Chapter 5: Kill monsters at night

Liu Wei'an stepped, something was wrong.
On the periphery of the cemetery, a group of carrion wandering, a sharp, low-pitched whining sound was transmitted from the distance in the dark, and it was extremely scary.
Don't these guys just sleep when no one provokes them? Liu Weian approached cautiously. There were almost thirty rotting corpses. They wandered aimlessly. The air smelled of a strong corpse. Although he took corpse dan, the odor of the corpse had no effect on him. , Still feeling agitated and extremely uncomfortable.
It's too bad.
Forty meters, thirty meters! Liu Wei'an stopped abruptly, a rotten body turned his head and stared at him. The rotten half of his face looked blurry, and a whimper came out of his mouth, rushing towards him. As soon as this carrion moved, other carrion ran along.
Liu Wei'an murmured in his heart, and turned his head and ran. One or two were okay, and dozens of them rushed together. There was no chance of winning. The ability of these carrion seemed to increase at night. During the day, the carrion's sensing ability It is within fifteen meters, and it has now doubled.
The footsteps behind him were getting stronger and stronger, Liu Weian was frightened, his induction ability was increased, and even his speed was accelerated. He took a deep breath, and he knew that the more critical the crisis, the less rush, or the more he died. fast. The valley is soothing, there are no trees and no ditch, and if you want to stop the carrion, you can only rely on yourself.
Diving quietly to sense the distance of the carrion, the iron poplar bow has reached the hand, an arrow is placed on it, and the arrow made by the carrion nails is under the moonlight, reflecting the glamorous red awns.
Five meters, three meters.
Liu Wei'an stopped, twisted, bowed like a full moon, and shot an arrow. The arrow uttered a sharp whistling, and shot into the night sky through the neck of the carrion.
Liu Wei'an was crying, and his hearing was too bad. At this time, it was too late to run again, and the body squatted like a toad, beating continuously, avoiding the attack of the carrion, and opened the bow again.

The arrow in the eye socket of the second carrion slammed and the carrion fell to the ground. Liu Wei'an escaped from the gap, but sighed in the heart, the night was hazy, the relationship was not good, and the accuracy was affected. He fired this arrow at the eyebrow.
Running for ten meters, he turned abruptly. In the sound of bowstring vibration, the arrows shot like a bolt of lightning and this thunderbolt gathered the strength of the whole body and was extremely fierce.

The carrion erupted from the heart of the carcass two meters away, and an arrow burst in from the eyebrow and pierced through the back of the head. The carrion did not say a word, fell down, and spiked.
There was a joy in Liu Wei'an's heart, but for the first time in a few months, he killed the monster for the first time.
Five or six carrion came around, scaring him to feel down, a cold light passing, five claw marks on the back, blood spilled, and the carrion immediately became irritable and made a long sob.
There were rotten corpses all around. Liu Wei'an didn't even have a retreat. He gritted his teeth and shot his eyes sharply. He opened the bow continuously in less than two meters.
Hum, hum, hum.
Squatting on the ground to open the bow not only affects the strength, but also affects the accuracy of the head. Three arrows, one shot empty, one shot missed, only one arrow hit the eye socket, but the carrion did not fall because of insufficient strength.
Blood splattered, paws swept over the ears, and came on the shoulders, and almost cut off the ears. Liu Wei'an held his breath still and motionless. The whole person was like a sculpture, holding the bowstring hand, the blue tendons violently rushed and rushed at the carrion Instantly, let go.
With a distance of less than two meters, the arrows flashed like a flash of light, with a puff of blood, pierced the head of the carrion, and more than half of the arrow appeared in the back of the head. The strength of this arrow is evident.
The moment the carrion fell, Liu Wei'an took action and threw the bow out. He grabbed the carrion's body and put it on his back, and climbed out fast against the ground. The sound of blood, blood splatter, and minced meat flying across, all the carrion's attacks let this carrion enjoy. The black-smelling liquid flowing on Liu Wei'an's back was sticky, cool, and there seemed to be The maggot was squirming. Liu Weian held back his nausea, closed his mouth tightly, and quickly climbed out of the encirclement. He suddenly threw the body to the back, rolled several times in a row, appeared five or six meters away, grabbed the bow, jumped, Open the bow and back.
A few arrows, only one arrow hit the target, but it is the eye socket, not the eyebrow.
Liu Wei'an knew that this was not possible, although it was because of the poor light in the night, and the other was the speed of carrion, but the more important reason was his own carelessness and irritability, which greatly reduced accuracy.
Taking a deep breath, the fluctuating mood calmed down quickly, and the sound of the carrion whimpering receded. I heard only a buzzing bowstring vibration. I did not see when Liu Wei'an pulled the bow. Three meters away, a carrion He fell on his back with an arrow in his brows.
The carrion has been detoured from both sides, Liu Wei'an sprinted through the at a speed of 100 meters, and there were continuous attacks of carrion, often missing a little.
This place has reached the edge of the perimeter of the cemetery. The corpses are thin. Normally, the carrion will not come here, but now the blood is stimulating. These carrion screams and forget the geographical restrictions.
After touching his back, there were only four left. Liu Weian jumped in his heart. He was so happy that he forgot to count the number of arrows. Suddenly he admired the masters who had two birds with one arrow. If he had this, these dozens Only carrion is a dish.
A carrion rushed in front of me. This carrion should become a carrion for a long time. The clothes on his body and the degree of body rot were the least he had ever seen. Half of his face was rotting, and only one eyeball glared at him. The red light reflected in the reflection of the night was extremely scary.
There are tigers and wolves in the front. There is no way to intersect on both sides. Liu Wei'an has no choice but to attack and shoots directly. He is still quite sure. He stared at the carcass's brows, breathing became long and rotten. The speed and movement of the corpse came to mind in an instant, and at this moment, the fingers were released.
The arrow went like a meteor with a bang, hitting the carcass of the carrion, impartial. The arrow penetrated an inch deep, and it stopped moving forward. As the carrion jumped, the arrow flickered and fell.
what happened?
Liu Wei'an was frightened, and a carrion slammed on his side. He kicked him on the carrion ’s chest with a conditioned reflex, and a powerful force came. He flew out, just out of the encirclement, and fell on six On the ground outside Mi Kai, his right foot was so painful that he almost fractured. During the rolling process on the ground, he saw the falling arrows and realized the reason why he did not shoot the carrion.
This arrow is an arrow without carrion nails or animal bones. Although the iron birch is hard, it is better than nails and bones of carrion.
Liu Wei'an regretted it. When he encountered the carrion, he forgot everything, knowing himself and knowing one another, and he was never frightened. This sentence is easy to say, but it is not easy to do.
Remorse was just a moment, he knelt on one leg, staring at the rotten corpse rushing, a bow pulled into a full moon, aiming for a second, the arrow had been shot.
A carrion fell, but did not die, but shot in the eye socket.
The second Carrion fell, and it was still an arrow in the eye socket. As long as it shot through the eye socket, the Carrion would lose its ability to move. The back of the eye socket seemed to be the place to control the Carrion's action center.
The fall of the two carrion caused a little impact on the carrion in the back. Liu Wei'an turned and ran with pain in his leg, but he seemed to be unaware that he was less than 20 meters from the graveyard. He had already taken care of him. Not so much.
At fifteen meters, ten meters, and five meters, he clearly smelled the smell of carrion. It was rich, stench, and the carrion was close to him by less than one meter. Without any hesitation, he leaped with all his strength, twirled his body in midair, turned his back down, and the last arrow rested on the bow.
This arrow is fitted with carrion nails and is as sharp as a knife.
The cold mang flashed, the body of the carrion rushing in front of it suddenly shocked, the arrow penetrated the eyebrow, fell on its back, and the speed of the carrion in the back stagnated, causing a slight confusion.
At this time, Liu Wei'an also just landed, enduring dizziness, and quickly took a few steps to reach a huge leaf. This leaf of an unknown plant is shaped like a taro and has a diameter of more than 1.5 meters. It's huge, full of water.
Liu Wei'an poured water on his body. In the cold night, when he was poured with water, he was soaked instantly. Liu Wei'an couldn't help fighting a cold war, and the water covered his smell.
This place has already gone out of the cemetery. The taste has broken, and the carrion's irritable mood has returned to normal. Hesitated for a moment and began to return one after another. Leave in a short while.
Liu Wei'an was lying on the ground, and it took him five or six minutes to get up. She was sore, but she was very grateful. The water in the leaves was naturally made by him. UU read the book He observed here for more than a week, nothing to eat, drink water every day.
I limped to the last carrion that was killed and took out the arrows. In just a few minutes, the shaft of the carrion was not as good as the carrion. This venom is really overbearing. All right. Use your nails to dig out the white crystals inside the head and eat.
An energy spread to the limbs and veins, the coldness of the body disappeared immediately, the wound began to heal, and the pain in the leg did not disappear anytime soon.
White crystals are amazing.
A total of nine carrion bodies were shot, of which four were spiked and five were eye sockets. Liu Wei'an quietly resolved all the carrion on the periphery. The brain should be opened, the belly should be broken. As a few white crystals were swallowed, the energy that was about to run out was full again.
There are three carrion too close to the carrion group, he did not dare to pass, and did not want to give up, he had to lie on the ground and wait, this is more than two hours, the blood moon fell, the carrion returned one after another Go deep into the cemetery and sleep.
Liu Wei'an is now full of energy. It only took two minutes to get the carrion dead. The white crystals were all eaten and nine meat sacs were obtained. One by one, all copper plates, 121 in total.
Liu Wei'an was very disappointed. There were no gold coins, and a few silver coins were fine. All the nails of the carrion were removed, and ninety nails were obtained. Looking at this big bag of nails, I was happy again. That's it. Don't worry about the lack of arrow penetration.
Two trips back and forth before pulling all the carrion to Stone City, although the carrion rotted most of the body and weighed less than normal people, but the weight was not light. Fortunately, it swallowed nine white crystals, which greatly increased its strength. Otherwise, four trips are estimated. Even so, it was only at dawn that everything was done, and I was happy to take the nine silver coins offline.
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