Chapter 478: [Google action]

Google headquarters, executive meeting.
"The current technology stocks have been dragged down by Bluestar Technology and continued to plunge. A group of people started to go to the rooftop, but for us, it was an opportunity. BlueStar Technology was forced to spit out a large market waiting to be accepted. Google may become the biggest winner. "Sergey Brin, one of the founders, couldn't hide his happy expression.
A lot of executives are like this. Not only Google, but also Microsoft, Amazon, FTSE and other North American companies are now swaying the wind. They went to the original Bluestar customers to sell their business solutions. .
Right now is the rhythm of grabbing food and money.
In this incident, the number of affected IT companies is endless, and the number of bankrupt SMEs is not small.
But to say that the most miserable North American companies are not the "Blue Giant" IBM. The "Friends" in North America have already looked at IBM for a long time.
Because Bluestar Technology has announced the start of Allin cloud services in 2006, IBM just made money and made money by relying on orders from Luo Sheng. Over the years, that life has been a moisturizer.
And the worst thing this time is also IBM, not only the follow-up list is gone, but now it is in a lawsuit dispute with Bluestar Technology.
Once this lawsuit is lost, IBM will pay a huge amount of $ 6.75 billion to Blue Star Technology, which is almost equivalent to spit out most of the profits it has eaten in recent years.
Samuel is now so angry that his epic KPI goals for this year have long since gone bankrupt.
A senior executive at the Google executive meeting said: "Our assessment department figures show that the blow to Bluestar Technology has left at least more than $ 45 billion in market vacancies."
A lot of executives also showed greedy expressions. At least 45 billion US dollars of market blank. This is the result of Blue Star Technology's in-depth operation for seven or eight years.
Larry Page looked to the crowd: "The cloud computing market is the focus. Now it depends on who is fast and the price is low to grab more shares. By the way, what progress has been made in the negotiating team we sent? Blue What is Star's attitude towards selling their cloud computing infrastructure such as their data centers in North America? "
Each of these large data centers is a big money eater, and the high cost of operation and maintenance is scary. Due to force majeure, customers have been lost. Since Luo Sheng has already laid off large-scale layoffs in North America, it is necessary to fire a third of employees.
To open source and reduce expenditure, these data centers should be sold the most.
A senior executive at the meeting shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Page, our negotiating team has approached the senior management of Bluestar Technology, but unfortunately they do not sell, and they have never even thought about this issue at all. "
Page turned to look at him, and said, "What? Don't sell? The annual maintenance cost of these data centers where they are empty is no less than $ 4 billion. Are you sure you don't want to sell?"
Eric Schmidt spoke: "Obviously, this shows that Bluestar's confidence in the comeback is imperative, so they don't sell it. Don't forget Bluestar's horrible cash reserves, according to their last The information disclosed in the audit statement has a cash flow of up to 221.8 billion U.S. dollars, which is twice as much as Berkshire Hathaway. It is also the world's largest cash reserve group company. This money can keep these data centers in half. For more than a century. "
Speaking of Berkshire Hathaway, now that the old stock is scared in the entire market, he is using the cash he has stored for a long time to plunder some low-value but high-quality corporate stocks.
Page couldn't help but whispered: "Xiete, Luo Sheng, a lunatic who never sees money as money, it seems that he wants to buy his existing data center and other infrastructure to be integrated into Google's brand. Don't have too many illusions. Now. "
This point Larry Page was quite correct, Luo Sheng would not sell at all, and would rather be abandoned and supported by money.
Only after five or six years of hard work, he has the foundation today. He would rather spend 40 billion US dollars to waste and waste it, but also to keep it in the hands of Bluestar Technology.
Isn't it money? Bluestar Technology Group itself has more than 200 billion cash reserves. The small gold inventory puts so much money in order to cope with this day.
Blue Star's money has run out, and the family fund still has 300 billion cash reserves. Qin Weimu has now begun to actively prepare for a huge bankruptcy in Greece. This year, Greece must declare bankruptcy, and the debt can no longer support it. Later, the "black swan" incident of Brexit can earn a lot of money.
Maybe this little money will spend more and more rhythm.
Page skipped the topic: "OK, another important point to talk about today is about the company's spin-off and reorganization. The motion has been submitted to the board of directors for voting and approval. We will set up the parent company Alphabet. Google will only retain part of its business and lose weight Become a wholly-owned subsidiary, while other cutting-edge projects will be split into independent subsidiaries, and the subsidiary Google will form the Alphabet Group. "
The spin-off and reorganization is the result of Eric Schmidt's vigorous initiative. Although Google's development cannot be compared with a monster-level company such as Blue Star Technology, it is also growing stronger and bigger at the same time. .
Bluestar Technology did a good job and completed the spin-off and reorganization before the IPO. Eric Schmidt also had to admire Luo Sheng's vision.
However, even after the reorganization of Google, most of the original business entities still remain in the name of the subsidiary Google, including search, advertising, maps, applications, online video, Android and so on.
The subsidiary of Alphabet, the parent company, is the first to be Google, followed by early-stage venture funds, investment funds, X Labs, Boston Dynamics just acquired earlier this year, life science projects, smart home Nest, and so on.
As for the parent company Alphabet's management team also restructured, Larry Page as CEO, Sergey Brin as President, and Eric Schmidt as Executive Chairman.
After the spin-off, Google will be replaced by Sandal Pichai, the former head of ChromeOS and Android, as an executive from India. He is now a member of the conference.
Basically not much different from the original Google management.
Just then, Eric Schmidt's assistant and secretary came to the meeting room, whispered something, and Eric's face changed slightly when he heard the news.
"Doctor, what happened?"
Larry Page noticed the change in his expression, and everyone at the meeting looked at him.
As Eric Schmidt's assistant and secretary left the conference room, he looked around and solemnly said, "Bad news came across the ocean. Bluestar Technology announced that it would actively reduce its corporate profit by 22.3%. The calculation services segment cuts its profit by 30%. "
Sergey Brin: "What? Areyoukiddingme?"
Larry Page opened the laptop in front of him and quickly operated the computer, while the rest of the executives at the meeting were embarrassed by the news.
"Is he crazy?"
"Is the management of Bluestar Technology dumb?"
"The North American side said it was one-third of the layoffs for open source and cost-savings, and now it is taking the initiative to reduce its profit by more than one-fifth. Isn't this contradictory?"
"Luo Sheng's gameplay, even if Bluestar Technology has 200 billion US dollars in cash, it is not enough for him to squander ~ ~ may be good news for us."
At the meeting, the executives were talking. At this time, Eric Schmidt said, "Good news? No, it's not stupid but not good news. This man's vision and business strategy are so terrible, I even doubt him. Reserve more than 200 billion US dollars in cash in order to cope with today's situation. Remember the strategy announced by Blue Star Technology Group Executive Vice President Zhang Bowen? Blue Star Technology invested heavily in third world emerging market countries, combined with this news, through self-sacrifice To force the opponent ... "
Eric Schmidt looked around and solemnly said, "Those former customers of Bluestar Technology are far away, so Luo Sheng adopts to support their opponents. This will inevitably cause the original old customers to be terrified, which is equivalent to forcing the opponents to return. Take Nebulas Star-Cloud solution as an example, this is the best cloud service in the industry. Previously, the price was high. Now Luo Sheng is actively reducing the profit and giving benefits to customers. Star-Cloud ’s international competitiveness will usher in a qualitative leap. Google -Cloud, AWS didn't have a competitive advantage, it's only worse now. "
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