Chapter 6: Killing

At about eight o'clock, Liu Wei'an woke up. Although he only slept for more than two hours, he was energetic. Zhao Nannan's mother and daughter have risen because it is a basement and there are no windows. Although it is already daylight outside, the inside of the room is still dark. Liu Wei'an turned on the light and briefly scrubbed.
"The landlord knocked on the door just now. It should be paying rent." Zhao Nannan said.
Liu Wei'an calculated the day. It was the first day of March. He nodded, opened the door, and a bright sun came in, dazzling white.
The temperature difference between Mars day and night is very big. Liu Weian closed the door and walked out. Zhao Nannan's mother and daughter could not see anyone, otherwise they would be arrested.
Along the way, the bustling crowds are people, most people are hungry and malnourished.
Although Liu Weian lived here for a month or two, he didn't know anyone. In the past two months, he has gone out no more than five times, playing games during the day, and sleeping at night. Therefore, he does not know anyone, and they do not know him.
The landlord is a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body. It is said to be a steward of a large family. This area is quite influential. He manages several buildings alone, basically there are no slaves or dare to make trouble in the place he manages. The reason why Liu Wei'an rents a house here is because of the safety of a picture.
The rent in the basement is 40 copper plates a month. The basement where Liu Weian lives has a separate toilet and 50 copper plates. 1 copper plate for water and 3 copper plates for electricity, for a total of 54 copper plates.
The landlord was very indifferent, and Liu Wei'an didn't have any extra words. He paid, received the invoice, turned away, and a middle-aged woman begging hard.
"You're fine, five days, up to five days, we'll make sure the rent is all together--"
"The last month has not been paid. Three days, I only give you three days. If you can't pay the rent, leave me out. A lot of people here are waiting for rent ..." The landlord's voice had no emotion.
Across the shabby streets, Liu Wei'an walked towards the commercial street. Along the way, people of all shapes and sizes continued to flow, which was completely different from the ghostly night.
Most of the people who have the ability to rent a house are poor, but since they are poor, they have little money, so they can only rent a house at the junction of the slave area and the slum area. At least there is a place to stay. However, there is no industrial area in the slave area. To work, you must cross the commercial street.
Behind the slums is a large industrial area that feeds hundreds of thousands of people nearby.
The streets were broken, and the houses were left hundreds of years ago. Many of them have been damaged and collapsed. When there are a lot of tenacious towering on the ground, lying or sitting in every suspicious shelter from wind and rain, packed with yellow skin and thin skin. Most of the slaves were skinny.
They are basking in the sun. Every cold night there are countless people who get up early the next day and never get up again, while those who are lucky alive climb out to bask in the sun to replenish the temperature. From time to time in some small streets, you can see big men with three-faced and two-faced faces. These are also slaves. However, they belong to the kind that mixes well, fights, kills and sets fires. It is common for them to live, what Things are dare to do it. Because the means are fierce, so moisturizing, but still work every day.
Slaves are not nothing. They have an energy tube that they receive every three days, and others are lucky to see some food in the garbage dump, or valuable things, such as waste televisions, rotten mobile phones, scrapped guns and ammunition. Wait, these slaves can eat and die for so long, naturally they have their own way of survival.
And these big men are specifically dependent on slaves to make a fortune.
The commercial street is very lively. On a large square, thousands of people are lining up, waiting for the factory to recruit people. Most of them are poor and civilians, and there are many slaves who are lucky.
There are too many monks, and every few minutes a bus full of people is heading for the Eastern District, disappearing through the blocked guards.
The place where Liu Wei'an is located is divided into four areas in the southeast, northwest, and the east is the civilians, the north is the poor, the west and the south are slaves, and the commercial street is at the middle junction. Because the western and southern districts are slaves, there is no obvious boundary. Although the slum districts are also chaotic, they still have a relatively strict order compared to the slave districts.
In contrast, the Eastern District is completely orderly and orderly. However, it is not easy to enter the Eastern District. On the road that must be passed, there are rigorous guards. The thick walls and tall iron gates make this place two. Worlds.
Liu Wei'an didn't feel much about it. The society is already so. Complaining is not useful. What can be done is to live well and strive to change, little by little.
Mineral water, hundreds of years ago, you could buy two bottles of two copper plates, but today, hundreds of years later, you need 50 copper plates and one bottle. The source of water caused by nuclear pollution is extremely scarce. Fortunately, after hundreds of years of evolution, people The drought resistance has changed a lot, otherwise, I do n’t know how many people will starve to death.
I bought 4 bottles of mineral water, all the rest of the money was dry food and compressed biscuits, a big bag of food, enough for half a month. Back at the residence, Liu Wei'an found that his body had indeed strengthened a lot. Before switching to this long journey, he had been out of breath and sweating a lot, but now his face is not flushed and panted. The game is looking forward to more and more. If you had to do this for life before, now you have a keen interest. After you're full, go online immediately.
There are many people in the daytime and people are everywhere. Liu Wei'an wonders. Do these people not need to go to work during the daytime? As far as he knows, most of the people who play games are desperate people. There are people who work in the real world who are willing to take this risk. After all, it takes half a month to die once.
Destination graveyard.
It took more than two hours to make 90 arrows, and quickly walked towards the cemetery. As soon as I got close, I heard a sound of killing. Astonished, someone unexpectedly rushed up and saw more than twenty Carrion is fighting with a group of people.
There are men and women, a dozen people. The fighting should have been going on for some time. There are dozens of corpses lying on the ground, and their stomachs are broken. Several rotten corpses lie on the corpses and bite them. It looks bad. A woman screamed harshly, was caught by a carrion, and a mammoth twitched her neck. The woman's frightened cry quickly weakened, and finally became quiet.
A dozen people fled all the way and resisted. It seemed that there were only six people left at the edge of the cemetery. Two of them were wounded. If it is normal, they can escape, but the bleeding is different. Carrion It was particularly exciting to smell the blood.
Six people watched the carrion rushing over with despair on their faces. A beautiful-looking girl was so frightened that she forgot to run and watched the carrion's sharp nails stab her chest.
"Run fast—"
A companion who turned around and saw this scene yelled, unfortunately it was too late. At the start of a thousand shots, a black mang shot from behind, as fast as lightning, on the carrion's eyebrow, and the carrion fell on its back.
Hey, hey, hey.
The three arrows were shot at almost the same time. The three rotten bodies chased in front of each other fell into a line and fell to the ground.
The six turned back in horror, looking at the archery man. Very young, certainly not more than 20 years old, thin and pale, seemingly because she has not seen the sun for a long time, her face is beautiful, what attracts special attention is the pair of eyes under the sword eyebrows, as dark as ink, with a sense of indifference Means.
There was no other person in Liu Wei'an's eyes. He stared at the rotten carcasses without blinking, the bow strings vibrated, and arrows shot out one after another, and the movement was as fast as a stream of water, and it was as fast as lightning. All the carrion were shot dead and fell to the ground.
Six people looked at it stupidly, until Liu Wei'an put down his bow and arrow but dug a white crystal, he suddenly woke up. UU 看书 www. One of, one meter tall, looks like the leader of this group came to Liu Wei'an and was grateful: "Thank you brother for saving your life, my name is Wang Bai, so many bodies, let us help you . "
"No." Liu Wei'an didn't look up.
"That being the case, we say goodbye." Wang Bai's face changed slightly, the gloom in his eyes flashed away, and he clenched his fists, made a look at one of the short men, and then said, "Let's go."
The heavy footsteps went outside, and the others said goodbye with tacit understanding, but the short man quietly approached Liu Wei'an's back, suddenly raised his dagger, a flash of cold light, but stabbed an empty space. As soon as he looked up, he was greeted by an infinitely expanding archery.
Eyebrow blooming.
"Fuck, run away—" Wang Bai's face changed, and he ran away.
Liu Wei'an's serious expression was relaxed. If they swarmed up, he would still have some trouble, but if he turned and ran away, it would become a living target.
Buzz buzz.
The bowstring vibrated, Liu Weian opened the bow five times in an instant, five screams sounded, and the five Wang Bo fell to the ground almost simultaneously. They are all arrows in the back heart, none survived. Liu Wei'an was expressionless. Although it was the first time to kill, he didn't have any fear. Over the past few days, I have seen too much about this kind of murder and winning treasures.
Liu Wei'an moved quickly. More than 20 carrion corpses were completed in only ten minutes. He had done a lot of brain-breaking things, and his proficiency has risen sharply. A total of 26 white crystals and 26 meat sacs Each. Afterwards, the corpses of Wang Bai's group began to be cleaned up. This was not to plasticize the corpses, but to search for valuable items.
Three daggers, an iron sword, a machete, a pair of shoes, an iron ore, a herb, 4 silver coins and 78 copper plates. Liu Wei'an finally laughed. The group was quite rich and worthy of praise.
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