Chapter 477: [Hand 2]

After the news of the press conference of the Blue Star Technology Group spread, the mainstream media in Europe and the United States, especially in North America, immediately launched a large-scale attack on Luo Sheng, accusing him of irrational behavior and causing countless people to go bankrupt. .
There are also drool wars on the Internet, which are constantly being torn.
"It makes sense that the operation of Bluestar Technology is too bloated and irrational."
"Everyone's been so shameless to you, still not fight back?"
"Give up fantasy"
"It is indeed the archbishop. This is the most rigid technology giant I have ever met."
"I hope I can survive it."
"It makes sense, although the recent news has seen great enthusiasm, but it also has to pay a huge price for Bluestar Technology. Let us say that in the field of cloud computing services, the North American market has a 60% market share in the global market."
"Obviously, the US emperor was anxious to engage in local protection, and used this despicable method to suppress Blue Star Technology. Hehe, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, cloud computing Silicon Valley technology giants now estimate that their dreams are all laughing. . "
"If you continue to toss this way, it will cause a global recession."
"The energy of a multinational giant group such as Blue Star Technology is really terrifying. Once such a sudden outbreak, the global economy will catch a cold."
Menlo Park, California, North America, Blue Star Technology.
Here is a company distribution building large enough to accommodate 18,000 people working at the same time. In these days, most of the employees working in the company are full of anxiety and the atmosphere is not as relaxed as before.
The air atmosphere in the office lobby is faintly spreading the taste of self-danger. Bluestar Technology Group currently has a total of 220,000 employees worldwide, including more than 30,000 employees in North America.
Everyone already knows that the company announced the layoffs of nearly 9,000 people, and that it is only for North American employees, which means that almost three people will have one person facing unemployment.
Claude came to work on time today. He has noticed that there are more than sixty cubicle vacancies in his office area. He knows what that means, and the employees who originally worked in those places have been fired.
He has almost no mood to concentrate on work. In fact, he is not the only person with such a mentality. Many people inside the company are like this now.
"Claude, I'm sorry to tell you a message that you have been fired. If you have any complaints, you can go to the union to complain."
At this moment, a wavy hairstyle woman wearing a black hip skirt and glasses came to Claude to sing a word like this and left without waiting for the other party to answer. Claude only heard that it was drifting away. The sound of slap heels.
Receiving a notice from the company's HR, Crowder also said nothing, and hugged his head slightly to the keyboard on the workbench.
For a long time, he took out a box from his feet with a sorrowful expression, and then began to pack his things. He had prepared the box for two days. He hoped that it would not be used, but it was eventually used.
Crowder didn't explode, because he was fired by the company, so he would get a generous penalty.
But he really loves this job, he loves Bluestar's food culture and generous treatment, but the cruel reality is that he is now unemployed.
Two hours later, Claude had completed the resignation procedures, completed the transfer of work, and drove away from the company with his own things. When he stepped out of the intersection, he saw a noisy scene on the sidewalk.
A large number of employees who were forcibly fired protested, holding signs that read "Return to my work" and many media reported live.
Technology complex building.
Luo Sheng is watching video news reports in his private office. It is the news content of Blue Star Technology in North America. The screen shows many fired employees protesting in Menlo Park.
And the local media is also doing a lot of rendering.
Qin Weimu next to Luo Sheng squinted at the news report and looked at Luo Sheng: "The company still lacks the right to speak in the media. Although the recent stock market shocks have also helped to fuel the situation, it is obviously not like the media reports inside Describe us as the culprit ... "
Hearing that, Luo Sheng said with a smile: "In order to win votes, we must show some understanding. No, but you said that we do not have the right to speak in the media."
Seeing Qin Weimu's surprise look, Luo Sheng laughed: "We just did n’t have the right to speak traditional media, but we have the right to speak new media on the Internet. BV Video Network, MicroBlog, BlueSpace, Reddit, etc. The media platforms are all mine. The online media will have a greater say in the future, and it is precisely because of this that they will be so decisive this time. "
Qin Weimu said succinctly: "The azure coast may be even more dangerous."
Luo Sheng shook his head and smiled indifferently: "It ’s a mess for their own technology industry, and they ca n’t develop normally. Why did n’t they kick me out of the North American market this time? The economic loss is too big, big It is not easy for them to make an accurate prediction. They are not internally monolithic. The game of the interests of all parties is intricate and complex, and we must mediate among them. "
The scale of this time is huge. In Luo Sheng's view, Laomei really wants to unplug this spur from the Blue Star Technology Group. The authorities naturally know that this is in the interest of North America, but there is more important than this is the votes.
After a while, Luo Sheng looked at Qin Weimu and asked, "Hey, how much have we earned this time?"
Qin Weimu raised a finger: "Net profit is 100 billion US dollars. The cash flow of the family fund has reached 300 billion US dollars, the total net assets of 450 billion US dollars, the total asset management list size reached 700 billion US dollars, exceeding The Berkshire Hathaway company in Buffett, but unfortunately we can't make a lot of low-quality but high-quality North American companies like Buffett. "
Luo Sheng: "The Blackstone Fund is the goal of our family fund. You are now managing more than 700 billion yuan, and the financial market operated by the Blackstone Group is more than 5 trillion US dollars."
Qin Weimu said with a smile: "How do you reward me?"
Luo Sheng thought about Zhenger Bajing's reply: "Then ... reward you a few hundred million."
Blue Star Technology Headquarters, Luo Sheng did not come to the company today, Lao Zhang is chairing an internal executive meeting.
"The impact of this American A4 paper on our company is quite obvious. The first counterattack did not have much effect. Recently, international friends and merchants have been secretly enjoying themselves. Some companies that have interrupted our cooperation have switched to Microsoft. , Google and other companies. "A senior executive at the meeting was speaking.
After he finished speaking, another executive also said, "Take the cloud computing service market as an example. Affected by this storm, our global market share of cloud computing service market has fallen to 62%. Developing our share may fall to 40% or even lower. "
In the field of cloud computing ~ ~ North America is the largest market. The output value of cloud computing in this region accounts for about 60% of the world's. It is now the deserved largest cloud service market.
Bluestar Technology's largest investment in cloud computing services is also the North American market. After all, the market here is the largest.
But now that this matter has come out, many North American companies have to follow the ban and turn to the arms of local cloud computing service companies in North America.
Zhang, who has been thinking for a long time, immediately made a decision: "It is time to play a second hand. Tomorrow will announce the reduction of the service fee and advertising fee of Nebula Star-Cloud by 30%. The overall reduction is 22.3%, worldwide! "
Bluestar Technology Group alone has 200 billion US dollars in cash reserves, which is the confidence to dare to fight the price war.
But the news is even worse for the stock market.
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