Chapter 3557: Unexpected discovery (Ben Meow is now a chubby cat)

Rays of light shot out, and then a whole new picture was formed in front of Mikasa. I saw that the original collapsed place suddenly changed to another look. A majestic old man sat on the throne in front of him, and beside him stood three children and a woman.
In front of them, a large group of soldiers were kneeling on the ground, as if to express their submission to the old man.
what is this?
Seeing this scene, Mikasha also walked up to a soldier curiously and reached out to touch him. But what Mikasha didn't expect was that her arm actually passed through the soldier, so she hurriedly retracted her hand. But the soldier didn't seem to feel it at all, just kneeling there with his head down and motionless.
At this moment, Mikasha also found it interesting. She looked around here and there. Although these people didn't seem to respond to her, Mikasha also thought it was quite funny.
However, just when she walked over to the old man and planned to see him, the situation suddenly changed. I saw a man kneeling under the old man suddenly raised his head, then he stretched out his hand and grabbed the spear, and threw it hard at the old man!
And just when the man picked up the spear and threw it at the old man, the woman standing beside him also ran out suddenly and blocked in front of the old man, and then the spear pierced through the woman's body like this, and then the woman fell to the ground. on the ground.
Because this scene happened so fast that Mikasha didn't even react, until the woman fell to the ground, her legs went weak and she slumped on the ground.
Then, screams started.
"Mikasa? What's wrong?"
Hearing the call, Fang Zheng and Katima, who were searching around, also hurried over, and then saw Mikasha throw herself into Katima's arms, pointing forward with trembling.
"Kill, kill, kill... Someone was killed..."
Hearing this, Fang Zheng and Katima were stunned for a moment. They looked at Mikasha and then at the empty hall in front of them.
There's not even a ghost here.
"What are you wearing in your ear?"
At this time, Fangzheng also saw that Mikasha was wearing a triangular silver ornament on her ear, and even emitting a faint blue light, so he also raised his eyebrows and asked.
"Ah, this is it!"
Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Mikasha seemed to have reacted immediately, and hurriedly took the triangular silver hair accessory from her ear, and then told Fang Zheng the situation in a few words.
Fangzheng curiously took the "hair accessory" in Mikasha's hand and put it by his ear, then he looked forward and smiled.
"That's really interesting."
"Interesting? What do you mean? Kasuga-sama? I didn't see anything?"
Katima looked at Fangzheng suspiciously, and then looked in front of him - there was clearly a piece of air, nothing was there?
"This is a holographic glasses, which is a very high-tech thing. It projects images on the human retina, so only the person wearing it can see it, and others can't."
After a brief introduction, Fang Zheng took off the holographic glasses.
"I'll investigate first, maybe I can find some useful clues."
After all, this city looks like a product before the Middle Ages, how could there be such a modern high-tech thing in it? You know, holographic glasses, even Academy City didn't come up with it.
Since there was an accidental discovery, Fangzheng was unwilling to continue digging garbage in the ruins, so the three returned to the airship, and then Fangzheng began to investigate the information inside the holographic glasses.
I have to say, after the investigation, Fang Zheng couldn't help but be surprised.
Because the holographic glasses belong to none other than the king on the fresco!
Not only that, but the information above is also intriguing.
According to the information on the glasses, this world used to be a very prosperous and technologically advanced world. And the owner of this glasses is just an ordinary person in that world. Oh, of course, it's actually not ordinary. He is a member of a "green environmental organization". Of course, this organization is not an environmental protection organization, but an organization that advocates the return of human beings to nature. Too much reliance on technology has lost its originality. So they advocated that human beings should return to nature.
How to come back?
Just don't take injections, don't take synthetic drugs, don't give birth to a caesarean section, pay attention to natural delivery, grow green vegetables by yourself, eat chickens, ducks and fish that you grow, and you can open the harem for polygamy...
Well, this kind of neurological organization in foreign countries is not old or young. Earlier, it was called a cult.
In addition, these people have nothing to do but organize various protests. For example, the Farrow Automation Solutions Group, which makes robots, is their main target. They protested that this company manufactures all kinds of automated robots, and more importantly, this company also sells military automated robots. Naturally, they are protested - but capitalist countries, your protests are useless, right?
No matter how many people protested, the company was still very popular.
Then I ate and ate, and then played off.
The specific reason, Fang Zheng did not know, just learned from the information left in the holographic glasses that the military mechanical robot made by Farrow seems to have self-awareness, and began to upgrade, and in turn attacked humans. Not only that, these robots even have the ability to reproduce themselves, and they can manufacture and increase their own kind!
At first, Farrow wanted to hide this incident, but later incidents of military machinery attacking humans appeared everywhere. Not only that, but the news also reported something even more trembling.
That is, these automatic machines have the ability to convert living beings into fuel!
In other words, all life on earth, including humans, is their energy source!
Well... As for what happened next, Fang Zheng didn't know.
Because the holder of this holographic glasses, that is, the first king of this country, directly held a meeting to convene everyone at this time. All in all, what he meant was that the stupidity of human beings angered God, and all this was punishment from the gods. We must stay away from these stupid idiots, out of these steel cities, only then can we avoid the fate of destruction with Sodom!
At that time, the whole world was in a panic, and it looked like the end of the world was coming. I have to say that this person's words were quite provocative. A large group of people really followed him out of the city, then came to this remote and undeveloped area, and started to make their own clothes and food - thanks to their insane teachings, these people were originally their own vegetables and crops, but they were still alive. .
Then... one day something happened.
The pigs in their pig house ran away.
This must be a big deal.
The "king" gathered the people together and asked who let the pigs run away - nonsense, pigs can't open locks, they must have been released by people.
Then everyone pointed to a girl, and she admitted it, why? Because she saw that the pigs were pitiful in the pigpen, so she let them go.
Of course this is punishable.
Since you've let them go, you'll be hunted instead of them.
So Ymir had one eye gouged out, his tongue was cut off, and he was expelled from the village by the soldiers.
Then I don't know what happened. All in all, the girl turned into a giant with a height of nearly 100 meters. The soldiers who saw this scene were naturally frightened and fled in embarrassment.
After learning the reports of the soldiers, the "king" was also surprised, but at the same time, an idea emerged in his heart.
Unlike other fooled believers, this "king" knows how terrible those military machines are, but they have no means to fight against those military weapons. In fact, the reason why the king called the believers to leave with him was that there were military believers in his church, and that believer had secretly told him that although the information was closed, in fact, humans were not afraid of those terrifying mechanical armies. There is no fighting back, which means... the demise of mankind is only a matter of time!
But...if you can win over this giant, then...maybe you can block those mechanical armies, and may become the savior and ruler of the entire human race!
As soon as this idea came out, the king couldn't hold back. He went to meet the girl who turned into a giant in person, and repented of his stupidity, hoping that the girl would forgive him.
After all, the girl was young, so he was persuaded by him.
Then the king struck while the iron was hot, wooed the girl, and promised her to be his wife! Of course, the foreign king declared that the girl's giant transformation was a gift from the sun god, a messenger of the gods, and would protect them!
Then, the opportunity to verify the king's words came.
An army of machines rushed over aggressively, intending to completely wipe out the humans here as well. However, although there are many of them, they still can't resist the super-giant power of the girl-people can smash half of the mechanical army into scrap metal with one slap. What do you use to fight her?
Although the mechanical army is indeed ferocious, the girl's transformation into a giant is not impossible, and the mechanical army was defeated with three punches and two feet.
Now, the king's prestige is also high.
However, he also knows that only girls can become giants. Although he doesn't know the reason, it is obviously not the blessing of the sun god. But a giant alone is obviously not enough - what should we do?
It's very simple, just have a baby.
As long as he gives birth to enough children with girls' blood, as long as they can all become giants, then he will no longer be afraid of any mechanical army. At that time, he will be able to use the power of giants to rule the world!
And the girl really did well and gave birth to three daughters to him.
However, as she got older, the girl gradually discovered that the king didn't love her at all. He just used himself as a reproductive tool to give birth to the heirs of giant blood.
But what can she do?
Of course, in modern times, most people don't feel that way, and some people even think that this girl is too bullying, and they have the power of a giant that can destroy the sky and the earth, and directly kill the king and become Wu Zetian. Isn't it cool? Why help this scumbag?
However, everyone's three views are cultivated subtly since childhood. The girl's parents are members of this cult organization. She has instilled this idea from birth, and it is impossible to resist the king. You can see that people have gouged out one of her eyes and cut off her tongue, and girls can forgive the king. This is obviously impossible for ordinary people to think of.
In fact, this is not surprising. Look at the United States, so many people's children are shot at school every day. Those people are not only gathered to hold a rally and demonstration, and no one dares to hold a gun and say that the sky is dead. Stand up.
It can be seen that Americans are also quite servile, but they are also proud of being slaves of democracy.
Of course, the king became more unscrupulous because he was backed by giants, and some people in the country were dissatisfied with him. So during a meeting, the military general below secretly took out the hidden spear and threw it at the king. If the girl hadn't sacrificed her life to save him, the king would have died.
Although in terms of a girl's ability, a mere spear can't kill her. But she also seemed to be exhausted, so she let herself die under the spear and did not have the ability to heal.
But it's not over yet.
Of course, the king would not allow the patron saint of his country to die like this, so he ordered the three daughters born by the child to eat the girl's spine and inherit the girl's giant power. And issued an order that they would have children in the future, and those children must also eat their spines after their death to continue their power.
In the end, the king also died.
Um, old and dead.
After all, he's not immortal, he's just an ordinary person. It's pretty good to be able to live to the age of eighty or ninety years without illness or disaster, isn't it?
By the way, after that, the daughters of UU reading girls inherited the power of giants and continued to protect the country. Later, those mechanical armies also attacked several times, but they were all defeated by the giants of the daughters. . In short, the "king"'s dream of unifying the world and ruling mankind has not come true, but at least he has really protected a group of people from the mechanical legion.
And then... the record of the holographic glasses ends here.
Because the old king put it in the secret box of the throne before he died, obviously he did not intend to pass it on. So no one knows what happened to this kingdom after that. In a word, looking at it like this, in the end, this human kingdom that barely survived by relying on the power of giants is finished.
"This is really interesting..."
I have to say that Fang Zheng couldn't help feeling emotional when he saw the information in the glasses. And more importantly, in the holographic glasses, he got two clues.
One is in the west, the legendary world that has been completely occupied by the mechanical army.
The other is where the girl turned into a giant. According to the description in the holographic glasses, when the girl turned into a giant, there was a loud bang in the sky, followed by a thunderbolt, and then the giant appeared instantly.
If I remember correctly, the guards in that city also reported that a thunder and lightning struck, and then a giant suddenly appeared.
Could it be... is there any connection between the two?
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