Chapter 441: [Don't agree, face right]

"Mr. Luo, early!"
"General Luo!"
Luo Sheng arrived at the new headquarters of the French Riviera today. On the way to the dedicated elevator, the employees who met him greeted him very warmly.
Today, the frequency of coming to the company in person is getting lower and lower. Employees working in the new headquarters have also found that there are fewer and fewer opportunities to see the ultimate BOSS. The employees should take it for granted that Luo Sheng's current business is too broad. It's nice to be able to come to the company once a week.
Soon after Luo Sheng had arrived at his office, Yao Jianhong came.
"General Luo, Microsoft and us are on the bar." Yao Jianhong went straight to the point as soon as he entered.
"On the bar? Which section?" Luo Sheng looked up at him, his eyes motioning to the other side to sit at will.
Yao Jianhong also politely moved a chair and sat down, handed a paper newspaper to his desk, and said, "Led by Microsoft's interactive entertainment department, it joined forces with established brands such as Sony, Nintendo, and Sega. We have a contest. In order to avoid a large number of third-party inflows into the host platform and monopolize the content, the alliance formed by Microsoft has also followed up with subsidies, and we will have to fight against us. "
Next, Yao Jianhong briefed Luo Sheng about some recent events on the French Riviera. Recently, it has caused a lot of waves in the global game industry. The fuse is the strategic adjustment announced by Ubisoft.
Luo Sheng held the water cup and said with a smile: "Microsoft is not brave enough to fight financially, and is not willing to play the group fight route? Their py deal is a hit?"
At present, Microsoft does not have much confidence and Luo Sheng is struggling to finance, so third parties such as Sony and Nintendo have even less of this strength, and what Microsoft is worried about, these old first-party manufacturers are also worried.
The enemy's enemy is a friend, and it's natural to reach a consensus.
In this regard, Luo Sheng was not surprised at all.
The two sides chose to fight head to head, and a fierce subsidy battle is about to begin. The global third-party game developers who have mastered the content have just blossomed. When Microsoft announced the news, the market value of third-party game developers rose sharply. .
Yao Jianhong said, "General Manager Luo, this is my decision. I originally hoped that Microsoft could be softened. I did not expect the reverse of things. In this way, the amount of loss may be at least ten times higher than my original estimate. A dozen times. "
Obviously, Yao Jianhong felt that he was playing a lot, and he was a bit off-handed. This was the first time he came to Luo Sheng's office to say this.
"Put it together, it ’s one thing to have no money, but why do n’t we have money to fight? Are we moldy? I don't care about gains and losses in a city and a pool." Luo Sheng said calmly: "Your decision is correct, the game Industry is a thriving sunrise industry that is deeply connected with the ICT field. We not only have a place in this field, but we also have to take the lead. "
The game console is really not Luo Sheng's ultimate pursuit in this field. The real pursuit is the game supported by the virtual reality interface. This is really high technology.
In the face of Luo Sheng's affirmation, Yao Jianhong finally felt relieved, and he was relieved because he was absolutely an astronomical figure in this matchup. He did not have the right to make this decision. He had to open the BOSS to enter the next operation. .
After a while, Luo Sheng looked at Yao Jianhong and asked, "Have you calculated it? How long will the financial strength of the competitors be unbearable?"
Luo Sheng did not even think about the problem that he would not be able to withstand. What a joke? Once he put it together, he could quickly circulate more than 100 billion US dollars of capital chain. Once such a large-scale money machine runs, it will cause terror. This kind of capital has exceeded the total output value of the global game industry last year.
Competitors completely miscalculated Luo Sheng, thinking that although he has strong financial resources, he will not be too bloody, and will not engage in loss-making trading, but Luo Sheng never thought so.
Yao Jianhong, of course, did his homework and immediately answered this question.
At the same time, Sony Headquarters is also conducting a meeting, and just happened to discuss this issue with participating Microsoft and other allies.
Don Matrick, the president of Microsoft Interactive Entertainment, was here, and saw him saying, "I have analyzed the following departments. Once the subsidy war broke out with the French Riviera, the two sides lost 2,000 in a day. Starting at the bottom of $ 10,000, at this rate of loss, our budget can top out for about half a year. "
Nintendo's vice president murmured to himself: "It's crazy. Once no one dares to give up, once it is collected, it will sacrifice all its efforts and can only stand dead."
Yao Jianhong gave exactly the same amount as Don Matrick. After listening to the estimates given by Lao Yao, Luo Shengyun said lightly: "Then I lose 30 million US dollars, and the opponent wants to withstand, then I lose 50 million For the U.S. dollar, if competitors are unwilling and unwilling, they will lose it. "
Yao Jianhong secretly smashed his lips. With this amount of loss and speed, he had to lose more than 9 billion U.S. dollars in the first half of the year. One year is more than 18 billion U.S. dollars. Is this something people dare to do?
With Luo Sheng's unwavering decision-making, Yao Jianhong didn't have too much worry, and he just said the other time and again.
The first parties to the game are engaged in fierce competition around the game content. There is no doubt that the third-party game developers who produced the content have become direct beneficiaries. These game companies are subsidized. This is also the direct reason for the recent surge in stock prices. .
The next round of the next-generation console war is not only attracting much attention in the gaming industry, but also in the technology industry and Wall Street. The high-end hardware in the game console also represents the precision manufacturing of the semiconductor industry in the world today. The carrier of the ninth art is inseparable. high tech.
Luo Sheng threw a "catfish" in the game industry. The entire industry is facing the precursor of a major reshuffle. Is the new king ascended the throne or the old overlord has successfully strangled it successfully. The industry and the melon crowd are all looking forward to it. It is more than welcome.
However, when the eyes of the outside world were attracted by this next generation host war, and relishing, Luo Sheng had already withdrawn and moved to another field.
In Shencheng, Luo Sheng's special car fleet is on its way to Xiongxin Electronics Super Factory.
Qin Weimu sat beside him and chatted.
"Last year, the total net income of the family fund was 33.2 billion yuan, and I won." Qin Weimu looked at Luo Sheng with a smile and said, "With the intensification of the sovereign debt crisis in the euro area in 2010, I once again boldly predicted that Greece is about to welcome At the 'birth of life', if the situation is even worse, it may declare bankruptcy this year, and later next year, and big countries in the euro zone such as Italy and Spain will also be threatened. "
Luo Sheng looked at her: "So confident?"
After hearing the words, Qin Weimu carefully analyzed: "Greece seems almost fatigued. I was doing a research report the previous year. As of the end of 2009, Greek debt accounted for 124.9% of GDP. At the end of last year, this ratio had already Climbing to 142.8%. Greece ’s accumulated debt is now worth 337 billion euros. "
"In addition, according to the revised budget deficit of the Greek Ministry of Finance at the beginning of the year, it expanded by 14% to 7.246 billion euros, exceeding the target of 6.924 billion euros, and the initial value was 7.235 billion euros. In short, whether it is a 'soft reorganization' or a 'hard reorganization' 'All mean default.'
Luo Sheng said succinctly: "That is to say ~ ~ Family funds can get greater benefits from it?"
Qin Weimu nodded calmly and added a moment later: "This is just a small head. Judging from my professional judgment, the European continent under the European debt crisis is likely to have a 'Black Swan' incident in the next few years. . "
Luo Sheng said with a calm look, "You can go to the market to toss and toss, in short, don't lose the fund."
Qin Weimu was convinced that the European debt crisis would provoke a "black swan". Luo Sheng knew that the biggest "black swan" incident was the Brexit incident.
These things are not at heart. Anyway, there will be more money. Luo Sheng is not very interested in finance and money. It has been a long time since he touched the money.
Changing the world is his pursuit.
At about 11 am, the team arrived at the XIONGXIN super factory. ASML has already delivered and put into use the latest batch of 45nm immersion lithography equipment, and XIXIXIN has been in production since the end of last year. .
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