Chapter 1415: , Miluo Ancient City (Part 2)

"Do you know these people?" Liu Wei'an asked.
"I don't know!" Hunjiang Niu shook his head. Although they are in the same group, the bandits work independently and are not connected to each other. He doesn't know other bandits, and other bandits don't know him.
"These people seem to be more fierce than you!" Nie Pohu said with a smile.
Hunjiang Niu gave a two-character evaluation with a black face: "Looking for death!"
After turning ahead, a bank suddenly appeared, made of wood. The direction facing the incoming ship is a huge wood hugged by adults. One end is sharp and sharp. If it is hit, I am afraid it will be immediately. The ending of the ship crash. The bed of the Ping An caravan quickly stopped. The distance was too close, making it messy, and it was able to stop when it touched the spikes.
If the technique is a little bit poor, or the crew is a little careless, then it has been hit, and the person who set the embankment is too hateful.
"Stop the ship, check!" Dozens of gangsters with swords rushed out from the shore, looking fierce, and shouting at the three ships in a fierce manner. Nie Pohu glanced at Liu Wei'an and saw that he didn't say anything. When he met him, he took a step forward and clasped his fists, saying, "Everyone, we are wanderers who are returning home, not a business traveler. There is no property on the ship. Please also open the net. ."
"Stop talking nonsense!" A triangular eye jumped onto the boat first, and the fierce eyes looked at Liu Weian, Hunjiang Niu and Nie Pohu who were standing on the bow of the boat. They seemed to be weighing the dangers of the three. To the extent, after an instant, he said coldly: "You'd better not move. We are here to find someone. As long as you search, you can leave. If you move, please don't blame Grandpa's knife for being polite and search!"
Although the gangsters who jumped onto the ship were surprised that the second master suddenly became so talkative today, they did not dare to neglect the second master’s orders. They rushed into the cabin proficiently, searched, and acted rudely. Rummage came out of the cabin. And the sound of things falling to the ground.
Hunjiang Niu glanced at Liu Wei'an and saw that he didn’t say anything. It felt strange. When he looked around, he found that there were dense gangsters on both sides of the river. Anyone who moves, they will shoot a sharp arrow full of power without mercy.
The arrow was waning with blue gleam, and was fed poison.
The culprits chose this place to intercept, and they have also been considered. The first is that the river turns, and the passing ships must slow down, so that there is no worry about the dam being hit. The dam is not strong, and the result of being hit by the ship is only one, the dyke. The boat is destroyed. Second, the river here is narrow and convenient for archers to bow and arrow. If the river is too wide, the archers can only watch. The last point is that the two banks are densely wooded and weeds are growing, which is very concealed.
"Brother, who are you looking for?" Hunjiang Niu asked Triangle Eye.
"Who is your brother?" Triangular eyes were very bold.
"If you come out, I will give you face, you give me face, my brother would be very hurt when talking like this." Hunjiang Niu had a dark face, and he had been in Niutoushan for so long, and "Anjiang City" was not much. I dare to talk to him like this, this bandit is very arrogant.
"Give you face, are you worthy?" Triangular eyes were unceremonious. The anger in Hunjiang Niu's eyes flashed away, but Liu Wei'an didn't speak, and he could only endure it.
"Second master, no!" The three ships were not big, and the person who searched them quickly finished their inspections.
"No!" After hearing the triangular eyes, his face was a little gloomy, his eyes looked back and forth between the three ships, just when he was about to withdraw his eyes, Feng Yiqing came out of the cabin, his eyes lit up and he pointed Feng Yiqing: "Bring this woman back!" The target was not found. It's okay to find a girl to go back, and she can barely make an appointment with the master.
"Dear fellows, is this not in line with the rules?" Nie Pohu's expression changed.
"Lao Tzu's knife is the rules!" Triangular eyes said fiercely. Just as the little guys rushed up, Liu Wei'an said: "Do it!" Everyone tells the rules, then he will not break the rules, but if If someone wants to break the rules, he is not welcome.
The blade flashed, blood spattered, and a dozen or so little people didn’t even have time to make a scream. On the contrary, they screamed in style. It turned out that a puff of blood just spattered under her feet. She was taken aback.
"So courage—" Triangular eyes were speechless, Hunjiang Niu's hand was pressed on his shoulder somehow, and for a moment, it seemed that he was not a hand on his shoulder, but a Taishan mountain, all over his body. His bones creaked and might break at any time, and sweat came out of his forehead.
He didn't even notice when Hunjiang Niu made the shot, he regretted it and knew he had kicked the iron plate.
"You had better not move, otherwise the consequences will be very serious, brother!" Hunjiang Niu said slowly, and finally the word'brother' bit the word very hard.
"You... are so brave... you know who I am...?" Triangular eyes were flushed red under the immense pressure, and his words were stammering. He was a little scared in his heart, but his eyes were still fierce. Extinct.
"Isn't it a bandit, who else can it be?" Hunjiang Niu said.
"Let him go!" A dark shadow appeared on the dam, his body changed from illusion to entity, as if he had stood on the dam before ages ago, with a black scarf on his face, only a pair of eyes without feeling, staring at Hunjiang. Cattle. For a moment, Hunjiang Niu had a sense of creepy.
"Who are you?" Nie Pohu opened his bow and aimed at the man in black, and a sharp murderous intent to shoot through the sky broke out. On the river surface, a trace of depression appeared, extending to the feet of the man in black, terrifying.
"I'll say it again, let them go!" The man in black didn't notice Nie Pohu's arrow, just staring at the Hunjiang cattle. I don't know where the cold air came from, and Anjianghe suddenly became quiet. The river quickly froze, a layer of hoarfrost appeared on the surfaces of the three ships, and the temperature dropped rapidly.
"It's really shameful for the bandits to hide their heads and show their tails." Hunjiang Niu's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and the breath broke out. In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color. The trees along the banks of the river were all leaning outside. Above the Anjiang River, there was a wild animal. A ghost slowly formed, and Anjiang River sank several inches.
"Arrow!" The man in black burst out murderously when he saw this.
"Don't—" the panic in the triangular eyes froze with a click. When the archers on both sides of the strait shot sharp arrows, Hunjiang Niu squeezed his neck. An abandoned child is useless to keep.
Between the sparks and the fire, a large cauldron flew out of the third ship and spun in mid-air. The resulting storm swept all the arrows that were about to hit the ship, and the heavy rock flew into the air without expression. Out, slapped a palm on the tripod.
Sound waves swept across the void like a knife, and with a scream, the archers and trees on both sides of the river were cut off. Hundreds of people were killed in an instant, and the smell of blood filled the air.
And the fight between Hunjiang Niu and the man in black has become white-hot. In terms of strength, the man in black is slightly better, but there is also Nie Pohu on the side of Hunjiang Niu who is standing on the bow, bowing like a full moon. , Did not shoot out, but this undisclosed threat is the most feared.
The man in black couldn't go all out, restrained, and instead was backed by the Hunjiang cattle.
Kind of heavy rock flicked his fingers on the large cauldron, and a wave of ripples hit, and the body in black trembled, like being struck by lightning, and the breath on his body was disturbed. Just at this time-
Nie Pohu shot a sharp arrow, as fast as a shooting star. The man in black would never have imagined that Nie Pohu’s arrow would turn around. He thought that relying on his exquisite posture, he had avoided the arrow until the arrow penetrated the heart. He suddenly realized, and shouted: "Despicable, you bully the less -" The voice was full of grievances and unwillingness, as well as deep regrets.
Hunjiang Niu slapped his head with a palm, and the hard skull was torn apart. The man in black was killed directly. The corpse fell into the Anjiang River, several ups and downs, and disappeared in an instant.
"How old you are, and so innocent, you are ashamed of a bandit." Hunjiang Niu spat at Anjiang River.
"It's rude!" Nie Pohu said to him.
"It's not in the city!" Hunjiang Niu's face flushed.
"Go get it back!" Liu Wei'an glanced at him.
"What's wrong? Didn't you die?" Hunjiang Niu was taken aback.
"He has a space ring in his hand!" Liu Weian said.
"..." Hunjiang Niu's face was even redder, and the small thief who followed was winking. He quickly jumped off the Anjiang River. After ten seconds, he returned with the body of the man in black, as expected, in his left hand. On the ring finger, there is a space ring.
As for the corpses on the shore, there is no need to order, the Ping An soldiers have already jumped on the shore and touched the corpses. Hunjiang Niu was dumbfounded, and he had a thorough understanding of the working style of the Ping An Caravan. They were bandits and bandits, and they made money from the living. The Ping An caravan was the most ruthless, and all the wealth of the living and the dead was made.
"Can you see the identity of this person?" Liu Wei'an lifted off the man in black's black scarf, revealing a pitted face, as if it had been bitten by insects. It was very scary and looked at from a distance. At a glance, she screamed in fright.
"I don't know!" Hun Jiangniu shook his head. In fact, he doesn't need to look at his face. He knows the martial arts mentality revealed during the fight. People he has met can recognize only by looking at the martial arts moves.
The dam is movable, and only a few pieces of wood can be moved to open a gap for ships to pass through. After the Ping An soldiers who had finished touching their bodies got on the ship, the three ships set sail again.
Liu Wei'an took the space ring to study. Two formations were arranged on the space ring. One formation was used to conceal the ring, but the formation on the ring was concealed, and the concealed one was an attack. The formation method, if someone who has not studied the formation method deeply opens the ring, it will be unlucky.
The most difficult part of this ring is not the formation, but the two formations. In such a small volume, two formations are depicted, and they are different formations. With his formation skills, he cannot do it. arrive.
After researching for a while, Liu Wei'an made a new discovery. The two formations are not unrelated, but related. If you want to crack the hidden formation, you will immediately be attacked by the attacking formation. The hidden thinking of the hidden formation, it is impossible to crack the attack formation, there is no solution.
"Interesting!" During the next trip, Liu Wei'an hid in the cabin to study the ring, and let Nie Pohu handle all matters concerning the size.
No big things, little troubles keep going. There are more bandits on the river than the bandits on the mountain. The number is variable. There are 20 or 30 people as few as 300 or 500 people. They used to rob passing ships. Life, very moral, only take 20% of the finances, not hurting lives, of course, the premise is cooperation, if you don't cooperate, there will only be one result, one will not stay, and the dead body will sink to the bottom of the river.
Nie Pohu followed Liu Wei’an’s order. For all the bandits, he saw one kill one, see two, kill a pair. "Anjiang City" is an important part of the future expansion of the Ping An army. There are too many bandits around, obviously not. Okay, now that I saw it, I eliminated it easily.
Hunjiang Niu and Xiang Jichu made the shot, and the bandits on both sides of the strait did not even have the opportunity to beg for mercy. The safe caravan pushed all the way, UU reading until they entered the area of ​​the ancient city of Miluo, the bandits were suddenly invisible. The bandits are gone, and the fleet is still unable to rest.
Navigating in the river is full of dangers. Bandits are only the most insignificant threat. The real threat is the poisonous beasts, poisonous mosquitoes, poisonous flies, poisonous moths, poisonous ants, poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders...some mosquitoes that look the size of a sesame grain , The lethality is terrible and scary, even if a gold-level master is accidentally bitten, there is a danger of death.
The day is okay, but the most terrifying thing is at night. After the sun sets, when mosquitoes go out, there are many mosquitoes that can lift people up. The heavy rock is suspended on the top of a large cauldron, and the atmosphere of mosquito nets is dropped, covering three boats. The ship lasted all night, if not so, everyone on the ship, don't even think about sleeping.
At dawn, Nie Pohu, who woke up from meditation, gradually left the mosquitoes, secretly startled, how did other merchant ships spend the night with so many mosquitoes? He doesn't think that every caravan can invite a platinum-level master to watch the night, and platinum-level masters are not so cheap.
After turning from the Anjiang River to the Miluo River, the water flow has stabilized a lot, and the speed of the boats has also increased a lot. In addition, along the banks of the river, there are almost no bandits and bandits. The three boats are smooth all the way. Not long after lunch, the end of the river is at the end of the river. , A majestic city appeared in the field of vision, the landscape blended, exuding the ancient and majestic atmosphere, "Miluo Ancient City" has arrived.
The Ping An soldiers are very excited. After entering "World of Warcraft", they have been moving on land, riding on a boat, and it was the first time. The feeling of shaking and falling into the river at any time is really not a kind of feeling. A good experience, there are still many people who are seasick, relying on internal force to suppress them, and seeing "Miluo Ancient City", they have a sense of relief.
"Finally cracked!" At this moment, inside the cabin, Liu Wei'an's excited voice sounded.
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