Chapter 370: Offshore storm


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1356 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:36:12

The reason why Zhu Shuirou dared to gather the courage to approach Yin Zizhang, who was much higher than her, was to a certain extent, because Zhu Zhu, an ugly and incapable girl, could get Yin Zizhang's eyes. No matter how she looks or cultivates herself, at least she is better than her.
Zhu Zhuzhu can, why can't she? She and Yin Zizhang are still young.
But Zhu Zhu in front of her eyes, except for the familiar copper bracelet on the wrist and the familiar green dress, is just like a muddy cloud with the rustic and soft young girl.
修 She is superficial, but slowly she also notices that Zhu Zhu's body has a special breath belonging to the Yuanying monk, and her knees are weak.
知道 She knows that this is because Zhu Zhu deliberately converged, otherwise she was afraid that she could not help but kneel to the ground with this kind of aura.
The surprisingly beautiful Yuan Yingniu Xiu, who was passed on to the ears of the people on the ship, turned out to be Zhu Zhu.
She stood opposite to Zhu Zhu, feeling herself like a leisure flower and weed on the edge of Konggu Youlan, humble and inconspicuous.
A scorching heat rushed into her eyes, Zhu Shuirou's eye circles became red, and she could not hold back the tears on the spot. It turned out that she had always acted as a clown and played a one-man show.
所有 All her superiority when facing Zhu Zhu became a cruel joke at this moment.
Yin Zizhang noticed that she had a sullen expression, and looked like she was crying. She couldn't help but said, "What's wrong with you? Is there anything embarrassing? Someone on the boat bullied you?"
Qi Zhushui shook his head softly, and for a moment he didn't want to stay in front of them anymore, and turned and hurried away.
"What's wrong with her?" Yin Zizhang was a little scratched.
"Maybe weep and weep." Zhu Zhu probably guessed a few, but not sure, now they all appear more in front of Zhu Shuirou just to stimulate her, it is better to let her quiet.
Yun Yinzhang apparently disagreed with Zhu Zhu's statement, but since he has returned to the treasure ship, presumably no one will bully Zhu Shuirou.
He is really tired these days, and he has been injured many times. Although he has been treated with good elixir to relieve his injuries in time, he cannot be taken lightly, so he didn't say anything, don't stop and start retreating.
Next, to enter the edge of the open sea to find the ice Xinlianlian, you must restore your body to the best state as soon as possible.
Twenty-five months later, everything was ready. The two brothers Shark Huaidan, Shark Huairen, and four Dan clan elders gathered various information and roughly estimated the position of Bingxin Hailian.
The problem is that it is too close to the open sea, and there are often deformed monsters on the edge of the open sea. When the leisure silver sharks are separated by hundreds of miles, they are afraid to approach. The Bingxin Hailian drifts with the ocean current. Even if it is the flowering season, most of the time, it still sleeps in the sea, and only accidentally emerges from the surface to absorb the sun and moon essence. Therefore, the range they calculated is not small. It took ten and a half months to really find the mysterious fairy flower that the dragon had never seen before.
Jiahuo Daojun and Lin Zhenjin were uneasy trying to accompany them, but the spies sent by them and the news from the three major gates inland did not seem to immediately return to the kingdom of Dan. They could not rest assured that the treasure ship had already begun In the Beihai area, the disciples seeking to discover the Xuanjing of the Ice Soul finally had to stay where they were.
Sha Huaidan's injuries were not all good, but he volunteered to accompany him. The four Dan elders asked him to take care of Zhu Zhu again and again in a solitary tone. Sha Huaidan patted his chest loudly: "I won't let you die even if I die. Miss Dan Feng had an accident! "
Yin Zizhang poked his face too lazy to speak.
朱 Since Zhu Zhu's identity was announced, it caused a huge sensation on the treasure ship, and everyone's attitude towards Zhu Zhu changed dramatically.
The disciples who used to be only superficial and respectful now see Zhu Zhuhui sincerely saluting his predecessors, and the nuns who appeared before the peacock on the treasure ship from time to time sighed and refused to take the lead.
Xi Xiangqian, Xiao Shou, and other monks who were very kind to Zhu Zhu, were obviously afraid to do it now.
Since these days, Zhu Zhu has invited them to have dinner twice. Each of these guys has become personal, gentle and modest, and shows everyone the style of famous disciples.
Zhu Zhu felt awkward. Yin Zizhang knew that if these people were not too high for Zhu Zhuxiu, they would have been brazen enough to pursue it.
He really didn't conceal the "wolf ambition", only this shark Huai Dan.
Whatever it is, they can leave after the matter on the North Sea side is resolved, and he doesn't believe that a fish monster can run inland to chase people.
Yin Zizhang, Zhu Zhu, and Sha Huaidan waved everyone away in the direction of the open sea.
There is a shark Huaitan leading the way, and it will arrive near the destination about ten days later. Shark Huaidan frowned and looked up at the sky. After a while, he said, "At most one or two hours, the big storm is coming. We have to find a place to hide."
The last time they went to rescue the four Dan elders, they also caught up with the storm. Although the momentum was amazing, they didn't think it was terrifying.
The shark Huaidan saw the disapproval in the eyes of Yin Zizhang and Zhu Zhu, and anxiously said, "The last time was also a big storm, but it was in the inland sea. The power was limited. This time we are very close to the edge of the open sea. The power of the storm is not comparable.
"What should I do? Is there an island nearby?" Zhu Zhu asked.
"No, let's find a piece of ice that is large enough, and take advantage of this time to make an ice hole to make up." Shark Huaidan experiencedly suggested.
If he is the only one, he can sink into the deep sea to avoid the storm, but Zhu Zhu and Yin Zizhang are humans after all. In the event of an accident in the deep sea, the reaction will be slow, so he thought of the safest solution.
The accompanying silver shark quickly found a large ice floe ten miles away, with a square foot of dozens of feet, looking far away like a hill carved from white jade. The best thing is that there are several huge, naturally formed "mountains". Bingdong, saved them some time.
The shark Huaidan picked the most satisfying big ice cave to greet Zhu Zhu and Yin Zizhang into it, and asked Yin Zizhang to cast a spell to seal the ice cave entrance most of it, in order to prevent the rain and snow from infiltrating, and waited for the storm.
After an hour or so, the wind outside gradually increased, the waves rolled and roared, and the loud noises from the ice floes collided with each other.
Zhu Zhu went curiously near the entrance of the ice cave to look around. The weather outside had become dark, and the iceberg they were living in began to sway under the driving of the waves. The strong wind blew from the entrance of the cave into the cave. It's like a sharp steel knife.
Zhu Zhu shrank her neck and wanted to retract into the hole, and suddenly heard a sigh of faint sigh, which was definitely not from Yin Zizhang or Sha Huaidan.
Zhu Zhuzhu wanted to start the demon fox in Fengshan. Could there be a terrible monster hiding here? But why didn't she feel at all?

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