Chapter 1416: Gambling

There is no perfect formation, even no matter how perfect it is, it is close to perfection, there is no real perfection, there are always flaws. Liu Wei'an was not familiar with the hidden formation for the first time, but his formation foundation was not weak, and he had seen a lot of various big formations. Under the exploration of the eyes of the devil, the lines of the hidden formation appeared little by little. He did not immediately look for shortcomings and flaws, but simulated the trajectory of the hidden formation, over and over again, when 12683 pieces of yellow paper were wasted. , Finally found the flaw of the hidden formation, it can't be said to be a flaw, it can only be said to be an insufficiency.
Concealed formation is a good formation, but the master who portrays the formation is too eager for perfection. He wants to hide the space ring and the attack formation. One of the two is already very impressive, the master of the formation. If the two are compatible, the final result is that neither of them meets the ideal requirements.
If only one of them was chosen, Liu Wei'an might not have won this concealed formation in a short time. The formation is very simple, with a few strokes, the complexity is reduced to simplicity, and the simplicity is comparable to the flame formation. When Liu Wei'an simulated it, the vibration was great.
The formations that I have seen are complex, tedious, and ingenious. Every step you take will consume an unknown number of brain cells. Concealed formations are just the way to go. They are extremely simple and contain the principle of great simplicity. In fact, logically speaking, This kind of thinking is right. The fewer movements, the fewer flaws.
However, if you want to outline a complete formation with the simplest lines, it is a test of skill. Liu Wei'an sits in the penetrating cabin, thinking about the formations he has mastered, such as "Flame Talisman", "War Sword Talisman", and "Sword Talisman". "Blasting Talisman", "Golden Stone Charm", "Decomposing Charm"...Is it possible to go this way? If the complexity can be simplified, the efficiency can be doubled. When facing and killing the enemy, a moment of time is alive. The distance from death, Jane, represents efficiency...
The ship shook and stopped. Liu Wei'an raised his head and looked out the window. He had already arrived in the "Miluo Ancient City". The boat stopped in the ferry port. There were more than a dozen large and small boats on both sides. There were awning boats, sailing boats, and a boat that resembled a dragon boat. I don’t know what kind of boat it is. Liu Wei’an said to the boat. Without much understanding, the continuous flow of ships gives people the illusion that they are strayed into ancient times.
The crew and coolies are unloading cargo, going up and down the mountain, and it is very lively. The main road is not far from the ferry crossing about 100 meters. There are people coming and going, men and women, riding horses, and horse-drawn carriages. It is a prosperous scene.
At the end of the road is a magnificent ancient city, and two inexplicable characters are written on the city gate as high as three feet: 汨罗! The font is unrecognizable, but the profound calligraphy skills are indeed revealed. Even people who don’t understand calligraphy can’t help but give a thumbs up as long as they read these two characters, saying: Good! Although I don't know what's good at all, I can't tell why, but I just feel good.
The Ping An soldiers cleaned up a bit and got off the ship, because they didn't carry any cargo, everyone was relaxed.
"Smelly!" After walking on the main road, Baililonglong covered his nose and looked disgusted. The main road leading to the city gate has obviously been leveled, and then solidified with mellow soil, mixed with a rubber wood glue unique to World of Warcraft, the effect is even better than the actual concrete road.
Don't look at the roads in "Dragon Bird City" are paved with rock slabs, flat and smooth, and in terms of use effect, they are not as good as the roads in front of you. This kind of roads is not only of high quality, but you don't have to worry about slipping on it. "Dragon Sparrow City" originally planned to build this kind of road, but given the cost considering the cost.
The cost of a kilometer of such a road is 3.5 times that of a rock slab.
The road of "Miluo Ancient City" is not mentioned, but it is obviously insufficient in management. The business travelers and tourists are more civilized, and they don’t have the phenomenon of spitting or urinating and defecate everywhere, but people consciously, mounts and cows and horses are not consciously. These animals have no habit of holding back wherever they go. It can be solved directly, and there is no need to squat, and it can be solved in the process of walking.
One or two animals excrete a little, the relationship is not very big, the purification ability in the wild is still very strong, but if there are more, it will not work.
"Miluo Ancient City" is not as prosperous as "Anjiang City". How many business travelers come and go in a day? Large-scale business travelers have to use bullock carts and horse-drawn carts. Some also use Warcraft. They come and go. There is a thick layer of excrement on the road. If it is dry, forget it. The most feared is fresh. The smell is smelly in the wind. 100 metres.
In "World of Warcraft", there are people who lick the blood with a knife head. The rough guys don’t care about this. They can endure it, but the women are different, especially the ladies, how can they tolerate this smell? , Almost spit out the overnight meal.
Liu Weian saw that Yan'er and Feng Yiqing didn’t say anything, but the frowned brows could explain the same thing. He hurriedly asked the soldiers to rent a carriage. Only then did he understand why there are so many carriage rental shops. Now, there are seven or eight companies, with all kinds of signs.
"It's great to have money!" With a carriage, Liu Wei'an naturally can't walk anymore, and then got into the carriage. The carriage has a lot of space to accommodate three or four people, which is not a problem. Yan'er is petite, Baili Longlong is a child, only a little taller, he sits in it, not too crowded at all.
I don’t know what material the curtain of the carriage is. It can filter the outside smell. The carriage is sprayed with perfume and smells good. There are two worlds inside and outside the carriage.
At the gate of the city, the speed of the carriage slowed down, and there were too many people entering the city and they needed to line up. You don't need to check anything to enter the city gate. The monsters can enter, and you don't care about swords, guns, and swords, but you have to pay taxes. The head tax is high and scary. A person needs 10 silver coins and a child 8 silver coins. The guard opened the curtain and glanced at it. No matter how the peace warrior explained it, he would count Baililonglong as an adult and pay an extra 2 silver coins.
"If you want to get in, you can pay, and if you whisper it, you won't be allowed in." After arguing, the guard became impatient and showed a fierce look.
"Why don't you go, it's a long time, don't come to "The Ancient City of Miluo" if you don't have money, hillbilly." The next team waited impatiently and shouted.
"Pay!" Nie Pohu said, and the Ping An soldiers paid the money reluctantly. "Miluo Ancient City" posted a notice at the gate of the city, saying that people under 1.4 meters and those under 14 years old are considered young. Children, Baililonglong is considered a child regardless of age or height.
There are regulations, but they don't follow them. It's unimaginable to put them in "Dragon Sparrow City". After paying the money, the carriage restarted, and after the city gate, a prosperous breath came over.
"There are so many shops!" As soon as Baililonglong's child entered the "Miluo Ancient City", he immediately opened the curtains and looked at the busy traffic on the street with two big eyes. However, looking at her appearance, it was more focused Snacks snacks on both sides.
Children are greedy cats.
Suddenly, there was a tumult in the distance, and someone faintly heard cheering and shouting.
"It's up, it's up, it's up, it's platinum, oh my god, it's a platinum object!"
"The stone bought for 100 gold coins was out of dark gold, and it was a medium grade. It was directly turned over several hundred times, and it skyrocketed!"
"I said that this stone must be able to match, but some people don't believe it. Look, now believe it, it's too late! The green of this stone is linear, full and solid, 100% something! I bet Shi has been more than three years, what kind of stone hasn't seen? You don't believe me, do you regret it now?"
"Since you are so sure, why don't you buy it yourself?"
The noise came from a distance, and soon, the whole street was full of discussions, and the faces of the players showed envy and jealousy.
"Dark gold, I can't even think about it, who is it? It's really out of luck!"
"Oh my god, it's that stone, it must be that stone. I watched it for several days, but I didn't dare to start. I didn't expect that something was actually sold, and it was still a dark gold tool. I hate it. It should have been be mine!"
"I heard that it was a casual person who came to "Miluo Ancient City" for the first time. He didn't understand anything. He bought it when he heard others say that he could open it. Others regarded him as a fool, but didn't want to. Those who encouraged him were fools. , Dark gold, what is the price of dark gold now? You always want a few thousand gold coins, right?"
"A few thousand older? Can you buy dark gold? This is a mid-range item. Not surprisingly, it's okay to break ten thousand."

"Bet on rocks? What is this?" Inside the carriage, Liu Wei'an, Feng Yiqing, Yan'er and Baili Longlong were confused with their big eyes to the small ones.
Nie Pohu immediately asked the two soldiers to inquire, and a group of people passed by on the street. All they heard in their ears were words such as gambling, rising, and losing.
"Miluo Ancient City" I don’t know what day it is today. I left three inns in a row and they were all full. Only the highest specification "Zhuangyuan Building" was left with rooms, but when I heard the price, UU read even if it was. The demeanor that has no concept of money is also staggering, expensive and scary.
No way, you have to live, it's impossible to sleep on the street, right? With so many people, it doesn't matter if the soldiers have thick skins, but Yan'er, Feng Yiqing and Baili Longlong obviously can't sleep on the street. Nie Pohu reluctantly packed a yard. When he paid the money, the flesh on his face was trembling. He is also a person who has been accustomed to hard times. A yard with 38 gold coins at night, he almost thought he had heard it wrong, and confirmed it. Pay all the time.
The money is worth it, the yard is quiet, the rooms are clean and tidy, and the environment is very good. After settling down, the two soldiers who went out to inquire about the situation also returned.
It turns out that "The Ancient City of Miluo" is a gambling city. A long time ago, some prehistoric mining areas were discovered around the "Old City of Miluo". Some strange stones appeared in these mining areas. Opening these stones would reveal some swords, medicinal materials, etc. All items are precious.
Over time, a huge industrial chain dominated by gambling was formed around these stones. The largest mining area of ​​"Miluo Ancient City" was occupied by the Lu family. They did not drill the stones themselves, and all the stones they dug out were sold. People who want to open a stone have to pay for it. With good luck, you can open precious items with a small amount of money. If you get rich overnight, you will lose if you win. If you are unlucky, you spend a lot of money. But it is empty, that is a loss.
A knife is poor and a knife is rich. The stimulus of this soaring wealth has made the players of the World of Warcraft rush in droves, and countless gamblers come from all directions every day. Today is so lively, it is the first time that a person who came to "Miluo Ancient City" shot for the first time, cut a piece of dark gold medium-grade long sword, starting with 100 gold coins, the initial estimate of the dark gold medium-grade long sword was 25,000 The gold coin rose 250 times all at once, making the whole street a sensation.
"Let's go gambling on rocks too!" Baililonglong's eyes beamed, very excited.
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