so the protagonist saves the world, which is gratifying.
But unfortunately, these are all settings for the convenience of manufacturing.
There is no such good thing in reality.
This is like an infectious disease. Even if you find the source of the infection and kill it, it has already spread, and there is no other way but to fight with the opponent. The same is true of this biomass. When they merge with humans, they will become independent individuals, and these biomasses themselves do not have any special thinking... Well, to put it bluntly, it is similar to single-celled organisms. There are only instinctive actions and some physical memory of the parasite.
Then, here comes the problem.
Where do so many giants come from?
Fangzheng asked people in that city, but the other party said that few people are missing in this city, and everyone does not go out on weekdays. Only people from the "Investigation Corps" will go out to investigate the giant. Of course, they also lose every time. heavy. It's just that according to these people, the number of those survey corps is not large, and every time they go out, there are only a few dozen people, and most of them are eaten by giants.
Only a very few are missing.
Moreover, Fangzheng also confirmed that these giants are not contagious, that is to say, those who are eaten by them are really eaten and cannot become giants.
So, there is a problem.
This kind of thing is not contagious, and Fang Zheng has asked the lord of that town, he is very sure that their city is the only place on this continent where humans live, and there can be no other cities at all. As a matter of fact, after flying down these days, Fangzheng did find some ruins, but he did not find a second city with a fifty-meter-high city wall like that... Or rather, he didn't even see a living person.
According to reason, there should be fewer and fewer giants like these. According to the city lord, they have indeed not been attacked by giants for nearly a hundred years. According to normal biological theory, these giants should have gone extinct long ago.
However, in fact, they are not extinct, and there is actually a giant taller than the fifty-meter city wall, who can kick the city wall and even disappear?
Where did these giants come from?
It couldn't possibly have grown out of the ground.
Fangzheng has determined that the biomass that can turn humans into giants is a parasitic existence, that is to say, unless there are humans or similar vertebrate creatures, they cannot fuse with them and turn them into giants.
Therefore, it is certain that there is definitely a place that is constantly "producing" human beings, and let those biomass parasitize, and finally turn them into giants.
Then, where would it be?
For the next few days, Fang Zheng was looking for clues, but unfortunately, nothing came of it. On the contrary, Katima and Mikasha got along well, and the two were already sisters.
Of course, Fangzheng also talked to Mikasha about why she was on this ship, but she said... She couldn't remember why she would do such a thing.
Forget it, I don't want to think about it.
But after three days, Fangzheng finally found an exciting clue.
On the other side of the horizon, he discovered an exciting city... Ruins.
That's right, the city has been destroyed, and only remnants remain. From the outside, it should have been destroyed for hundreds of years.
However, for Fangzheng, the important thing is not the relics, but the materials and records in the relics.
Like these murals.
"It seems that we still found a little clue."
Standing in front of the tall city wall and looking at the murals on the city wall, Fang Zheng couldn't help but sigh. Beside him, Katima and Mikasha also looked curiously at the mural in front of them.
This city wall is dozens of meters high. Although it is not as high as the previous city, it is not bad. Although it has gone through a hundred years of ups and downs, it still stands tall. It's just—there is only this city wall left, the once magnificent castle, the once prosperous city, has completely turned into a pile of ruins in the dust of history.
But for Fangzheng, the city's prosperity for a hundred years is not important. On the contrary, what is important is the content of the murals.
The first mural depicts a girl kneeling on the ground with her hands raised high in a posture of "praising the sun". And above her head, is the shining sun.
Then the next picture was of a snake-like thing falling from the sun and attached to the girl.
In the third painting, the girl turned into a giant with great strength and a burly body, helping others build houses and cities.
The fourth painting is the story of a girl who married a king, became a queen, and then ruled the kingdom under the sun.
There are some frescoes in the back, nothing more than praising the king, praising the greatness of the sun god, and some things that have happened... but these are not important.
For Fangzheng, the most important part has been found.
"So, those giants are blessings from the sun god?"
After listening to Fang Zheng's explanation, Katima was also stunned.
"But why did they become like that? According to this mural, isn't it good for that girl to become a giant? She also helped everyone build houses and cities, and she also married the king, so she could be considered a A happy ending."
Indeed, Katima also found it a little strange. After all, the giants she and Fang Zheng met had almost no self-awareness. They seemed to be stupid all day long. Only when they saw people would they attack like a lunatic. If that's the case, then that girl should also become a lunatic and attack other people.
But the fresco says she helped others build cities and married the king...
"It may not have been like this at first, but it became like this for some reason later."
As he spoke, Fang Zheng pointed to the dilapidated cities around him.
"After all, things like murals are praised, but you have also seen that if all the paintings on the murals are real, then this will not happen."
Hearing Fang Zheng's words, both Katima and Mikasha turned their heads and looked around. The whole city is in ruins, not only that, but it can be seen from those huge gaps and ruins that the city was not abandoned by nature, but after a brutal and fierce battle - they were even able to survive in some areas that were not yellowed. In the ruins buried in the sand, there are many bones.
"Okay, UU reading Let's go and look around, maybe you can find something interesting."
After Fangzheng spoke, Katima and Mikasha also scattered curiously, walking around in the ruined palace. Especially for Mikasha, everything here is so fresh. She doesn't know if she has encountered similar things before she lost her memory, but at least after losing her memory, everything in front of her is in Mikasha's eyes. Looking very interesting.
Just as Mikasha walked into a room deep in the palace, her eyes were suddenly attracted by something reflecting sunlight in the corner. The girl walked over curiously, and saw a strange silver ornament in the gap. She reached out her hand curiously and picked it up from the gap.
"what is this?"
Looking at the triangular silver flake in her hand, Mikasha curiously stretched out her hand and poked it a few times, but there was no response. But girls still like this thing very much, after all, it looks quite beautiful hair accessories. So Mikasha also picked up the silver "hair accessory" and stuck it on the hair beside her ear.
However, what Mikasha didn't expect was that the moment she put the "hair accessory" on her hair, it seemed to generate a suction force and directly attached to her head, and then, a beam of light from the The silver triangular "hair accessories" shot out, and in front of Mikasha, a picture was instantly formed!
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