Chapter 371: Strong opponent


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1356 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:36:10

"But what did you find?" Shao Huaidan and Yin Zizhang also heard the sigh and came to the hole to watch.
The huge sea waves outside the sea were fortunate. Fortunately, the piece of ice they picked was indeed large enough. Many pieces of ice were rolled up by the sea and smashed hard. They just knocked out the ice fragments and did not cause serious harm.
However, this storm is indeed not comparable to what they have seen before. Even if a monk in the late Yuanying period like Zhu Zhu encounters, it is unavoidable.
The sea waves are dozens of feet high in a random roll. They can feel that this piece of floating ice is thrown up and down by huge waves. The huge ice of dozens of feet is as small as a canoe in the waves.
Yin Zizhang and Zhu Zhu happened to remember Xiang Xiangqian that Jin Baozong once had a treasure ship in a storm on the North Sea and was pierced through a large cave. At that time, he felt incredible and saw the terrible storm in front of him. Very reasonable.
In such an exaggerated storm, it is normal for Mo to say that a hole is just smashed into a sieve.
"Look!" Sha Huaidan suddenly stretched his fingers to the distance, his voice revealing shock and unbelief.
He followed the direction of his fingers, Yin Zizhang and Zhu Zhu stared into the distance, more than a hundred feet away, a blue-shirted scholar came on the waves holding a jade flute.
His face is not handsome, ordinary features are at most correct, but those eyes are like the billions of stars in the sky, bright and deep.
It is because of these eyes that the ordinary appearance becomes like a god, which makes people dare not stare.
He walked slowly in the gigantic waves, his posture was like walking in a quiet court, elegant and leisurely. When the waves, wind, ice, rain and snow reached him, he immediately lost all his power and disappeared without a trace.
The shark Huaidan asked himself that even if he advanced to the eighth level, he could not walk through the storm like the other side.
Huh! The shark Huaidan's feet were soft, and the whole person sat down on the ground and murmured, "Dragons? How could there be dragons in the world?"
He didn't want to be ashamed of this, but he really felt the tremendous coercion that belonged to the beast from the opponent, which was the sense of oppression from the blood of the beast.
Yun Yinzhang also felt very uncomfortable, but the reaction was not as exaggerated as Sha Huaidan.
Zhu Zhuzhu pointed at the scholar in the blue shirt in the distance and said, "You say he is a dragon? A transformed dragon?"
The shark Whitedan nodded whitishly.
"What about him even if he is a dragon?" Yin Zizhang asked casually.
Zhu Zhutou Avenue: "I did not expect that there are dragons in the world ... Most of Bingxin Hailian is really nearby. There was a legend in ancient times that there would be a real dragon guard near Bingxin Hailian. We are in trouble this time.
Only after she said that, the blue-skinned scholar who suspected the Dragon tribe raised the jade flute and played it on the lips. The deep flute fluted through the strong wind and thunder and the sound of thunder and rain came quietly.
糟糕 "Oops! Just plug your ears and keep your mind!" Shark Huaidan almost roared.
But it was too late, Zhu Zhu only felt that the true Yuan image in her body was firmly pulled by the intangible thin lines, and began to circulate in the body uncontrollably. As the flute sounded faster or slower, the more I want to resist this strange power, the more I can't control it, even the consciousness starts to dim.
How to do?
Zhu Zhu was terrified. It would be too easy for the other party to kill her at this moment. As long as she keeps accelerating the tempo and reaches a certain critical point, she will surely explode with her veins.
现在 Now, the true blood of her whole body is completely out of control. She is wearing earplugs specially prepared by Shi Yinglv to prevent sonic attacks, but she has no strength to reach out to take out the earplugs.
The situation of the harrier, White Dan, is similar to her, paralyzed and unable to move.
Zhu Zhu tried hard to turn around to see Yin Zizhang's situation, and suddenly felt a pair of cold hands touching her ears, and then the terrible flute sound became inaudible.
A Zhang is all right? Zhu Zhu immediately recognized the master of the hands, and turned his head to look in surprise, but saw that Yin Zizhang was inserting another pair of earplugs into Shaowaidan's ear, but he himself did not wear earplugs at all.
"Those flute sounds have no effect on you?" Zhu Zhu wondered.
嗯 "Well, how do you feel? Are you uncomfortable?" Yin Zizhang was a little puzzled. He naturally heard the sound of the flute, but he didn't think there was anything wrong, but Zhu Zhu and Sha Huaidan stayed like wooden chickens for a moment, their faces pale.
He just guessed that the two were attacked by sound waves. As for why he didn't feel it, he didn't understand it too well.
At this moment, a huge wave rolled up. The ice floe they were on was thrown high, and after a few somersaults, they fell into the sea again. Because of the change of direction, the blue shirt scholar could no longer be seen.
As soon as the three of them stabilized their bodies, they heard the drumming sound from outside. Zhu Zhu could feel the heartbeat affected by the drumbeat while wearing earplugs, and the heart jumped involuntarily with the beat of the drum.
Fortunately, the earplugs blocked most of the sound waves. Zhu Zhu found that it was inappropriate and calmed down, and soon got rid of the control of the drum sound.
Zhu Zhuzhu looked out from the mouth of Bingdong, and faintly saw a huge, sharp black mountain peak erected abruptly in the distant sea. The drumming came from there.
I looked carefully again, it was not a mountain at all, it was a huge rhino horn.
"Is it Bailing White Rhino? These legendary things have caught us up once today, but we haven't entered the sea yet!" Zhu Zhu was shocked and depressed.
The Binghai Bailing Rhino is the legendary sea tyrant who lives in the open sea. Although the blood is not as noble and powerful as the Dragons, it is more powerful than the Dragons.
According to legend, the Binghai Bailing Rhino is fifty feet tall and one hundred feet long. Born in the depths of the open sea, it is enough to wind up a huge storm between breaths. Occasionally turning over will also cause an earthquake and tsunami.
From the beginning to the end of the world there was only one white sea rhinoceros, but this one was enough to deter all creatures in the open sea, and it was a true sea giant.
The Binghai Bailing rhino lives with the world. No one knows when it was born and how long it can live, but if the longest life in the world is the most invincible, it is the Binghai Bailing rhino.
It is said that this miraculous creature has a thick and tough flesh, which is enough to resist all external violent attacks, and its recovery ability is so scary. Even if it cuts its skin surface with an artifact, it can recover quickly. The speed is comparable to the speed of slicing its skin.
However, it also has a major shortcoming, that is, it has no spiritual wisdom and cannot cultivate. Even if it has survived for thousands of years in the world, it will always be in an obscured state. Therefore, it is destined to live in the sea for the rest of its life, and it is less sober and more sleepy.
出现 At this time, the appearance of the Bailing Rhinoceros and the Hualong Dragons at the same time was definitely not a happy thing, especially they are most likely coming from Bingxin Hailian.

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